Author Topic: Touhou 11 weird slowdown rate  (Read 8413 times)

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Touhou 11 weird slowdown rate
« on: March 21, 2022, 05:48:04 AM »
I just cleared Touhou 11 with a highscore of 482313380. However, upon clearing I found out that my fps is 0.0 and my slowdown rate is -1.$% (??) but the replay when starting from stage 5 without skipping (to negate the replay desync glitch) runs perfectly fine, albeit with the fps counter being 0. When I uploaded the replay to LunarCast, they said the slowdown rate was 0.000. Well, when I download the replay and put it into my replay folder and view it, it's still -1.$%. Like what?

By the way, I started the game using vpatch and the game runs just fine. There were no lag spikes or fps drops and honestly it feels like 60.0fps all along and it was just the fps counter being weird. After setting that score though, I can only open the game using vpatch and the game would freeze whenever I tried to open from the original th11.exe. Is this just a graphical bug or is it something else caused by vpatch? I've heard that vpatch fixes the highscore display bug in th12 so I guess it's possible. Also, would this mean that my run is "cheated" or something like that? I think replays with a slowdown rate under 5% is accepted but I'm not so sure about negative ones. I'm not trying to set a new world record or anything but it would be pretty sad if my highest score yet is invalid because of it.

Your reply will be appreciated.
Images: (1st picture taken right after Utsuho, 2nd and 3rd were taken after the game was restarted)

« Last Edit: March 21, 2022, 05:50:51 AM by Gonkanau »
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Re: Touhou 11 weird slowdown rate
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2022, 06:25:22 PM »
Doesn't look like there can be anything cheated about this since slowdown rate being on minus means that the game went above 60FPS at some point. Is your monitor above 60Hz? That may sometimes cause the game to go above 60, though Touhou should be generally locked to 60. In future you may want to use software that definitely locks your framerate at whatever you set for the application, Riva Tuner for example.
Have you tried various versions of TH11? Like the raw game from CD that's unpatched.

Re: Touhou 11 weird slowdown rate
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2022, 05:20:54 AM »
My monitor is 59hz and it's an old Dell laptop from who knows when. As I've said in the original post, my game runs as smoothly as a normal 60fps game would, however the fps counter is 0. If you want to see it for yourself, you can download the replay attached. My game is back to normal when I restarted it but the weird slowdown rate is still there. I've said that the original game exe would freeze whenever I launch it but I just found out that it runs normally in window mode, however it doesn't change anything.
is this 2012

Re: Touhou 11 weird slowdown rate
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2022, 02:54:46 PM »
My monitor is 59hz and it's an old Dell laptop from who knows when. As I've said in the original post, my game runs as smoothly as a normal 60fps game would, however the fps counter is 0. If you want to see it for yourself, you can download the replay attached. My game is back to normal when I restarted it but the weird slowdown rate is still there. I've said that the original game exe would freeze whenever I launch it but I just found out that it runs normally in window mode, however it doesn't change anything.

Kinda weird for it to be stuck at 59. Try tinkering around display settings. I know of laptops who have 50hz refresh rate but 59 is definitely caused by software and the display itself is definitely 60hz.

Re: Touhou 11 weird slowdown rate
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2022, 04:20:48 PM »
Well, I can change it in the settings, or at least that's what the AMD Catalyst driver and Windows told me. But still, my monitor rate is pretty unrelated isn't it? The game is already back to normal, or in other words it's running at 60fps after a quick restart and I'm just wondering what caused the weird -1.$% slowdown rate above.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2022, 05:44:49 PM by Gonkanau »
is this 2012


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Re: Touhou 11 weird slowdown rate
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2022, 08:56:53 PM »
I had a "-1.$%" replay once too, for UFO, about 10 years ago. It happened once when I opened the game very quickly after logging into my computer... the displayed fps was stuck at 0. Within the replay, the slowdown is recorded as "-1.#J".

It stopped after I closed-reopened the game, and I've never seen it again since.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2022, 08:59:00 PM by Karisa »