Author Topic: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.  (Read 84850 times)

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Suspicious person

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #60 on: June 30, 2023, 04:16:45 AM »
Bit late, but new Foul Detective Satori chapter 28 out

Super straightforward chapter this time, as it seems we're closing on the end of the Myouren temple arc. The title of the arc refering to the underground actually made me think for a bit that there might be a chance that there'll be something that'll connect or bring us back to the underground, but the way things look it doesn't seem so

Regarding the possessed person this time, it turns out to be Kyouko. The manga's monthly release kinda made me forget some of the information, and I actually forgot that Kyouko actually appeared in this arc at all, lol. Anyway, the lack of Kyouko among the people worried about Byakuren (among the Myourenji people present in the premises in this arc) does indeed seems kinda sus considering the fact that Myourenji people kinda care about her a lot.

Mystery series generally require a bit of straightforwardness and obviousness in their reveals, so I for one appreciate that there is some logic / explanation behind why Kyouko is the one possessed, explanation that is somewhat consistent with the lack of screentime after the important happening AND already observable (or rather, her being unobservable) in previous chapters. While it would be undoubtedly much more exciting to deduce an actual willing accomplice than some poor sap being controlled without them being aware, imo this is much more preferable than stuff like Kaguya being freaking possessed offscreen in a location we weren't introduced to in the manga and apparently outrunning a flying Reimu straight to Eientei in order to let the plot take place. But speaking of straightforward and obvious, another big thing that is a part of the mystery genre is the part where the big bad reveal their motive : while we know it's a grudge against Gensokyo, actually hearing it from the horse's mouth seems much more appropriate to me.

Although the unexpected thing this time to me was the fact that the possessed Kyouko was trapped and confused by the weird restriction surrounding Myouren temple, which means that it's unlikely that she set up the barrier herself (She might consistently be painting a giant target on her back, but is probably not dumb enough to shoot herself in the foot like that). So, as far as barrier-proficient people that are not confused nor trapped inside Myourenji goes, it's probably got to be Yukari, who I coincidentally forgot made an appearance super-early on in this arc too.

So imo, here's what's going on :
- Yukari probably set up the barrier out of being tired of the BadHu's shenanigans
- Yukari enlisted Flandre's help and sent her to Myourenji to help deal with said source of shenanigans
- Yukari sent Satori there too cuz gap are a much superior means of transportation compared to piggybacks and Satori kinda need her getback for what happened in the bamboo forest AND not look like a fool detective by finally getting a proper confrontation

As for what's gonna happen, either BadHu gets sorted there and then, or she plays a trump card that allows her to get into the next TD arc. I actually think she's gonna get away with it again since we don't seem like we're getting that proper Reimu faceoff yet. And while Satori is supposedly the main character this time, imo we still need BadHu to tell Reimu what her beef with her is, plus the ass whooping that she's long had coming her way.

A few additionnal takeaways :
- Only noticed this upon reread, but this Nazrin DOES have new drip and an especially big bow
- More battle manga action sequences
- Marisa's broom reality check. No seriously what did she expect
- Kyouko REALLY in need of some exorcism right now, probably needs the uncute beaten out of her

Suspicious person

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #61 on: September 28, 2023, 06:05:43 PM »
New chapter 29 is out after some weird kind of pause

Later chapters various Touhou mangas kinda have this weird tendency of changing into a battle manga (which is especially weird for this initially shoujo / mystery kinda manga), and such is the case for this chapter (and the previous one) as it set up a fight between Reimu, Byakuren and Shou vs Flan.

Chapter's very straightforward but surprisingly leaves room for speculation, for example regarding the mist and the help that Kyoukozuchi speculate Satori to be waiting for (just Flandre or someone else ?) ; pluus the ending with a suspicious looking Satori (possessed or not)

It's gonna be pretty embarrassing if Satori actually got possessed imo cuz that's another fail to add to her list of non-accomplishements in this manga, but the fact that she approaches Marisa (decidedly Mizuchi's favorite possession target) kinda leads me to put my stocks on the "yeah she's possessed" side of speculations

Myouren temple arc is coming to a close, but I feel like we haven't learned anything new or substantial regarding Mizuchi's motivations and plans : I'm kinda hoping that next chapters gonna clarify these else next arc is gonna have virtually the SAME beginning as the IN, MoF, and UFO arc have. I'll take anything 2hu, but even I would like to see quality writing instead of this particular formula for this manga. Slow pace + early chapters of new arcs having nothing happening is kinda unimpressive tbh.

