> "Iris, you're watching, aren't you? Mind clarifying?"
> On cue Iris hops in through an open window!
> "You ask and you shall receive~!" she announces while waddling around Akyuu's office desk.
> The doll bursts "The mayor absolutely, completely, one hundred and twenty percent indisputably is right! That's not just unquestionable, that's positively certain plus twenty percent!". As the doll walks around with nonchalance it steps over various devices causing colorful lights to appear below it.
> Akyuu seems to mutter "
Someone got a dictionary for their birthday..." as music seems to fill the room out of nowhere. (
The Grimoire of Alice)
> Standing on the window frame the doll complements "Untouched Score Volume two? A classic! Ever thought of doing a collab show with the puppeteer? This would be right up her alley!"
> With that out of the way, the doll hops outside as quick as it arrived!