Author Topic: Renascence of Blasted Starlight  (Read 63478 times)

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  • Seg Fault
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Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« on: May 31, 2022, 04:50:29 AM »

>That is the feeling that wracks your body as you slowly return to consciousness. You barely remember anything that happened… You faintly recall a massive explosion, fire, and a sense of despair followed by fulfillment, but aside from that, nothing.

>You are dressed in nothing but a tattered greenish-gray suit or jacket of some sort, with some kind of fancy techno-ornament sitting on your chest. Your long, pale-blue hair drapes around you as you lie on the ground. As feeling returns to your legs, you make an honest attempt to stagger to your feet, managing to do so after a few attempts.

>You are notably injured, as your pain would suggest, with your skin being heavily singed in places and your hands feeling mostly numb. However, a visual inspection reveals that they are thankfully intact, though there are some flecks of blood and what seem to be a few metal bits and wires poking out of what wounds you do see… You wonder if the rest of your body is in a similar state underneath your clothes…

>At least you can walk, it seems, as you discover after a brief test. Observing your surroundings, you note that you appear to be in a tranquil forest, with a beautiful blue sky above… It’s an interesting sight, to be honest, even with your memory being clouded as it is, you’re pretty certain you’ve never seen a sky so blue before, or a forest this green for that matter… However, a small part of you gives you a nagging feeling of wrongness and urges you to burn all this beautiful scenery to a crisp!

>…but you manage to suppress the desire. There is a time and place for everything after all. Plus you’re in too much pain to want to burn things right now…

>...Why do you want to burn things anyway?

>Something to wonder about later, you suppose... As you begin to stumble in a random direction as fast as your injured body can take you, you try to recall any more details about yourself, starting with your name… You… vaguely recall it was something related to stars…?

>Hmm… …Star…… Ho...shi…? B…rei…

>Ah, right… How could you have forgotten?

>Your name is Reika Hoshino, and you have no idea where you are or where you came from…

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2022, 05:44:19 AM »
>What do we hear

>Have we seen any moss on the trees

>Look for a stick that can be used as a walking stick.


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2022, 06:53:56 AM »
>What do we hear
>The chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects. It's kind of peaceful actually...
>Though you have a slight nagging feeling that things seem a bit too peaceful... You're not sure why.

>Have we seen any moss on the trees
>Not really.

>Look for a stick that can be used as a walking stick.
>You look around, soon finding a fallen branch that seems like it would be long and sturdy enough to support your weight.
>It takes a bit of effort to grab it on account of still not having full feeling in your hands back as well as the overall pain slowing your movement, but eventually you manage to get ahold of it and begin to lean into it as you walk. Mentally sighing in relief as it makes moving a bit easier.

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2022, 07:02:50 AM »
>This feeling of too peaceful seems likely from our past.
->Perhaps a dangerous environment

>Does the word pyromania feel like it fits us?

>Take a look at the trees
->Do we recognize any of the species and where they would be found?

>How much daylight do we appear to have
->Place fingers between the sun and the horizon and that many fingers that fit is the hours left.


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2022, 10:11:37 PM »
>This feeling of too peaceful seems likely from our past.
->Perhaps a dangerous environment
>Were you in a dangerous environment before? You try to think...
>Nope, still nothing...

>Does the word pyromania feel like it fits us?
>You ponder.
>Fire is admittedly beautiful to look at, you would say, especially when it burns everything in its path...
>You kinda don't want to go starting them everywhere though... Someone could get hurt. Plus you doubt it would be good for the forest, even though it would look much better that way...
>You stop for a moment. Where did that thought come from?
>...Did you do something like that before you lost your memories?
>No... Surely you wouldn't have. You're a good girl...

>Take a look at the trees
->Do we recognize any of the species and where they would be found?
>You're not a botanist... Or if you were, you don't remember.
>You have a strange feeling that the majority of trees are supposed to be dead, though.

>How much daylight do we appear to have
->Place fingers between the sun and the horizon and that many fingers that fit is the hours left.
>You think you have the majority of the day left. The sun is almost above you, after all.

>You manage to stumble onto what seems to be a dirt road. One direction seems to lead deeper into the woods, while the other seems to lead out...
>You also think you hear distant sounds of... ...laughter?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2022, 10:13:46 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2022, 10:22:29 PM »

>Laughter means a person or hyenas.
->Listen carefully to the laughter.
-->Is it the sound of a broken soul, someone hearing a funny joke, or stress laughter?

