Author Topic: Guidance Quest  (Read 66984 times)

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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2022, 02:44:36 AM »
> Has Vina always been in ruins?  Or do you remember it in it's non-ruined form?

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2022, 10:28:26 PM »
>That troublemaker... Elis, I think her name was? Her fate after all these years is unknown even to me. But granted how quiet it's been, I'm guessing she's either deeper in Vina or left out of boredom. Though these are merely assumptions.

>Speaking of Vina: What are your predictions on possible conflict within the ruins?

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2022, 04:33:28 AM »
>What does the city in Makai look like?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2022, 10:51:44 PM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

> Has Vina always been in ruins?  Or do you remember it in it's non-ruined form?
>"It wasn't always this way, and I honestly prefer how it is now. The old inhabitants annoyed me."

>That troublemaker... Elis, I think her name was? Her fate after all these years is unknown even to me. But granted how quiet it's been, I'm guessing she's either deeper in Vina or left out of boredom. Though these are merely assumptions.
>"Ah yes, that was her name... Either way, I care little for her. I was merely curious if she was still present."

>Speaking of Vina: What are your predictions on possible conflict within the ruins?
>"The troublemaker at least knows her place, so unless she's somehow become particularly daring, she's the only thing of note in there -- assuming she's still present at all. -- The history of this place keeps things rather quiet for the most part."

>What does the city in Makai look like?
>"The capital? Honestly I haven't been there in over a millennium, so I would not be surprised if it resembled little of how I remember it. Pandaemonium should look more or less the same, though."
>'...Assuming she didn't remodel it on a whim.'

>As she floats down closer to Vina, she directs her flight path towards an abandoned shrine or temple of some sort on the outskirts of the city, nestled between several cliffs.
>'Hmm... The exterior hasn't changed much, at least, aside from some collateral damage from the encounter with that child...'


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2022, 03:33:00 AM »
> Maybe it could use some maintenance...  Ever thought of getting a familiar?

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2022, 03:41:32 AM »
>Did you ever encounter a blond child or woman with green hair?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2022, 12:07:45 AM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

> Maybe it could use some maintenance...  Ever thought of getting a familiar?
>"Why would I need one?" she raises an eyebrow in response.

>Did you ever encounter a blond child or woman with green hair?
>"I do believe the troublemaker was blonde, though she was far from a child despite how she acted... As for the other, I know nobody with green hair. Though I would not put it past Her to bring somebody with that trait into existence if she so desired. Is there a purpose to this question?"

>Waiting a moment for a response that doesn't come, she proceeds to walk into the ruined shrine, thoroughly inspecting the interior as she does so and searching for anything that might be amiss.
>"Hmm... Everything seems to be in order..."

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2022, 03:19:53 PM »
>I was try to find out who else if anyone aside from the shrine maiden encountered you

>This blond, did she have a cat?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #38 on: March 23, 2022, 07:07:11 AM »
> Multitasking of course!  They could keep things in order while you're away, be it maintenance or small fry intruders


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2022, 06:42:34 AM »
//apologies for long delay. Didn't intend for it to happen.
>ERROR: Disconnected.
>Re-establishing connection...
>Connection re-established. Time elapsed: 2 Months

??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>I was try to find out who else if anyone aside from the shrine maiden encountered you

>This blond, did she have a cat?
>"People generally do not seek me out." Sariel replies, before blinking.
>"...A ...I am aware of no such daemon. Is it a new experiment of Hers?"

> Multitasking of course!  They could keep things in order while you're away, be it maintenance or small fry intruders
>"Hmm, I suppose recruiting a disciple for that purpose would have it's merits..."
>'They would need to be thoroughly tested for loyalty and commitment, though, as well as their ability to repel interlopers... Hmm... Perhaps intentionally seeking me out could be the first test...'

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2022, 06:38:34 PM »
>Eerr no.  It is a small quadruped covered in fur with triangular ears on top of its head and it has a fluffy tail.

>How bad was the time lapse?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2022, 07:50:49 PM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>Eerr no.  It is a small quadruped covered in fur with triangular ears on top of its head and it has a fluffy tail.

>How bad was the time lapse?
>"I see... ...What time lapse?" Sariel questions.

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2022, 08:29:58 PM »
>There seemed to be a time lapse for me.
>Perhaps my perception of time was off.

>Have you heard of a Buddhist monk being sealed Makai?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #43 on: May 23, 2022, 02:47:39 AM »
//Strange, I don't seem to get email notifications for this thread anymore. Not even in my spambox.
//Gonna re-toggle notifications for this thread and see if that fixes it.
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>There seemed to be a time lapse for me.
>Perhaps my perception of time was off.
>"...Should I be concerned?"

>Have you heard of a Buddhist monk being sealed Makai?
>"I don't believe so. I may have existed since Makai's genesis but I'm not omniscient to everything that happens in it."
>'That's more Her job anyway...'

>Sariel turns back towards the shrine entrance. "Anyway, everything seems as it should be. There is no reason to linger here any longer than necessary, especially with more pressing matters to attend to."

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #44 on: May 23, 2022, 03:26:16 AM »
>I would say no.  It is beneficial if nothing else.

>Which matters are you referring to?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #45 on: May 23, 2022, 04:29:10 AM »
//Going to wait a bit longer until the next parse to see if anyone else notices this is alive again.
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>I would say no.  It is beneficial if nothing else.
>"How so?"

