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A New Window - Incident Quest
« on: May 12, 2023, 07:14:03 PM »
So my previous idea was kinda dying down, and honestly; I think I was running it a bit too close in themes to what I've done in the past.

So I had an idea.

What if I try something different from what we've done here before? Not just me.

What if I take a twist on something we know, but we... change things up a little; and the quakes get larger as we proceed?

What if we use canon as a basis... but change things up and see what happens?


Gensokyo - 2002

A few months ago; night became even more dangerous than usual.

A new youkai that no-one in Gensokyo had seen before appeared, and started seeking out violent fights. Showing her superiority with strength and magic. The attacks were often vicious and brutal, often leaving the more stubborn of youkai on death's door before they would admit defeat.  The attacker was swift, to the point few could even get a good look at her beyond a flash of scarlet.

Normally; fights between youkai would not be an issue. But the freqency and absolute domination of this newcomer were rousing even the youkai to action.

The young Hakurei Shrine Maiden had been pushing for a more regulated, less hazardous form of settleing disputes. After all; she was still... young. Yet to have an heir, and the last of her line. If she were to be killed, even by accident, by an overzelous youkai causing a major incident, it could be cataclysmic for Gensokyo.

The Youkai of Gensokyo had laughed off her suggestion before. They all knew what actually killing the Hakurei Maiden could do; after all. But this newcomer... with her brutality? She might not know. What would happen if she targeted the Maiden?

And so; the Youkai petitioned for the Maiden to implement her "spellcard" system, surprising her. However, she did so with zeal.

The next night after the declaration of the "Spellcard Rules"; Gensokyo became engulfed in a scarlet mist...



So; the twist with this story is we'll be going through the incidents... with characters not involved in them. How the characters you choose to resolve incidents... well... resolve them, could have future impacts on other incidents.

The first step before you play the Scarlet Mist Incident is to go over a few ground rules:

1: Do try to avoid metagaming. Unless a character has a *very* good reason to, they would not know the culprit beforehand. In this case, no-one is going to be familiar with the SDM, they only arrived a few months ago, and very few [if any] have gotten a good look at the Scarlet Devil who has been asserting her dominance.

2: Do try to stay somewhat in character for the character you choose. Kinda links with 1 a bit. If you pick; for example's sake, Keine; her first action isn't going to be kicking down doors and taking names like Reimu would. Yuyuko isn't going to be afflicting people with the power of DIE.

3: While there can be combat, there will often be non-violent resolutions. Not everyone is as trigger-happy as Marisa or Reimu. That said; just because there *are* non-violent solutions dosen't mean they'll always be easy. For example in this case: Remilia started the Scarlet Mist incident specifically to pick a fight to test out the spellcard rules. So; spoilers: convincing Remilia to back down without a fight is gonna be hard. Not impossible; but difficult. On another note about combat, you may not have to win if the circumstances are right.

4: There will be a banlist of characters depending on incident. Reasons for bans will be given.

Anyway; with those guidelines out of the way:

Onto the banlist; and with this being EoSD... the banlist is fairly long:

SDM Residents - Do I need to explain? I will allow Cirno/Daiyousei/Rumia as they are more bystanders.
Reimu/Marisa - Heroines normally
All Characters Outside Gensokyo - The mist does not effect them. This notably includes characters like the Moriya Shrine who have not arrived yet; as well as characters like Eiki; the cast of WBaWC except Kutaka; the entire cast of LoLK; Youmu/Yuyuko...
The Underground Youkai - Still underground and doing their own isolation thing. Remember even by the time of SA it was literally taboo for youkai aboveground to go overground and vica versa with a few exceptions [Rin collecting corpses for example since that's kinda her job]. This also include the Myouren Crew who are still stuck underground.
Auun; Narumi; Yatusashi; Benben; Kokoro - They are not born yet [Auun and Narumi were animated by Okina's powers in 16; Kokoro came to life just before HM; and Yatusashi/Benben were brought to life by Sukana's use of the Miracle Mallet]
Yukari/Okina - The incident is below the point where they would intereve. Also; Yukari is probobly sleeping, and Okina is still being the secret God.
Eientei - Until IN; they were in isolation keeping their existence secret. So wouldn't reveal themselves now. [Also since Eientei is effected by Kaguya's power of Eternity it's questionable if the Scarlet Mist even effects it so if they are even aware]
PC-98 - Most of them lack characters, are not in Gensokyo [Hi MS] or would just turn this into Mima Quest. I may start to allow some PC-98 characters in later incidents that make sense, but leaving them be for now. [This does not include Alice/Yuuka; they're in Windows; they are fair game]
Akyuu/Kosuzu - Akyuu is like... 4. Kosuzu is even younger; if born at all.

