Author Topic: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread  (Read 182323 times)

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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #60 on: May 17, 2020, 06:51:15 PM »
Every time I get to a big break bonus I run into an opponent who has haphazardly slapped evade memoria on all of their characters and gets an 80% success rate. I haven't lost to it yet (although I've come VERY close) but it's absolutely tanked my score.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2020, 06:57:13 AM »
Attempting to use a 3 girl team, typical Yachiyo+Nanaka+other girl and I find myself doing a lot worse than usual for this ranking; I got B instead of A. I'm either getting screwed by RNG or everyone's whales. The worst was someone's Ashley binding me and comboing me with their shielding Asuka. Ridiculous.
I also maxed out the last Magia for the Lifetime rewards. Now I can only get gems for doing dailies or login on certain days.

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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #62 on: May 20, 2020, 09:02:03 AM »
So I lost some Break battles because of getting Evaded three times in a row; because a Taunter kept their Coolmura unscathed even while I'm focusing solely on her; because despite having a Forest setup, Nanaka and Yachiyo can one-turn even the one with Four of Me; I fully expect I'm going to die on all four Breakpoints.

At least I'm still in A rank, though I'm almost certain I'm gonna fall back down to one star.


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #63 on: May 22, 2020, 05:42:39 AM »
Yeah, I ended up in A* down from A** and I guess it's probably because of bad evade luck on my break battles. I had a single loss close to the end (where I had a Kaede hit my Kyoko for just absolutely baffling damage that I can't quite figure out) but things went okay aside from that.

Also, now that I'm starting to MLB a lot of personal memoria (many of which are for characters I don't own) I FINALLY got a second Madoka's Notebook.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #64 on: June 02, 2020, 09:32:12 AM »
pffft my 10-roll on the Swimsuit Iroha banner got me a 4* Water girl... and it's Rena.


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #65 on: June 04, 2020, 04:37:06 AM »
I just noticed the Brief Respite Memoria in the shop, have those been there long? Iroha & Yachiyo's Brief Respite seems amazing on Mitama in challenge quests (aka the only place you would play Mitama). It's really too bad I don't have more slots on Mitama, there are definitely some dirty combos that can be done with her if she has the slots available.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2020, 05:16:23 AM »
Touka and part of chapter 10 in-coming, along with Iroha's Doppel (finally!) and training event after Swimsuit!Iroha finishes~ Wonder what we'll get for the anniversary.


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #67 on: June 13, 2020, 02:56:51 PM »
I've been chipping away at chapter nine consistently but there's a ton of text in the current event so it's been hard to juggle both without falling behind. A training event will be a nice opportunity to catch up.

Having every character on the main team available at level 100 with easy memoria slot availability might is fun, I might try them as my main team for a bit to see how they stack up with the Madoka cast. Their stats and Connects seem worse but their colors seem better for their roles and they have slightly better disc distribution.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #68 on: June 14, 2020, 10:33:03 AM »
It's weird, but neat that while the general story line of the event assumes you win the noodle contest and the thing with Rita, the true ending requires Yachiyo and Felicia to lose their events to grab that side prize.

Also, reminder that the remaining anime collab quests expire at the end of the month, so if you've gotten some of them, you can blaze through their Magical Girl Stories for a handful of big EXP gems in their element. (Also, if you were following the EN dub and trailed off after the Situation happened and all the Simuldubs died, they did eventually finish dubbing the season a few weeks ago.)


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #69 on: June 15, 2020, 02:44:52 AM »
Yeah I was thinking back on it and I think the whole event assumes you actually got the bad endings. Tsuruno only borrow's Mitama's camera in the bad ending and she has it throughout the rest of the event. Kind of a neat/unexpected way to wrap things up, even though I don't think it quite makes sense.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #70 on: June 15, 2020, 07:27:57 PM »
Dear lord chapter 10 is messed up. By that I mean it keeps crashing on the battles with the Familiars; it loads up boss fights just fine, but because of the moving background on the Familiar battles it crashes and I have to open the game again to resume. I sent in a bug report hoping they fix it or something.

Also don't understand why I had animated cut scenes playing when I disabled those.


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #71 on: June 21, 2020, 04:01:21 AM »
I finished chapter nine and just started the very beginning of chapter ten.
The visual of Eve being so huge and malformed and fire trucked up that it can't even stand up and just falls down and skids down a mountain, flailing around Shin Godzilla-style is absolutely nightmarish. That's a literal fever dream, that is the kind of thing I dream about when I have a fever. One of the most effective pieces of surrealism/horror in the game imo.

