~Hakurei Shrine~ > Touhou Addict Recovery Center

Touhou-style Album Thread: New Absolute Favorite Has Dropped

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nevermind, i actually like jentha more:
Hello. I have a question. Does anyone have a picture of Elemental Quintet's final boss? If yes, then could they please share it? Thanks in advance :)

nevermind, i actually like jentha more:
I found new demo album! https://youtu.be/TDw6CRsM_hE

After months of being lazy, I've finally cleaned up OP or at least I've made an attempt.
I'll probably start adding fanmade hifuu albums such as History of Distortion and Ryuuou albums alongside more well known albums that most people in community already know about such as original Treasure Castle Labyrinth, HGoC, Adventures in Inferno to the second post for the sake of it in case anyone will be interested in that.

There are also a couple of albums I've known about for some time, like Pouty Keiki's work or like this one: https://youtu.be/_LO6D15EOmY

but I'd rather wait with posting DL links to all files until at least several months after the release. As of the time I'm writing this, it has like only 300 views and it deserves way more in my opinion, but you do you.

Oh and do you remember Bubbling Imaginary Treasures? That game by Gore, that most people dislike? If you remember, last 3 bosses had original designs and their themes were by NED, mostly known for IBP's stage 4 boss and BoSM covers. If you either remember these 3 boss themes fondly or you want to give them another chance, NED made a mini album with covers of these songs: https://016ne.bandcamp.com/album/bubbling-imaginary-treasures-2

And if you just want a free download, he also provided it here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NoipDN90UcCn_FYAVK1IY1qGs-qS3eV6?usp=sharing
In my opinion it really redeems both stage 5 and final boss' themes.

--- Quote from: starbet_ on January 19, 2023, 03:28:04 PM ---Hello. I have a question. Does anyone have a picture of Elemental Quintet's final boss? If yes, then could they please share it? Thanks in advance :)

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Not me, sorry, I focus on archivizing music above all else, Tokiko's friends have them since I've seen few edits of it and like Gilde said, they might remake said album soon™ so the old scans might be rereleased/reused in some way as well I hope?

nevermind, i actually like jentha more:
I somehow found a reupload of Gilde's Kaikeidou Translation Tumblr


--- Quote from: starbet_ on February 04, 2023, 11:31:04 AM ---I found new demo album! https://youtu.be/TDw6CRsM_hE

--- End quote ---

Yeah I was listening to this on youtube the other day. Surprised how many good albums are only on YT from japanese accounts.

--- Quote from: starbet_ on February 04, 2023, 11:31:04 AM ---I somehow found a reupload of Gilde's Kaikeidou Translation Tumblr

--- End quote ---

Wow, nice contribution. Thank you.

--- Quote from: Popcioslav on February 05, 2023, 11:48:40 AM ---After months of being lazy, I've finally cleaned up OP or at least I've made an attempt.
I'll probably start adding fanmade hifuu albums such as History of Distortion and Ryuuou albums alongside more well known albums that most people in community already know about such as original Treasure Castle Labyrinth, HGoC, Adventures in Inferno to the second post for the sake of it in case anyone will be interested in that.

--- End quote ---

You know, I just listened to TCL for the first time recently and really enjoyed it. Surprised I'd missed it for so long.


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