> Trace or Track the Route from the Myourenji and its Environs to the" Current Loc. Of The Found & Rescued"?
> If it is not improper or an hindrance or Reisen object,perch on Reisen's shoulder to travel & look-out as a closer-knitted group.
> You perch on Reisen's shoulder. This takes her by surprise, but she dosen't stop you.
> It dosen't take long for Unzan and Ichirin to descend to a rather unremarkable part of the woods, with Unzan putting Renko down.
> Aside from the grass and trees, there is a stream flowing through the area. Renko walks over to a basket and pick it up; opening it and grumbleing.
> "Someone ate the food we brought." she complains. "We worked hard making those sandwiches..."
> "Probobly some fairies saw it unprotected and did it." Reimu remarks; sounding rather uninterested in the missing food.
> "I suppose that's where you two were when it happened? By the bank of the stream?" Ichirin asks.
> "I'd just gone ahead a little bit and found this spot, and when I turned around, Merry was all... stiff, with a void look in her eyes. And then... I don't remember past that. I think something knocked me out." Renko explains.
> "And you didn't hear any struggle or anything?" Reimu asks.
> "Merry can't fight!" Renko exclaims.
> "She absolutely can!" Reimu yells back, sounding frustrated. "Her powers are incredible! She's the one who got you here after all; isn't she? With powers like her, defeating her is almost impossible! No way someone could have done something to her without any resistance!"
> "... You're saying Merry did this on her own?" Renko asks; in a shocked tone. "She'd never attack me!"
> "If she's anything like Yukari; I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her." Reimu snapped back.
> "Who is this Yukari anyway?!" Renko asks, sounding paniced.
> A figure suddenly leaps from a tree branch; doing multiple rapid somersaults in the air, before landing between Renko and Reimu.

> Chen
> Cheerful Ill Omen
> "Oh my, Lady Ran asked me to come and check this place out, and here I find the Hakurei Maiden yelling her head off with an outsider and three youkai." the cat remarks.
> Reimu pulls out her needles; and Reisen suddenly tenses up. Ichirin and Unzan do not seem to react to this newcomer however.
> "Spill the beans; Chen. What's she up to?" Reimu demands. "Nothing's ever good when you are involved."