
As rightly and helpfully as I may be able to give+quote assistance and counsels and in-between...

>You are at the entrance already.
>You prepare your spellcards, but you feel this will not do anything.
>You move further down the 'neck' of the bottleshaped room. You can feel the water's taint grow a bit more noticeable, and you can feel the current shift slightly; It's coming.
>You are certain alright that this will do nothing. Are you sure you want to proceed?
> NO , at least not anything Danmaku or Spellcard-Related or Felt as Uselessl .
>No, that is a spellcard effect.
>You fish out the bottle of sauce, remove the top, and hurl it right at her. Red clouds billows out it the water, then she smacks the bottle itself aside, sending it into and through the curtains to the west. Her approach is barely slowed for it all.
// Consequential ,but not as explored as we are trying to tie together here, to " Okuu Quest : A Z-Machine Adventure ".
A lead /leads to follow through while cleasing all red herrings,and backfiring maneuvers, is that "Any and Every Gensokyo Islanders ( " were turned HUMANS Ordinary and Distinguished for the Worse or Mostly-Oppressed or for the Better ...
// ...as such this is " an (alas) Evil Cast-Off ,an Evil-Bound Doppel Manifestation off Quite Twisted Human Nature" of the TRUE Minamitsu Murasa , the " Youkai-Like Nearly-Reformed Capsizing Ship Ghost "//
// Our main aim is " shake , throw off ,Purifying Cleanse ' This Tainting Taint ' " , which is and is going to " tempt & provoke & cajole in her own Negative and brutal Ways " to engange and sink down ...
//... " to her Tainting Clutches be they Embedding Overpowering or Blindsiding or Trapping or Diseasing to her Favour to level and nature in sort-of forceful entangles and/or fruitless unaffecting aspects" ... BUT that is precisely the plan we must strive to thwart and turn over on her ,it is the "Corrupting Plan ,or part of such " Awful Plan ", of the " SinfulTaint(Gensokyo Isle's)!Minamitsu Murasa" //
> Muster Conviction+Determination+Fortitude of our Whole Being ,especially the Founding Ghost Spiritual and Full Member with+for+in the True Myouren Temple of the True Gensokyo ... against... this " Tainting Taint , Repellant and Parasitic-Invading "...
> Our bonds and Being together with The Dipper or Anchor or Both or....what Truly is Our Truly INSTRUMENTAL of Our true identity, the True Minamitsu Murasa's one(s)... ?