Touhou Chronicles 东方年代记 (also known as Tragedy of Gensokyo, Princess of Phoenix) is a 2012 Chinese Touhou fangame made in RMXP. It's essentially the Chinese fandom's equivalent of Healing Nature. It has 9 chapters in total, each with at least two endings. The game itself also has 10 endings and an absolutely enormous amount of content and depth. This version is translated up to the end of the first chapter.
TL;DR expect the same as Blizzard of Faith and Revenge, but on a much grander scale.
Note that due to technical reasons, some content like the main menu is untranslated in-game. The translations for these can be found in a separate text file bundled together with the game.
Also note that this game uses a lot of unoriginal assets (it's by the same people behind Blizzard of Faith and Revenge). A talented artist by the name of FIND真心 has redrawn most of the illustrations in this game, so this version will use his illustrations by default. Some art that were used without permission have also been cut from the game by default. If you wish to restore the game's original art, check the "Addons" folder. For more information, check the game's readme.
I've included the entire version of the game here since it's free, and afaik there aren't any official download links left because it's a 10+ year old game and the team broke
apart years ago (and fanlinks are hosted on Baidu Netdisk, which require a Chinese phone number to download from). The original game is also protected by Molebox so patching it will require some elbow grease.
You can get the game here:
Mega Mediafire (Remember to run in Chinese locale. If that doesn't work, try setting your system locale to Chinese before extracting the file.)
I also wrote a walkthrough for the game
hereI likely won't translate the rest of the game, but if I do, updates will be posted on this thread.