If dropped off in the middle of nowhere, shout for Yukari, saying I'm probably sick and can cause an epidemic if eaten by youkai.
If/once in safety of the village, would apprentice to a local healer or herbalist, so that I could deal with my frequent sicknesses at least. In case of language barrier being a thing, I think I'd actually pick up Japanese quickly, since last time I binged anime I did start understanding spoken language somewhat.
If Sumireko is any indication, picking up magic isn't THAT hard in Gensokyo. I do have quite high energy levels, if I do say so myself, so I might end up being able to use it quite quickly. Not just for self-defense, but for healing as well, lay-on-hands style. Another way I could be helpful to people there. That would also mean I could brave traveling outside the village to get in touch with and help the incident resolvers. Might try to get friendly with some youkai girls, for extra safety and fun. Definitely would drop by Kourin's, to school him on use of items and maybe swindle him out of a few. Maybe might even do business with the bigger places, like Scarlet Devil Mansion or House of Eternity.