I started using RPG Maker 2000 a few days ago, I figured I'd see if anyone here uses the program and would like to discuss the things they've made or just discuss it in general.

Warm and Warmers greetings, wishes, encouragement, and beyond

For the good sake of helpfully... and, hopefully, sort-of ingeniously... covering and following-up BOTH THROUGH TOUHOU, TOUHOU-like, UNRELATED,MIXED OR VARIABLE MAJORLY OR MINORLY INSPIRATIONS, CROSS-OVER(S), CROSSING-OVER(S), ETC...
Such reason-bases-premises to support and explain, even for the near-future and the longer-future, it is very adviceable and better to post, link, reference,etc. another Thread with this 1st one, atleast until a main 1one is established useful and satisfactory, because " on the more(MoTK V3's,this Forum's and the Discord-Channel-Site-Base's) proper, specialized, compatible, populated channel + starting platform
>>>> "
->(Forum Category )"~Hakurei Shrine~"
->(Actual Forum and with a Sub-Forum)"Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments"
(Description)Looking for help with danmakufu? Building your own fan-made Touhou game? This board should help with your RaNGE of questions"
