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Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« on: October 19, 2021, 08:04:31 AM »
I will look for Yuuka ♥
— Kurumi.

> ... You are, quite frankly, annoyed beyond words.

> Your name is Elly, a Scythe-Wielder Youkai (though actually an Ankou). You are the gatekeeper of Mugenkan, a mansion located in the middle of Gensokyo and the Fantasy World's boundaries.
> Quite the few years have passed ever since the attack done by the Red-White and Black-White girlies, as well as the departure of Yuuka, your Mistress, from the confines of her own mansion to wherever else she decided to head for. You were, unfortunately, left in the dark on her whereabouts.
> Ever since then you have taken the initiative to, daily, invite the Keeper of the Lake of Blood, Kurumi, to train. Thanks to such, your technique and power have increased exponentially in comparison to all those years back from lack of proper battling.
> Otherwise, life at the Mugenkan has been uneventful and really lacking any sort of excitement that could be much needed.

> You have been waiting for Kurumi for the daily routine, but she has been missing it. Three days in a row, in fact. You have been giving her some leniency, but now that you went your way to come out to the Lake of Blood, which is the entrance back, you can't help but feel betrayed to an extent.
> The contents are simple and straightforward. "I will look for Yuuka", signed by the name of who you consider a friend... who seemingly had no qualms in leaving a note that you might have not even read if you didn't came here to begin with, only to search for the one that is your Mistress. Not having been told a thing, you find yourself in the need to finally go out of your way to search for both Yuuka and Kurumi, and maybe have a thing to say to them both. After all this time, Mugenkan's now great gatekeeper shall reveal herself to the world.

> You are near the Lake of Blood, in this 'Gensokyo'. It is daytime.
> You can see a figure in the distance. Not particularly far away, nor too close. You'd assume they haven't even noticed you yet.

> _
« Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 02:12:45 PM by Tashi »
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2021, 10:19:49 AM »
> Before we do get noticed, check everything we can about our figure. Don't want to be caught in pajamas or something. How do we compare to Kurumi and Yuuka?
> With our increased power, how are our abilities compared to before? What are we capable of?
> Inventory check.
> What is our scythe like?
> Tiles?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2021, 02:10:37 PM by Neovereign »

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2021, 01:25:40 AM »
> Before we do get noticed, check everything we can about our figure. Don't want to be caught in pajamas or something. How do we compare to Kurumi and Yuuka?
> With our increased power, how are our abilities compared to before? What are we capable of?
> Inventory check.
> What is our scythe like?
> Tiles?

> You know better than embarrasing yourself in such a way. Your figure is, if you say so yourself, a sight to behold in your usual blood red dress, capelet and hat included. At least, you think so from what you see in the mirror each morning, so it has to be true. Not that you have been given many compliments due to... uh, lack of people you have met.
> As for comparisons, Kurumi is the most young-looking out of the three, with you and Yuuka competing to see who looks the most mature. You think she beats you, but you aren't too far behind, at all. Makes you wonder if she changed any...
> With years of constantly training, regardless of how good or not Kurumi might be as your sole sparring partner, your skills have gotten back in shape to what you once remembered them to be, as well as going past such. Much as you have grown in your skills, you believe your scythe, with its ever curvy handle, has gotten... larger, perhaps? It has definitely grown stronger alongside you, to the point where its edge has gotten sharper, for example. You are currently carrying it, as you usually do. You are pretty sure if you were to fight against those invaders from all those years back now, story would most definitely not repeat itself.
> You have recently started to practice how to summon the Black Coach, a move you might consider making your finisher.

> Inventory:
Kurumi's Note: A note left by Kurumi, in which you can read "I will look for Yuuka ♥". You have to admit her calligraphy is quite good.
> Outside of your usual belongings, no other worthwhile items are being held.