>If we can't tell then slowly make our way towards the laughter


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2022, 10:51:34 PM »

>Laughter means a person or hyenas.
->Listen carefully to the laughter.
-->Is it the sound of a broken soul, someone hearing a funny joke, or stress laughter?

>If we can't tell then slowly make our way towards the laughter
>It sounds more like children playing.

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2022, 11:20:43 PM »
>They probably know where civilization is

>Head towards the laughter


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2022, 12:56:44 AM »
>They probably know where civilization is

>Head towards the laughter
>You head towards the laughter as fast as your body will allow, soon entering a clearing not too far from the road.

>What you see though is not what you expect. It appears to be a group of little girls with insectlike wings coming out of their backs, all happily engaged in a game of tag of some sort.
>Huh, you didn't know wing augmentations were a thing...
>Wait, augmentations... where did that term come from?
>As you attempt to rack your brain for answers, one of the winged girls seems to notice you.

>"Ah! A human!" she exclaims, causing the rest of the group to immediately stop what they're doing.

>"Aw man, we didn't even set up the blocked aids thingy yet!" Another complains

>"Why didn't we?" A third asks.

>"I dunno, but the game was really fun..." says a fourth.

>"Alright, it doesn't matter if we set up the thingy or not, we'll do this just like we practiced!" a fifth, a slightly taller one with larger wings that appears to be holding a sunflower commands, before fluttering up to you and holding her sunflower out like it was some kind of weapon, "Alright, human! This is a... um... a blocked aids! And you can't come through unless you give us all your stuffs and thingies!"

>"...How is this gonna work if we're not blocking the road though?" the first one asks.

>"Uh... We don't let her leave until she gives stuffs of course!" the sunflower holder sage nods.

>"She looks kinda hurt though..." another one says thoughtfully, "What if she needs those stuffs?"

>"We can tell her where the humans live after we take the thingies and they can help her!" another suggests, "And then we can ask for more stuffs and thingies in exchange!"

>"But aren't we taking all of them?" the first one questions.


Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2022, 01:23:03 AM »
>"Human? Is that what you're calling everyone without wings?"

>Give a tired sigh and show our flesh with the embedded wire
->"Would you be so cruel as to take my only possession, a walking stick then send me in such a state off on my own?"


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2022, 02:11:47 AM »
>"Human? Is that what you're calling everyone without wings?"
>"Well duh! Don't you know what you are?" the sunflower holder replies.
>"Don't a lot of youkai not have wings either?" one of the other winged girls asks.
>"...I mean she doesn't seem like a youkai?" sunflower girl blinks, "You're not a youkai right?"

>Give a tired sigh and show our flesh with the embedded wire
->"Would you be so cruel as to take my only possession, a walking stick then send me in such a state off on my own?"
>You pull back one of your sleeves to reveal more of the damage done to you, wincing quite a bit as the fabric passes over some of the wounds.

>"Whoa... is that metal sticking out!?"/"Cool!"/"Ew it's all bloody and stuff!" are among the various reactions you receive.
>"She's walking around like that?!" one of the shorter ones blinks, "Gee, she must be super-strong and tough... Maybe we shouldn't mess with her..."
>"B-But what about getting free stuffs and thingies?" Another questions.
>"We can always jump the next human!"
>"But we worked so hard on this..." Sunflower pouts.
>"So should we get her help or...?" one of the group fidgets.
>"Isn't there some kinda healer lady somewhere...?" another asks.
>"Maybe one of the humans in the village know! They're smart!" a third suggests.

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2022, 02:55:10 AM »
>"Is youkai the name of some sort of gang?"

>"Does the village have a doctor in it?"


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2022, 04:45:58 AM »
>"Is youkai the name of some sort of gang?"
>The winged ones give you a look as if a tree grew out of your ear.
>"...She doesn't know what a youkai is?" one asks.
>"Maybe she's dumb?" another suggests.

>That urge to burn something comes back and this time it's directed at them... It would take just a simple flick of the--
>You shut down that line of thought immediately. How could you possibly think something like that!? They're kids!
>Maybe it's just stress from the pain messing with your thoughts... yes... maybe when you're healed it will stop...

>"Does the village have a doctor in it?"
>"I think they have one or two?" one replies.
>"But they're nothing compared to that healer lady I heard about." says another, "She lives in that place that's easy to get lost in though..."
>"Oh no, not there! That place is scary!" a third shudders, "I was dared to go in there once and I couldn't find my way out for forever!"

