> Do we have any equipment on us that could enhance our ability in such a task?
> ...Do we know any magic that could enhance our ability in such a task?

// Good ideas, and I was about to write similaf in-quest suggestion as well, though tech-device primary. and magic or powers more complementary... but they are almost stopped by...
>That is a pretty broad question. Very directly, no.

//"... Very directly, no"... in that case we should. try for, as long as fairly admitted, for "indirectly or mostly-indirectly", then //
> Any device, magical, or mixed means which could be working fairly but also indirectly or mostly-indirectlt?
> Perphaps... an hydraulic-water jet-press, adapted on one hnd build up. our charging impact and momentum. and on the other by also focusing, increasing and direting t with our "(Kappa) Manipulation of Water and/or Water-based Spell Cards", and finally by our average Kappa Strength?
> If somehow currently impossible or unavailable... list our complete and complete-able devices, even ones need a partner or assistant engineer since there is Aoi, our Spell Cards and their Relatable Effects with. our Water Powers.