Bunch of takeaways :
-Already in previous chapters, but damn, Marisa. Blood on my 2hu ? Yikes.
-Shou's one chance at getting some action in over a decade gets divided by 3
-Flandre looking more threatening than 2 big shots (+ Shou) for some reason ?

Also a bit unrelated, but fun Flandre fact : she HAS a spell card called "Scarlet Nihility" that she uses in her Route A ending in 17.5 : this means that she's the ONLY character who's got a named attack that's neither illustrated nor can be played in a game : since we are getting actual action / fight scenes, I'm kinda crossing my fingers to see if we're gonna get it in this manga (not likely, I know) or have some other kind of spell card.


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #62 on: November 30, 2023, 06:03:41 AM »
Been a little while since I posted on here.

The last few chapters were great and it has the most action we had in an official manga ever.

Suspicious person

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #63 on: December 30, 2023, 07:56:55 PM »
Somewhat late, but we're done with the Myouren temple happenstance into what seems to be an introduction of sorts to what's gonna happen next time and who's gonna take part in it. I actually feel like the plot is about to make a signifiant progress with this chapter, so here's hoping

The new chapter 32(?) reveal that Miss Miyadeguchi is in fact related to the Hakurei Shrine, so that's a W for the guys who expressed theories that goes around these lines, and she is now trapped in the underworld as the various entrances that lead there got sealed after she got sent there.

Now strictly speaking, with the villain clearly identified and more or less sent to prison, it can be said that there are no more real stake at hand here, but the main girls JUST have to be petty and really, REALLY seem like they are going to break through the underground's seal and go to Miss Miyadeguchi cuz they need that getback

I quite like the fact that we're bringing the girls from the previous arcs for this, but it seems to me like we're decidedly going the battle manga route. Now, we've had SO MUCH slice of life stuff in this series to the point where I've managed my expectations and seek out excitement in other series : I quite like NON slice of life stuff as far as touhou goes, but at the same time it seems like an unusual direction to take for this initially mystery manga. I have a remark on that aspect that I'm gonna save for a final review when this manga is completed.

I guess we still need that exposition from Miss Miyadeguchi and hopefullly, HOPEFULLY make use of the opportunity that she presents to get a window to peer into the backstory of Gensokyo.

Minor takeaways :
- Satori showing the MOST skin in the entirety of this series
- Remilia's very cool and sharp look, in comparison to her previous girly (and I assume very pink) one
- Flandre and her own way of being considerate ?
- Reimu, Remilia and Sakuya showing the cutest smile when thinking about absolutely trouncing someone


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2023, 02:22:47 PM »
I mean, they said they couldn't be sure that they blocked off every exit, but seeing what Reimu's doing makes me think they're not going to go the "she somehow found a way out" route.

Also, is it bad that my first thought when I read this was "Poor Parsee, she's now out of a job"? She's my favourite character, but she hasn't even appeared in this, so I guess it's sorta odd that I'm thinking about her...

I'm glad, however, that we finally have some backstory for Mizuchi, even if it's only vague now I'm hoping this is a sign that we'll soon be getting more information about her and her exact motives.


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2024, 09:36:48 AM »
After two months, we have received a new update.

It was mostly Mizuchi-centric. I like the new character development for Mizuchi, especially since we've only seen her behave more-or-less in one manner. Getting a bigger glimpse into her personality was really nice.

Also, Yuugi taking pity on her and siding with her is interesting. Not just due to the obvious "Yuugi is now helping Mizuchi" development, but if someone who was previously annoyed by her actions actually sympathised with her to the point of actively aiding her, then this I feel is a big development. Whatever this is, it isn't anything minor (I imagine "vengeful spirit" is not a high bar, provided something has made you angry enough, some people can get real petty) and it clearly makes the Miyadeguchis sympathetic. It isn't some cut-and-dry case where Miyadeguchi is clearly in the wrong and the Hakureis were in the right and Miyadeguchi is being petty about it (and maybe that was obvious but cmon, they haven't exactly given the reader any reason to be sympathetic to Mizuchi until now) and I feel it's going to be really interesting when the rest of the cast figure out what exactly happened (from a storywriting perspective, it's unthinkable that they wouldn't find out).

