Author Topic: Final Fantasy XIV - Three expansions and we never had a thread for this?  (Read 43892 times)

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XIV is the ongoing MMO installment of the long-running Square RPG franchise. Starting with the continent of Eorzea, the game has had three expansions of content to add new regions, new areas, and new classes, with many throwbacks to FF games past and present, guest appearances by other RPGS, and so many fashion options.

If you're currently playing, add your name and which server/data center you're on if you want to be added to the player list below.

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Forum Name                               Ingame Name                 Data Center/World
T-A-C                                         Lorian Hazelwood                   Primal/Ultros
Trickysticks                             Mima Truelastboss            Aether/Midgarsormr
Cadmas                                    Phos Fizzleboom               Aether/Midgarsormr
Mesarthim                                 Atui Shyahoro                      Primal/Leviathan
Mr. Sacchi                                  Sacchi Hikaru                        Aether/Cactaur
Dormio                                        White Witch                       Crystal/Brynhildr
Think Komachi with a Rifle       Ayrix Skriya                        Chaos/Cerberus
« Last Edit: May 05, 2020, 03:58:15 PM by T-A-C »


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Re: Final Fantasy XIV - Three expansions and we never had a thread for this?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2020, 02:37:38 AM »
Oh look other people play this game.

My main is Trickysticks Gardner on Primal/Lamia, but since all of my friends are on another server I made an alt (Mima Truelastboss, Aether/Midgardsormr) to help them out. If you list any name, Mima Truelastboss should probably be it.

Edit: Here's Mima's Lodestone.

I'll start the discussion by saying that anyone who didn't choose Twin Adder is wrong it really is shocking that there was previously no thread for this, especially since I've seen a lot of Touhou names around.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 02:47:54 AM by Trickysticks »
Danmakufu scripter. I worked on the Touhou fangame Ephemeral Unnatural Balance. Please save me from Porygon's basement.

I'll remake the forum thread of my scripts eventually.


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Re: Final Fantasy XIV - Three expansions and we never had a thread for this?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2020, 07:00:07 AM »
I'm a current active player, on leviathan.

Atui Shyahoro, Leviathan/Primal. I don't spend as much time as I used to logged in but I'm hoping the new relics fix that a little bit.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 09:13:56 PM by Mesarthim »
If you add me on steam you are going to be on an indefinite waiting period unless you tell me beforehand.

levelling up all my off-classes to try and get everything up to 50. I forgot how much this sucks when you're not taking a class through MSQ and you only have two roulettes and Palace to rely on for EXP


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Added my lodestone in the previous post but I already had everything at 70 by the time Shadowbringers dropped, and now all 80 before 5.2 dropped. Having to find other ways to keep busy.

Which now boils down to Diadem 3.0 and when my friends that came back drag me through eden story raids and roulettes.
If you add me on steam you are going to be on an indefinite waiting period unless you tell me beforehand.

Mr. Sacchi

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"Three expansions and we never had a thread for this?"




Still, I play this game a lot (As you can probably see by my lodestone: so if any one of you want some company or even some simple crafting done, and you're on Aether, hit me up.

How are you guys liking Diadem 3.0, anyway? I'm personally in love with it.

I honestly probably missed that thread because I didn't start playing until 3.2-3.3 so um. whoops.

I have actually never touched Diadem ever, despite having all my gatherers maxed out. Is there any particular reason to do it compared to say, chasing down LV70-80 collectibles for scrip and aethersand?

Mr. Sacchi

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    • Sacchi#5268
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It's really good for getting materials to level your crafters, EXP is plentiful from the Ishgardian Restoration crafts.

It also helps your server continue the Ishgardian Restoration efforts. Admittedly, we're not quite sure where those efforts will lead yet, but it seems like at the end of the day (somewhere down the line at some patch in the future maybe) it will unlock Ishgard housing on that server.

Otherwise? You do it for Skybuilder Scrips, which can be exchanged for cool stuff like glamour, minions (including a Cerberus pup), hairstyles, at least three different emotes (/read, /bread, /lean) and two mounts, including a pegasus. It's also the only way to get umbrellas, or the new Kupo housing items.

There's also some achievements related to it that end up giving two minions and a Kupo Crown. So if you care about any of that, then yeah, it's pretty worth it.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 07:47:42 PM by Think Komachi with a Rifle »

Does talking about FF7 remake work for this topic too, or will it stay mainly XIV?


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Re: Final Fantasy XIV - Three expansions and we never had a thread for this?
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2022, 02:32:11 PM »
Make that four expansions now, although I've already done what I've wanted to do in the game after a few months I'll consider picking it up again if I'm able to find a new friend group. Good game.