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Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« on: February 19, 2020, 02:37:05 AM »
Well. Let's start off where we stopped.

3 chapters are now out and it started very well if you asked me.

Looking forward for more!

Current schedule: Monthly, by the end of the month.


Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2020, 03:18:57 AM »
im kiiinda more interested in cheating detective satori since im not very hyped about stuff involving dreams and sleep in touhou, i think weve had enough of it for a while

still miyoi is cute and i wanna see what she can do

and... uh... marisa being a drunk crossdresser is canon now??

also is this the first time marisa is seen inside of reimus shrine, because to this day i still cant figure it out and my message on marisas touhouwiki talk page never got answered which leaves me to assume nobody uses talk pages, because this is the second time

The section about Marisa's relationship with Reimu states she's never been seen in the shrine before, but if I'm understanding correctly, the new chapter of Suichouka shows that Reimu carried Marisa to her shrine, and she is seen asleep there. I might just be reading it wrong, but if someone can confirm this I think they should change that line.

Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2020, 01:41:35 PM »
I didn't expect Miyoi's identity to be revealed so quickly. Also I hope we see more youkai-youkai interactions since she said she protects Geidontei from them.


Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2020, 02:21:42 PM »
more youkai-youkai interactions

hmm come to think of it yeah, we don't see youkai dealing with other youkai as much, which is disappointing since i like the idea. it's mostly human-human or human-youkai

i hope we get youkai interacting here too, especially since miyoi's ability doesn't look(read:look) like something that would affect youkai.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2020, 05:23:16 AM »
I didn't expect Miyoi's identity to be revealed so quickly. Also I hope we see more youkai-youkai interactions since she said she protects Geidontei from them.

Very good observation. I'd love some youkai-youkai interaction too.

Miyoi being a zashiki-warashi means she brings good or bad luck depending on how she is treated.
However, I feel that she doesn't stop there. I feel that she has some kind of control over perception or something. She's literally... you know... when you're drunk and keep drinking, you don't even realized that you asked for another and they keep coming. Miyoi's the girl you don't remember that gave you beer after beer.

Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2020, 05:40:23 AM »
I'm very curious what Miyoi's powers are, but after the last chapter, I get the impression the fact that it is very hard to remember her is a passive ability, if it is one at all. The way she talks about it makes it sound more like an acquired trait than something she can control.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2020, 03:40:57 AM »
Chapter 4 is out.
I'm starting to get confused wheter or not Miyoi is a protagonist or an anthagonist.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2020, 05:40:51 PM »
Chapter 4 is out.
I'm starting to get confused wheter or not Miyoi is a protagonist or an anthagonist.

Me too. Last chapter it seemed more like some of this stuff was happening outside of her own volition, but this chapter has her looking menacingly on multiple occasions. And that beast that Reimu saw...We didn't even see too much of it, but it felt like it was on a whole other level than the other ones before, if it even is real.
The way she's calling her own name is strange, too. Maybe the whale hat is the Suima, and causes the nightmares, while Miyoi induces the drunken sleep? Because the whale is in the background of every hallucination. Or there is no Miyoi at all, and it's only the hat.

On a side note, Reimu worrying about Marisa is so cute, and Youmu definitely is a mean drunk. And Marisa in cooking mode looks awesome!

Edit: Just remembered that Miyoi said she is the Zashiki-warashi of the pub. So she probably isn't an extension of the hat, at least if she told the truth.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 06:29:50 PM by Piranha »

Suspicious person

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2020, 06:43:34 PM »
I think that this new manga series is far more reflective of ZUN's favorite things when compared to previous work, what's with the recurrence of beer and food, AKA stuff that ZUN is a pretty big fan of. Speaking of things ZUN is a fan of, I'm VERY tempted to say that ZUN might even have taken some inspiration from Jojo's bizarre adventure -something we all know he is a big fanboy of- for Miyoi, specifically Death 13, as it involves a dreadful, irresistible and unrememberable dream attack.

Honestly can't tell what kind of direction this is taking, but I like the pictures, I find it pretty lively.

