Greetings humans, youkais, maidens or w/e entity or existence you might be.
I am happy to see MotK being reborn and the community is rising once more from the ashes. Unlike you people or Kaguya or Mokou, I remain mortal and I've come to say that I'll be living the rest of my Touhou fan life as a regular residence of the Human Village.
Before we migrated, there was a talk who wished to continue their Moderator business at the new forum. But I decided not carry on the baton for Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments. As I mentioned it
here, I rather pass the baton to new and young blood. The last several months I've been mainly cleaning up spambots and spamthreads. After cleaning up a painstaking 300 pages of spam posts and declining forum activity, I realized that I was no longer acting with the same passion and burning soul as I used to. So, time move on.
When I was a fresh new member of MotK, my activities were primarily involving with other members in silly threads and later on posting extensive News Items about the official games, doujin games and such. I was firstly promoted to BunBunMaru for my contributions. Quite the honour back then being a new member. And a nifty
Red one goes faster, as you all know.
I was also extremely active in RikaNitori forum section, learning the basics of Danmakufu to make my own fangame. Later on I was nominated by Stuffman, the former mod of that section, to carry on the rapid growing Danmakufu fanbase. I was accepted by TSO and the rest of the staff to become a global mod and primarily for RikaNitori's.
Together with experienced people like Stuffman, NuclearCheese, Blargel, Naut, Drake, Sparen and many more I probably forget mentioning, we've definitely formed one of the greatest Western Danmakufu community. Tremendous help from people who knew how to read Japanese and help us expand on the documentation. My main goal was to let the community drive the passion, and me as a moderator do my best to support that passion.
I can clearly say I had a lot of fun, laughs and also now and then unfun times. I did good things, normal things and bad things. That is all part of the experience. You should accept the fact that the boat will be rocked and lessons will be learned with each mistake.
We also had this silly group of gamers called Pesco, Trancehime, Dormio, Infinity, and the list goes on. We played this silly dumb game Defence of the Shrines. We had silly dumb rages and dramas because of this game. Then some idiot thought it was also good for me to try out Mafia. Like, wow. Worst decision ever!
Also this guy called N-Forza, traps people by offering them goods from Kourindo. Result? Drained wallets. Mine as well several times. Cheeky fella, living Big In Japan.
But the most memorial thing for me for all these years? A passionate dream which started in 2009 as a semi joke, To make my own Danmakufu fangame, became real when I met Warugaki. Until this day, I still cannot comprehend this fateful meeting. Our roads as Touhou fans joining, more of his friends and doujin artists joining on our travels and carrying on the fun for so many years. Ryuuichi, Vegas, Imizu, Barney, Matori...... list goes on again. But roads split at some point and that is when we all realize it is time to carry on.
Ultimately, our destinations are all the same. However, the road towards that point might be not. Some people arrive sooner, some later. Who knows how I'll end up there. But I'll cherish the memories from my past travels. Don't see this as a good bye. I am merely retiring from my position and going to watch this all from the sideline.
Thank you all old and recent members for giving me this experience.
Thank you to all the past and recent staff.
Thank you to all people I met in real life from this forum (N-Forza, SEI, CenturyEgg, and many more). Feel free to visit THE NETHERLANDS for drinks yo.
And most of all, Thank you TSO. If you're reading this from some form of heavenly internet, It was my pleasure to serve the community. An honor and pride it was to be part of the moderation team and member of this community.
Thank you all.
The Siege, is over.
Ijiyatsu might be finished some day.Omake: Avatars I used over the years in chronological order (left to right).
Hint: Remilia has in fact never been my favourite character.

Avatar I had made for other people when they had YOU HA BAN.

And one I had made for Ruro during World Cup. Kilga helped me force it on Ruro. Thanks Kilga ( ',')b

Images I used now and then. (Most notable, TengukamiTeaSpit.jpg (2nd of top))