Author Topic: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Game Over!)  (Read 1404972 times)

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Dormio Ergo Sum

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Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Game Over!)
« on: April 13, 2020, 09:42:20 AM »
After having been through nine potentially world ending calamaties in seven years, the entire populace of Ys was quite sick and tired of watching the world around them collapse before their eyes. Even the multitude of villains who had nearly succeeded in ending civilizations came to the unanimous decision that taking over and/or destroying the world was getting kind of old.
And so people from all over the world gathered in the temple of the Goddesses, trying to figure out a new way to pass the time without having to kill or maim each other. It was then that they were greeted by a vision of the Goddesses, who brought down with them a heavenly game.
Welcome to Ys Mafia.

0) Whatever the mod says goes. In addition, these rules may be changed at any time.
1) You may not directly quote any communications with the moderator. Paraphrasing is allowed, but run it by the moderator first if you feel that it is too similar to the original content.
2) Play to win and have fun.
3) Days will last for 96 hours. Nights will last for 24.
4) Being prodded 3 times is grounds for a modkill. The first prod will be given after 24 hours of inactivity. Each prod you receive will reduce the amount of time you have before you receive another prod by 6 hours.
5) Failure to follow the rules or any given instructions is grounds for a modkill.
6) Receiving a modkill results in your playerslot losing, regardless of anything and everything else that occurs during the game.
7) Use ##Vote: <Name> to vote. Minor variations will be accepted.
8) Use ##Unvote to unvote. Minor variations will be accepted.
9) Failure to reach a majority will result in no lynch occurring.
10) You may not talk during twilight unless you have a role that facilitates such an activity. Twilight is the time between the hammer and the moderator's flip.
11) You may not talk during the night unless you have a role that facilitates such an activity.
12) You may not speak to anyone else about the game through private or public methods of communication unless you have a role that facilitates such an activity.
13) You may not edit your posts. Use edits by way of post if you must.
14) You may no-lynch TWICE throughout the game. Any further no-lynches will result in a universal loss.
15) Should a situation arise where no faction is able to win, the result will be a universal loss.
16) You may make one post that does not contain any game related information after dying within 24 hours of your death. This is the only exception that will allow you to talk while dead.

4) Fabloo
9) Yaersulf
15) PX

0) Dormio - Yunica Tovah, the Holy Knight of Ys died 700 years ago during N0.
0) Conqueror - White Cat, the Thief of Balduq was caught trying to sneak in during N0.
3) meow56 - Dogi, Traveler of the World was removed from the game during D1.
7) zwerdjib - Karna, the Hunter of Comodo left the game to indulge in the buffet during N1.
11) NucleusWaffles - Adol Christin, Hero of the World was removed from the game during D2.
14) NekoNekoRex - Olha, the Priestess of Redha returned to her village with Isha during N2.
2) Tom - Cruxie, the Huntress of Segram left to release some stress during N3.
8) Serela - Geis, the Dark Mercenary was removed from the game during D4.
13) Daiya - Maya, the Orphan of Altago was removed from the game during D5.
12) BigBangMeteor - Mishera, the Eldress of Kylos was eliminated during N5.
6) Bardiche banana spritzee - ????????, ???????? was modkilled.
1) Polaris sb - Aisha Sari Edonas, the Princess of Altago was removed from the game during D6.
5) raikaria - Lilia, the Descendant of Hadal, left to continue chasing after Adol during N6.
10) Disquieted - Leeza, the Disciple of Eldeel, was removed from the game during D7.

Start of Day 1
Start of Night 1
Start of Day 2
Start of Night 2
Start of Day 3
Start of Night 3
Start of Day 4
Start of Night 4
Start of Day 5
Start of Night 5
Start of Day 6
Start of Night 6
Start of Day 7
Game Over!

Quote from: Sample Role PM
Welcome, Dormio, to Ys Mafia!
You are Yunica Tovah, the Holy Knight of Ys

Yunica Tovah, reporting for duty! Not that there's much to do in heaven. Apparently, the world is at peace now. This is great, now you can spend more time with the Goddesses, since they don't have to descend from the heavens to sav... Wait! What do you mean they've gone down to Ys again?!

In addition to your ability to post in thread and vote, you have the following abilities:
  • Reckless Charge: Your tendency to act first and think later has gotten you into trouble on more than one occasion. What this means for you, however, is that your actions will always resolve first.
  • Magically Oblivious: You have absolutely no aptitude for magic. None. Not even a little bit. As a result of this, you've spent much of your life developing strategies to counter any magic users. That is to say, you've grown strong enough that nobody is able to stop you from performing any action with (or without) magic once you've set your mind on it.
  • Feena's Friend: As somebody who has befriended the Goddesses, you naturally know who they are and what they are doing at all times.
  • Reah's Friend: As somebody who has befriended the Goddesses, you naturally know who they are and what they are doing at all times.
  • Guardian of the Goddesses: As the Holy Knight of Ys, it is your duty to ensure that no harm ever befalls either of the Goddesses. Every night, you may strike down a target of your choice to remove them from the game.

You win as long as the Goddesses remain alive when the game ends. Best of luck!

