Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 315408 times)

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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #150 on: July 08, 2021, 09:37:13 AM »
>Whisper to the fairies, "There is someone here."

>The fairies become imperceptibly more alert.
>"Mother, did you really need visit the Seamstress' shop at night? A Youkai might attack us!" Worm is also looking around panicked, but this is just her excuse to scout around.
>"Eh, I'm more worried about bugs, we're near the Florist's so they might annoy us. And besides, the Human Village has been safe for a long time, there's no way a Youkai would attack us here, at night, with no witnesses. That would be terrible!" Apple being very... Subtle with her bait.
"Are you taunting me?"
>If we see a moth try to discreetly ask it about the stranger

>If there are no moths
->Discreetly create a familiar and have it fly up and locate the person for us.

>You unfortunately don't see any moths so...
>If there are no moths, create your own. You discreetly create a familiar near your head, you, Apple and Worm wave it away as if it were an unwanted pest.
>The moth scouts around the area.

>It spots someone, so you shift your perspective to it. Looking through its eyes.
>You almost wish you didn't.

>You see a girl with red eyes, black hair and a single white highlight, with multiple red highlights in them. Her hair reaches down to her shoulders. She has two small, light blue horns, and she wears a white dress that ends in gray, red, and black spade patterns.
>You Recognize her as the Infamous Criminal Rebel Seija Kijin.
>Your familiar is above her and she doesn't seem to have realised she's being spied on. Ironic, considering it looks like she's spying on your party right now.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #151 on: July 08, 2021, 11:04:46 AM »
>Where is Seija, an alley, on a roof?

>Can we summon moths near the spying moth?

>What are the pros and cons of challenging Seija to a spellcard duels vs capturing her?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #152 on: July 08, 2021, 11:22:10 AM »
>Where is Seija, an alley, on a roof?

>A roof, this explains why it took you a while to find her. Flying would've blown your cover.

>Can we summon moths near the spying moth?


>What are the pros and cons of challenging Seija to a spellcard duels vs capturing her?
"Maybe I should just attack them now."
>A Spell Card Duel would allow you to put stipulations in place, and the Spell Card Rules prevent any major damage to anyone present.
>But you don't think an Intrinsic Contrarian with a history of cheating would follow the regular rules.
>Just capturing her would nip this in the bud, might even be easier considering you would have the jump on her.
>But you don't know how she would react, what tools she has. What if she somehow has something that would ruin your capture?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #153 on: July 09, 2021, 01:37:34 AM »
>Summon another familiar near the first

>"It is your father's birthday tomorrow."
>Put a finger to our chin while seeming to think

>"Why don't you two head back home, buy something for supper."
>"But don't follow any moths.  They lead a girl to trouble."
>"I'll wait for the seamstress to come out with his gift."

>Watch through the familiar to how Sieja reacts to the conversation

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #154 on: July 09, 2021, 09:41:12 AM »
>Summon another familiar near the first

>"It is your father's birthday tomorrow."
>Put a finger to our chin while seeming to think

>"Why don't you two head back home, buy something for supper."
>"But don't follow any moths.  They lead a girl to trouble."
>"I'll wait for the seamstress to come out with his gift."

>Your children try to understand the situation.
>"Alright then, Mother. Be safe."
>"I hope dad gets an awesome gift!"
>And so they walk in the direction of 'Home', but they're actually hiding at a decently far location.
>They're very keen on Patrolling, but maybe it's because they don't want you to get hurt. Almost makes you proud.

>Watch through the familiar to how Seija reacts to the conversation
"The children are gone, should I attack her now?"
>Seija doesn't seem to react other than-
>Okay, she definitely looks like she's getting ready to pounce on you.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #155 on: July 09, 2021, 10:05:50 AM »
>You can do this.  Apple and Worm are nearby.

>"She's running late."

>Turn towards the seamstress' shop
>Prepare to be attacked

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #156 on: July 09, 2021, 10:43:36 AM »
>You can do this.  Apple and Worm are nearby.

>"She's running late."

>Turn towards the seamstress' shop
>Prepare to be attacked
"There's the opening!"
>As you turn towards the Seamstress' Shop you get a wide feeling of pain, as if you were hit with a blunt object, and stagger backwards.
>"Damn it, missed the head. Hey you! If you give up now I'll maybe just interrogate you!" You don't think you can trust her.
>As you turn to her you see the tool responsible for the pain, a colourful yellow mallet with a green and red pattern.
>The Youkai-Silk Robe blocked most of it, but it still hurts. You can deal with the pain though, good thing you were prepared.
>Worm and Apple are still watching from afar, probably waiting for a signal before rushing in.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #157 on: July 10, 2021, 12:37:36 AM »
>Summon more familiars

>"Whatever I have to do so my daughters can come . . ."