Also I'm a bit surprised at Marisa's reaction to being talked down. I haven't really thought of her as some kind of proud person, but then again maaayyyybe Reimu and the others crossed the "teasing" line and went into the "rude and insulting" side ... also Youmu is not a nice girl
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 06:46:40 PM by Suspicious person »

Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2020, 10:19:29 PM »
It's pretty surprising to see YOUMU be the one who is making fun of someone instead of the other way around! Jerk.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 10:22:10 PM by OldWiseYoukai »

Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2020, 02:09:52 AM »
Something that hit me just now about this chapter:
When Marisa was talking to Miyoi at Geidontei, she didn't seem to have any memory of what happened after she was captured in chapter 3. Granted, it's not entirely clear how much of that night was real, but at the very least I think it's safe to say things were at least real up to the point she was outed as a youkai. I wonder then if even memorable details like that fall out of the average person's mind? At least Reimu seems to remember who she is and why she is hallucinating.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2020, 03:40:36 PM »
I'm not sure where the genre tags for these manga come from, but from the first chapter the Thriller tag for this particular one really stood out to me. This manga is a lot darker and uncanny compared to previous ones I feel, while obviously also having drunken fun time. The dream visuals are much more imposing than anything we have seen in Touhou before - possibly because the monsters in those aren't cute girls but actual monstrosities for once and because they are shown to be nigh unbeatable. Previous manga had rare moments of the youkaines of particular characters slipping through their usual mask (which I always love, personally), but this time something nightmarish (literally) happens about every chapter.

As a reader, I have an incredibly strong distrust of everything Miyoi says and does. While Kasen's identity was a big mystery to noone in the readership and everyone in the manga, I feel like here we have a real mystery of a character waiting to be unpacked. The fact that for some reason everyone seems to forget everything about her, gives her a lot of freedom in regards to the mischief she could be making - though, the sadness of the fact also seems to be working on her. The way she tried to play it cool in chapter 4, when Marisa said she had completely forgotten about her hit quite hard.

Gotta wonder if at the end of it all, it will have just been a dream. *insert ballad of the wind fish*

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2020, 05:08:03 PM »
I just found out today that the first 3 chapters are now out for free.
Touhou Garakuta: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Niconico Seiga:

So that means, we can link to translations. I'll be updating the OP later.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2020, 03:56:32 PM »
And the latest chapter is up.

Suspicious person

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2020, 08:32:31 PM »
                                                                                         - Gordon Ramsay, probably

Glad to see we seem to be getting back to the 2-chapters-an-arc approach, but still not sure yet what kind of direction this manga is gonna take nor what theme it would have besides food and booze.

The thing that weirded me the most in the latest chapter (5) is the mention of "mana". Like, I'm not even sure if something like that has been mentionned before. Is this like an actual thing in the past works cuz I cannot recall "mana" being mentionned in a work that came out the last decade ?! Cuz I find it weird that we'd get introduced to some kind of new energy that hasn't been properly explained before, or at the very least hear a never-used-before name for an energy ...

I also find it pretty interesting that Reimu is the only one that is able to remember Miyoi. Not sure if it's because of a yet-to-be revealed setting, or if its because of something Reimu did in the previous chapters

And may I mention that it's not cool how they're just cheating us out of a proper Master Spark
You can't just shout Master Spark and not do Master Spark

Anyway, if this manga is gonna keep staying on the food and dreams side of things, then I hope it'll bring us some Doremy or Sumireko goodness, and potentially some Mystia (that'd be cool). I personally would want there to be proper interaction between Miyoi and Suika. I feel like I knew much more of Kasen, Kosuzu, and the three fairies's personalities by the fifth chapter of their mangas than I do for Miyoi.

Entertaining read, but still a bit of a lightweight lore wise for now imo.

Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2020, 09:52:21 PM »
I'm perfectly okay with us not knowing much about Miyoi at this stage, because compared to previous stories Miyoi's true intentions and personality are one of the central mysteries of the manga. It feels like, compared to a lot of official manga, ZUN has a very focused story in mind, and that's exciting to me. The cyclical nature of the story feels very on purpose, with us learning a little bit more each time. Looking forward to what comes next.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2020, 01:41:27 AM »
Next chapter is up!
Lore! And Mamizou enters the scene and cause trouble!

Do I have to say it again on how f*in' amazing is the artist for this manga? So freaking gorgeous. Look at all these datails. Wow.

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2020, 10:52:36 AM »
New chapter, woo, let's see ...

Miyoi's ability honestly strikes me as something that is too good for a measly household spirit. We've went from her being an uncertain youkai to a Suima to a Zashiki Warashi, but even then she seems to be able to do far more than just bringing good fortune to a household (or potentially business even) like her peers from WaHH. I mean, she gets to have her memory manipulating ability and that thing that she can make happen to people who got drunk from the ibuki gourd's sake.

For me the thing that I found rather interesting from this chapter is the fact that apparently, Miyoi PREDATES Geidontei and even its owner ... It should be very obvious by this point that whale imagery is Miyoi's thing, yet, for some reason, the new owner of the place would coincidentally choose to adopt whales as the pub's image too ? That is REALLY suspicious to me. Maybe the secret behind Miyoi's ability is that it can influence people who got involved with the place she is dwelling in, and that the thing that happens to people who got drunk to people who got drunk from the Ibuki gourd is something that was recently possible because she moved inside the gourd.

Like, and this is just me small theory, when the new owner came in and decided to make the place Geidontei, he fell under Miyoi's influence and was like "you know what would be cool for this pub ? WHALES", which is pretty suspicious even moreso if you remember that there are no seas in Gensokyo (which is kinda where whales are from) : IF there was NO Miyoi and her whaleness, then the old man would have one hell of a weird ass inspiration ...

I'm too lazy to do research at the moment, but if memory serves, Whales had some kind of big place when it comes to faith related things for the Japanese : they'd be celebrated as their appearance would pretty much stave hunger for the villages in the past  (since they were meaty bois), and there are (or where ?) a bunch of Whale celebrating shrines out there. Considering how big of a place Japanese folklore holds in Touhou, I wouldn't be too surprised if the truth behind Miyoi's character had something to do with that. Cuz I for one don't believe she is just a zashiki warashi, certainly not a normal one.

When it comes to Mamizou for this chapter, she is obviously there to bring a wee bit of intrigue, although I don't believe there's gonna be greater implication when compared to what I mentionned earlier. Mamizou's deal has always been about consolidating her power (in the political sense) and also raise the status of Tanuki in regards to the human village (which was especially true in FS) : my expectations would be that she had the drunk dude sheltered in some tanuki place, and that her goal was to get this particular person to tell some kind of story that may prove to be benefitial for the tanuki's image in the human village (something that Reimu don't approve either, as could be seen in FS). This bringing suspicion on Geidontei is just an unfortunate accident that is bound to cause a misunderstanding.

Now, the thing with the Human village as a setting is that it's something that has been done in FS already, and done quite extensively well if I may say so. The Miyoi - Suika thingy, aside from being a reason to pair them up later on, strikes me as a very Touhou Suichouka fitting thing, but the thing with Mamizou seems to me more like something that would be a better fit for Forbidden Scrollery. I quite like the Human Village as a setting, but I'd be more interested in seeing something else. Going forward, I hope that ZUN is going to try to fulfill Miyoi's desire to see more of the world, to travel, cuz that would not only be some kind of enriching experience for the girl, but also an opportunity for the reader to see more than the Human village and the Hakurei Shrine. Like, Miyoi's got Suika with her, and Suika is not only one of the more well travelled person (she's been to the Land of the Oni, Former Hell, and THE MOON, among other places), but also a VERY sharp and perceptive person, despite behaving like a dumbass. There is potential here, and I hope ZUN is gonna go for a story that goes outside the Human Village for this manga.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2020, 11:05:33 PM »
Oh yeah. Next chapter's up.
So, Miyoi wants to open an after-hours bar for youkai. I see exactly where this is going... bar brawls between onis ahoy LuL

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2020, 07:17:56 PM »
Hm, the suspicious lack of introduction for Mamizou in this chapter 7 makes me think that the empty title card box thingy of hers in the previous chapter 6 might be a mistake from the manga-making people. I wonder if it'll get fixed eventually

Also manga Mamizou abilities honestly seem much more respectable than in the games or how it gets described : fire transformation was nice, but pulling a much more competent Rumia darkness plus trapping some poor sap inside a freaking pipe ? Not bad at all !

It becomes very clear that the setting for this manga is gonna be the Human Village and the Hakurei Shrine. I'd want to visit other places, but the new dynamic where the main cast are not necessarily on friendly terms (and even quite suspicious of each other) might give birth to something interesting. I also like how we get to see much more expressions aside from the usual carefree attitude. Also lots of Miyoi bulli this chapter, new levels of bulli potential.

Anyway, if we're gonna go the youkai pub route, I'd like to see if we're eventually gonna get other youkai folks living close by the village *cough*Sekibanki*cough* helping Miyoi in her work eventually.


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2020, 08:22:32 AM »
New chapter is up.

Aya ya. AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA other news, doesn't look very good for Miyoi.

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2020, 01:50:42 PM »
Wine is popular, popular stuff makes money, making money is nice, so let's drink down the stuff we can make money with and sell the rest at a party later ! Dunno who this Reimu girl is, but she is so bad at business ... heck, my own business is doing better than Reimu's ... and I don't even own a business ! You'd figure that seeing people do business on her turf and seeing other people with a better sense than her do business would have helped her learn a thing or two, but apparently not

This chapter 8 was like 60% people getting drunk and 30% tengu news media working overtime. Anyway, for the next chapter, I think we might actually get some interesting interactions, cuz on one hand, we've got Mamizou, who's had that little information battle with Aya back in FS, while on the other hand, we've got Suika, a top dog Oni, a race which had a little thing going on with the Tengus before leaving (iirc). Maybe the conclusion of the next chapter is gonna see Aya become another regular for Geidontei and probably even make some promo for it, although I'm not quite sure how things are gonna unfold.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2020, 01:52:44 PM by Suspicious person »

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Hm, the suspicious lack of introduction for Mamizou in this chapter 7 makes me think that the empty title card box thingy of hers in the previous chapter 6 might be a mistake from the manga-making people. I wonder if it'll get fixed eventually

Also manga Mamizou abilities honestly seem much more respectable than in the games or how it gets described : fire transformation was nice, but pulling a much more competent Rumia darkness plus trapping some poor sap inside a freaking pipe ? Not bad at all !

It becomes very clear that the setting for this manga is gonna be the Human Village and the Hakurei Shrine. I'd want to visit other places, but the new dynamic where the main cast are not necessarily on friendly terms (and even quite suspicious of each other) might give birth to something interesting. I also like how we get to see much more expressions aside from the usual carefree attitude. Also lots of Miyoi bulli this chapter, new levels of bulli potential.

Anyway, if we're gonna go the youkai pub route, I'd like to see if we're eventually gonna get other youkai folks living close by the village *cough*Sekibanki*cough* helping Miyoi in her work eventually.

 :point: > :power:

To 1.
Wine is popular, popular stuff makes money, making money is nice, so let's drink down the stuff we can make money with and sell the rest at a party later ! Dunno who this Reimu girl is, but she is so bad at business ... heck, my own business is doing better than Reimu's ... and I don't even own a business ! You'd figure that seeing people do business on her turf and seeing other people with a better sense than her do business would have helped her learn a thing or two, but apparently not