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2022, 05:33:20 AM »
>With these intrusive thoughts it might be a good idea to get checked for head injuries.
->Especially with how they involved hurting these kids.

>"I should see the better doctor as I believe I may have some brain injury. Could one of you kind young ladies help me and perhaps tell me what youkai are along the way?"


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2022, 11:03:53 PM »
//No second player yet?

>With these intrusive thoughts it might be a good idea to get checked for head injuries.
->Especially with how they involved hurting these kids.

>"I should see the better doctor as I believe I may have some brain injury. Could one of you kind young ladies help me and perhaps tell me what youkai are along the way?"
>"Do we really have to go all the way over there?" one of them complains.
>"Where even is the place anyway?" another asks.
>"On the other side of the human village from us... Let's just take her there because maybe a human knows how to find the healer lady." A third suggests
>"But what about our blocked aids?" the fourth complains.
>"Maybe we can split up?" the second speaks.
>"Only if you girls remember where we are..." the Sunflower holder joins in.
>"We're not that bad!"
>"It took us a week to find you in hide and seek that one time!"
>"Did not!"
>"Did too!"
>"Did not!"
>"Did too!"

>You have a feeling this isn't going to go anywhere...

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2022, 03:25:39 AM »
>"If is too much trouble to lead then could you point the way to this village?"


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2022, 03:46:23 AM »
>"If is too much trouble to lead then could you point the way to this village?"
>"Just follow the road leading out of the forest." one of the ones not involved with the rapidly escalating squabble replies, "You can't miss it."

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2022, 04:25:07 AM »
//The site seems to have a limited number of players

>"Thank you and good luck with your blockade."

>Follow the road out of the forest


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2022, 05:07:30 AM »
//I know but still it feels more satisfying as a QM to have at least two active players.

>"Thank you and good luck with your blockade."

>Follow the road out of the forest
>"You're welcome." the winged girl waves before turning her attention to her friends.

>You limp back to the road and follow the fairy's directions. At least the pain hasn't really gotten worse since you started moving...
>As soon as you reach the edge of the forest, you are treated to the sight of a large plain, with an old looking village in the center of it, surrounded by farmland. More of those winged girls fly around in scattered groups in the mostly cloudless sky above as the sunlight warms the landscape.

>Although another part of you once again feels that things seem too peaceful, you can't help but take in the sight before you.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2022, 05:10:19 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2022, 05:34:10 AM »
>Examine the village
->Glance at the winged girls

>Do we think the village looks big enough to support this many kids?
->Actually could it be a bunch of larpers?

>Too peaceful. . .
->What kind of hostilities seem familiar societal unrest, war, or natural disaster?

>Keep moving and look for adults.


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2022, 05:50:59 AM »
>Examine the village
->Glance at the winged girls
>The village seems pretty old, as in no skyscrapers or modern looking buildings of any sort. It also has a wall surrounding it. The architecture definitely seems east Asian though.
>Glancing at the winged girls, they mostly seem to keep to their own groups. You do a double take when you notice a couple of the groups seeming to toss colorful energy pellets of some kind between each other. You're not sure if it's some kind of fight or some kind of game but they're too high in the air for you to do anything about it.

>Do we think the village looks big enough to support this many kids?
->Actually could it be a bunch of larpers?
>You don't know what a larper is.
>You're not sure. There does seem to be a lot of these winged kids around, but not an overwhelming amount of them. However, all of them seem to be girls too, which is admittedly a bit weird...

>Too peaceful. . .
->What kind of hostilities seem familiar societal unrest, war, or natural disaster?
>You dwell on that uneasy feeling of too much peace for a bit, trying to think of why...
>War seems to resonate the most with you our of all the things that pass through your--
>That's right... You're starting to remember now. There was a war. One that spanned the entire globe if you remember correctly... Could the absence of conflict here be what's causing that feeling?

>Keep moving and look for adults.
>You keep going to the village, eventually reaching the gates.
>By now the fatigue of both walking and having to endure the pain is starting to catch up to you as you stagger forward. A man standing guard at the gate seems to notice you as you approach and whispers something to the other guard posted with him.

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2022, 06:13:37 AM »
>A global war and a peaceful old village.
->There is that issue of all the children flying are female.
-->Something is seriously wrong here.

>"Hello,  I'm in a bit of a pickle.  Some of the girls recommend a physician outside of the village.

>"Ah, where are my manners? Reika Hoshino. Let's blame my rudeness on my brain injuries."