>Have some of our familiars bite Seija to keep her distracted
>Spit silk in the youkai's face
>The other familiars should spit out silk on top of Seija
>Try to tie Seija with the loose strands

>As we're tying have the familiars that silked the outlaw try wrapping her

//I want the moths to hurt her and not seriously injure her.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2021, 02:13:29 AM by Philosopher »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #158 on: July 10, 2021, 09:14:15 AM »
>Summon more familiars

>"Whatever I have to do so my daughters can come . . ."

>"You sure care about your children a lot. A bit weird coming from- wait those bugs are-?!"

>Have some of our familiars bite Seija to keep her distracted
>Spit silk in the youkai's face
>The other familiars should spit out silk on top of Seija
>Try to tie Seija with the loose strands

>Some of your familiars swarm around Seija, all biting her. She is distracted, and her face is contorted, this must be uncomfortable at least.
>You take the opportunity and spit some silk into the Amanojaku's face.
>"Oh, come on!" She's seriously annoyed.
>You get your remaining familiars to follow your lead, delivering silk all over her.
>And then you try to tie Seija, but she immediately jumps back when you approach. She looks more wary now.

>As we're tying have the familiars that silked the outlaw try wrapping her

//I want the moths to hurt her and not seriously injure her.

>This is still possible, as the familiars attempt to wrap Seija in more fabric she gets tied. But the Youkai seems to have had enough.
>"Okay! I didn't want to use it this early but..." Seija starts shuffling around, her hands are impeded by your silk however.
>To your shock, she explodes!

>Once the light and sounds from the explosion wear off you check the surroundings fervently, thankfully you weren't caught in it. And no damage was done to the buildings.
>You look at the origin of the explosion, logically either Seija or ashes should be there, but instead you see a Jizo Statue!?
>You turn to the taunt and see Seija flying above you.
>"You're definitely not a regular human! They don't spit silk and control bugs as far as I know. Gross, by the way! And you made me use two of my items! I'm ending this!"
>With that, she fires a wave of red and blue danmaku at you. One thing you've noticed is that she's trying to avoid collateral damage, all the danmaku is aimed directly at you, and that makes it easy to dodge.
>It seems that the explosion didn't get rid of the silk, she has trouble flying with any speed. If she decides to run she won't get very far.

>Worm and Apple are still watching with faces of distraught. Frankly you're surprised they didn't rush in when the explosion happened.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #159 on: July 10, 2021, 10:15:10 AM »
>Would Danmaku destroy or weaken the silk on Seija?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #160 on: July 10, 2021, 12:32:19 PM »
>Would Danmaku destroy or weaken the silk on Seija?

>You think of what could damage the Silk, and remember what Kawa said.

Quote from: Kawa
"Silk loses some of its strength when wet."

>She said nothing about danmaku. So only water-based danmaku would do something. That's what you think, anyway. Raw force might break it.
>Your guess is no.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #161 on: July 10, 2021, 07:12:31 PM »
>"Coming from the infamous outlaw, that's quite the compliment."

>Fire danmaku back at the outlaw but make the danmaku large, sloppy, and slow moving
>Make it seem like we're using the swarm of moths as a smokescreen with our familiars moving out of the way of the danmaku
->Have a couple of familiars use the danmaku shots to hide themselves from Seija as they fly with the danmaku

>"It doesn't seem that strange when you consider everyone has a special ability."

>The moths that are near Seija should try to find if she has any more items
>Have a moth fly to Apple and Worm

>Are we feeling tired or hungry?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #162 on: July 11, 2021, 01:24:53 PM »
>"Coming from the infamous outlaw, that's quite the compliment."

>Fire danmaku back at the outlaw but make the danmaku large, sloppy, and slow moving
>Make it seem like we're using the swarm of moths as a smokescreen with our familiars moving out of the way of the danmaku
->Have a couple of familiars use the danmaku shots to hide themselves from Seija as they fly with the danmaku

>"It doesn't seem that strange when you consider everyone has a special ability."

>"Well, would you say that the Shrine Maidens and the Witch are normal people?" You've heard of the Shrine Maidens, Reimu Hakurei and Sanae Kochiya, but not the Witch. It would be difficult to call them normal per se.
>Seija dodges your danmaku easily, even with her reduced speed. She must have experience, she is still wary of her surroundings.
>She seems to be learning and shoots the Moths in front of her with fast moving arrow-shaped bullets. before looking around.