Dear lord chapter 10 is messed up. By that I mean it keeps crashing on the battles with the Familiars; it loads up boss fights just fine, but because of the moving background on the Familiar battles it crashes and I have to open the game again to resume. I sent in a bug report hoping they fix it or something.

Also don't understand why I had animated cut scenes playing when I disabled those.

That sucks. Any luck so far? Hear anything back? I noticed a little more slowdown than usual during the first few battles and they haven't been causing me TOO much trouble, but I guess the backgrounds are probably the cause?

Edit: Okay I take that back, I've had the Walpurgisnacht background crash my game once already. It's causing reeeal bad slowdown. Hopefully that's an isolated incident...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 04:04:28 AM by commandercool »
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #72 on: June 21, 2020, 06:13:33 AM »
I finished chapter nine and just started the very beginning of chapter ten.
The visual of Eve being so huge and malformed and fire trucked up that it can't even stand up and just falls down and skids down a mountain, flailing around Shin Godzilla-style is absolutely nightmarish. That's a literal fever dream, that is the kind of thing I dream about when I have a fever. One of the most effective pieces of surrealism/horror in the game imo.

It doesn't even care about the girls or anyone else like a normal Witch, it just wants to kill and eat Walpurgisnacht. I hope they do her justice in the anime.

That sucks. Any luck so far? Hear anything back? I noticed a little more slowdown than usual during the first few battles and they haven't been causing me TOO much trouble, but I guess the backgrounds are probably the cause?

Edit: Okay I take that back, I've had the Walpurgisnacht background crash my game once already. It's causing reeeal bad slowdown. Hopefully that's an isolated incident...
I can complete it if it crashes and I reload the game again right after, it'll give me the option to resume and then it loads with quite a bit of slow down (which goes away after awhile.) It's only on battles that have Walpurgisnacht's familiars, the moving background+rain effects tend to be too much for certain devices.

Haven't gotten an answer back yet, but I've noticed that people first brought up the chapter 10 crashing since JP's release and it doesn't fill me with hope that it'll be fixed now :( but I managed to complete those parts at least, here's hoping the other parts aren't all of Walpurgisnacht's familiars (but I get the feeling they will after episode 3 of chapter 10 given what happens next...)

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #73 on: June 25, 2020, 08:31:39 AM »
Are you guys just about ready?

Walpurgisnacht is about to arrive.

(Though to be honest, I'm much more interested in nabbing that last slot on Madokami than I am at taking on the raid, because bum rushing Chapter 10 like I did burned me out a bit.) EDIT: pfft eighth draw is a Light 4* - it's Riko. EDIT2: Yukino spooked me far too late for me to recover, so no four slot for me. -_-
« Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 09:51:46 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »


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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #74 on: June 26, 2020, 06:19:25 AM »
It's pretty hilarious seeing all the memes everyone's posting, makes the fight a little more entertaining. I'm capping out on Dark!Walpurgisnacht since I'm really low on good Light girls; the ones I have are either 1 slot or die too quickly.
I got my Ashley ready for her unlock though, pretty eager about that~


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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #75 on: June 27, 2020, 03:12:34 AM »
A 5* Nanaka absolutely shreds through dark!Walpurgis, or anybody else with good vertical blast disks


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #76 on: July 02, 2020, 01:31:48 PM »
The new event 5* Memoria (Even the Uwasa Know It) seems pretty good. Do we know if/how Guard Chance stacks with Taunt Chance?
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  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #77 on: July 03, 2020, 06:01:49 PM »
So it turns out Cherry Blossom Dreams is another one of the really really good events. I was indifferent to it when it started but once the plot kicked in I don't think I've ever sped through an event so fast to find out what happens. I'm lucky it took me a while to start doing the story so I only had to wait for a few hours for the second half to be released.

This feels like it really should have been part of chapter ten, it's a bummer that a lot of Magia Record's very best story content is in events. That's going to make it a little awkward for latecomers, and it means the anime is going to be missing a lot of stuff.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #78 on: July 04, 2020, 09:41:25 AM »
So it turns out Cherry Blossom Dreams is another one of the really really good events. I was indifferent to it when it started but once the plot kicked in I don't think I've ever sped through an event so fast to find out what happens. I'm lucky it took me a while to start doing the story so I only had to wait for a few hours for the second half to be released.