Just because a character was not introduced before EoSD dosen't mean you cannot select them. For example; Aya and Nitori are perfectly selectable characters. [Hell; the entire Touhou 18 cast is legal]. If you want to have a character like Minoriko go and resolve this incident, do it! See what ripple effect that would have down the line!
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2023, 06:31:58 PM »
//Never played a quest with them as a playable character, so...
> Daiyousei


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2023, 06:18:17 AM »
// Greater fairy sounds good!  Though it'll probably make things hard difficulty since she's only a midboss...
> Daiyousei


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2023, 06:20:26 AM »
// Might I propose a different fairy?

>Luna Child

// Also Rai, are we locked into our character choice for the whole quest, will be forced to pick a new one each incident, or will we only be forced to switch if the character we're playing gets banned for an incident? If so would it be temporary?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2023, 08:11:35 PM »
// Also Rai, are we locked into our character choice for the whole quest, will be forced to pick a new one each incident, or will we only be forced to switch if the character we're playing gets banned for an incident? If so would it be temporary?

Character selection re-occurs at every incident. Different characters will be available for different incidents. *However* of course your actions in one incident might impact other, or even impact which characters may get involved. If anything; I encourage using different characters in part because more characters enter Gensokyo as the games progress. For example; after Touhou 10; the Moriya crew will be available [Well; Kanako will take a bit longer because... you know]; after Touhou 11 the Underground and aboveground start interacting again, after Touhou 12 Byakuren's crew is about and so on.

//Never played a quest with them as a playable character, so...
> Daiyousei

// Greater fairy sounds good!  Though it'll probably make things hard difficulty since she's only a midboss...
> Daiyousei

>> Loading Profile

> ERROR NO NAME FOUND - Placeholder - "Daiyousei"

> Race: Water Fairy

> Character Abilities: Short-range teleportation [Limited to a few meters; and has a wind-up]; greater magical power and skill than most fairies

> Other:
Racial - Fairy: You are the size of a human child; and have the strength of one as well. However, you also have Ressurective Immortality, and can grow in power around areas connected with your natural aspect.
Fairy Bond - Fairies are all nature spirits; so have quite a kinship with fairies they get along with, and a habit of attacking in groups. As such; you may be able to call in an [Assist] from other fairies. [Assist] can call in both named and unnamed fairies.
Greater Fairy - Your status as a "Daiyousei" gives you a diplomacy boost against lesser fairies.

Notable Relations:
Lilly White - Friend [She *does* team up with Lilly to attack Cirno in GFW...]. Lilly White is added to the potential Assist pool. However, since the Scarlet Mist Incident occurs during Summer; she is not as strong as in Spring.

[I'm not putting Cirno as a friend since Dai chose to side against her during GFW]
// Might I propose a different fairy?

>Luna Child

>> Loading Profile:

>> Luna Child

>> Race: Light Fairy

> Character Abilities: Muting Surrounding Sound; higher magical power than average fairy [Remember GFW is exaggerated from Cirno's perspective; she's not as crazy as in that]. Gains further power at night-time; but weakened at day.

> Other:
Racial - Fairy: You are the size of a human child; and have the strength of one as well. However, you also have Ressurective Immortality, and can grow in power around areas connected with your natural aspect.
Fairy Bond - Fairies are all nature spirits; so have quite a kinship with fairies they get along with, and a habit of attacking in groups. As such; you may be able to call in an [Assist] from other fairies. [Assist] can call in both named and unnamed fairies.

