> "Think of it this way. If you had the opportunity to do something difficult, and the reward was, I dunno, Reimu inviting you to her bed for a night, wouldn't you take it?"
>"I guess it's fine, as long as you don't ask me to do anything stupid or dangerous. Or really hard, I guess."
> Hold to that meaningful thought, no going forward mixing (mostly-categoric situations and relationd)untowardness, overboard or off-shooting r too-long-shoting, for ourselves, our contacts, patronage, competitors, friends and potential crew... not minimizing others types, peoples along and about.
> "Great. Oh, though I should probably also tell Aoi about this...I hope she's fine with it too."
>"Oh right, you did say something about bringing a tengu with us," Koa says.
> "I offered to do it, and that offer wasn't taken. Unless Aoi changes her mind, Aya will have to wait for a hypothetical second trip."
> Somehow Pensive and Focused... but not distracted or sidetracked.
> Among the earlier 1st list-check: Crew on-board for the Rockett-to-Space-Explotation+Knowkedge, then also the 2 "mostly coverage contacs" on the good ol' Gensokyo's Terrain...
> so far the crew is us 3 for a surely safe and , Aoi and Koakuma; then on earth-soil as a sort-of 1st press&relay correspondentwith Hatate, not wiling to embark as much as a chosen Teng but rather an Honest Covera; ax Aya as the the 2nd one accepting and more eager for it and especially but fairly eager fo"2nd eventual Space Trip and Exploration including her...or the 1st substitute in the current1 in the What-If of a is it not correct o?
> The 3-spot/sear Ship Rocket is to be tested and trial but thorically it is a 3-seats-spots Fully Safe and Maneuvrable plus Efficentlx Self-Sufficint..
an eventual next and improved and stabilized partly-experimental pexpanded with a few more seats&spots, Space-Rocket-Ship named(perphaps) "NK-Mk2(Nitori Kappan-Mark 2)"... is it all decently. correct on the Current End?xThen are"those future margins of the Current Project not that far-out?
> Where are Aoi(1st), Aya(2nd), (3rd) Hatate, Aoi should be located or passing since our "prevoius contacted-to-eventual-crew-and-intel" meeting, if need-be the estimate totrackabable place, route, acquaintances and not to check?