> What approaches have we tried to restoring our perspective to normal?
> Disregarding those approaches, what other possibilities can we think of?
> You've tried doing everything slower. Thinking. Acting. Speaking. They only helped a bit, but that's better than nothing
> Thinking about it, you don't really notice anything happening to you when you affix and remove the ribbon. Especially with Sakuya and Mikuru being the only ones around. It's almost like it's not affecting you at all, but others.
> Thiugh that would imply you're capable of inflicting others with some slowness, which you've never done before. You're the pure and honest Aya Shameimaru, you don't slow others down to be fast.
> Though that does remind you. You are able to control crows to an extent, and realized you could do the same to sort of avian creatures, too. Youmu is certainly not a bird, but she's being slowed. And Mikuru has wings but is completely unaffected. Both imply that this theory doesn't lead anywhere, but it's the only other known part of your ability you can go off of. Unless wind in general has a closer tie to speed than you think.