Notable Relations:
Star Sapphire - Friend - Star Sapphire is added to the Assist pool. Star Sapphire is far less likely to lose interest or flee.
Sunny Milk - Friend - Sunny Milk is added to the Fairy Assist pool. Sunny Milk is far less likely to lose interest of flee. She is stronger at daytime and weaker at night.

[Basically Dai gets a Fairy diplomacy boost and teleportation but Luna has a better assist pool and Muting. Feels weird to have Luna without Sunny/Star, but if I gave Dai *nothing the choice would be obvious so I gave her Lily.]
« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 08:25:28 PM by raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2023, 03:35:47 AM »
>R̴̖̒í̷͔n̷̹͝ ̷̯͝S̷̖̈́à̵̹t̶͓͌ŝ̴͖u̶͓͂k̵̪͘ì̸̖

// More serious note, because I'm curious:
>Lunasa Prismriver


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2023, 09:12:59 PM »
>R̴̖̒í̷͔n̷̹͝ ̷̯͝S̷̖̈́à̵̹t̶͓͌ŝ̴͖u̶͓͂k̵̪͘ì̸̖

// More serious note, because I'm curious:
>Lunasa Prismriver

>> Loading Profile:

>> Lunasa Prismriver

>> Race: Poltergeist

> Character Abilities: Manipulation of musical instruments [Strongest with your bonded Violin, but does work on other instruments]. Invoking Melancholy with music

> Other:
Racial - Phantom - You are difficult to damage with physical attacks. Attacks of a magical nature can still harm you; and you are particually vulnerable to Holy damage.
Bandmates - Your power increases if both of your sisters are present, enabling combination attacks. However, this disables your ability to invoke Melancholy due to Lyrica's powers. You do not receive a boost or combination attacks unless all three are present. You're not in harmony with only two!

Notable Relations:
Lyrica Prismriver - Sister - As close as Poltergheists get to "blood relatives". While she does have her own things to do, she's quite willing to help you out if need be. The craftiest sister. Her music is what nullifies the effects of yours and Merlin's.
Merlin Prisimriver - Sister - As close as Poltergheists get to "blood relatives". While she does have her own things to do, she's quite willing to help you out if need be. A bit ditzy, but can get really focused on things to a manic degree.  "Manic mode" can be a blessing and a curse.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 09:15:01 PM by raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2023, 02:41:36 AM »
// I now think Luna Child would be more interesting Daiyousei since she's a newer character that's completely uninvolved otherwise whereas Daiyousei is already part of the "EoSD cast".

> So changing my vote to Luna Child


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2023, 08:00:23 PM »
// I've given selection about 6 days. We're currently at x2 Luna x1 Daiyousei. So I'll go with Luna.


The Great Fairy Tree - Near the Hakurei Border

It's always like this. Sunny drags you out during the day, tires herself out, and then loses her energy and wants to sleep when you're at your strongest. But Sunny is a lot more assertive than you tend to be. It's annoying, but you go along with it. Besides; when you three need some rest, not many come so close to the Barrier as you do [or; indeed, settle so near the Hakurei Shrine], so your tree is quite quiet.

You are currently outside the tree, and you cannot help but notice something is gradually becoming... off with the air. A red hue. It started very fine, but it is rather quickly getting thicker. The red haze is starting to obscure the light of the moon and stars somewhat, and it's not the most pleasant to breathe. Not harmful; but... a little irritateing. And certainly not natural. Fairies are good at telling what's natural; after all.

Star and Sunny are currently resting inside the tree.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2023, 03:00:46 AM »
>Does our moon-based strength require exposure to unobstructed moonlight, or does it just have to be night in general?
>>If it's the former, is the strange haze that's starting to obscure the moon affecting our strength at all?

>Does lunar phase matter in terms of how much strength we gain at night?
>>What's the current lunar phase?