>The moths that are near Seija should try to find if she has any more items
>Have a moth fly to Apple and Worm

>Are we feeling tired or hungry?

>You get the Moths to take a closer look and once again split your vision between them.
>Seija has a Red-White Ying-Yang Orb in a hand behind her, and after a closer look you see that blasted mallet she used before in her pocket. No bombs or whatever that Jizo Statue was, though.
>This is all you can parse before she clues in to what you're doing and shoots most of the moths near her. That probably won't work again.
>"You're a fan of spying and deceit, huh?" she smiles and declares a Spell Card: Reverse Sign "Danmaku Through the Looking Glass"
>You feel your perspective and balance change in someway. It feels weird.
>Before you investigate this feeling, purple danmaku starts approaching you from your east, west and north! They should spread before they get close.

>Meanwhile, you sent a moth over to Apple and Worm's position.
>They look at it curiously before opening their mouths. And this is when you realise you can't hear through your familiars.
>But from their body language they're probably wondering if this is the sign to jump in.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #163 on: July 11, 2021, 05:13:50 PM »
>Have the moth near Apple and Worm flutter left and right
>Summon more moths near the fairies and construct a net.

>Split our vision with moths above us
>Head south
>If we head North then commit and try and dodge and weave around the danmaku

>If we get hit unsummon a quarter of our moth swarm

>What spellcards do we have?

//Very well done.  I can see why Seija is wanted and still on the run from this.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 05:21:52 PM by Philosopher »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #164 on: July 11, 2021, 11:58:43 PM »
#Sorry everyone, preoccupied with the UEFA Finals.
>Have the moth near Apple and Worm flutter left and right
>Summon more moths near the fairies and construct a net.

>They look at the net, then at each other and nod. They both grab an end of the net and attempt to manoeuvre into a blind-spot Seija may have.

>Split our vision with moths above us
>Head south
>If we head North then commit and try and dodge and weave around the danmaku

>If we get hit unsummon a quarter of our moth swarm

>As you move south you esilaer s'tahw gnorw...
!gnisufnoc gnitteg si sihT !tsaE si tseW dna tseW si tsaE !gnignahc si ecnalab ruoY<
.evoba shtom eht htiw noisiv ruoy tilpS ot hguone gnol sucof ruoy peek uoY<

>Part of your vision is covered in purple danmaku, somehow your familiars are surviving like they're in the Eye of the Storm despite the circumstances.
>Wait, your perspective is shifted but not your familiars'? You can only presume that Seija's ability doesn't extend to people's options, slaves or familiars. Convenient for you!
>Thankfully North and South are still the same, so you move South where the bullet density is less harrowing.
>They're still closing in on you, but you have some more time to do something.

>What spellcards do we have?

//Very well done.  I can see why Seija is wanted and still on the run from this.
#Thanks, I was worried about writing an action scene, especially with how hectic and hard-to-describe Danmaku Battles can get.
>You did make some Spell Cards. You never used them because no-one challenged you and vice-versa
Spell Cards:
Instinct "Transverse Orientation"
Description: You throw your lamp forwards and summon Moth-shaped danmaku from the edges of the 'screen'. The Moths are attracted to the Lamp and the enemy has to dodge danmaku from all angles relative to the Lamp's position, giving a swarming feeling. The Lamp moves around throughout the Spell Card. (Required Slave: Lamp)

Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon"
Description: You create a 'Cocoon' of danmaku around you, protecting you while shooting fast moving lasers from your position. Shortly afterwards, the cocoon explodes, sending bullets in every direction and making you vulnerable for a moment, this repeats. The enemy has to deal with oppressive, fast moving bullets.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 12:01:12 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #165 on: July 12, 2021, 12:23:15 AM »
>Move close to one of the buildings.
>Try to find a pattern and a path through danmaku

>If we see the pattern weave through the danmaku
>Otherwise scramble up on the roof of the building

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #166 on: July 12, 2021, 01:22:38 AM »
>Move close to one of the buildings.
>Try to find a pattern and a path through danmaku

>You attempt to move close to one of the buildings, the multiple perspectives make this a bit troubling, but ultimately possible. And you move close to the Florist's Shop.
>You try to analyse the Spell Card for a pattern and a weakness. Your multiple perspectives actually help this time, you can see the Spell Card from the inside and out from a myriad of angles, making finding a pattern and weakness a trifle.