This feels like it really should have been part of chapter ten, it's a bummer that a lot of Magia Record's very best story content is in events. That's going to make it a little awkward for latecomers, and it means the anime is going to be missing a lot of stuff.
I disagree, I wasn't too fond of this one because of how strange and meaningless it felt.
It feels more like some of Iroha's group should hate Touka and Nemu more because of all the crap they went through to make it more meaningful, especially Kanagi who had practically all of her eastern girls taken advantage of and away by the Magius, or Madoka's group for what they did to Mami, with Iroha and Ui (maybe even Madoka given her nature) trying to defend their actions and suggest a fair trial.

I also didn't like how the trial (thought up by Touka and Nemu) was thought of as being ok since anyone with a brain could guess those smarties would try to rig it in some way, especially when they use an Uwasa as judge rather than a magical girl to represent the whole of Kamihama's girls. Hell, they still rigged it to mainly go in their favor, even if it negatively impacts them. And my ultimate frustration came in the fact that Touka's Doppel is triggered and...nothing happens. Nothing. All of the danger is mostly focused on Eternal Sakura trying to kill them, and Touka's Doppel is just treated as if she fainted like, "oh no, she's out cold!" sort of thing. I was hoping her Doppel would go on a rampage and maybe be a boss battle node at least, but it's never mentioned again. What's the point of having her Doppel trigger if it does nothing? There's gotta be some consequence or something, like Touka's stressed out mind prevents her from keeping it tame or whatever. The lack of real consequences is basically what bugs me in this event and at the end of Walpurgis' battle event.

On a more positive note, my last few free rolls this week gave me a Kyoko and Ryo! :D But just at one slot, especially Ryo who came far too late as I already spent my bottles on someone else. But I'm happy that I've saved up at least 200 rolls for my next wanted girl(s). Oh, and my boy-ish looking girls team is working out pretty well in Mirrors lately; Akira can be a glorious monster sweeper alongside Kaoru and Kanae when she gets the chance lol


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #79 on: July 05, 2020, 04:50:27 PM »
I disagree, I wasn't too fond of this one because of how strange and meaningless it felt.
It feels more like some of Iroha's group should hate Touka and Nemu more because of all the crap they went through to make it more meaningful, especially Kanagi who had practically all of her eastern girls taken advantage of and away by the Magius, or Madoka's group for what they did to Mami, with Iroha and Ui (maybe even Madoka given her nature) trying to defend their actions and suggest a fair trial.

I also didn't like how the trial (thought up by Touka and Nemu) was thought of as being ok since anyone with a brain could guess those smarties would try to rig it in some way, especially when they use an Uwasa as judge rather than a magical girl to represent the whole of Kamihama's girls. Hell, they still rigged it to mainly go in their favor, even if it negatively impacts them. And my ultimate frustration came in the fact that Touka's Doppel is triggered and...nothing happens. Nothing. All of the danger is mostly focused on Eternal Sakura trying to kill them, and Touka's Doppel is just treated as if she fainted like, "oh no, she's out cold!" sort of thing. I was hoping her Doppel would go on a rampage and maybe be a boss battle node at least, but it's never mentioned again. What's the point of having her Doppel trigger if it does nothing? There's gotta be some consequence or something, like Touka's stressed out mind prevents her from keeping it tame or whatever. The lack of real consequences is basically what bugs me in this event and at the end of Walpurgis' battle event.

On a more positive note, my last few free rolls this week gave me a Kyoko and Ryo! :D But just at one slot, especially Ryo who came far too late as I already spent my bottles on someone else. But I'm happy that I've saved up at least 200 rolls for my next wanted girl(s). Oh, and my boy-ish looking girls team is working out pretty well in Mirrors lately; Akira can be a glorious monster sweeper alongside Kaoru and Kanae when she gets the chance lol

For me the emotional and thematic consequences more than made up for the lack of plot consequences. And if the question, plot-wise, is "How is the story different now than it was before?" then I guess the answer is that there are almost no antagonists left. They're positive consequences, but they definitely change things.

There was a lot of time spent on explaining and justifying why people were okay with their weird trial scheme even though it was obviously rigged, since it had so many checks and balances. When the girls agreed to it I think the idea was that Eternal Sakura was mainly going to be used as the mechanism for delivering the punishments and they were all taken aback to the extent to which it was being used as the judge and jury as well.

I found the fact that more people didn't hate Touka and Nemu for all of the awful strawberries they did really touching. I dunno, maybe the national climate at the moment made me react to it differently than I would have, but a story about a community making their own rehabilitatory justice system and having compassion and forgiveness was really powerful I thought.