This chapter 8 was like 60% people getting drunk and 30% tengu news media working overtime. Anyway, for the next chapter, I think we might actually get some interesting interactions, cuz on one hand, we've got Mamizou, who's had that little information battle with Aya back in FS, while on the other hand, we've got Suika, a top dog Oni, a race which had a little thing going on with the Tengus before leaving (iirc). Maybe the conclusion of the next chapter is gonna see Aya become another regular for Geidontei and probably even make some promo for it, although I'm not quite sure how things are gonna unfold.
fullpower: > <   :spell:

1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Suspicious person

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2020, 07:30:31 AM »
that was a month

I guess I'll just be
waiting for the next one

Nothing really happening in this chapter 9, which is really looking like a 8.5 to me, besides Reimu following up on what she previously said, and telling Aya stuff we already know, all over the course of 15 pages, which is less than usual.

Reimu's decision to let Aya take care of things is indeed pretty weird since she is still the same Reimu who'd break a meeting between important dignitaries (SoPM) over super stretch youkai reasons, break youkai funtime at multiple occasions in FS (including a village VIP from the salt mansion)), and break suspicious but not ill intentioned fortune tellers in two.

Zashiki warashi are indeed acceptable in the village, but Miyoi's been Kosuzuing a little bit too much on aline she shouldn't be crossing ... a proper reason besides "she seemed nice" might be needed, unless this is part of an attempt to *gurgle* humanize *coughs*Reimu.

Anyway,  besides food and booze, the current manga seems to be whether Whale girl's gonna get busted and ousted for now. The main thing that helps the status quo is that she is backed by one of the strongest people if the world, so it might take a little bit more for a proper shake up.

Branneg Xy

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2020, 09:45:05 PM »
that was a month

I guess I'll just be
waiting for the next one

Nothing really happening in this chapter 9, which is really looking like a 8.5 to me, besides Reimu following up on what she previously said, and telling Aya stuff w

Reimu's decision to let Aya take care of things is indeed pretty weird since she is still the same Reimu who'd break a meeting between important dignitaries (SoPM) over super stretch youkai reasons, break youkai funtime at multiple occasions in FS (including a village VIP from the salt mansion)), and break suspicious but not ill intentioned fortune tellers in two.

Well unlike those cirmunstances this is a "Different PoV and Nicely Useful Opportunity by Reimu to receive help and seek collaboration with Aya".
Besides the situation is not as potentially dangerous/imbalancingwhen dealing with
(Unnamed Umatsuki)
and with (The Fortune-teller)
(FS/Forbidden Scrollery)who,notwithstanding misunderstandings and misjudgements by the Fandom,were so much affected by the"Non-Danmaku"EVIL-cleansing Hakurei Talisman that they were Truly Exterminated(indication and highlight of ,a complete opposite of the "Innocence" of the Unnamed Fox Student
,their Big Evil Intentions rooted in their Nature & Actions).
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2020, 08:27:56 PM »
The highlight of this chapter to me was the moment when Aya questions why Reimu is being so roundabout about trying to expel Miyoi from the village. Many people like to hold the Fortune Teller Incident over her head to show how cruel and dogmatic Reimu is, but I think this helps show that she's nowhere near as cold-hearted as she likes to think she is. In the previous chapter she closes her eyes and smiles in a very similar motion to what she did before killing the Fortune Teller, and then boastfully says this is her duty. Yet, when Aya calls her out on her methods, she shows a lot of vulnerability and internal conflict. I've always thought, even in FS, she was suppressing her true feelings to fulfill her role as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden and has always been secretly conflicted about this part of the job, but has never had a personal attachment to her target until now. I think that uncertainty will be one of the recurring themes of this manga.

Also, looking forward to what happens to Aya next chapter. I'm guessing we'll have more insight into how Miyoi's powers work, and what is and isn't under her control. I'm still of the belief that she can't "make" people forget about her, but she clearly has some kind of control over the perceptions of drunk people.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 08:31:43 PM by nintendonut888 »

Branneg Xy

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2020, 05:10:46 PM »

Reimu's decision to let Aya take care of things is indeed pretty weird since she is still the same Reimu who'd break a meeting between important dignitaries (SoPM) over super stretch youkai reasons, break youkai funtime at multiple occasions in FS (including a village VIP from the salt mansion)), and break suspicious but not ill intentioned fortune tellers in two.