>Which matters are you referring to?
>"Well first I should figure out how long I've been out. After that there's the matter of dealing with the one who put me in this state in the first place, assuming so little time has passed that she still lives."
>"Unfortunately, that would mean asking around, and people tend to stay away from the vicinity of Vina... If I knew for a fact that the troublemaker was still around I'd interrogate her, but I've noticed no signs of her presence."
« Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 04:46:14 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2022, 05:01:26 AM »
>I would recommend heading to the Makai capital and asking if the shrine maiden has visited


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #47 on: May 23, 2022, 11:13:05 PM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>I would recommend heading to the Makai capital and asking if the shrine maiden has visited
>"Right, the capital..." Sariel says with a hint of disdain, "Hmm... memories are still a bit foggy, but I think I was planning something involving it before the shrine maiden showed up..."
>She shrugs, "Oh well, whatever I was planning can wait for now... Anyway, possible source of information aside, I'd prefer not approach it at my current level of strength if possible..."
>'There's no way of knowing how She'd react to me suddenly showing up so close to her palace either...'

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2022, 11:21:30 PM »
>Are there any celestial bodies that you could use to calculate how long you've been out?

>Or is there is a slow growing plant that you could use?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #49 on: May 24, 2022, 12:37:55 AM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>Are there any celestial bodies that you could use to calculate how long you've been out?
>"There were in earlier iterations, though as far as I know the current one's sky is still a perpetual twilight haze with the only thing remotely resembling a sun being Hokkai."
>"However, Hokkai is also relatively stationary, so using it to determine the passage of time is unreliable."

>Or is there is a slow growing plant that you could use?
>"Plants generally do not grow around Vina. Nor am I one that usually takes note of their growth."

>Sariel takes to the air upon exiting the shrine, flying high enough to get a good look at the surrounding area.

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2022, 04:29:06 AM »
>What are you looking at?


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #51 on: May 27, 2022, 05:07:43 AM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

<Hmph... Plenty of opportunities were given and yet a single voice stands alone. How unfortunate...>
<While there is still capacity for Guidance, it would be rather dull if only a lone voice was running the show...>
<Hm... Perhaps I'll give things more time to recover from that little connection hiccup before resorting to less than favorable solutions...>

>What are you looking at?
>"I am trying to see if there is anybody foolish enough to be in the vicinity so that I may interrogate them for information. Failing that I intend to search for a traveler or a village. Whichever comes first."

>Sure enough, not finding anyone in the immediate area, Sariel begins to fly outward in a wide spiral, scanning the ground below as she travels...


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #52 on: May 29, 2022, 01:48:37 AM »
<Restart the console since there's controllers plugged in that wanted this way, but their owners jumped ship.>


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #53 on: May 29, 2022, 02:22:01 AM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)
>Sariel continues to fly. If she's noticed that the voices haven't spoken for a while, then she has not made any comment on it.

<Restart the console since there's controllers plugged in that wanted this way, but their owners jumped ship.>
<Well that certainly is one possible solution... Honestly, I would've proposed that myself given time...>
<Anyway, with how loose the bond to your current charge is, a reset of the connection should be simple enough, though there will be a minor price to pay.>
<It's nothing major, but do know that as a consequence The Angel will no longer be an option when selecting a new charge to Guide. There would've been other penalties as well, but fortunately for you the weakness of your bond meant that they would not apply.>

<Anyway, with these facts in mind. Is a reset of the connection really what you desire?>


Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2022, 02:24:02 AM »
>Gensokyo may be your best bet then.

>I think there it may be worth it.  There may be a reward for finding out how long it has been.
->Or I could be insane.


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2022, 02:58:01 AM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

<The question extends to the other active voices as well.>

>Gensokyo may be your best bet then.

>I think there it may be worth it.  There may be a reward for finding out how long it has been.
->Or I could be insane.
>"...Gensokyo? A reward?" Sariel questions, "Also I noticed you were silent for a while, did something happen?"

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #56 on: May 29, 2022, 03:07:16 AM »
>Gensokyo is where the shrine maiden came from.  The reward is a mystery to me as well

>Just waiting for any others in case they had better advice.


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #57 on: May 29, 2022, 03:46:34 AM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>Gensokyo is where the shrine maiden came from.  The reward is a mystery to me as well
>"Hmm... Well I suppose going there could potentially kill two birds with one stone... If I locate the girl then I would both know that it hasn't been too long and I can know where she is for when I enact my vengeance..."
>'I'll need to figure out exactly where this... Gensokyo is though...'

>Just waiting for any others in case they had better advice.
>"Is that why your voice seemed quieter than normal in the last hour or so? Before it had a slight echo, almost as if more than one of you was speaking at once."

Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #58 on: May 29, 2022, 04:10:58 AM »
>There should be a gate to Makai and Hell.  Follow the cave path away from the gates.

>The others are gone 😢


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Re: Guidance Quest
« Reply #59 on: May 29, 2022, 03:27:53 PM »
??: ? (Unlock criteria: Complete 1 objective.)

???????????? (Unlock criteria: Obtain ?? ????? ??? ??.)

-Find out how long it's been. (Reward: ???)

>There should be a gate to Makai and Hell.  Follow the cave path away from the gates.
>"Right... the gates..."
>'...where were they again...?'

>The others are gone 😢
>"I see..."
>'Are they actually crying...?'
>"...So is it just going to be you for a bit, then?"

<It is most unfortunate that things have gotten so quiet... A reset is still on the table if that is what you desire, though the consequences remain the same.>
