// (Gate )Guarding up

and Compensating by

Fair(ly) longer

Extensive explanation & insights & brief-resume
>"...Did you not tell them?" Sakuya says, looking to Yukari.
>"Did you not?" says Yukari. "Frankly, I'm surprised she didn't peek at the letter. I expected she would!"
> Eye them both ,mainly Yukari,trade some glances with Shou and Tojiko ,Patient Wait for a while for answers or explanations , not that we have neglected to already piece + have hinted together parts of it + also with them both helping out,and yet still more right preparation + awareness IS alike more important precious cargo ...
> ...when they have answered or explained , or even if Silence settles in notwithstanding the Wait ,add :" Well I managed to hint and piece together more hints,indirect ones starting by "the Entrusting of a Yukari's Letter ,just afterwards important Consulting with her, to be Delivered with Privacy to Sakuya Only after seeking and being really helped to be transported there,and with the new and friendly help and company of Tojiko's no less"... granted Consultimgs with Yukari " ...
> ..." all the context in being Dimensionally Displaced Very Deep Watery Displaced here .... the Casual Lingering Presence,hardly focusing and most of times being Imperceptible," mainly the Formless One " mainly , Unbound Apparently Haunting Innocent Spirit-like Manifestation , that is "Stargazer , the Tree-shaped Entities later manifesting themselves after several mirroring manifestation of a Flooded human Village ... "
> " ... in short I had given priority to Research and Experiencing Research and Off-Deck Research mostly but not only thanks to Patchouli but also to Eientei, another 1,later Yukari,Doremy,Suwako ..."
> By the way, Patchouli confirmed and did a bit of warning,warning I joined with my own and with more Prudence, I with hee last Research & Search by this here ghost captain 2nd Scan by her Monitoring Gem... that there is even mostly more nothingness and solid background memories mixed-in, and the likely the Formless One,of the "Mistery Unseen Clergy class as she defined it , BUT also Others Entities like the Tree-like entities who had manifested after "Several Voyages down here" ... those....those alongside the formless one...Stargazer did try her best and describe and remember but had somehow succeeded just fairly recently and so :s a Great Amount of Multiple Angers flaring ,with a Main one, like they were compulsory throwed in and compulsory adapting with a gradual fading in the " Backwaters Watery In-Between Dimensional Plane " after she herself had found hersel stranded here , half- oppressed half-adapting a bit of time she