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Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on Today at 06:22:07 PM »
> Would we have any idea where she might be up here, beyond was Hikoboshi has already indicated?

>You think she would be around the Tenome constellation.

Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on Today at 11:23:11 AM »
> Compare the orb Sanae picked up to the one in the room.
> Inspect the hat, key, and doll.
> Then inspect the case, opening it if possible.
> She shows you the orb, what do you know? It looks identical!
> The hat would look very out of fashion in the village and among Youkai... More akin to something you'd find at Kourindou. The key ends in a small circle that has a triangular hole cut into it. Almost like something you'd use to wind up a toy. Looking over at the doll you see it's joints have been disassembled, consisting of a sphere and socket, surrounded by tiny springs akin to what you'd imagine goes in a pocket watch which provide a natural position.
> You inspect and open the metal case which surprisingly lacks a lock, instead featuring just a latch on the front. Inside are countless tools, some of which you recognize like a hammer or mallet and others that look foreign, like a silver cylinder with glass at one end.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 01:19:39 AM »
> Would we have any idea where she might be up here, beyond was Hikoboshi has already indicated?
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on Today at 12:20:15 AM »
> "Lady of Kashima...I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that name. Does she go by anything else, perhaps?"

>"Lady Take," she says. "Though that's overly familiar, if you ask me."
>That is a bit more known to you; a heavenly god who oversees storms and swordcraft. More relevant is that she is supposedly the originator of sumo, an art strongly associated with and also attributed to kappa.

Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 12:13:08 AM »
> Compare the orb Sanae picked up to the one in the room.
> Inspect the hat, key, and doll.
> Then inspect the case, opening it if possible.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on Yesterday at 11:19:37 PM »
> Nod.
> "Sure. Lead the way."
> You follow Sanae up the staircase that's opposite the dining area which leads to a wide hallway with rooms on each side.
> On the way she explains "I picked up the key along with a fan, parasol and Yin Yang orb this morning near the statue, before everyone else arrived. Now, Yukari of all people, like Reimu doesn't go anywhere without spell cards and therefore their absence is what leads me to believe the Yakumos are in on this. Not to mention the items I found were arranged in a near perfect circle around the statue... If this really was an ambush why would the culprits just leave everything? This is one of the nicest parasols I've ever held..."
> Holding up the room key which has the number 7 engraved on it "Not to mention whatever treasures would be in her room..."

> "Here!" she stops, pointing out the seventh room and inserting the key before turning the handle.
> Inside you find a spacious room with a set of windows that overlook the central plaza, facing towards the mayor's estate. There's an ornate wooden wardrobe, a large desk with various belongings on it, and a huge bed with a travel case on it. Approaching the desk you spot a Yin Yang orb, a magnifying glass, a blank spell card, a few silver coins, a goofy looking hat, an odd triangular shaped key, a dark red metallic case, a spyglass, a half disassembled Iris doll, and an empty cup of tea with a few tea-rings inside showing that it hasn't been washed since it was last used.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 10:33:55 PM »
> "Lady of Kashima...I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that name. Does she go by anything else, perhaps?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on Yesterday at 10:26:04 PM »
> Are we familiar with this Lady of Kashima?

>Not by that name.

Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 09:52:54 PM »
> Nod.
> "Sure. Lead the way."
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 09:52:20 PM »
> Are we familiar with this Lady of Kashima?
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