Oh hey hi
I'm a fan of TTRPGs, although a fairly new one to the whole space, i wasn't there when DnD was accused of bringing the devil and stuff like that mainly because i wasn't alive
But i've been delving deeper into TTRPGs as of late, not only by being part of a campaign, but reading about TTRPGs beyond DnD, such as Pathfinder or GURPS, with that last one being quite interesting to me
In case you don't know, GURPS stands for Generic Universal RolePlaying System, and as the name would imply it's a system meant to fit any kind of campaign you can think of, from dungeon-crawling fantasy, a cyberpunk future, a murder mystery in 1920's USA, or a fighting tournament in the dinosaur age; whatever you can think of, you can make it a reality with a bit of brain work (since, as to be expected, that level of freedom comes with the baggage of complexity)
Naturally, my brain liked to combine to interests together and think of a way to implement Touhou into a GURPS campaign, i do know the existence of Gensou Narratograph but i find it quite limited to what me and my friend group are used to
In my search for what to do, i also came across Danmaku Hanamatsuri Kagura, an adaptation turned original game which practically tics all the boxes i was hoping for (the main one being the ability to create your own character), however i feel that system is a bit... half-baked, there are stuff that i'm probably gonna add once our players and i gather to play, but i still fear a bit about the clunkyness the system can bring
I understand that translating a game where hand-eye coordination, quick thinking and reflexes are a top priority into a TTRPG is probably a fools errand, but my brain is quite stubborn when it comes to stuff like this 
I want to know your opinion though, how would you translate the world of gensokyo into a TTRPG?, i want to know because i tried making some sort of system for GURPS, but when i discovered the aforementioned DHK i decided it was best for my players and i to stick to it instead of learning GURPS from scratch
Very Hopeful Hello

and Howdy

! .I am able to offer my opinion somehow, which is needy for healthy consolidating growth as well, although just in an indirect indication and samples and wellness.
Western-side or Western-borne or cross-potentially shareable...for the sake of pinnin list of examples but still potential open-ended key-search & inspiration & systematics adaptadibility ... mayhaps "fair sources of " referrals" or "curriculum"
-(Nameless) Youkai Quest(s)"(
www.shrinemaiden.com; earlier Touhou Forum, now Log-in Open Archives)
-Rumia Quest: Revival (-before-www.shrinemaiden.org - now and here:
www.shrinemaiden. com)
-(Your own)Minor Existence Quest (

- Fairy Maid in Gensokyo (
www.touhou-project.com )
- Fae Adventure In Resonant Youthfulness (
www.touhou-project.com )
-(Paused Hiatus ended,now moderatly re-Actived) Lost in another World: Three Fairies of Light Adventure
(Touhou x crossover quest)('s Sufficient Velocity-Creative Forumcms-Quests)
-Doll Quest (on touhou-project )
-Patchy Quest ( touhou-project )
-("PLENTY"COMPLETED) Flandre Quest (Madness Quest)(CROSSOVERS) (on Sufficient Velocity-...-Quests)
-(ABANDONED) Touhou Reporter Quest (Tengu Quest)
(CROSSOVERS) (... 's section, Sufficient Velocity...-Quests).
|—| ∷Truly Tabletops R∷ |—| < save 1 Expection!
Touhou (Editions & Variations)D&D's Guide /Touhou (Dungeons&Dragons TTRPGs workshop/mods of the latest 5th Edition; Earlier edition(s)as well.
-(Versions) "Touhou Angbad": essentially" Touhou Lord of the Rings, Silmarrion,... 'Tolkien'); it had past Topics here MoTK(V3) and the Earlier MotK.org(V2).
-(Authors's Ufficial Versions,Half-Ufficial-Fandom Ufficial, Fandom)Danmaku!!
-(Exception: Videogame)Touhou Sengoku
-(Expandedable) Touhou Arkham Asylum(Arkham Horror(s)
-(Maybe) Touhou Pathfinder.