> Your "Boomerang Scythe" as it could be dubbed is your main weapon of choice. It has been with you for as long as you can remember. Its handle is... exaggeratedly curvy, but something that proves just how much skill you hold to being able to use it as you do.
> ... You have to admit, you have become fond of using floor tiles as a secondary weapon of sorts. It helps to surprise your enemies, if those invaders getting hit by them was any hint. You are no longer needed to take actual tiles from the diverse floorings there can be around: you can actually summon them yourself now. Still have to learn how to properly camouflage them with the surroundings, as their material is rather... crystalline and can take away from the surprise factor. It is, however, a material that can meld with what it reflects... in theory. You still need to learn how to do that.

> _
« Last Edit: October 20, 2021, 01:32:39 AM by Tashi »
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2021, 01:33:26 AM »
> Let's keep finding, or making, such material in mind for later, then.
> What's the Black Coach?
> Are we closer to Kurumi, or mistress Yuuka?

> Keep watch of the figure in hiding...

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2021, 04:23:26 AM »
> Let's keep finding, or making, such material in mind for later, then.
> What's the Black Coach?
> Are we closer to Kurumi, or mistress Yuuka?

> Keep watch of the figure in hiding...

> You are unsure just how much will it possible, but if you can make what can be, essentially, called invisible attacks by having them reflect its surroundings... That might be a bit of cheating, not to mention all its other possibilities.
> The Black Coach is an underworld carriage. One that can be summoned by the likes of you... again, in theory. You ARE sure you can do it, but it does take quite the burden to even cast it. Doesn't help you aren't proficient at summons as Kurumi, outside of floor tiles of all things. Managing to do it... might be quite the accomplishment, and a step forward for you.
> You can pretty much say Kurumi is the one you get to interact the most with — obviously. You used to be close with Yuuka, but the vampire of the Lake of Blood has taken that spot in her absence. Regardless, you still consider your Mistress a friend rather than an employer.

> The figure seems to be looking around, as if searching for something. You can't discern concrete details of it, but you think it's a female, and that her clothing is mostly black.
> Said figure seems to finally look your way... Or, at least, your general direction.

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2021, 08:09:38 AM »
> Keep watch and on our guard for now. It could be one of those invaders...
> What's in the mansion and Mugenkan that we really shouldn't let people into? Was it mainly to prevent them from bothering our mistress, or were there other things?

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2021, 08:31:45 AM »
> Keep watch and on our guard for now. It could be one of those invaders...
> What's in the mansion and Mugenkan that we really shouldn't let people into? Was it mainly to prevent them from bothering our mistress, or were there other things?

> You stay on your guard.
> It was primarily to protect Yuuka from the displeasure of meeting up with intruders like those. Though, Kurumi has been doing her job of keeping the Lake of Blood protected, as... you really only saw those two back then in all your time keeping the gates of Mugenkan tightly shut from anything else. While it is a mansion, and it holds all the kind of luxuries one could expect, you are merely complying with your job out of habit.
> You have been considering that, if Yuuka doesn't care about coming back... then why are you still there? As well as Kurumi, for that matter. Once you could say it was Yuuka's "home", but now what? If anything, you could say you are the new owner of it, but...

> Snapping away from your thoughts was the figure, who started to approach.
> _
« Last Edit: October 20, 2021, 12:48:26 PM by Tashi »
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2021, 03:47:31 AM »
> Keep watching... Do they look familiar yet?
> Few probably know about where the Lake of Blood leads... Are they here for us?


  • *
Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2021, 04:01:10 AM »
// Oh wow a quest featuring a PC98 character, love it!

> Would Yuuka be annoyed if she found out we started living in the mansion?  Could we spin it off as being necessary for upkeep?

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2021, 04:08:30 AM »
> Keep watching... Do they look familiar yet?
> Few probably know about where the Lake of Blood leads... Are they here for us?

