Author Topic: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly  (Read 147389 times)

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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2021, 10:05:41 PM »
> "Oh... Uh, guess you're going to heaven, then?"
> Fly up to her. Or down if she hasn't risen yet...

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2021, 10:53:54 PM »
> "Oh... Uh, guess you're going to heaven, then?"
> Fly up to her. Or down if she hasn't risen yet...

> You take off from the mountain's cliff, stabilizing in the air and flying down to where Lucy seems to be heading to after she rose in the air magnificently, which seems to be the pond in the grounds behind this shrine.
> "I figured I would need to take you myself." Commented the winged one, slowing down for you to catch up. "Guess you don't need these as I do, hm?"

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2021, 11:56:53 PM »
> "They certainly look better than just... floating by."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2021, 05:30:39 AM »
> "They certainly look better than just... floating by."

> "Visually amazing, yet visually louder." Lucy pointed out. "It is an asset that has helped me, however. No matter how she tried, she couldn't manage to do as you are right now. Maybe I could now, however."
> Your way to the shrine is rather swift and to the point than what you expected, the breeze of a new land gently caressing your features as you traversed through the wind. Well, you have to admit this was better than going on foot.
> "It is a shrine." Lucy commented to herself, starting to fly lower, preparing herself to land. "... Have not seen it this proper before."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2021, 06:08:41 AM »
> Land gracefully.
> Is there anywhere we can store our scythe to look... non-imposing? Don't wanna scare off the locals too badly.
> "Could be people living here even more likely, then. Though the rest of that civilization is a less risky idea. Some people might get the wrong idea if they see a scythe wielding person and a winged person appear at their doorstep personally."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2021, 09:53:03 AM »
> Land gracefully.
> Is there anywhere we can store our scythe to look... non-imposing? Don't wanna scare off the locals too badly.
> "Could be people living here even more likely, then. Though the rest of that civilization is a less risky idea. Some people might get the wrong idea if they see a scythe wielding person and a winged person appear at their doorstep personally."

> One foot after the other, your landing is nothing to envy winged one, who performed a similar landing, her wings folding around her sides, only for them to disappear, as if becoming one with the winter coat.
> You can demanifest your scythe anytime you wish. The main reason why you always have it on you, though... Well, you had the impression that, were there any intruder that wanted to get into the mansion, they would think about it twice once they saw what you carried. It HAD to make them consider just how menacing you are, right? Plus, it is your trademark. There can't be anyone around that can have what you do.
> "I... suppose you are right. Why are you carrying the scythe, anyway?"

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2021, 12:11:14 PM »
> "To deter anyone too bothersome, or with ill intentions."
> Demanifest it, then.

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #37 on: October 27, 2021, 02:22:06 PM »
> "To deter anyone too bothersome, or with ill intentions."
> Demanifest it, then.

> "Thank you for not believing I am such, then."
> Your scythe demanifests in a brief flash of a seemingly dark matter. Dark flames? Yea. So gloomy!
> ... Just like... your whole existence alone in the boundary ever since-
> "Thank you Reimu."
> "No problem."
> You heard some voices speak to each other at the front of the shrine.
> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2021, 03:59:51 PM »
> "Excuse usss~"
> Before we come into view yet, at least.

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2021, 04:50:01 PM »
> "Excuse usss~"
> Before we come into view yet, at least.

> You reveal your presence to the voices, before you move to be in view of whoever they are.
> "Huh?"
> One of them, who held some kind of... object turned their full body to face your direction, while the other, who was sitting at the edge of the shrine's porch, simply tilted their head slightly to your direction, a type of snack held between her lips.
> "Hm?" The one with the snack expressed. She seems... vaguely, vaguely familiar.
> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #40 on: October 27, 2021, 06:18:44 PM »
> "Good morning. I dont mean to take too much of your time, but I'm looking for someone."
> How familiar?
> How would we describe Kurumi and Yuuka to someone? We should recall what they wore last, and how they normally look to someone that doesnt know them...

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #41 on: October 27, 2021, 07:06:51 PM »
> "Good morning. I dont mean to take too much of your time, but I'm looking for someone."
> How familiar?
> How would we describe Kurumi and Yuuka to someone? We should recall what they wore last, and how they normally look to someone that doesnt know them...

> "Ah. Good morning. What is it?" The female standing asked after greeting with a brief bow.
> She... Well, it might just be your imagination.
> ... But those eyes. That look... That... impudence...
> Blink, blink. The sitting female munches on the snack slooowly, observing you, as if awaiting for you to tell who you are looking for.
> ... Though, it must also be because your gaze is dead set on her.
> You feel something bump your shoulder. It seems to have been Lucy, making you snap out from your brief train of thoughts.

> Kurumi is a Vampire. Besides her appearance, she sports her own umbrella to shield from the sunlight (which... you might have or not have gifted her from the collection that were Yuuka's), so it shouldn't be that hard to make her stand out above others when describing her, especially considering her pair of wings. Same goes for Yuuka, who has a pretty defined style with those checkered pattern clothing she uses. Or... used. You don't really know how much she has changed in all this time, so you can't even be sure. You can give two things for granted, though: she surely still flaunts an umbrella, and that she is an INCREDIBLE gardener.

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #42 on: October 27, 2021, 09:49:14 PM »
> "Er, right. A young woman, possibly with an umbrella. Blond hair, white bow, large dark wings... Or another beautiful maiden with a lovely umbrella, green hair, and a plaid / checkered clothing?"

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2021, 02:00:35 AM »
> "Er, right. A young woman, possibly with an umbrella. Blond hair, white bow, large dark wings... Or another beautiful maiden with a lovely umbrella, green hair, and a plaid / checkered clothing?"

