I ended up spending to get Homura and got lucky on pity. Whatever, I'm satisfied with my trophy.
You know, I first heard about Nagisa's event on Tumblr and the summary of it made it sound really super cringey and think, "wtf is Doroinu doing?" But then I saw the translation and now the NA translation.
It's not as bad as I thought it was. Somewhat awkward in some areas, but it's decent. I love how Kyubey is written in it, but what I don't like is the characters in general. I can't fathom wtf is going on with Inui and Sho, Nagisa's mom, or why Yu is the way she is. Yu in particular almost seems to be treated by Kyubey as a special research topic due to how insane she is, but I'm wondering if that's because her mental illness is fascinating to him as a model for what could happen to another member of his race, or if it's just some other kind of special interest in relation to her contract and powers.