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2022, 11:28:42 PM »
>A global war and a peaceful old village.
->There is that issue of all the children flying are female.
-->Something is seriously wrong here.

>"Hello,  I'm in a bit of a pickle.  Some of the girls recommend a physician outside of the village.

>"Ah, where are my manners? Reika Hoshino. Let's blame my rudeness on my brain injuries."
>"Bad run in with a youkai, I'm guessing?" One of the guards asks, "Us village humans are relatively safe for the most part, but outsiders are usually fair game until they get here."
>"Easy, let's not overwhelm the girl. If she's indeed an outsider than she's probably confused on top of being injured as she is... poor thing." the other grimaces, "It's a wonder how she hasn't keeled over yet walking around with injuries like those."
>He clears his throat and addresses you directly, "Welcome to the Human Village, outsider. Provided you follow our laws and customs you should be relatively safe from Youkai here. If it's a healer you need, then we have a few in the village proper but, with injuries like that... hm..."
>He looks your injuries over for a moment.
>"...Well our healers can probably patch you up somewhat, but you'd probably need to visit Eientei to fully treat those... Problem is it's in the middle of the Bamboo Forest of the Lost..."
>"I think the medicine peddler is in the village today, actually." the other guard speaks up, "She can probably take her there if she can find her. Or ask Kamishirasawa if classes are out, since she knows a guide if I recall correctly."

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2022, 12:05:04 AM »
>"I can thankfully say a youkai wasn't the cause of these."
->"Now are these youkai another group in a nearby village or an isolationist party from this village?"

>"I'll need to rest a bit before moving, would Kamishirasawa be available later than the peddler."

>"Is there a nearby bench?  I really need to sit."


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2022, 12:37:12 AM »
>"I can thankfully say a youkai wasn't the cause of these."
->"Now are these youkai another group in a nearby village or an isolationist party from this village?"
>The guards blink.
>"Hm, you really are an outsider if you don't know that." one of them says, "Youkai, simply put, are supernatural creatures. So stuff like ghosts, tsukumogami, monsters, and the like."
>"Some of them eat humans, in fact you're lucky you didn't run into one given the blood on you." the other adds.

>"I'll need to rest a bit before moving, would Kamishirasawa be available later than the peddler."

>"Is there a nearby bench?  I really need to sit."
>"It's definitely easier to get ahold of her later in the day when classes are out. She's the history teacher at the school, after all. As for the peddler, she tends to stay in town well into the afternoon when she does visit so chances are both will be available by the time you're ready."
>"There are benches along the main creek, leading to the village plaza." the other one speaks, "Just keep following the road and you can't miss them. Do you need an escort, ma'am?"

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2022, 02:07:18 AM »
>"Yes, I'd like an escort.  Thank you, sir."
->Follow the guard


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2022, 02:26:48 AM »
>"Yes, I'd like an escort.  Thank you, sir."
->Follow the guard
>The guard escorts you inside the village. You notice several of the villagers giving you strange looks as you limp along the road. It kinda makes you a bit uncomfortable...
>Eventually, the guard stops in front of a bench next to a tranquil looking creek running through the village, off to the side you see more benches placed along the creek at intervals, as well as a large plaza, at the center of which is a statue of a dragon.
>A small stage is also set up at the side of the plaza, where someone seems to be doing a performance in front of a crowd of onlookers.
>You can't pick out any more details in the plaza unless you get closer.

>"Here we are, ma'am." the guard gestures to the bench, "Are you going to be okay waiting here? I could take you to a clinic if you'd like if you'd rather be patched up a bit before going to Eientei proper."

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2022, 02:41:28 AM »
>"I'll be fine thank you.  Though I just realized that I don't know what Kamishirasawa or the peddler look like or where to find the history teacher."

>Do we see any empty benches closer to the show?


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2022, 02:55:07 AM »
>"I'll be fine thank you.  Though I just realized that I don't know what Kamishirasawa or the peddler look like or where to find the history teacher."

>Do we see any empty benches closer to the show?
>Yes, there seems to be one right on the edge of the plaza a fair amount of benches down.

>"The school is a couple streets down from the plaza. Ms. Kamishirasawa usually wears a blue dress with a matching, rather unique looking hat. She also has silver hair with bluish highlights, hard to miss." the guard explains, "The medicine peddler usually has a large wooden pack on her back and wears a large straw hat when she comes here. Her most striking features, though, are her violet hair and red eyes."

Re: Renascence of Blasted Starlight
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2022, 03:06:08 AM »
>"When does the school get out?"