> "Uh-"
> "One of them is Yuuka, I am betting." The one who just ate her snack responded.

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2021, 02:32:22 AM »
> "Oh, you know of her? Please tell me where I can find her."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #45 on: November 01, 2021, 09:55:11 PM »
> "Oh, you know of her? Please tell me where I can find her."

> "I am surprised someone searches for her so willingly. Who are you, even?"
> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #46 on: November 01, 2021, 09:56:41 PM »
> "Elly."
> Blink.
> "Well, just a gatekeeper, I suppose..."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #47 on: November 01, 2021, 10:02:06 PM »
> "Elly."
> Blink.
> "Well, just a gatekeeper, I suppose..."

> "... Elly?"
> The woman narrowed her eyes, as if pondering about your words... before her expression softens.
> "... Was that your name? I don't think you ever told me."
> YOU DID! You absolutely freaking did! Okay, you know this impudence ANYWHERE you go.
> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2021, 10:07:24 PM »
> "...Ah. It's you..."
> No no, we shouldn't snap or anything... She knows where Yuuka is. Maybe.
> Wait, how does she know and not us?!
> "Well... ahem... anyways, where were you going to say Yuuka was?"

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #49 on: November 01, 2021, 10:16:40 PM »
> "...Ah. It's you..."
> No no, we shouldn't snap or anything... She knows where Yuuka is. Maybe.
> Wait, how does she know and not us?!
> "Well... ahem... anyways, where were you going to say Yuuka was?"

> "It's me." She resoonded in a similar way, before presenting herself. "Reimu Hakurei. It was hard to define just who you were reminding me to, considering I recall that weird scythe you used to have the most."
> ... Wouldn't it be nice to fling the aforementioned weapon at her, now. You don't know what the HECK is happening that even the one who used to be your enemy knows more about Yuuka than you do. On her whereabouts, it seems.
> "Right. I guess I should have expected you would come try and find her eventually. Anyway, your best bet is the Garden of the Sun."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #50 on: November 01, 2021, 10:34:40 PM »
> Summon our scythe back in a flourish.
> "You call it weird, I call it unique. I'd rather it be this way than just being a simple tool farmers can use."
> "...Now, where uh, is this Sun Garden?"

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2021, 12:46:29 AM »
> Summon our scythe back in a flourish.
> "You call it weird, I call it unique. I'd rather it be this way than just being a simple tool farmers can use."
> "...Now, where uh, is this Sun Garden?"

> Dark embers of death arise from nothingness, and in an instant, Ellylin's deathly scythe makes its appearance in a flashy way thanks to your handling of it, showing off just how much of an expert you are.
> "Don't behead me, now." Lucy commented.
> "And you are?" Reimu addressed, raising an eyebrow.
> "Luciela. I am just Boss' companion." The horned woman simply responded, nudging her head towards you.
> "... Bo- Nevermind. If you head deeper into the land, you should be able to visualize a human settlement. The garden is not far from there."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2021, 01:47:49 AM »
> "Alright, thanks. We'll be out of your hair then."
> Wave off, and start towards that settlement we noticed earlier.

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2021, 02:18:42 AM »
> "Alright, thanks. We'll be out of your hair then."
> Wave off, and start towards that settlement we noticed earlier.

> "Don't cause trouble." Reimu advised.
> You are about to head off after you wave, but-
> "Before you go..." The other girl spoke once again, having stood silent during the whole exchange. "I think I might have information about the other person you are looking for."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #54 on: November 02, 2021, 02:24:47 AM »
> "Oh?"

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #55 on: November 02, 2021, 02:48:08 AM »
> "Oh?"

> "It wasn't a white bow, but it was definitely a black one. Other than that, the description was on point for, well..."
> She shows what was on her hands all this time. Now that your attention might be on it, you realize it's some kind of instrument? One of its ends is what you would definitely call 'destroyed' for what its purpose is supposed to be. Music might be something impossible for it right now.
> "... the one who attacked me."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #56 on: November 02, 2021, 03:06:34 AM »
> "Oh dear. And here I had the slight thought that she'd act a bit likeable in her search for Yuuka. What're you gonna do if you bring more trouble to her, Kurumi?"
> "Oh right. Anything else you can say about her? Like where she was headed. Or if she said anything?"

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2021, 05:04:50 PM »
> "Oh dear. And here I had the slight thought that she'd act a bit likeable in her search for Yuuka. What're you gonna do if you bring more trouble to her, Kurumi?"
> "Oh right. Anything else you can say about her? Like where she was headed. Or if she said anything?"

> "I am not sure." She shook her head with an apologetic expression. "It is what I would like to know too. This is way too important for me, and..."
> "I suppose you want to find your way to kick them, or something." Reimu implied. "Understandably."
> "N-Not necessarily. I just want to know what happened. I never saw her before. I couldn't have expected to be attacked while being in the Misty Lake."

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper


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Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2021, 05:22:24 PM »
> "ill keep an eye out for her,then..."

Re: Death's Gatekeeper: Elly
« Reply #59 on: November 02, 2021, 06:20:06 PM »
> "ill keep an eye out for her,then..."

> "I think I can see what the 'lake' is..." Said Luciela, watching the land at the distance.
> "Right. Please, if she is your friend or something, do try to persuade her to not cause trouble." The girl then frowned. "The least I want is for others to fall victim of what her endeavors entail."
> You feel that, by now, Kurumi has made a bigger name than you already...

> _
Ongoing Quests: Death's Gatekeeper