It seems Reimu knows to an extent, but I wonder how much. Back when I first read the previous chapter, I felt that Reimu had just vaguely heard about the Miyadeguchis and simply decided to go after Mizuchi out of pettiness because it was clearly established to be about her, but re-reading it, I'm not so sure. I'm not sure if she knows exactly what happened and is attacking out of honest belief that the Miyadeguchis were in the wrong, or if my previous belief that she's just being petty is correct. I guess we'll have to see.

It seems, at the very least, that my last post was right and we're going to be getting more information about what Mizuchi is getting revenge over, so that's a plus.

Overall, a really good chapter in my opinion. I personally really like Mizuchi and am sorta rooting for her over Satori, Reimu and the others (though that might just be because I tend to sympathise with villains a lot more) and I hope this doesn't end with her being exterminated, though as a vengeful spirit I wonder if she'll cease to exist if she actually succeeds. I hope whatever happens, she doesn't come out too badly.

Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #66 on: February 29, 2024, 02:15:24 AM »
I'm surprised that it's such a common reading of the last two chapters that Reimu is going after Mizuchi out of pettiness or because she hates the Miyadeguchi. It's not clear what exactly her feelings are or what she's going to do, but from the start I had the sense she feels some manner of responsibility towards Mizuchi for whatever happened in the past. Whether that's sympathy or merely an element of understanding before she stands her ground though, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm excited to see where the story takes us as we presumably head towards the final act.


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #67 on: March 08, 2024, 08:56:31 AM »
I'm surprised that it's such a common reading of the last two chapters that Reimu is going after Mizuchi out of pettiness or because she hates the Miyadeguchi. It's not clear what exactly her feelings are or what she's going to do, but from the start I had the sense she feels some manner of responsibility towards Mizuchi for whatever happened in the past. Whether that's sympathy or merely an element of understanding before she stands her ground though, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm excited to see where the story takes us as we presumably head towards the final act.
To me, it was the way she worded things. She spoke very vaguely about it, saying the Miyadeguchis served Hakurei Shrine and that it happened before she was born, which is a very vague way of putting things so I originally felt that she might not have known the full story. And then her final words are "We hit back!", which personally felt to me like an indication that she just wanted to get revenge on Mizuchi rather than anything to do with her past, especially considering that Mizuchi was already sealed in Former Hell, it just felt like she was going after her unnecessarily out of spite, due to the confirmation that this incident was about her.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting things, but that's the sense that I got having read it at first. As I said, I'm no longer so sure, but that was my original thought process.

Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #68 on: March 08, 2024, 11:41:40 AM »
Reimu already knew she was the personal target of the incident since the second arc though. If she hadn't learned her name was Miyadeguchi, it sounds like she may have accepted the outcome as things are, but learning her tormenter's name caused her to choose to confront her directly, even at the risk of her own life. Frankly, more than anything, I just can't believe Reimu is the type of person who would act out of spite over clan politics from before she was born, and her body language didn't read as anger to me. It's very much vague what her thoughts towards Mizuchi are since we don't know what happened between the Hakurei and Miyadeguchi, but I would be very surprised if this encounter will be a simple matter of Reimu trying to exterminate her.


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #69 on: March 12, 2024, 05:58:57 PM »
Reimu already knew she was the personal target of the incident since the second arc though. If she hadn't learned her name was Miyadeguchi, it sounds like she may have accepted the outcome as things are, but learning her tormenter's name caused her to choose to confront her directly, even at the risk of her own life. Frankly, more than anything, I just can't believe Reimu is the type of person who would act out of spite over clan politics from before she was born, and her body language didn't read as anger to me. It's very much vague what her thoughts towards Mizuchi are since we don't know what happened between the Hakurei and Miyadeguchi, but I would be very surprised if this encounter will be a simple matter of Reimu trying to exterminate her.
I didn't interpret it as her being spiteful over what happened with Mizuchi over things that happened before she was born, I interpreted it as her being spiteful after having direct confirmation that it was about her. It's been a while since I've read the whole thing, but I don't recall it being concretely established that it was targetting Hakurei, aside from them noticing the pattern of Mizuchi's targets and the incidents Reimu handled. Marisa even acknowledges this by saying "That just makes it even more certain! You're that spirit's main target!", the implication being that now they had concretely established it.

