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Shameimaru and her team came to Kirisame magic store to film a TV show called "Great Treasure Discovery", where they go to the different residents of Gensokyo and review their most amazing possessions.
They were supposed to appraise Marisa's treasure, but.... The program took an unexpected turn!

(The video has english subtitles available).
A "warm and kind thank you" for this heads-up plus the resuming introduction, taken translated from the video description by the author "OBANIWAN", and opefully for other ones,extended to more Authors, in the future by you or even others.

(Corrected) The author"OBANiWAN" has now a vast majority of (MMD)videos ENG Subbed from JAPanese, and even the Title and the (introductory resuming)Description are ENG translated.
Hello, first post of 2025 in this thread. Let's have it be another good one!

SHO finished SoMA and posted post trial OST here
I've compiled it for download here

After quick listen, this might be my favorite solo album from SHO, bordering on S-tier. I definitely recommend giving Stage 5, 6 and EX themes a go.

Also if you like Touhou 10-12 era of OSTs, there's another new fanmade album on horizon - Transcendental Timepiece.

YT Video 
Compiled Demo ost for download
If something seems missing, it's basically how it was uploaded, without titles too, which seems to be the norm for WIP projects.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 8
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 01:38:08 PM »
> "Why not do both at once? Isn't your entire thing that you can compose stories on your phone? You can just do that in there."
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 8
« Last post by Neovereign on Today at 01:27:05 PM »
> "Yeah, they did say that, didn't they? Well, clearly it works here as well, at least with me. And probably with you eventually, given how far you and I got."
> Look to Hatate.
> "You watched me take Ami in, Hata. Would you like to try me doing the same to you, now that she's returned and said it wasn't bad?"
> "I'll pass. After all, there's a bit of a story that needs to get composed, and if you won't capitalize on it, I will." Hatate says. "Then I'll think about it."
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 02:01:55 AM »
> Briefly look at Saru with raised eyebrow of irritation and disgust, conveying a message of "really?", before wordlessly returning our gaze to Lady of Kashime with a neutral expression.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on Today at 01:48:18 AM »
> "Well, while you're deciding, is there anything you can think of that we can take care of for you in the meantime?"

>The Lady of Kashima chuckles between hammer blows.
>"Lady Take," Princess Saru says. "There is no need to make such requests of your humble guests." 
>You can't help but feel that 'humble' was a euphamism for youkai.
>"If there is something that you require," she continues, "I would be happy to lend my efforts as a friend."
>"Ah, ever so competitive now are you, Princess Saru?" says the swordsmith.

Shameimaru and her team came to Kirisame magic store to film a TV show called "Great Treasure Discovery", where they go to the different residents of Gensokyo and review their most amazing possessions.
They were supposed to appraise Marisa's treasure, but.... The program took an unexpected turn!

(The video has english subtitles available).
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 12:14:46 AM »
> Try shooting bullets at the book in the middle to take it out.
> If we're able to destroy it, slide through the gap its absence leaves.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on February 06, 2025, 11:55:40 PM »
> Were we able to see anything identifiable about this person's appearance?
> Given our current running speed and the spread of bullets, could we get a running leap over them?
> All you could discern from the silhouette is that it looked like they were carrying something close to their chest.
> The books landed face up on the ground and are spewing danmaku in all directions including upwards, making it rather risky to jump over.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on February 06, 2025, 11:34:07 PM »
> Were we able to see anything identifiable about this person's appearance?
> Given our current running speed and the spread of bullets, could we get a running leap over them?
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