> You haven't attempted it but you estimate all you'll get is a spark or two where the portal would have opened with your current ability. You certainly still feel like you have capacity and ability to do so, but lack sufficient magical energy to bind dimensions. Its like there either isn't any magical energy in the environment around you or your current form is unsuitable for channeling energy
> She nods slowly until you mention spiriting away, when her eyes flash red, time stops and she approaches you.
> You're now certain this aura is similar to the one you traced on Reimu when she almost exterminated Yuyuko.
> Since you're standing still she hasn't noticed that her ability is not affecting you
//Sorry to whoever is reding the too long-winded and over-detailed ... it is to avoid fortgetfulness and mistime for the tactics and strategies.... which I already trimmed down... to sort of an extent ...which it is still going to need improvements to be put into practice in that aspect and more ,such as the breaking down of a longer compatible post by smaller posts with better timing for alongside the I am fully willing to try & refine more trims

> What covers are in the room ,especially those apt for phasing-in except for the Fan, not in range of Reimu & Yuyuko,but do not forget to...
> ...act like we are frozen in time while let the possessed head-maid,or rather " The Possessing Entity" in her ,come closer and covertly gauge & adjust aim , firing,manoeuvring ,dodging ranges also considering them right now with is Reimu fairly close by and Yuyuko furher away to "protect " while later it could turn in a 3 vs 1 or 2 vs 1but...
> ... take action immediately ,do not dally too much in either case,if the distance is being close too much or if we can't keep up the act or if its behaviour start changing or we as ready as possible , by...
> ... firing Barrage of Butterfly Shots between Focused and Spread-Out ,switching to favor either one depending by the target's movements,while also extending our Fan-less arm with an open palm behind the Ghostly-Butterflies as Pretend-Firing , and at the same time...
>... circle-strafe to dodge around any reprisal in the direction with the better cover and the least chance of involving Reimu and/or Yuyuko with the Special "Tactical Cover of ...
> ....phasing through the floor as far as down as possible ,while having enough Visuals & Hearing and space to manoeuver around the Buterfly Fan , when faced with high-shoots whilst speedily weave around & fly up to avoid the adjusting low-shoots , "phasing-in the covers " is good whenever there is a need to block & dodge and to open breakways by surrounding enemy ,but stay sure to...
> try and impart on our ,after switching to a wider radius if necessary, shots homing effect and/or an increase of rate-of-fire,homing in the case space-reduction & trapping and rate-of-fire for increasing damage and pressure ,and stand ready to...
>...warn Reimu and Yuyuko about the " Possessor Entity ",it hijacking a Time-Stop ability,when the latter ceases, to sorround it 3-ways .