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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2023, 07:33:09 AM »
> What's our favorite blend of coffee?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2023, 07:44:41 AM »
>Does our moon-based strength require exposure to unobstructed moonlight, or does it just have to be night in general?
>>If it's the former, is the strange haze that's starting to obscure the moon affecting our strength at all?

>Does lunar phase matter in terms of how much strength we gain at night?
>>What's the current lunar phase?


> Your strength is based on the presence of the moon. It dosen't even have to be night, there are times when one can see both the rising sun and setting moon. The ability to see the moon is not a factor, it is the cycle of nature itself. It is worth noting however, by bathing in the moonlight you can heal your wounds and recover your stamina quickly.

If you were to Pichunn, you would reform shortly afterwards wherever in Gensokyo the moon's light is shining the brightest. This is often on Youkai Mountain's upper reaches... leading to you having to cross most of Gensokyo to get back home... while sneaking past the territorial youkai; who are generally more active at night.  [If you pichunned during the day, you'd have to wait until the moon came out. You know this from experience thanks to Sunny...]

> Likewise; the phase of the moon has no impact.

> The moon is full. It seems to be turning a scarlet shade however. You think this is just the mist.

> Unusually for a fairy [Most are too weak or stupid to have made any] you have managed to create a few spellcards:

Moon Sign: Lunatic Rain
Moon Sign: Luna Cyclone

You have also made a spellcard which is a team attack led by you, but requires your two friends to perform:
Light Sign: Bright Light

Sunny and Star also both have a combination spellcard where they are "leading". There is also a spellcard you three made where all three of you declare it together; so you all have a copy:
Three Fairies


OCC Note: I'm not giving Luna every single GFW spellcard, partially because the spellcard system is new so she simply hasn't made them all yet, it's kind of unclear how much of GFW was Cirno exaggerating so she could have easily faced less [also less anti-ice stuff; spellcards like Ice Dissolver were definitely made for fighting Cirno]

Also note the spellcards are not at GFW power for the same (9) related reasons. The solo spellcards are probably a bit weaker than Cirno's; the team cards are probably at the level of a stage 3 boss and Three Fairies is comparable to most stage 4 bosses in intensity/complexity. Of course, danmaku is supposed to allow the weak to challenge the strong...

> What's our favorite blend of coffee?

> While you do enjoy coffee, coffee is pretty rare in Gensokyo, and pretty hard to obtain for a fairy who dosen't have money. You basically take whatever you can get and/or steal.

> Also; you're a fairy. You're not educated enough to know about coffee blends. You wouldn't even know how to make coffee if that tall shopkeeper didn't show you.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2023, 07:55:56 AM »
> Any goals for the day?  What are our motivations?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2023, 09:13:22 AM »
>Status of coffee stockpile. Are we needing to replenish?
>Do we know our friends' opinions on coffee?
>>Does Star drink Green Tea?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2023, 10:37:48 AM »
> Any goals for the day?  What are our motivations?

> You have no current goals. You spent most of the day playing with another group of fairies.

>Status of coffee stockpile. Are we needing to replenish?
>Do we know our friends' opinions on coffee?
>>Does Star drink Green Tea?

> You only have a little coffee left. The shop-man gave you some about a week ago.

> Star and Sunny both prefer tea [Sunny's favorite drink is just milk however]

> All fairies drink Green Tea as far as you know; except maybe Cirno. She dislikes hot drinks. You never asked her, you try and avoid her since she's always picking fights.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2023, 05:46:36 AM »
> What's our favorite game?  Tag?  Hide and seek?  Friendly casual danmaku?
> Is Sunny and Star around to play?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2023, 06:02:05 AM »
> What's our favorite game?  Tag?  Hide and seek?  Friendly casual danmaku?
> Is Sunny and Star around to play?

> Your favorite is Daruma-San. You always win, because if they're getting close; you can just mute something so they don't hear you before they turn around. Sunny and Star both prefer Hide and Seek... because they both cheat with their own abilities.