> As they get closer... you can safely say that this is a person you are not familiar with. She wore a a long black coat that covered most of whatever she could have under it for you to properly determine what else she had on her, other than her boots. It was like Winter clothing, one could say? She had her left hand in bandages, from what you little could see from the large sleeve over her arm.
> Her hair was as black as it could get... but she also, apparently, possessed two horns. No, maybe three? One of them was right under the other, curving slightly outward than the other.
> This woman... was taller than you. Which is saying something, considering you are nicely tall yourself.
> "Hello, Miss." the newcomer spoke, once she had managed to approach just enough. "Good morning. Where are we?"
> Unless someone wanted to meet the great Elly — which would be quite nice in of itself — you doubt this is someone here for you.

// Oh wow a quest featuring a PC98 character, love it!

> Would Yuuka be annoyed if she found out we started living in the mansion?  Could we spin it off as being necessary for upkeep?

> Considering the owner of said mansion left without saying a word, and that if it weren't for your care of keeping it proper all this time, the mansion would be a rather sorry place by now. You could almost theorize that Yuuka intended for you to take the reins of Mugenkan, or do as you wish with it. In the end, just theories...
> ... but what if they were real?

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2021, 06:07:19 AM »
> "Good morning. We are in what I know as Gensokyo. If you mean more specific, then I doubt you've heard of such a place, but we're near the Lake of Blood."
> Do we know of much Gensokyo locations?

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2021, 06:40:33 AM »
> "Good morning. We are in what I know as Gensokyo. If you mean more specific, then I doubt you've heard of such a place, but we're near the Lake of Blood."
> Do we know of much Gensokyo locations?

> "... Gensokyo?" the woman spoke, her eyebrows furrowing while looking to the side, and to the lake nearby. "... I see. You wouldn't happen to know where civilization is, do you? I'd assume it's very near if you are in a place as remote as this mountain, but..."
> Not really. You are somewhat aware of your immediate surroundings outside of the Lake of Blood, but not a land you have explored.

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2021, 06:45:26 AM »
> "You must be pretty lost to be out here..."
> Sigh.
> "And here I thought for a second that someone had actually come to see me. Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you too much about the civilization of Gensokyo either. I'm not the most popular, as you've demonstrated..."
> Don't think too hard about being unpopular...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 06:54:18 AM by Neovereign »

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2021, 07:04:56 AM »
> "You must be pretty lost to be out here..."
> Sigh.
> "And here I thought for a second that someone had actually come to see me. Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you too much about the civilization of Gensokyo either. I'm not the most popular, as you've demonstrated..."
> Don't think too hard about being unpopular...

> The woman's expression shifted to an apologetic smile, her eyes relaxing from their previously intense gaze.
> "My apologies. It seems I have a remarked tendency to end up in places that weren't quite in my plans. However good or bad as it can be at times. Nevertheless, I thank you for your help. Miss...?"
> You... are sure that you will make a big name for yourself. It's just that Gensokyo hasn't gotten to bask in what you can do!

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2021, 07:08:57 AM »
> "You can call me Elly. And, may I have something to call you?"
> "I could probably help you search."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2021, 07:46:45 AM »
> "You can call me Elly. And, may I have something to call you?"
> "I could probably help you search."

> "Pleasure is all mine, Elly. You... can call me Lucy. Short for... Luciela." said the woman, bowing her head politely with a clear smile on her lips. "You should not bother your time with me. I am sure you have your own search to do."
> DON'T.
> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2021, 12:49:56 PM »
> "Well, Lucy, I have no starting point. So wherever your going, if it's not here, it's an improvement."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2021, 05:35:31 PM »
> "Well, Lucy, I have no starting point. So wherever your going, if it's not here, it's an improvement."

> "That willing? I do not mind you tagging along, but I am just as lost as you might be. If you do not mind my lead becoming a likely dead end for whatever your intentions are..."
> Lucy looks at your scythe...
> "... Whatever they might be."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2021, 06:24:32 PM »
> "Im not going to try and guide you to hell or anything. Im looking for someone. ...not to do that to them, either! Either way, if you dont want to lead, i can... Try."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2021, 08:13:58 PM »
> "Im not going to try and guide you to hell or anything. Im looking for someone. ...not to do that to them, either! Either way, if you dont want to lead, i can... Try."

