Author Topic: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)  (Read 76613 times)

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In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« on: December 20, 2023, 05:57:55 PM »
>You are Tenshi Hinanai, The Celestial of The Aurora, The Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception or Non-Perception, and other grandiose titles both made by and given to you. Right now, you're on the way to the Shining Needle Castle to have a small (heh) meetup with Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Shion Yorigami, two friends you've made since that incident involving Urban Legends that lasted way too long.
>Shion is with you on this journey, both because you like being with her and vice-versa, but also because you're worried her bad luck might manifest unfavourably and cause her to miss this gathering.
>You can see the Shining Needle Castle from here and it's only a short flight away, but you still have time to take stock of some things.
#Okay, life was very difficult, but I hope that this can prove a good outlet and actually be consistent for a long period of time unlike the other one.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2023, 03:48:35 AM »
> Inventory
> Relationships beyond the immediately-relevant duo
> Is there any specific purpose to this meet-up?
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2023, 06:21:53 AM »
>Are we riding on a keystone? If so of what size.
>How much of a grandiose entrance can we make without stirring up conflict?
>Did we bring any gifts? We gotta have good courtesy.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2023, 06:51:18 AM »
> How infinite is our supply of peaches?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2023, 05:19:27 PM »
> Inventory

You decidde to take stock of your belongings...
"Tenshi's Inventory":
>Sword of Hisou: A Celestial artifact that chooses its wielder, in this case, you. It can Identify one's Spirit and manipulate weather phenomena utilising Spirit and Scarlet Energy. It can also morph into different shapes and is bonded to you so it's always on hand and convieniently takes practically no storage space. It can also Manipulate and seal a person's Spirit.

>Keystones: You have a near infinite supply of these. Only the Nai Clan (that you belong to) can manipulate Keystones, they're essentially large slabs of black granite wrapped in shimenawa rope. You use these in a variety of ways, as a platform for flying, as a shield, as bullets, as options, the sky is the limit as they say. You surprisingly haven't had to use their main purpose, supression of earthquakes over a long period of time, all that much.

>Heavenly Peaches: You're sick of these but you still keep them on you. These peaches are the only food in Heaven and over a long period of time of eating only them they give you superhuman endurance and strength. Eating one immediately gives you a huge surge of endurance and strength as well as healing most wounds. Ignoring that your hat continues to grow these things everytime they're plucked, you could quite easily go to your portion of Heaven and grab more, not that you would unless you were desperate.
> Relationships beyond the immediately-relevant duo

You also think back to some of your relationships, mostly with Gensokyo residents. Most of them aren't positive...
"Tenshi's Relationships":
>Iku Nagae, Oarfish of the Typhoon, A.K.A. Your glorified nanny: This woman is a servant of the Heavens and was told to watch over you in particular. You know she has your wellbeing in mind but you don't like how she butts into your business sometimes and ruins your fun. You still can't bring yourself to hate her, mostly because she is nice and polite when not chastising you which is rare but always good when it occurs.

>The Nai Clan, Your family, For better or for worse: Your family who ascended with you into Heaven after their servitude to the Nawi-no-Kami. Because they didn't have any of the training or rigour typical of a Celestial, they were ostracised by the rest of the Celestial community. Despite this, they adapted to the land well, at least, better than you did. You don't meet with them often anymore due to your delinquency reflecting badly on them, you just know that they're going to tell you to stop going to Earth and you don't want to hear that.

>Suika Ibuki, Oni of The Sprinkle, A.K.A.  Your forceful neighbour: Suika still has that slice of your Heaven from when she defeated you during the Scarlet Weather Incident. You would be a bit more upset or worried but the oni doesn't seem to do anything nefarious or scheming with that plot of land, she just holds parties that last really long and doesn't invite you, which you think might be her way of snubbing you. You give her your peaches sometimes to make some sake but you still get sick of the taste.

>Komachi Onozuka, Shinigami of The River Mist, A.K.A. Your partner in crime: A Shinigami that helped you break into a Hermit's Senkai and subsequently into Avici. Since then, you've had a decent relationship with her, chatting about whatever happened recently whenever she's on break (which is often), sending inquries to the Yama through her (which is rare) and having friendly spars for fun. Despite both of you liking each other a bit you two don't really go any further, probably due to the relationship between Celestials and Shinigami in general...

>Reimu Hakurei, Maiden of Kaisei, A.K.A. The Incident Resolution Specialist: You point out this relationship due to playing a part in saving her life when you and her were in Avici against an Oni. She may not like you due to the events surrounding the Scarlet Weather Incident, but she does know that you wouldn't try to endanger her again.

>Yukari Yakumo, Gap Hag of The Sunshower, A.K.A. Your (im)mortal enemy: This hag hates you specifically out of all Celestials, and the feeling is mutual. This may be due to your behaviour in the Scarlet Weather Incident, but she isn't going to be happy or nice whenever she sees you. Thankfully, you two have a untold truce: you don't mess with her, and she most likely won't mess with you.
> Is there any specific purpose to this meet-up?

>Not really. You three meetup decently often to talk about recent happenings, eat some food, and have fun. Very casual.

>Are we riding on a keystone? If so of what size.

>Yes you are riding a Keystone. It's about a "Medium Size", most people would describe it as a small boulder instead of a Keystone if it weren't for the unique shape and the shimenawa.

>How much of a grandiose entrance can we make without stirring up conflict?

>Pretty grandiose you would say. Any entrance you make is grandiose in your humble opinion, but when you want to make a show of it you drop down from the sky on a keystone, brandish your Sword of Hisou, and announce your entrance to all!
>Shinmyoumaru doesn't need this much pomp and grandeur because she already knows you well, but you have done it once and she didn't really seem that upset except for asking you to fix anything you broke. Which you complied with easily.

>Did we bring any gifts? We gotta have good courtesy.

>...No, you didn't. This is a big faux pas from you. If you were a bit more proud and arrogant you would say that you arriving would be a gift in and of itself, but you're not. Shinmyoumaru deserves something better.

> How infinite is our supply of peaches?

>Quite literally as big as the Heavens. These things grow all over the place and the Celestials don't really care if there are five or five-thousand of them. As long as you have access to Heaven, you have access to peaches.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2023, 11:52:55 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2023, 06:20:22 PM »
>Pluck two peaches from our hat.
>Turn to Shion and ask her if these could make a good gift.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2023, 04:24:47 AM »
> What gifts have we brought Shinmyoumaru in the past?
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2023, 04:48:05 PM »
>Pluck two peaches from our hat.
>Turn to Shion and ask her if these could make a good gift.

>You quickly pluck a couple of Heavenly Peaches and turn in Shion's direction to ask her if these would make a good gift.
>"Hmm... I-I don't think I'm a good judge on things like this since I'm excited for anything positive, especially food." There's Shion's somewhat negative attitude as always.
>"But I think these would be pretty good. Heavenly peaches are always rare here and you could always make different dishes out of them rather than just eating them raw. She might even be able to stretch these two over a long period of time what with how small she is!" Nice perspecti-
>"But haven't you already given her peaches before?" Ah, drat.
>"And she might get get wise to the fact that these are common to you." Well, that is a good point...

> What gifts have we brought Shinmyoumaru in the past?

>As mentioned by Shion, you have given Shinmyoumaru Heavenly Peaches before. You also let her borrow some Keystones for fun. You even gave her one of your hats once. You wonder how she even uses that stuff, but she seems happy to get it. Maybe she might want more?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2023, 09:07:12 PM »
>Have we ever tried to bring a lot of peaches? Shinmyoumaru can't be upset towards us if we bring enough peaches to feed all the Inchlings in the Shining Needle Castle for months or even years.
>Did Shion bring a gift herself? If so could we possibly steal half the credit for it?

Branneg Xy

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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2023, 09:29:37 PM »
>Have we ever tried to bring a lot of peaches? Shinmyoumaru can't be upset towards us if we bring enough peaches to feed all the Inchlings in the Shining Needle Castle for months or even years.
>Did Shion bring a gift herself? If so could we possibly steal half the credit for it?

> A gift such as a  " Offering a free and more abundant amount of Heavenly Peaches according to Shinmyoumaru's request" is good.

> Does Shion usually bring some kind of gits as well?