Anyway, as you said, her thoughts on the matter are vague. My interpretation of that vague-ness was that she's being super vague about what happened between the Hakurei and Miyadeguchi but directly after we get absolute confirmation that it's targetting her, she seems bent on fight Mizuchi even after she was already dealt with and in spite of all of Former Hell being blocked off.

Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #70 on: March 13, 2024, 03:22:05 AM »
You likely should give the earlier chapters another look in that case, because a solid half of the PCB arc was Reimu freaking out over the revelation that she was Mizuchi's target after Satori told her, leading her to hide from everyone until Yukari helped her regain some of her nerve. Reimu's been more than aware that Mizuchi is after her for some time, and it was commented on multiple occasions how nervous and defensive her investigations were based on that knowledge. Learning her tormentor is a Miyadeguchi caused something to click in her mind on why she is being targeted, but the fact itself, or even that her grudge is aimed at the Hakurei Shrine, is not new information to her.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 10:18:41 AM by nintendonut888 »

Suspicious person

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #71 on: May 28, 2024, 06:29:43 PM »
Been a while, but chapter 35 of Satori Kaisen is out, in which we get to see Fraudeguchi's entire neighborhood gang up on Goatmu (and where we shall eventually see if all of the introduced cast are gonna get owned by Fraudeguchi in a series of 1v1 after scamming a win from Goatmu later down the line)

I kinda feel that the setup from the two previous chapters is kinda unnecessary if we're decidedly going the battle manga route. Now dunno if the hole that spewed vengeful spirits in the chapter is what Reimu used to force her way in the underground this time, but if it is, I think giving an opening for vengeful spirits to invade the surface world is extremely irresponsible if it's for the sake of some petty personal vendetta, even moreso if you consider the possibility that Miss Miyadeguchi could have made use of the opportunity herself ...

Alternatively, the opening could have also been created by other parties seeking to settle accounts with Miss Miyadeguchi, but there's currently nothing to hint at that.

It would be ideal if Reimu's little incursion in the underground was done with the help of Yukari's gaps rather than some brutish opening. Vaguely curious to see if Byakuren's suspicion towards whatever might be going on in the Hakurei Shrine is gonna lead her to the truth of the matter or if she's just gonna find Yukari there (cuz she's probably the person communicating with Reimu & helping her, just like in SA. I can see her chilling in the Shrine during this)

The way this underground arcs present itself, the underground dwellers don't seem to have either much initiative or control over the events that are happening, so most of the problems should by the surface dwellers (whether it be the activation of the sealing systems or the creation of the opening this time

The only question to me is whether Fraudeguchi had some failsafe from a previous era in play : we still haven't been told why she seems to have such accurate and updated information about the surface world (if ZUN remembers that), plus there probably being a reason why she's called the jailbreak king : either 1/the opening this time is caused by the heroines, in which case they are petty and irresponsible (and in which case Reimu's gotta have a more compelling reason than getting payback) ; or 2/ it's caused by some failsafe Miss Miyadeguchi prepared (kinda expecting there to be no failsafe else she woulsn't be so down in the dumps in the previous chapters)

Minor takeaways :
-Reimu's binding vow on her gohei's length which give her a stronger striking power in exchange for reach
- That black undershirt of Parsee I assume mainly comes from fanworks seems to have received an officious status
- No danmaku ? I always had this vague impression that Touhou action should have bullets, but honestly the lack of bullets give more dynamic action sequences. Dunno why
- A scratch on Reimu ??? Very strange to see Reimu get grazed by an early game LitterallyHu

Regardless of the possible implications from Reimu's behavior this time, I for one appreciate the return of the brand of Reimu that went to heaven to beat up and drag someone for repairs : a one-woman invasion of former hell where all the residents are on edge against you sorta works as a flex
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 07:34:52 PM by Suspicious person »

Suspicious person

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #72 on: July 04, 2024, 06:38:02 PM »
New chapter 36 continuation's been out for a while, and aside from all the flashiness, I think this one might have an interesting implication :

If Byakuren's observation regarding the hole having been opened from the outside is correct, then it could only be explained by there being an accomplice of sorts for Miss Miyadeguchi.

I have always been a believer of the possibility of there being AT LEAST one serious accomplice, cuz not only an actual willing accomplice seems much more interesting than some poor mind controlled saps imo, but also because that might be more reasonable (than, say, what her possible abilities might be for example) when it comes to explaining how Miss Miyadeguchi's got not only updated intel but also proper information regarding a bunch of people to target (as well as directions), all that despite being stuck in Hell.

Going by that line of thought, if someone's gotta be an accomplice, then among all of the characters who's been introduced in this manga so far, imo Yukari's got a pretty good chance of yet again being the big bad cat :

Motivation wise, nothing is certain cuz it's currently speculation, but I think the recent reveals of Miss Miyadeguchi being related to the Hakurei Shrine (plus Yukari's standing in regards to them in general kinda makes me think back to Yukari being possessedin the PCB arc yet "somehow" managing to save a bit of her magical powers, quite unlike everyone else : could it actually be because of something more than her being capable ? Also there being the issue with possessed-and-dumped Alice, a youkai, for whose sake possessed Yukari sent Marisa to her place to nurse her ?!! Bit weird considering Miss Miyadeguchi's attitude towards youkai.

Anyway I think there's some weirdness and irregularities regarding Yukari's circumstances as a possessed person that it's probably worth considering her as a suspect. It wouldn't be the first time for her to have done dangerous and risky things in order to accomplish some sort of obscure goal or for showing her consideration : it's like when she spread a literal doomsday urban legend in FS or pretty much gave Kosuzu the extra push towards Youkaiification (whatever you call the process) in FS, or other stuff that she's done in the past like her Lunarian-provoking actions in SSiB for her goals there ... she takes big risks but it's generally fine cuz they won't come to fruition by means of interruption by the protagonists most of the time.

Imo, it's possible Yukari's aware of Miss Miyadeguchi's circumstances and whatever's going on in this manga is mainly possible because of some considerations she's showing for her. If there really happens to be an accomplice and if it turns out to be Yukari, I could see her sticking Miss Miyadeguchi on Marisa partly because she's Reimu's bestie or something

At any rate, this is the first time where Miss Miyadeguchi actually deals some real damage to the Hakurei Shrine, what's with it actually getting demolished. We've been told for the longest time that Reimu is the vengeful spirit's target, but it hasn't directly harmed her in the slightest for the longest time. It's a shame we don't get told what she's aiming for with this stunt, but then again, what does the Hakurei Shrine getting wrecked means ? Why, renovations of course. And quite possibly add one or two new things around. Curious to see if the eventual rebuildingof the Shrine will have suspicious additions that would allow Miss Miyadeguchi to haunt it for a while ; or if there is an immediate goal that can be reached with its destruction

Also curious to see if Marisa's gonna come into play again, and if so, with what kind of role, cuz she's been completely absent this arc. Possessions aside, there's no reason for her to outright collab with an unknown evil stranger, but I could see her getting directions from an acquaintance that's working with said evil stranger.

Minor notes :
- Yamame being ... very competent ? Tbh I think it would have been hilarious if she actually got one shot in the previous chapter but oh well
- Also noticed after previous chapter reread, but Yamame's pupils looks like spiders when she means business back there
- Reimu fun time despite that delicious poison plus super radiation combo, not to mention hell's miasma, also no scar from previous scratch : she's no human, she's a freaking machine
- Yuugi and SDM crew still not coming into play ?

I also wonder if we're gonna get back to some previous plot points(?) / oddities such as Alice's circumstances or the thing that happened with Hatate's not-internet.

Suspicious person

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2024, 08:09:45 PM »
Chapter 38's been out for a bit, with a completely out of left field reveal and a more shocking development

The accomplice who secretely assisted Miss Miyadeguchi actually turned out to be Suika who, together with Yuugi, broke the restriction of the Underworld to help vengeful ghost girl to get out. Now as someone who hasn't made an appearance in this manga, her suddenly coming into the picture in such a manner is just completely weird and unexpected for me : as far as this manga goes, I think that does NOT reward people who kinda try to deduct what is happening as she hasn't been teased in any way whatsoever in this manga. It probably has intersting implications for Touhou fans who follow this manga, but for randos who potentially stumbled here and try to appreciate this manga for what it is, it's probably just super weird. Going by this manga being primarily a manga made for Touhou fans (who should be expected to know lore and stuff), I am willing to give it a "*shrug* why not ?" and assume that Suika and her exceptionnal intelligence gathering capabilities + connection to hell are what was behind Miss Miyadeguchi being pretty updated on the current stuff going on in Gensokyo despite having been in Hell for all her lifetime afterlifetime (assuming that Suika didn't just start helping Miss Miyadeguchi after she got sealed but before too)