> Sunny and Star are inside the tree. You are just outside the tree.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2023, 06:39:25 PM »
> Can we cause a sound that isn't there or only mute sounds?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2023, 07:29:34 PM »
> Can we cause a sound that isn't there or only mute sounds?
>In similar thinking, is it possible for us to "move" an existing sound to make it sound like it's coming from a different source?

>Do we have any notable relations other than our tree-mates and our coffee supplier?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2023, 10:41:00 PM »
> Can we cause a sound that isn't there or only mute sounds?

> You can only mute sounds. Specifically you can either mute all sound in a small area around yourself; or mute one specific sound [That does not have to be directly around you].

>In similar thinking, is it possible for us to "move" an existing sound to make it sound like it's coming from a different source?

>Do we have any notable relations other than our tree-mates and our coffee supplier?

> No. Your power is muting sound, not manipulation of sound-waves.

> You know a few other fairies who have enough self-awareness to have named themselves, but you don't interact with them too much.

> Cirno lives at the lake. Cirno's a pain in the butt, but the Greater Fairy who lives around there seems alright.

> Lilly White mostly ignores you, you only usually ever see her during Spring, at which point she's doing her "job". You did see her once during early summer, and she looked absolutely dejected. Or was she exhausted? From what you can tell; Lilly never rests during Spring.

> There's a somewhat strange insect-like fairy called Eternity who sometimes is around the Hakurei Shrine as well. She seems a lot smarter than the average fairy, but again, you don't really interact with her too often.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2023, 04:06:34 AM »
> What about Letty the best goalkeeper in Touhou Soccer?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2023, 07:15:36 PM »
> What about Letty the best goalkeeper in Touhou Soccer?

> You cannot remember anyone by that name.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2023, 05:31:10 PM »
> How long are we able to use our ability for?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2023, 05:45:46 PM »
> How long are we able to use our ability for?

> There is no strict time limit. Of course, you don't think you could keep it active for hours and hours, as it does slowly drain your stamina, but this is a slow burn.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2023, 07:18:29 AM »
> This mist that's been bothering us... have we any idea where it came from?  Do our nature fairy instincts tell us anything?

> How's our motivation/confidence?  Have we ever dueled with anyone other than fairies?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2023, 08:08:54 AM »
> This mist that's been bothering us... have we any idea where it came from?  Do our nature fairy instincts tell us anything?

> How's our motivation/confidence?  Have we ever dueled with anyone other than fairies?

> You do not know where it is from, but you can tell the direction. It's coming from the direction of the Misty Lake.

> Your motivation is high. After all; it is night-time. The spellcard rules are new enough you've not used them with anyone but Sunny and Star yet. Before then? You've been beaten up by so many youkai and even humans...
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2023, 04:06:40 PM »
> Do we know where Sunny and Star would be now?  If so then head towards that direction!


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2023, 07:27:26 PM »
> Do we know where Sunny and Star would be now?  If so then head towards that direction!

> They are in the tree; just behind you, you do not need to go anywhere, simply turn around and go inside.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2023, 08:29:23 PM »
> Turn around and head inside to meet up with Sunny and Star!
> Curiously ask "Has either of you noticed this odd haze that's recently popped up outside?"
> Do our friends look tired like they want to rest for the night?


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Re: A New Window - Incident Quest
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2023, 09:04:11 AM »
> Turn around and head inside to meet up with Sunny and Star!
> Curiously ask "Has either of you noticed this odd haze that's recently popped up outside?"
> Do our friends look tired like they want to rest for the night?

> You go inside the tree and see Sunny and Star there.

> "Something's happening outside?" Star asks curiously.

> As you have the "door" [A movable panel of tree bark] open some of the mist seeps in, causing Star to recoil.

> "W-what's that red stuff!" she exclaims.

> This actually rouses Sunny from her half-sleep state, and she looks up at it too.

> "Eh? Why's it all red?" she asks as she tries to grab some of the red mist, but nothing happens.

> Sunny looks tired. Star looks fine.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.