> If so, ask her about what she is bringing.
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2023, 03:32:59 PM »
>Have we ever tried to bring a lot of peaches? Shinmyoumaru can't be upset towards us if we bring enough peaches to feed all the Inchlings in the Shining Needle Castle for months or even years.

>No, you've only ever given her a couple. Enough for a day or so for herself. Bringing in a lot of peaches might make it more of a gift than just a couple. Let's just hope she doesn't get sick of them as fast as you did.

>Did Shion bring a gift herself? If so could we possibly steal half the credit for it?
> A gift such as a  " Offering a free and more abundant amount of Heavenly Peaches according to Shinmyoumaru's request" is good.

> Does Shion usually bring some kind of gits as well?

> If so, ask her about what she is bringing.
>Shion doesn't usually bring gifts but this was an exceptional situation, apparently.
>A bouquet of flowers was her choice, surprisingly. You wonder where she got them from considering that the usual places where one could gather flowers in Gensokyo are not very... hospitable for her.
>Shion sates your curiousity. "Oh, I asked Jo'on to buy these for me in the Human Village using the money I scrounged up. She actually did a good job considering her usual attitude... Maybe her time at Myouren Temple is helping?"
>Her face becomes slightly more downcast. "Anything more permanent or larger would probably break given my luck, so I decided on a more decorative piece with symbolic value of our friendship..." She suddenly perks up in shock and worry.  "Wait, I didn't get you anything!" For a poverty god, she sure is worried about her supposed lack of generosity.
>You could ask her for part of the credit in exchange for forgetting about any slights towards you. But for some reason, probably your pride, that feels dirty. Still doable.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2023, 06:36:50 PM »
> Look at Shion in the eyes and smile.

> "Don't worry about it. To me, our friendship is the most precious gift you could have ever given me"

> Shion is too much of a sweetheart for us to do her dirty like that, It would be better to either take the fall for not bringing a gift or just bringing a lot of peaches.

> How many heavenly peaches can we conjure up in as little time as possible?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2023, 03:37:24 PM »
> Look at Shion in the eyes and smile.

> "Don't worry about it. To me, our friendship is the most precious gift you could have ever given me"

>Shion buries her face into the bouquet. "T-Tenshi! You can't just say lines that! Imagine how Shinmy would react if you said that to her with that face. She might get some ideas."
>Are you really that much of a heartthrob?

> Shion is too much of a sweetheart for us to do her dirty like that, It would be better to either take the fall for not bringing a gift or just bringing a lot of peaches.

> How many heavenly peaches can we conjure up in as little time as possible?

>An arbitrarily large number. Really, it's around 30-50. Possibly more if you get to Heaven and back as soon as possible.
>You could also send Shion ahead and grab as many as possible while she explains your delay.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2023, 03:49:12 PM »
> We can't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring her a gift, a celestial must never make themselves look bad in a social situation.

> Can we trust that Shion won't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring a gift?
> And if we told Shion we forgot the gift would that make her view us in a lesser light?
> Either way, prepare ourselves to take a quick dash to Heaven while Shion is flustered.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2023, 05:49:02 PM by degradingwindow »


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2023, 03:48:07 PM »
> Once we've obtained the peaches could we somehow summon them out of thin air to present them in a grand manner befitting of a celestial?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2023, 06:53:31 PM »
> We can't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring her a gift, a celestial must never make themselves look bad in a social situation.

> Can we trust that Shion won't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring a gift?
> And if we told Shion we forgot the gift would that make her view us in a lesser light?

>A Celestial (especially one as wonderful as you) cannot be found lacking in grace, especially in gift-giving, which is one of the main things Celestials are known for. You resolve yourself to this mission.

>Shion definitely won't say you forgot, she would likely just say that you're preparing your gift and to be patient.
>She wouldn't really think lesser of you. She would just see it as a clumsy or absent-minded goof-up and an exception to your usual behaviour because you're usually on top of these things.

> Either way, prepare ourselves to take a quick dash to Heaven while Shion is flustered.

>You quickly look up to check for anything directly above you. All clear, it seems. Going to Heaven for you is as simple as stepping on a Keystone and rising up at very high speeds.

> Once we've obtained the peaches could we somehow summon them out of thin air to present them in a grand manner befitting of a celestial?

>Hmm, you've never tried that and you would expect it wouldn't be possible. You could use sleight of hand and hiding the Peaches from Shinmyoumaru until you present them.
>The only objects you know you can make appear out of thin air are Keystones and The Sword of Hisou. Maybe you could do something with those?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2023, 07:14:42 PM »
> "I've got something to confess Shion, I left Shinmyoumaru's gift at home, I'll go get it right now, go on ahead and tell her that I'm simply putting the finishing touches on my gift.

> Wave goodbye at Shion and fly away.
> We've got to get to Heaven as fast as possible, forgetting a gift is one thing, but being late is even worse, a celestial must never be late, unless we're fashionably late.

> Ponder ways that we can try to majestically summon the peaches as we go up.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2024, 05:31:23 PM »
> Could we perhaps, summon and present them on many small keystones for a grand appearance?
> Ponder ways the sword of Hisou could fit into our little plan, what are some tricks we know using it?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2024, 11:09:24 PM »
> "I've got something to confess Shion, I left Shinmyoumaru's gift at home, I'll go get it right now, go on ahead and tell her that I'm simply putting the finishing touches on my gift.

>"Well that's a shame, but go on and get it. I'll tell her."
>"...Wait, you're going to give her a bunch of peaches, aren't you? Don't worry, I'll keep it a surprise." Thank goodness. Shion is an honourary Celestial in your heart.

> Wave goodbye at Shion and fly away.
> We've got to get to Heaven as fast as possible, forgetting a gift is one thing, but being late is even worse, a celestial must never be late, unless we're fashionably late.

> Ponder ways that we can try to majestically summon the peaches as we go up.

>You bid Shion a pleasant farewell, hopefully her luck won't act up in such a short time and distance. Then you ascend upwards at speeds that would make every Outside World scientist wonder at how a rock can fly at Escape Velocity with no propulsion.
>While flouting the laws of aerodynamics, you ponder on methods of making the gift presentation more splendorous. You might be a bit biased but peaches, even heavenly ones, are hardly an exciting gift.

> Could we perhaps, summon and present them on many small keystones for a grand appearance?
> Ponder ways the sword of Hisou could fit into our little plan, what are some tricks we know using it?

>It is entirely possible to present them on Keystones. You've had a lot of practice on making keystones into different shapes when killing time. Tables, cups, bowls, platforms, all possible.
>Your Sword of Hisou is a bit more tricky. Its abilities are all linked to Spirit and Weather Manipulation.
>It's tricky, but not for you.
>You could use the Sword of Hisou to cover the area in mist to obscure the arrival of you and/or any Keystones or peaches.
>You could also make it so the weather is a completely unseasonal bright sky the moment you and the gifts arrive.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 12:52:46 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2024, 11:21:15 PM »
> Can we use our weather manipulation to make heavenly peaches rain down from the sky as we descend from above, using keystones as stepping stones?

That's pretty majestic if I say so myself.

> Also, Are we sure that a certain caretaker of our's won't obstruct us in our path or won't allow us to bring hundreds of heavenly peaches outside of heaven?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 02:06:27 AM by degradingwindow »


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2024, 09:42:46 AM »
> How's our relationship with that certain caretaker?  Does she approve of how we spend our time?

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2024, 09:55:35 PM »
> Can we use our weather manipulation to make heavenly peaches rain down from the sky as we descend from above, using keystones as stepping stones?

That's pretty majestic if I say so myself.

> Also, Are we sure that a certain caretaker of our's won't obstruct us in our path or won't allow us to bring hundreds of heavenly peaches outside of heaven?

> Ponder if that would be feasible in the span of time we have available as we can delay some, as we asked Shion to do on our behalf, but not too much...
> How's our relationship with that certain caretaker?  Does she approve of how we spend our time?

> Indeed, getting back to Heaven to take back extra Heavenly Peaches is good, but not good would be to rub Iku the wrong way taking an excessive amount and causong boring delays for Shinmyomaru and Shion...

> No more dilly-dallying.Swiftly  go back to our Family`s Home in Heaven, heading for a secondary spot but still with enough room and privacy to conjure more Heavenly Peaches served on Keystone-made plates, bowls,baskets...

>... Do not go overboard with quantity and have them neatly placed and arranged...

>... once done return with "the gift" flying back en-route to the Shining Needle Castle...

>... stop at a reasonable distance from it in order to recognize the from a distance gathering place with Shion and Shinmyomaru and to "prepare the soecialweather-wrap for the gift"...
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2024, 10:13:19 PM »
> Can we use our weather manipulation to make heavenly peaches rain down from the sky as we descend from above, using keystones as stepping stones?

That's pretty majestic if I say so myself.
> Ponder if that would be feasible in the span of time we have available as we can delay some, as we asked Shion to do on our behalf, but not too much...
> Indeed, getting back to Heaven to take back extra Heavenly Peaches is good, but not good would be to rub Iku the wrong way taking an excessive amount and causong boring delays for Shinmyomaru and Shion...

>...Yes, but the problem would be preparation and time.
>Mysterious/Strange Rain is a weather phenomenon you know exists (raining frogs or fish and so on) but you've never met someone who's Spirit has that associated weather.
>So you would have to do it the hard way, causing a monsoon of some sort and blowing the peaches into the sky. Possible but just far too long and difficult.

> Also, Are we sure that a certain caretaker of our's won't obstruct us in our path or won't allow us to bring hundreds of heavenly peaches outside of heaven?

>Ah yes, her.
>She probably won't try to outright stop you with force, but she will talk your ear off with warnings of what could happen while you're down there. As for the peaches... This isn't the first time you've taken something from Heaven and brought it down to Earth to show off. You guess that she's fine with it as long as it doesn't cause any outright chaos or the object isn't very important.

> How's our relationship with that certain caretaker?  Does she approve of how we spend our time?

>Your relationship with her isn't bad per se. She just doesn't want you to get into trouble because your issues often become her issues due to her role in your life.
>As for how she sees your gallivanting on Earth, she's mixed on it.
>On the one hand, you spend more time on Earth than any Celestial should. You once tried to ask her why she was so worried about that but she shied away from answering you straight.
>On the other, she seems genuinely happy and impressed that you have friends that you meet with regularly and have a good rapport with. Those friends are only on Earth, so she has to deal with the fact that this is the only way of you having regular positive interactions and camaraderie with another person.

> No more dilly-dallying.Swiftly  go back to our Family`s Home in Heaven, heading for a secondary spot but still with enough room and privacy to conjure more Heavenly Peaches served on Keystone-made plates, bowls,baskets...

>... Do not go overboard with quantity and have them neatly placed and arranged...

>After you're done thinking about the logistics of your plan, you see your slice of Heaven approaching.
>Your family's abode was an opulent castle on a floating island, far beyond any human's imagination but it's quite humble for a Celestial. If you were a bit more snippy you would comment on how those who have supposedly shed all fetters and yearning decide to live in such luxurious homes but you usually bite your tongue on such words. When they showed you this place they called it a Tensai or something. Whatever, you head to the garden as fast as possible.

>While flying you gather as many peaches as you can, throwing your Sword to help with efficiency and creating keystones in shape of bowls to catch them. Your speed was impressive, even for you.
>You prepare yourself to leave, with a large gathering of Keystone bowls filled with peaches.

>... once done return with "the gift" flying back en-route to the Shining Needle Castle...

>While heading to the nearest cliff edge to descend, the atmosphere becomes heavy for a moment. You wonder what could cause this feeling until you turn back for a moment and instantly regret not just ignoring it and moving forward.
>It's her.
>"Eldest Daughter, are you sure you want to return to the Surface again? You could spend some time here. Your family has been worried about your health and, honestly, I am too."
>Oh, just fantastic.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2024, 11:21:55 PM »
> A monsoon will be fine, we will simply just retain the peaches in the sky and make them fall down once we arrive.
> Make a mental note about trying to learn how to perform this strange rain in the future, it might come in useful.

> As for the issue at hand.

> Put on our most formal smile , "Good [time of day] Miss Nagae, I was simply making a quick pit stop here in our heavenly abode, I would love to spend more time here, but sadly I've got some matters to attend to.

> Make sure she pays attention to us and only us,  try our best to obscure the peaches from her view, if she were to see them she would probably start lecturing us and we would arrive late to our meeting.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2024, 11:31:04 PM by degradingwindow »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2024, 06:37:16 PM »
> A monsoon will be fine, we will simply just retain the peaches in the sky and make them fall down once we arrive.
> Make a mental note about trying to learn how to perform this strange rain in the future, it might come in useful.

> As for the issue at hand.

> Put on our most formal smile , "Good [time of day] Miss Nagae, I was simply making a quick pit stop here in our heavenly abode, I would love to spend more time here, but sadly I've got some matters to attend to.

> Make sure she pays attention to us and only us,  try our best to obscure the peaches from her view, if she were to see them she would probably start lecturing us and we would arrive late to our meeting.

>Iku pauses for a moment before replying "...Awfully formal today."
>"I'm still going to take this rare piece of politeness from you even if you are acting. I just want you to know that I am worried about you and that you should be cautious while down there. My atmosphere reading isn't always accurate but the air feels heavy, like conflict is just waiting to happen."

>She seems genuinely worried about you. That makes it slightly harder to act duplicitous towards her.
>"I understand if you have matters to attend to. You are probably going to meet your friends or try more Earth Cuisine. I will not keep you here any longer, just try to stay safe. If not for your or my sake, then for the sake of your Earth-Dwelling friends."
>With that, she walks away from you and towards your family's house. You briefly wonder what reason she was here over than to warn or chastise you. But then you remember that your entire family are black sheep to Celestials, you just happen to be the darkest.

>You did hide the Keystones from her sight, but it seemed unnecessary. She appears to be far too on edge to be suspicious of you specifically.
>As for Strange Rain... You'll keep an out for it.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2024, 07:06:23 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2024, 07:04:56 PM »
> That went smoother than I expected, matter not, let us move onward and fly towards the Shining Needle Castle at a quick pace, making sure that none of the peaches drop from our keystone bowls. Stop at a reasonable distance away from the castle where we can begin our gift presentation in peace.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2024, 05:54:14 PM »
> That went smoother than I expected, matter not, let us move onward and fly towards the Shining Needle Castle at a quick pace, making sure that none of the peaches drop from our keystone bowls. Stop at a reasonable distance away from the castle where we can begin our gift presentation in peace.

>You look down for a moment to confirm your landing area. The Great Hakurei Barrier doesn't extend to Heaven, so it's entirely possible to accidently (or purposefully) descend into what the Gensokyians now call the "Outside World".

>Then you descend, very fast. The Bowls surround you and keep close attention on them.
>Eventually you reach below the cloud cover and conveniently above the Shining Needle Castle. You keep the Bowls above the clouds and thankfully none of the peaches have dropped. This is going off without a hitch!

>You don't think you will ever get used to the fact that this castle is upside-down.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2024, 08:01:42 PM »
> Perfect.

> Take out our Sword of Hisou and conjure a gigantic  storm cloud above the Shining Needle Palace.
> Make sure that our hat and clothes are clean and tidy.

> What is our estimated peach amount?

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2024, 06:49:49 PM »
> Perfect.

> Take out our Sword of Hisou and conjure a gigantic  storm cloud above the Shining Needle Palace.
> Make sure that our hat and clothes are clean and tidy.

> What is our estimated peach amount?

> A gigantic and impressive cloud cover, to be parted, not a stormy one though.
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2024, 05:52:08 PM »
> Perfect.

> What is our estimated peach amount?

>You look back and rack your memory. You honestly didn't pay attention and just grabbed as many as possible in a short amount of time.
>You would guess it's somewhere in the ~2000 range. You can be extremely efficient in most you do if you put effort into it.

> Take out our Sword of Hisou and conjure a gigantic  storm cloud above the Shining Needle Palace.
> Make sure that our hat and clothes are clean and tidy.
> A gigantic and impressive cloud cover, to be parted, not a stormy one though.

>Looks like Cloudy weather is in order.
>Usually changing the weather with the Sword of Hisou would involve forcefully using the Temperament of multiple spirits and people.
>Thankfully you are already aware of a certain Perfect Maid with the perfect Temperament.
>You raise your Hisou no Tsurugi up, air and aerosol build around it before dispersing. Soon thereafter, the sky immediately goes darker, the afternoon sun having been covered by a cumulus. This has the completely intended effect of obscuring all keystones and peaches.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2024, 06:18:04 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »