Author Topic: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!  (Read 110918 times)

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Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« on: February 26, 2020, 04:53:53 AM »
//Note: This is a crossover quest with Pokemon. For those who dislike crossovers, Pokemon, or both. Don't worry, as I plan on launching a second quest within the week that will run concurrently with this one, so please keep your eyes peeled for that if you wish to join something pure touhou.

>It's an average spring day in Gensokyo. A gentle breeze flows over the land, and carried with it are a bunch of mysterious flyers. Each one advertises something most peculiar: A mysterious competition with promise of a grand prize, hosted at, oddly enough, the Hakurei Shrine.

>After circulating on the wind all morning, each of these flyers eventually ends up in the hands of several individuals, who now make their way towards the site of the challenge...

>Which one... are you?

Select the Player character. (The others will become your rivals once the challenge begins.)

1. Shrine Maiden of Paradise - Reimu Hakurei
>>You are confused and annoyed by these flyers. You most certainly did not send them out, nor gave any consent to having a competition hosted at your shrine. Therefore, you stand. Waiting for the instigator of this to show themselves.

2. Ordinary Magician - Marisa Kirisame
>>A competition at Reimu's place? Both curious and wondering if Reimu herself had anything to do with this, you ride towards the shrine at full speed!

3. Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion - Sakuya Izayoi
>>Your mistress has taken interest in this competition. Therefore you were sent to investigate and obtain further information, and, in the event the competition began immediately, or you are otherwise unable to report back to her, are to represent the Scarlet Devil Mansion in her stead.

4. Half-Human Half-Phantom Gardener - Youmu Konpaku
>>Lady Yuyuko urged you to participate once you found that flyer. It is for that reason that you're making your way towards the Hakurei Shrine.

5. Mountain-Dwelling Living God of Miracles - Sanae Kochiya
>>Reimu's hosting a challenge? It honestly sounds like fun! Plus it would look good for the Moriya Shrine if you won.

6. Lunatic Moon Rabbit - Reisen Udongein Inaba
>>Eirin Yagokoro sent you to investigate the mysterious flyer that ended up in Eientei earlier today. As you make your way towards the shrine, you begin to wonder just what you've gotten yourself into.

7. Ice Fairy of the Lake - Cirno
>>A competition is a chance to show off how strong you are! No way you're missing out on this!

8. Traditional Reporter of Fantasy - Aya Shameimaru
>>You know a good scoop when you see one! Therefore, you race towards the shrine, intent on finding something interesting to report on!

//You have 24 hours to make a selection. More if there isn't a majority vote by then.

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2020, 06:14:18 AM »





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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2020, 04:27:54 AM »



>How could you do such actions if you don't even know who you are yet?

//Extending the vote by an additional 48 hours due to having zero votes in almost 24 hours.


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2020, 04:39:57 AM »
>How could you do such actions if you don't even know who you are yet?
I think they're meaning to select Youmu

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2020, 07:14:45 AM »
Marisa would make a great Pokemon trainer...and Youmu was already the main character of the last version, so, variation.


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2020, 09:15:58 PM »
// about 8 hours left in the vote and we have one explicit vote for Marisa and one that's ambiguously either a vote or a joke command.

//If there isn't a majority vote for a character by 10PM MST then this vote will be extended once more. I'm not counting O4rfish's as a non vote yet to give them a chance to clarify.

//EDIT: Vote extended through the weekend.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2020, 07:35:33 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2020, 11:34:54 PM »
I was trying to select Youmu as the playable character.


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2020, 01:15:58 AM »
//With O4rfish's clarification, we currently have a tie. The vote is set to end at 10PM MST. If there is still a tie by then, I will extend for another 48 hours.

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2020, 10:26:04 PM »
We really need the strongest for this one.



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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2020, 05:03:11 AM »
//As we currently have a three way tie, the vote will be extended yet another 48 hours.

//The quest will have to start at some point, though, so if I have to extend a couple more times I'll most likely eventually take out the RNG and randomly select one of the tied votes if no decision is reached

//New players are still welcome to jump in during this extension period as well, either to help break the tie or contribute your own votes.

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2020, 05:05:45 AM »
I'll switch to Cirno.


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2020, 06:53:55 AM »


>You are Cirno, the Ice Fairy of Misty Lake.

>Not everybody knows it yet, but you're the strongest! Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to be cryo-frozen with some English beef!

>People seem to think you're an idiot too, which you are most certainly not. Yes, you admit that you're no good at math and some of that other boring stuff, but that doesn't make you an idiot! If anything, the one saying "idiot" is the idiot!

>You live near Misty Lake with your best friend, and greater fairy: Daiyousei. She isn't your only friend, however. Your other close friends are the Youkai of Darkness, Rumia, a night sparrow named Mystia Lorelei, and a firefly youkai named Wriggle Nightbug. The five of you make up a group which you have named Team ⑨. Why 9? Because 9 is the best number of course!

>As a fairy, you're apparently a bit more frail than most Gensokyo residents. But you don't let that fact discourage you! Besides, it's not like you can actually die anyway. If you take too much damage you'll just poof into dust and re-materialize a short distance away, with the only major side effect being some short term memory loss.

>Additionally, since you're an ice fairy, you also possess an innate ability to manipulate cold. This ranges from simply lowering the temperature around you, to making snowballs, to outright freezing things solid! In fact, one of your favorite pastimes is freezing frogs solid and watching them thaw and jump away. You think one of the goddesses on the mountain doesn't like you very much for doing it, though. ...You honestly don't see her problem with it, really... Besides, you've only gotten better at not shattering them on accident! Only about one in ten breaks now.

>Anyway, today you were were playing Hide and Seek with Daiyousei when suddenly a sheet of paper hit you in the face. After nearly falling into the lake in surprise, you ripped the offending parchment off of your head, and was about to crumple it up in revenge when you noticed there was writing on it. After taking a moment to read, you realized that it was an advertisement for some kind of competition!

>Not one to turn down a chance to show off how strong you are, you immediately began high-tailing it to the Hakurei Shrine...


>...Now that you think about it, you think you may or may not have forgotten to tell Daiyousei that the game was over and you were going somewhere... Oops...

>...Oh well, she'll probably figure it out soon enough... Probably... ...Maybe...?

>...Eh, she'll be fine... Besides, it's probably too late to turn back, considering that you're currently descending towards the Shrine.

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2020, 07:32:54 AM »

>Retrieve arms from

>Say hi to Mokou and Kaguya

>Cool is the coolest word. What cool things do we remember reading? Aya's newspaper?


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2020, 02:00:20 AM »
>Retrieve arms from

>Say hi to Mokou and Kaguya
>Your attempt to retrieve arms from nothing leaves you without your arms...

>You shout hi into the heavens, hoping that you were loud enough for the recipients to hear it from wherever they are.

  >Hair Ribbon [Equipped]
  >>Your signature blue hair ribbon.

  >Signature Outfit [Equipped]
  >>A blue and white dress you always wear.

  >Sunflower Ribbon [Equipped]
  >>A red ribbon with an sunflower stuck in it that you wear around your neck. You got it during that one season incident.

    >Ice Sign ~ "Icicle Fall"
    >>What you would like to call your signature attack. You fire waves of icicles off to your sides that cover a large area in a wide arc ahead of you.
    >>Unfortunately, it seems that you grabbed the "Easy" version by mistake. Meaning there is a MASSIVE blind spot directly in front of you that people can exploit.

    >Freeze Sign ~ "Perfect Freeze"
    >>A three part pattern that involves snap freezing a dense cloud of shots and then thawing them to make them move in random directions.

    >Snow Sign ~ "Diamond Blizzard"
    >>Raw, Icy fury. This pattern scatters waves upon waves of icicle shots in all directions, creating a somewhat dense cloud of them.

    >Freeze Sign ~ "Minus K"
    >>A strong spellcard that unleashes a torrent of fragmenting ice shots. Overall, this attack is pretty tiring, and will leave you exhausted if you use it.

>Cool is the coolest word. What cool things do we remember reading? Aya's newspaper?
>Aside from that competition advertisement, you haven't really read anything interesting recently... You did try to go into the mansion to read one of those books that Marisa visits to get, but that visit ended up with you getting kicked out by the scary maid lady...

>As you descend towards the shrine, you notice that there already seems to be seven people here: You immediately recognize Reimu and Marisa. But you can't help but wonder why Reimu seems to look so grumpy right now... Isn't she hosting the competition? The flyer said it was at her shrine after all!

>From the others assembled, you see the rabbit lady who sometimes sells stuffs and thingies at the human village, the phantom sword lady, the scary maid from the mansion, the green-haired person from the other shrine, and Aya.

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2020, 02:35:23 AM »

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2020, 05:40:43 AM »
>So, no other fairies around?


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2020, 06:07:10 AM »
>You rub your eyes and blink. Yep, you're sure it's the newspaper girl.

>So, no other fairies around?
>It doesn't seem like it.

>Reimu seems to notice your descent. Her frown noticeably deepens...

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2020, 06:27:59 AM »
>Prior relationship with Aya?
(given how we remembered her name but not Sakuya, Youmu, Sanae)


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2020, 07:14:31 AM »
>Prior relationship with Aya?
>You fought Ms. Aya Hardtopronouncelastname during that one incident with all the flowers. Aside from that you don't really have much of a relationship with her. She does write the newspapers that you and your friends sometimes look at if they seem interesting enough, though.

>Additionally, you also fought alongside her, Reimu, and Marisa during that season incident with the weird door lady.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 07:26:15 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2020, 07:28:19 AM »
>"Now entering from the blue corner, hailing from the icy North, the strongest fairy of the lake, master of the mist arts, supreme team leader of Team (9), the one, the only, Cirno!"
>If interrupted, complain and start again.

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2020, 07:37:22 AM »
>Make it cooler.
>(Like, drop temperature nearby while speaking.)
>And an intimidating pose, too! Style is important!

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2020, 07:42:02 AM »
(Yes, good catch)


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2020, 02:59:54 AM »
>"Now entering from the blue corner, hailing from the icy North, the strongest fairy of the lake, master of the mist arts, supreme team leader of Team (9), the one, the only, Cirno!"
>If interrupted, complain and start again.
>Make it cooler.
>(Like, drop temperature nearby while speaking.)
>And an intimidating pose, too! Style is important!
>You descend, announcing yourself in a literally cool manner while striking a pose worthy of The Strongest!

>Aya snaps a quick picture as Reimu gives you a completely unamused stare while Marisa snickers. The girl with the swords and the rabbit seem slightly confused while the maid's expression is unreadable.

>The green haired girl actually giggles a bit.
>"Did you rehearse that?" she asks.

//EDIT: I also made a minor edit to the answer for the "prior relationship with Aya" question due to mis-remembering a detail. I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion it may cause. :sweat:
« Last Edit: March 09, 2020, 07:29:29 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2020, 08:02:51 AM »
>Drop the pose and pout for a bit. Why couldn't anyone get properly intimidated for once?
>Wait, no. We are the strongest, we are going to prove it to everyone once and for all, and we do not pout!
>"Nope, not this time! ...uh... Anyways!"
>Turn to red-white.
>"So what is this all about? Your flyers didn't explain anything at all!"


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2020, 01:47:51 AM »
>Drop the pose and pout for a bit. Why couldn't anyone get properly intimidated for once?
>Wait, no. We are the strongest, we are going to prove it to everyone once and for all, and we do not pout!
>You're tempted to pout but you will yourself not to. You're the strongest, after all!

>"Nope, not this time! ...uh... Anyways!"
>Turn to red-white.
>"So what is this all about? Your flyers didn't explain anything at all!"
>"That's would I like to know." Reimu frowns, "I didn't send out any of those flyers. Whoever is hosting this 'competition' at my shrine is doing so without my consent..."
>"Yeah, we're kinda just waiting around to see if whoever's behind this is going to show themselves or not, ze." Marisa adds.

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2020, 03:50:57 AM »
>"So ... this ... is a prank on Reimu?"

>"Show yourself, prankster!"
>Fire a few icicles in random directions.


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2020, 09:44:17 AM »
>"So ... this ... is a prank on Reimu?"

>"Show yourself, prankster!"
>Fire a few icicles in random directions.
>You fire off a few icicles in random directions, hoping that one will hit the prankster. It's worked on the Fairies of Light before, so this can't possibly go wrong!

>The icicles don't hit anything, however, one narrowly misses the scary maid, who gives you a dangerous look in response.

>"My my, feeling a bit aggressive, are we? And to think we called you all together for something fun..." a woman's voice seems to ring out from nowhere, "Anyway, since it appears we have enough contestants to begin, why don't we all have a nice little chat face to face~?"

>Suddenly, several purple voids filled with creepy, unblinking eyes open up below everyone!

Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2020, 04:56:23 AM »
>Fly, or keep flying.
>"Your face is huge! That means you have huge guts!"


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Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2020, 06:10:34 AM »
>Fly, or keep flying.
>You immediately start flying to prevent your fall. Meanwhile, it seems the sword lady, the rabbit, and the green haired shrine maiden are all caught off guard and end up falling through their respective holes, which close behind them.

>Reimu takes flight as well, reflexively drawing drawing her gohei, while Marisa barely manages to hop on her broom in time. The maid seems to have casually sidestepped hers, but you don't remember seeing her actually move at all.

>Aya, meanwhile, snaps a picture of the hole below her.

>"Your face is huge! That means you have huge guts!"
>"Isn't it somewhat rude to point out the size of somebody's face?" the same voice questions, before you suddenly feel a draft behind you.
>Before you can react, you feel a pair of hands shove into your back and push you down into the hole!

>You find yourself floating in an eye filled void with an odd "floor", upon which sits a whole bunch of chairs. One of which seems to be several feet below you. You also note that the chairs all seem to be facing a curtain of some kind.

>The three people that fell into the holes earlier appear to be seated on a few of the other chairs, looking a bit dazed but no worse for wear.

>"H-Hey! Watch it!" Aya's voice shouts as the girl in question is ejected through a hole hanging over one of the empty seats, which promptly closes behind her. Her mood seems to quickly switch when she notices her surroundings, however, and she promptly begins taking pictures.

>Another hole opens up in front of one of the other empty seats, which Marisa soon rockets through. Announcing her arrival by promptly crashing into the chair with a loud yelp as the hole closes.

>Yet another hole opens up, which the maid from the mansion calmly walks through. Though she seems a bit annoyed...

>Speaking of annoyed, Reimu is the last person to arrive. However, she isn't alone. Joining her is a newcomer: The blonde lady with the purple outfit that you sometimes see her hanging out with. Reimu appears to be glaring daggers at her, though.

>"Alright, Yukari. Now that we're all here..." Reimy looks around at everyone else, "What is the meaning of this?"

>"I would like to know this as well." the maid adds.

>"Yeah, this isn't some kind of hoax or prank, is it?" the green haired girl asks.

>"Oh, heavens, no!" the blonde woman fans herself, "If I wanted to prank you it would've been much more elaborate~. Anyway, if you must know, I've been feeling rather bored as of late. Now, I usually have many ways of relieving my boredom, but I felt that this time I should mix things up a bit. So, therefore, I decided to put together a little 'game' of sorts, and you eight are the lucky few who get to be participants! Isn't that wonderful?"


Re: Epic Touhou Pokemon Quest... Redux!
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2020, 08:20:03 PM »
>"A game! Eye'm the best at games!"
>Sit on the chair.