Some of it is both  a joke theme ,a recurring joke theme,joking irony/satirical comedy,what-if,speculation but also a series of misunderstanding,false judgements,aggravations...however for the Truth of The Matter with self-explaing questions..
-> "Is that right?How?Why?" Ultimately they embraced ,without being nor open nor willing nor performing repentance/redemption/cleansing/purification/restraining/etc.,  their("Youkai-Turned Human Fortune Teller"/"Gh "Youkai Nature and Existence in an Evil Spirit-born/Vengeful Ghost-born,Evil Spirit-like/",Irredeemable-Grudge".
->" What are,if there are the Decisive,Fundamental Evidences&Examples,besides those which are hinting,secondary,situational ones?" Unlike the Young (Youkai)Fox Student(in same FS/Forbidden Scrollery Touhou Manga were the "Three True Full Youkai Extermination" are set) who was completely unaffected and fine while breaking  a School-Panel Embedded with "Tens of Non-Danmaku and Non-Spellcard Duel Hakurei Talismans" because   he
 had "No Evil/No Evil Intentions", instead those 2 (save for the  the "Unsealed Ancient Unnamed Youkai Devil" Fully Exterminated by Mamizou Tanuki-Transformed into a Cleansing Sun during Peak Youkai Power - Full Moon) had "(Irredeemably) Big Evil/Big Evil intentions"for those to have such an Exterminating Effect; differently so, ( in WaHH/Wild and Horned Hermit)against "(Hell Oni)Shadow Kasen " Reimu was still using "Danmaku & Spellcards" for ,not to mention the only was only Hit by Reimu was "
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2020, 02:37:29 PM »
The next chapter is out, and nobody's discussing it?
I quite like where this is going. We've got a proper youkai hangout spot now right in the human village, and we're adding new members to it.
Makes me wonder how Reimu's gonna react to that...

Suspicious person

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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2020, 10:58:15 AM »
The last chapter 10 had its fair share of Miyoi bulli and Miyoi panicked expressions of despair, which was fun. Also, despite her goody-two-shoes behavior, she REALLY can get radical when trying to solve problems ... like, spiking Aya's booze with more booze (the hardcore oni brand one), AND trying to maybe get Suika to whack that nosy reporter or something.

Miyoi might be perceptive enough to realize when she may be in danger, but surprisingly not so sharp enough to recognize that the sharp eared Aya is a youkai, even though she properly figured Suika's race instantly. Kinda remind me of that part of FS where Aya switches hat before introducing herself as a tengu, and Kosuzu only panicking after that act ... like come on people, can't you see those ears ?!??!!

Anyway, if the early chapters were more centered around who Reimu views Miyoi with suspicion, the more recent ones kinda reverse the roles, and present Miyoi's daily life and how wary she is towards Reimu and Marisa. Miyoi might've absolutely deserved her suspicion from her earlier pranks, but currently she is really getting shafted by terrible luck, as the main reason behind why Reimu and Marisa are suspecting her is a random dude who got drunk and got kidnapped by an unrelated youkai for some time ... Anyway, if the stakes for Miyoi was the preservation of her livelihood and by extension her own existence, the fact that she currently boast of a special, reliable customer base with about enough power to topple a small country is probably going to protect her for a really long time, even moreso since two of said special customers are not only really well versed in manipulating information and rumors, but also get involved with the Human Village a lot

I don't really see Miyoi easily getting ousted if her customer base keep growing up (which is very likely), and if Reimu keep being passive regarding her.

Also, as a non-drinker, I can't really relate to all the thing concerning booze greatness in this manga. Also is it fair to assume that part where Aya sobers up from booze with more booze as the ultimate booze lovers' fantasy ? Probably overassuming a bit but it's gotta be, right ?


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Re: Lotus Eaters manga discussion thread
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2020, 09:51:57 PM »
New chapter is up. :)