>Reverse Sign "Danmaku Through The Looking Glass" also known as Reverse Sign "Evil in the Mirror"
>>The Spell Card forces a perspective flip due to Seija's ability, switching East and West. Purple Danmaku is spawned from the edges of the 'screen' except from the South and falls down. The danmaku is unfocused and moves completely naturally, without the user influencing its qualities, this means the pattern is semi-random, prone to leaving parts where the danmaku is less dense and has gaps you can easily dodge through. The main gimmick of the card seems to be forcing the opponent to make a mistake and dodge in the wrong direction, rather than directly smothering the opponent in bullets or forcing a specific strategy. As long as you keep your wits, follow your dodging instincts, and remember that East and West are switched, this should be easy.

>If we see the pattern weave through the danmaku

>After your thorough analysis, you weave through the danmaku. Following your instincts, keeping an eye out for any easy gaps, and keeping in mind that your perspective is shifted. Figuring out a Spell Card's pattern and weaknesses then weaving through it is actually a bit fun! Is this one of the allures of Spell Card Duels?
>After a while, Seija's focus slips, and the Spell Card drops, causing all of the danmaku around you to disappear. Your perspective also goes back to normal, this is much more comfortable.
>"Huh, you timed it out instead of capturing? Too chicken to actually shoot me?" You can already see why she's unpleasant, you can take smugness from Apple but for some reason Seija's flavour of it irritates you.
>While she's sayiing this, you notice Apple and Worm on a Rooftop behind Seija, they look at you and make a questioning nod. Probably asking if they should go for a capture...A literal one, that is.
#I wish there was a Grimoire of Marisa for the later Spell Cards in the series.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #167 on: July 12, 2021, 01:47:03 AM »
>"Let's see if this works."
>Send our swarm of moths at Seija

>Try to have some of the moths fire danmaku a couple of times
>Have the rest eat Seija's danmaku

>Give a nod
>"You're too good at dodging to hit from afar."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #168 on: July 12, 2021, 02:19:05 AM »
>"Let's see if this works."
>Send our swarm of moths at Seija

>Try to have some of the moths fire danmaku a couple of times
>Have the rest eat Seija's danmaku

>You send a swarm of moths at Seija. She immediately tries to shoot them down, but it seems like most of her power is sapped.
>One group of moths neatly dodge the danmaku and shoot their own at Seija. It looks like a laser of silk, an interesting shot option.
>The other group side-step the bullets then attempt to eat them.
>It tastes... Bitter, and unpleasant. Like burnt food. It's entirely possible to eat the danmaku and neither you nor the moths are adversely affected, but it seriously ruins your appetite (-500 Hunger)

>Give a nod
>"You're too good at dodging to hit from afar."

>Seija exerts some effort to dodge your barrage, then frowns, at a compliment? "Okay, now it feels like you're brown-nosing." Is she so contrarian that she refuses to be happy at a compliment?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #169 on: July 12, 2021, 03:09:46 AM »
>"Is there anything you aren't contrarian about?"

>Fire danmaku as Seija

>Tell our moth swarm to fire a wave of danmaku at Seija

>Have the moths near Apple and Worm tug on their clothes in the direction of Seija

>Direct our moth swarm to act as if they are probing the outlaw's defenses to distract Seija from the fairies.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #170 on: July 12, 2021, 09:19:12 AM »
>"Is there anything you aren't contrarian about?"

>Fire danmaku as Seija

>Tell our moth swarm to fire a wave of danmaku at Seija

>You fire bullets from your position directly at Seija and then combine your assault with a wave from your familiar swarm.
>Seija seems to be on the backfoot. Instead of shooting at the familiars she puts her full focus into dodging.

>Have the moths near Apple and Worm tug on their clothes in the direction of Seija

>Direct our moth swarm to act as if they are probing the outlaw's defenses to distract Seija from the fairies.

>The fairies take a deep breath and approach Seija from behind.
>Seija is harassed by bullets and moths, she's genuinely on the backfoot here. She has her full attention occupied by dodging.
>Worm and Apple go as fast as they possibly can while holding the net, trying to keep a low profile while dodging your bullets and making sure the net isn't damaged.
>This effort culminates in them getting right behind Seija and throwing the net over her while she's in the air.