Additional considerations can be made due to the fact that she's a youkai, not unlike those that were targeted by Miss Miyadeguchi, and can be said to have a rather favorable relationship with the Hakurei Shrine and Yukari : why would she ruin the putting-the-bad-guy-in-jail-and-then-beat-her-up-there operation that Reimu and Yukari's got going on ? And how did she get involved with Miss Miyadeguchi ? Also Miss Miyadeguchi's face when they say Suika looks more like a "huh." than a "heh !", kinda makes me wonder if she knew she had an outside helper.

Anyway, back to our favorite(?) vengeful spirit, since Yuugi pretty much sided with her out of pity (presumably), similar reason could be why Suika would back her up too. So whatever backstory she's gonna have, I really hope ZUN's gonna be able to make something really poignant. Like, she's been Hakurei Shrinemaidening for a while but had to go cuz of outdated values not fitting for the future direction Gensokyo was to take or something PLUS extra flavor. I'm not super confident in ZUN's ability at telling sad and griping stuff so, uh, I hope he's at least gonna make something that'll make me go like "wooooow, that's dirty, they did her bad" or something

Personally, I'm still slightly hanging on the possibility of Yukari having played a hand in Miss Miyadeguchi getting freed up still, not only cuz of previous irregulaities in PCB arc, but also because of her connection with Suika (whose motivation for getting involved is currently unsure as someone who really don't strike as a hero of justice, avenger of the wronged) : could it be possible that Yukari got Suika to get involved with Miss Miyadeguchi ? I also find it very suspicious that somehow, Yukari also got Reimu away from her Shrine on a relatively dangerous mission AND just about miss Miss Miyadeguchi as she does some reckless stuff on the surface : the Hakurei Shrine getting wasted plus the mountain going boom is such a big gaffe from her part that I kinda wonder if there's a bigger meaning behind her the Reimu - Miyadeguchi faceoff to be delayed AND Reimu SOMEHOW being isolated from the action at a critical time ...

As for the mountain going boom,
honestly, it's a development that I never expected to happen, especially not in a manga : it's a pretty old part of the setting (BaiJR prolly) and supposedly under the control of Suwako, so I didn't really expect it being mentionned much earlier in the manga to be of importance. Pretty much nothing important besides the tengus joining the investigation happen during the MoF arc anyway, so the eruption kinda suggests that whatever she did at that time may be related to facilitating what's going on right now.

Now regarding Miss Miyadeguchi's actions through this series, this is obviously a much higher escalation. I personally believe that she pulled an ABC murder style approach in this manga, and her going in order of incident causers really was to justify her going to the mountain to pull out this feat. For what purpose ? Is there some secret in the mountains ? That remains to be seen ...

Anyway, with all the happenings aside, there still remains a bunch of oddities that I'm not sure are gonna get reexplored :
- Why did she KO Alice, if she is pretty much secluded and have little bearing to her endgame (of which the eruption is presumably part of)
- What shocked Hatate ?
- Why is Suika part of all this ?
Plus we're still waiting for the SDM crew to make their move, and we also gotta wait to see if we're gonna have everybody vs Miss Miyadeguchi or Miss Miyadeguchi AND a bunch of allies (such as Yuugi and Suika vs the gang)

All in all, a chapter that doesn't tell a lot BUT with potentially massive implications, considering the fact that we have a former Hakurei no Miko and a freaking volcano ERUPTION, which easily clears 90% of previous incidents in terms of dangerousness.

Also Satori's relevance seem pretty minuscule as we go forward in the series, poor baby girl

Minor takeaways :
- Sanae's Kanako, uh, boob grab ? I've always felt that Kanako has, as the cool kidz say, such a negative rizz that I feel that giving her a playable role or even trying to sexualize her still don't help her image in the eyes of the community
- Marisa's complete absence in this arc, kinda weird considering how she keep forcefully sticking her nose in all of the previous ones