Quote from: Sample Role PM
Welcome, Conqueror, to Ys Mafia!
You are White Cat, the Thief of Balduq

You're glad that life is improving for all, you no longer have to rely on their theiving skills to make ends meet for the poor and can instead focus on improving your performances. Yep. That's all you're doing. You're definitely not interested in this meeting of people from all around the world. And you're definitely not planning to sneak a glance at the Goddesses, who have supposedly shown up at this meeting. Curiousity killed the cat, after all...

In addition to your ability to post in thread and vote, you have the following abilities:
  • Superstar: Your performances are always the center of attention. Your performances are always spectacular. Your performances are always an excellent distraction. Every night, you will prevent SIX people from performing any actions. You may target up to TWO people with this ability, and the remainder of the players will be randomly selected.
  • Master Thief: You have a tendency to always be in the right place at the right time and nobody else can ever quite manage to pinpoint where you are. As a result of this, every investigative action performed on you will fail and every other action performed on you has a FIFTY percent chance of failing.

You win as long as you remain alive when any faction achieves their win condition. Best of luck!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 06:45:44 AM by Dormio Ergo Sum »

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 09:44:19 AM »
Role PMs are currently being sent out!
Please confirm in thread when you have received your role PM.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 10:00:41 AM »
By the way, I'd like to say that this 30 second limitation on posts and PMs really sucks.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2020, 10:03:21 AM »
"You have exceeded the limit of 10 personal messages per hour."



  • iSuck
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2020, 10:20:26 AM »
Luckily, I had e-mail notifications on. Can confirm I've received my role PM at this time, and RIP Durrmio.

Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2020, 10:34:31 AM »
I can confirm that I got my PM. I've also been told that it's a good idea to do something called "claiming scum". Is this some kind of high level strategy?


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2020, 10:41:39 AM »
I confirm.


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2020, 11:06:36 AM »
This'll do
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2020, 11:17:27 AM »
I confirm I have the fantastical ability to post in thread and vote.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2020, 11:21:51 AM »
Be at peace my children, for I have blessed you with my presence


  • iSuck
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2020, 12:47:39 PM »
I confirm I have the fantastical ability to post in thread and vote.

Gods, I'd kill to play in a Mafia game where I couldn't post in the thread.


  • This feels familiar...
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2020, 01:13:42 PM »
I confirm.


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2020, 01:24:19 PM »



  • danse macabre
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2020, 01:35:05 PM »


Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2020, 04:42:45 PM »


Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2020, 06:36:08 PM »


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2020, 07:19:47 PM »
Gods, I'd kill to play in a Mafia game where I couldn't post in the thread.

Just because you have the ability dosen't mean you need to use it Bard.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Wait, it's Mafia Time?
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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2020, 07:35:39 PM »
oh god can i go back to bed


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Confirmations)
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2020, 01:35:44 AM »
Confirming, lets do this~!

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2020, 01:55:26 AM »
The First Day of Ys Mafia has begun!

Polaris (0):
Tom (0):
meow56 (0):
Fabloo (0):
raikaria (0):
Bardiche (0):
zwerdjib (0):
Serela (0):
Yaersulf (0):
Disquieted (0):
NucleusWaffles (0):
BigBangMeteor (0):
Daiya (0):
NekoNekoRex (0):
PX (0):

With 15 players alive, it takes 8 to lynch!
Not voting: Polaris, Tom, meow56, Fabloo, raikaria, Bardiche, zwerdjib, Serela, Yaersulf, Disquieted, NucleusWaffles, BigBangMeteor, Daiya, NekoNekoRex, PX

Time until day phase ends: [ Expired ]
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 07:57:12 AM by Dormio Ergo Sum »


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Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2020, 02:01:07 AM »
##Vote: PX

I wonder if PX has improved on his mafia strategy of doing nothing and then ragequitting in the last year or so since I've seen him
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • The rain falls down on last year's man.
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2020, 02:21:48 AM »
##Vote: NuculeusWaffles

I don't know you.


  • This feels familiar...
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2020, 02:35:21 AM »
##Vote: Daiya

For putting a period, but not capitalizing.


  • ***
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2020, 02:39:34 AM »
New to mafia, why are we lynching on day 1?  Like we don't know anything about anyone and no night kills have happened?


  • The Professor
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2020, 02:48:19 AM »
Well if we don't lynch on D1 we essentially just grant the mafia a free kill tonight and aren't in that much of a better position for our D2 lynch unless we get an investigative result. The odds of hitting scum on D1 are generally not good but if we do we have a very good chance of winning, and even if we don't, the interactions from lynching someone improve our chances of hitting scum on D2 by a lot.

##Vote: PX


  • ***
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2020, 03:07:42 AM »
I think I get it, though we might lose a town vote.  I thought we were given the no-lynch day in the rules for day one.


  • The rain falls down on last year's man.
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2020, 03:09:51 AM »
I think I get it, though we might lose a town vote.  I thought we were given the no-lynch day in the rules for day one.

Explain why you mean by town vote.


  • ***
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2020, 03:11:40 AM »
Like town will lose influence if we mislynch.


  • The rain falls down on last year's man.
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2020, 03:12:57 AM »
That's a very cautious take on things. You're half-right actually despite your inexperience.


  • ***
Re: Ys Mafia (Current Phase: Day One)
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2020, 03:15:52 AM »
Like we're going to be down a vote anyways because of the unavoidable nightkill, so why be down 2?  Guessing at random we're pretty much guaranteed to miss, judging from the last Mafia game as there's way less mafia than town.