>"Wha-" Your children continue their efforts, performing aerial manoeuvres to fully tie and trap Seija in the net. This causes her to fall to the ground.
>The duo float down to her, and Seija takes a closer look. "Wait, you two are fairies? Woman, You're definitely not human! Humans don't hate fairies but I don't think they would adopt any! Whatever, questions for later."
>She tries her best to move but the fairies pin her down, with her reduced strength and the net impeding her, she doesn't move a lot. Until she disappears.
>You're getting sick of her disappearing acts and immediately look behind you where-
>Seija is right in front of you holding that damned mallet up! is this a last gambit? She's moving relatively slow and your instincts are fast enough for you to counter before she swings.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #171 on: July 12, 2021, 02:33:20 PM »
>Tackle Seija and try to pin her

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #172 on: July 12, 2021, 03:09:35 PM »
>Tackle Seija and try to pin her

>You pounce onto Seija before she swings, launching the two of you onto the ground and the mallet out of her hand from the impact.
>You attempt to pin her, she struggles and squirms underneath you, but you're bigger than her and managed to keep most of your strength throughout this fight.
>She realises the futility in fighting back and stays still underneath you. Worm and Apple approach the two of you.

>"Mother! Are you okay?!" Worm shows genuine concern but manages to keep the act up.
>Apple however, she's shaking like she was emotionally disturbed. "I almost thought this Youkai was going to kill you! Good thing I stayed back until now."
>Seija has some choice words. "Okay, okay, you captured the 'bad guy' and had your chummy reunion. But I have some questions."
>"We're not obligated to answer them." Worm shuts it down, she has a point.
>But Seija persists. "Why did you two decide to get adopted? And what kind of Youkai is this Interloper?" How rich, the word 'Interloper' coming from Seija.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #173 on: July 12, 2021, 04:11:17 PM »
>"I'm okay.  Good job."

>Send our moths to cocoon Seija's items

>"We can talk later, Seija."
>"Apple, Worm, could you please check her for any more items?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #174 on: July 12, 2021, 08:24:50 PM »
>"I'm okay.  Good job."

>Send our moths to cocoon Seija's items

>"Thank goodness!" Apple almost hugs you, but realises you're stilling pinning Seija.
>You send your moths to the Mallet and they make a thick Cocoon around it, she's not getting that back without some boiling water or your permission.

>"We can talk later, Seija."
>"Apple, Worm, could you please check her for any more items?"

>Seija pouts "...Fine."
>Worm and Apple do a full body check up on Seija, it's a bit awkward due to her position but they find that Red-White Ying-Yang Orb and take it out.
>"Huh, kind of looks like something the Hakurei Shrine Maiden would use."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #175 on: July 12, 2021, 08:51:26 PM »
>Have our moths cocoon the Red-White Ying-Yang Orb, the Jinzo statue and Seija's hands

>Help Seija up and bind her wrists

>"Weird, you would think only a priest or miko could use it."

>"Could one of you look at the map for a jail and could one of retrieve Seija's items?"

>Watch Seija for any trickery

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #176 on: July 12, 2021, 09:13:55 PM »
>Have our moths cocoon the Red-White Ying-Yang Orb, the Jizo statue and Seija's hands

>You continue your safe-proofing. The Ying-Yang Orb, that Jizo Statue and Seija's hands are covered in a cocoon of silk.

>Help Seija up and bind her wrists

>"Weird, you would think only a priest or miko could use it."

>"Could one of you look at the map for a jail and could one of retrieve Seija's items?"

>You get up and help Seija while binding her wrists, this should limit her actions.
>"Yeah, where did Seija even get this? I doubt the Shrine Maiden would let someone get away with stealing one of her Options." Apple ruminates.

>Worm gets the map, while Apple grabs the Cocooned items off the ground.
>"Huh? According to the map, the jail is in the same place as the Hieda Mansion. That doesn't sound right, but it's the only place that's shown as a jail here, let's go."

>Watch Seija for any trickery

>You watch Seija carefully.
>She seems to be looking at her surroundings, probably for an escape route or something to flip for a distraction. She definitely won't be escaping though, not in this circumstance.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #177 on: July 12, 2021, 09:26:04 PM »

>Head to the Mansion
>Watch Seija

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #178 on: July 12, 2021, 11:31:28 PM »

>Head to the Mansion
>Watch Seija

>Your party head to the mansion with Seija in tow.
>Worm is in front because she's holding the map, Apple stays next to you while you're leading Seija.
>Seija seems to have given up on an escape for now, she isn't looking around.

>You make it near the Hieda House and see Aizawa "Oh it's you, how did-" He notices your hostage and his eyes go wide. "...Let's report this to the Child of Miare immediately."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #179 on: July 12, 2021, 11:56:24 PM »
>"Please lead the way."
>follow Aizawa

>On the way say, "We saw Seija teleport multiple times."
>"She seemed to use her items to do that."