> "If my first visit to this place ends up with a Shinigami attempting to take my soul right away, I would feel rather flattered at the attention." Chuckling, the woman with blue eyes tilted her head to a direction. "Well, Elly. We seem to be in the same situation. ... I think for once I will be the sidekick this time, though. No particular reason for it."
> Lucy's gaze returned to the scythe, chuckling again.
> "Just make sure you don't lead me to my last stroll."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2021, 10:06:24 PM »
> ...Do we even know how to pilot / drive the Black Coach, if we summon it?
> "I haven't made any enemies out here though, so I'd share your fate should anything happen. Not like petty bandits could stop me."
> Pick a direction and lead!

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2021, 10:19:30 PM »
> ...Do we even know how to pilot / drive the Black Coach, if we summon it?
> "I haven't made any enemies out here though, so I'd share your fate should anything happen. Not like petty bandits could stop me."
> Pick a direction and lead!

> You haven't managed to cast a proper Black Coach just yet to even ride it. So, no. You are lacking Riding skill.
> "That is what I like to hear. Okay, boss. I am in your care. Let's try to not die."
> ... Boss. That was nice to hear.
> Confident in... well, not your leading skills in this unknown land, but your GRIT to withstand whatever issues might arise, you take the initiative to lead this wandering soul - definitely not yours too - to an actual destination. Somewhere!
> ... But you might take a while if you just walk, really.

> "If I may ask..." Lucy spoke, following you. "Out of curiosity, and a blind shot in the air... Have you heard of 'Makai'?" CURSED.

> _
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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2021, 11:27:28 PM »
> Have we heard of it?

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2021, 12:56:09 AM »
> Have we heard of it?

> It does not ring any kind of bells.

> _
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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2021, 02:25:35 AM »
> "My... who now?"

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2021, 05:03:54 AM »
> "My... who now?"

> "Nevermind."
> Stepping past a slope on this mountain, you hoped that there would be a major view of what this land looked like for further orientation... but...
> What a VIEW. You can see everything! Hypothetically, of course. It almost feels like you have an eagle's view of what this place looks like! ... Well, you do, almost. Still, it makes you realize what kind of wonders you have been missing all this time, and what Kurumi could get to see if she wanted. ... Honestly, it almost feels like you have been getting the short end of the stick.
> "Welcome to Gensokyo..." Lucy welcomes herself — and you — as if the world itself did it.
> You can see that, not particularly far from the base of the mountain was... a building of sorts. Well, two. You think one of them was a shrine?

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2021, 01:26:25 PM »
> "Whoa... Guess I picked a good path, huh? Alright, large place. So many areas to check for the people we're looking for... How about we start nearest?"
> Point to the two buildings.

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2021, 06:10:21 PM »
> "Whoa... Guess I picked a good path, huh? Alright, large place. So many areas to check for the people we're looking for... How about we start nearest?"
> Point to the two buildings.

> "I can see some sort of settlement at the distance... A village, perhaps? I do think we can give that place a visit, since it is the most close, though. If anyone is in there, maybe they can give us more information." Lucy agreed.
> You have to admit: this was something you were missing out for quite some time. You are kind of glad Kurumi left, in a sense. Otherwise, you couldn't be able to enjoy of this land's harmonical sight, and of Lucy jumping off the mountain.
> ...
> What?

> _
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 06:14:57 PM by Tashi »
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2021, 09:29:31 PM »
> "Whoa whoa, I know the sight is beautiful, but I told you I wasn't guiding you to hell!"
> Can we fly?

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2021, 09:38:05 PM »
> "Whoa whoa, I know the sight is beautiful, but I told you I wasn't guiding you to hell!"
> Can we fly?

> Seems Lucy goes straight down to what looks like her death!
> But.. ah, did she sprouted wings?
> You would be damned if you couldn't at least do that much!

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper