>Iron is poisonous and deadly to you and makes it impossible to use your magic if your touching it.
>Lord Bree paid well in gold coins and tended to attend events in Avalon. He was always careful to maintain his reputation and was pleasant to be around as long as you obey the rules of etiquette.
>Thinking on the subject you think that Lord Bree had taken offense at the human lord traveling through Lord Bree’s territory without a gift or permission.
>Lord Bree was a Fey like Morgan Le Fey.
>Now that you realize that they are there you can feel the air against them when they flap involuntarily, but you can’t feel the weight of them.
→Surprisingly, they feel familiar. It won’t be difficult to get use to your wings.
>Your voice is naturally high pitched.
->Only the most talented of humans can compare to your singing and with glamour your able to almost hypnotize humans like a siren.
–>You know several songs in old Fey, English, French, and Irish.
>You can read and write in Irish.
>English and French you understand well, but you cannot write in these.
>You know some phrases of Chinese
>Finally you know a few words of Dutch, Finnish, and old Fey.
>Humanity is weird.
>You have no compulsion against stealing from them, but they would need to slight you for you really want hurt them. If a human helped you, you would happily reward them.
>What you find weird about them is that they came from before the world like Titania and Mab and humans are also called the children of the gods. There are rumors that in sufficient numbers they can alter reality like the gods and in the East they give life to their tools.
>You faintly hear the sound of splashing.
>Sweat drips down your face as you come to a small pond fed by a brook.
>Fairies are swimming and splashing each other.
>You approach the pond and look down.
>Despite the ripples you can see your reflection clearly.
->Looking back at you is a child with insect wings.
–>Your reflection looks just like the fairies that are playing.
>Picking up your hair you notice it isn’t the natural red you were use to instead it was a bright (Please pick a hair color)
> “Oy, weren’t you going to play tag with Cirno and the others?” A fairy with violet hair calls out to you.

>2261 A.D. or 206 G.R.*
*Great Revival, an event where many of the dead from history were brought back, both named and unnamed.