Also, I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge that a lot of my emotional investment had to do with my girl Mitama and whether anything bad was going to happen to her. She doesn't deserve any of that and I was real worried for her. :D

My 100 free pulls netted me a Madoka on the 95th pull, which is probably the number one thing I would have picked given the option. Nothing else of note, just sixth copies of some good memoria. There are still a surprising number of recent 3*s I haven't ever pulled, but whatever. I have three slots on Madoka right now which I'm very happy about since I use her almost constantly.
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  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #80 on: July 15, 2020, 04:17:18 AM »
So how did you guys handle the last EX Challenge quest from the Fledgeling's First Flight event? I attempted it a number of times and got ground down every time, but I went in just now intending to use a continue if necessary and managed to beat it pretty handily that time. I ended up bringing my usual Madoka+Mitama accel team but with Sayaka to tank, my one-slot Godoka to provide debuff resistance, and a friend Homura to take down Iroha with a heavily buffed blast chain early on so she couldn't resurrect anybody. The enemy Sana lived *forever* but I managed to drag the battle out long enough for Sayaka to do her thing and become oppressive.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #81 on: July 16, 2020, 04:49:48 AM »
I used two Madokas and an ult.Madoka, but a single Felicia attack turn nearly wiped the whole party on the spot. Had enough MP to snowball into a win from there, though. Looking forward to the new ex-challenges soon, and maybe an upcoming event that's NOT a tower. >_>


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #82 on: July 16, 2020, 04:22:25 PM »
Has anyone else been seeing absolutely bonkers numbers of Mirrors defenses lately? I went from getting ~10 battles a day to 75+ a day. Is that a system change or did getting that extra Madoka slot push me into some kind of new tier where way more people are seeing my team as an option to battle?
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #83 on: July 16, 2020, 04:40:12 PM »
Huh, same as usual for me. Are you on layer 25 now or something?


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #84 on: July 16, 2020, 07:48:36 PM »
Yeah I'm on layer 25. Have been for a while because I don't do Mirrors super consistently. I'll be on layer 26 tomorrow though, I'm just a few points away now.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #85 on: July 23, 2020, 12:32:14 PM »
It feels great to have Tart's map event again after so long, the double currency grind was getting a little tiring. Plus, Corbeau is here and I've saved up a lot to get her~

I actually got pretty lucky getting her on my first 10 pull, then Elisa and the event memoria on the next, followed by a surprise Nemu and Alina 2nd slot. Unfortunately I could only get Corbeau 2 slots and had to fill in the third with 1 chip to get 3 slots; I ended up getting Elisa to 3 slots without even trying, best part being she's Fire and I've been in need of a good 4-5s Fire girl for awhile. It feels so nice to be rewarded after saving for so long (and playing with Corbeau throughout the event~)
Thankfully there's no other events at this time that I have to roll for since the other girls I want are unlimited and in Arc 2, and Kazumi's rerun won't happen until the JP server has it.

My only problem now is how to properly integrate Corbeau into my Mirrors team since it 'd leave me with 3 Darks 1 Water and 1 Fire girl if I replace Sayaka with her.


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #86 on: July 27, 2020, 07:01:40 PM »
The anniversary set has something called a "limit breaking core" in it. What is that? Is that a new thing or has it existed previously and I just never noticed?
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #87 on: July 28, 2020, 02:23:36 AM »
The anniversary set has something called a "limit breaking core" in it. What is that? Is that a new thing or has it existed previously and I just never noticed?
It's a special memoria that lets you ascend any memoria of your choice if you lack a copy of it. Take for example Walking the Same Path; there hasn't been a rerun of it so you can't get extra copies to strengthen it. But if you use Limit Breaking Core you can ascend it as if you had an extra copy lying around.
They released them at some point in another special set, they're pretty useful if you got the monies for it that is
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 02:27:08 AM by Felis-Licht »


  • altered ego
Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #88 on: August 01, 2020, 04:08:37 AM »
Man, I was bored out of my mind by this event, I really don't care about the Tart Magica cast at all, but
I'll be goshdanged if the ending didn't still make me tear up a bit. I could have done with about 9000% less recapping and filler but the story works real nice overall.
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Re: Magia Record: Rumor of the Resurrected Thread
« Reply #89 on: August 02, 2020, 04:27:15 AM »
At least clearing shop in this event was E Z P Z. With summer Kyouko in a couple days we're back to double grind in tower events...

Counting down the days until August 22nd, though. (Iroha Bday celebration, whatever it brings- and likely Iroyachi duo release date, but not guaranteed)