Author Topic: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)  (Read 45065 times)

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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #270 on: July 15, 2024, 06:06:09 PM »
> First the wrists, then the heart and now the neck. What other fatal spots could she hit next? Assuming she won't attack in the same spot again.

> Maintain our guard up and keep our eyes on Youmu.

>You stare at Youmu. She's completely still, not even twitching. It's actually a strange amount of focus to have while completely still.

> Perhaps she decides to dual wield to guard or hit two points at once?
> Does Youmu have another blade sheathed?
> Can we summon a second blade? (Like a magical copy of the Sword of Hisou)

>Yes, she has her Hakurouken sheathed and has hasn't pulled it out once. Probably because she thinks she won't have to.
>No, you cannot summon a magical copy of the Sword of Hisou, how you wish you could. You can, however, create a blade-shaped keystone to wield. It's just a bit of stonemasonry.
    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi




    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #271 on: July 16, 2024, 02:25:59 PM »
> Let's show our mentor what we've learned and aim for the vital points! In our own way of course...

> Open with some light danmaku to give her something to think about while we change stance to enhance our speed. Make a spinning dash forward, and while our sword is obscured from her view dispel the Sword of Hisou and replace it with a keystone sword, using it's added weight to power through her instinctual block and knock her off balance.
> Try to be ready for a followup move after striking or if our swords get caught in another bind.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2024, 02:30:14 PM by Tom »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #272 on: July 17, 2024, 04:21:53 AM »
> Could we theoretically throw our Sword of Hisou at an opponent, summon it back, throw it again and repeat the same process to form a pseudo-danmaku?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #273 on: July 18, 2024, 05:39:08 PM »
> Let's show our mentor what we've learned and aim for the vital points! In our own way of course...

> Open with some light danmaku to give her something to think about while we change stance to enhance our speed. Make a spinning dash forward, and while our sword is obscured from her view dispel the Sword of Hisou and replace it with a keystone sword, using it's added weight to power through her instinctual block and knock her off balance.
> Try to be ready for a followup move after striking or if our swords get caught in another bind.

>You raise your hand and shoot a light curtain of slow bullets, made with Scarlet Energy, to distract Youmu.
>She responds by staying still and deflecting any bullets that come close to her.
>You advance forward through the curtain and spin with a flourish, replacing your Sword of Hisou with a Keystone-made blade.
>The sharp slab of black granite flies towards Youmu's neck, but she reorients herself in the bullet curtain (an impressive feat considering she's only moving on the ground) and puts all her force into deflecting.
>Youmu's Roukanken slices straight through your blade, destroying it. Thankfully Keystones are disposable, and this forced Youmu to focus on attacking your sword rather than your body.
>As a result, you're right in front of Youmu. You quickly follow up by summoning the Sword of Hisou in your off-hand and throwing a diagonal cut at Youmu's elbow.
>She finally unsheathes her Hakurouken and deflects your Sword of Hisou before distancing herself. She has to do so while dodging lingering danmaku, and so doesn't get far.

> Could we theoretically throw our Sword of Hisou at an opponent, summon it back, throw it again and repeat the same process to form a pseudo-danmaku?

>Yes, absolutely. You remember doing this at the Scarlet Weather Incident and the Perfect Possession Incident. It's really fun!
    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi




    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku


  • *
Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #274 on: July 18, 2024, 06:43:30 PM »
// Ahh, by "being ready for a followup attack" I meant ending the move there for instructions on the next turn without resummoning the Sword of Hisou.

> Dispel the Sword of Hisou and summon two keystone swords, one in each hand. Before she has any chance to recompose herself charge forward, using our 'blades' not to attack but to parry her counterattack by 'sweeping' her blades out of the way. Get as close as possible and if we can make an opening use our strength and attempt to grab her with our arms behind her back.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #275 on: July 22, 2024, 08:56:02 AM »
> Dispel the Sword of Hisou and summon two keystone swords, one in each hand. Before she has any chance to recompose herself charge forward, using our 'blades' not to attack but to parry her counterattack by 'sweeping' her blades out of the way. Get as close as possible and if we can make an opening use our strength and attempt to grab her with our arms behind her back.

>You rush forward, dispelling the Sword of Hisou and immediately shaping two Keystone swords, one for each hand.
>Youmu tightens her grip on Roukanken and Hakurouken. You aim for her swords, putting her on the defensive, she backsteps and uses off-line movement as long as she can.
>This is actually a bit difficult. Everytime you get close, she lurches backwards as if she was saving energy and speed for that moment. You need to make her stumble or something, or you aren't going to catch her.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #276 on: July 22, 2024, 09:37:01 AM »
> Noticing the pattern of her dashing backwards the moment we get close summon a small keystone in her expected path before trying again. Surely Youmu can't see behind her back!?
> Keep up the pressure with our keystone swords, parrying any hits cominf our way without aggressively going for a strike.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #277 on: July 22, 2024, 04:14:20 PM »
> Noticing the pattern of her dashing backwards the moment we get close summon a small keystone in her expected path before trying again. Surely Youmu can't see behind her back!?
> Keep up the pressure with our keystone swords, parrying any hits cominf our way without aggressively going for a strike.

> Try to box her in by launching increasing and different sprays of larger ring bullets  both coming from the small keystone and the space separating the 2 of us, adjusting them. to Youmu backward movements and successive responses.

> Look ready to capitalize on a moment of lull,pause,opening or stumbling to throw the Sword of Hisou at her least defense-ready side.

> Be ready, while closing-up for the close-up engagement,  to reinforce the counterattack by launching-thrusting 1 of the Keystone-Blade, off-hand or main-hand and quickly ,  depending which side Youmu's stance and  footing is more harried, by quickly replacing it the Sword of Hisou and quickly serving further striking-engagements pressuring/bypassing her guard and orientation.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 04:17:25 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


  • *
Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #278 on: July 22, 2024, 04:22:45 PM »
> Don't summon the Sword of Hisou, use a keystone sword // I'm saving it for a finishing strike that'll make Youmu (and Yuyuko...) proud.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #279 on: Yesterday at 12:11:13 PM »
> Noticing the pattern of her dashing backwards the moment we get close summon a small keystone in her expected path before trying again. Surely Youmu can't see behind her back!?
> Keep up the pressure with our keystone swords, parrying any hits cominf our way without aggressively going for a strike.

>You summon a small Keystone behind Youmu as she backsteps, she can't see it-
>But she does twist backwards in avoiding it. What is this girl?!
>You continue your pursuance of her.


> Try to box her in by launching increasing and different sprays of larger ring bullets  both coming from the small keystone and the space separating the 2 of us, adjusting them. to Youmu backward movements and successive responses.

> Look ready to capitalize on a moment of lull,pause,opening or stumbling to throw the Sword of Hisou at her least defense-ready side.

> Be ready, while closing-up for the close-up engagement,  to reinforce the counterattack by launching-thrusting 1 of the Keystone-Blade, off-hand or main-hand and quickly ,  depending which side Youmu's stance and  footing is more harried, by quickly replacing it the Sword of Hisou and quickly serving further striking-engagements pressuring/bypassing her guard and orientation.

>This fight has turned very agile. You're sure both you and Youmu have travelled around the entire Arena while clashing blades.
>You've summoned a lot of Keystones in an attempt to trip her, but she gracefully dodges every one of them, to your annoyance. And the ones she doesn't dodge get cut in half with a stroke of her blades.

>Eventually you decide to limit her movement.

>All of the Keystones that had been discarded and chopped suddenly shoot barrages of red bullets, encroaching on Youmu.
>She tries her best to dodge them, but you lunge forward with a thrust which she blocks.
>And that leaves her open to a slash from above with your other hand. Her other hand is low, and she can't bring it up fast enough.
>Your Keystone-Blade bops her in the chest, and she falls to the ground.

>"A sterling performance from Tenshi leads to Youmu suffering a hit to the chest!"

    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi




    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #280 on: Yesterday at 11:44:28 PM »
> Strike our most stylish pose to impress Yuyuko.
> What expression does everybody have on their face?

> After our pose, resume our combat position.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #281 on: Today at 04:56:26 PM »
> Use this quiet moment to check for any foreign weather-auras that our fight might've attracted the attention of.