旧雨忆梦幻想乐团 (Old Rain Dream Fantasy Orchestra?) has dropped their next album folks! It's stylised to be spinoff title like photo games/ISC/VD/100BM, but with Youmu being the main character!
https://b23.tv/lOc1rHSYou can also download the album for free here
https://booth.pm/en/items/6363501I do recommend watching the bilibili video since they've included whole danmaku sections and all!
The tutorial boss is actually a second boss from Golden Age Will Come Again and their theme is an arrange of their boss theme from that album as well.
I like how Reimu's boss sprite is still her IN sprite xD
After her is Oxas, second boss from Stability of Broken Heart.
I don't need to introduce Kogasa who's after her
Mike's got really cute cat bullets with arrow whiskers
Next boss with her own arrange and section is weirdly enough Patchouli! Locked Girl's arrange is pretty good in this, but I've also always had soft spot for original
Next are the usual playables, your Sanaes, Sakuyas.
Then there's Stability of Broken Heart's stage 5 boss Yanagashi, her section's got a really calm nice theme this time
Lastly there's of course Yuyuko with her own full segment and arrange of Border of Life.
I also forgot to mention that they've announced their 4th full game-mimicing album in the name of
An Invitation From Music https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14BWMepEgh/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0EDIT: "Touhou Unused Song Style Collaboration" by sisyou and like 20 other composers is out!
You can watch the video here and see in which style each song is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKDDnPQdeUYOr download my ripped and crudely translated version from here:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/137wuZqOAAtswWlAL1-pr2AwINPsi4Sdf?usp=sharingMerry Christmas!