Maidens of the Kaleidoscope
~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Neovereign on April 10, 2024, 01:58:09 AM
> Gensokyo has finally been calmed down. There doesn't seem to be any more immediate anomalies, apart from the increased amount of entities in the realms commonly thought of as afterlife. Hell, Heaven, even supposedly the animal realm.
> You've heard that of those sort of places, the Animal Realm might be the most troublesome for those of the outside world.
> "You're thinking about this a lot, huh? Thats not a lot like you."
> "To be fair, it does involve me a bit."
> "Same for me."
> "I doubt there's anyone as capable as you out there. Weren't you one of the best?"
> "So you're worried about them."
> "Fine, that too, I guess. Are we doing anything about it?"
>Though you wonder this, you've got a strange feeling. Ah, have they lost their drive? Must it be your turn now?
> Maybe you should check up on them in case they worry about it too much... it'll ease their minds, maybe.
> You're used to having another sort of will alongside you. It's at a disadvantage againdt you, however... hough you'll still let it have a shot.
> Who's getting the spotlight? The guy, or the gal?
> The gal, as is customary for Gensokyo.
> The gal, as is customary for Gensokyo.
> You are, for the time being, Kinan, the female half of Shingyoku.
> Once a powerful Kishin of hell, or at least "Jigoku", your attempt to reach another realm known as Gensokyo was thwarted by a feeble human.
> This wasn't any ordinary human. This one seemed to be a powerful spiritualist of some sort.
> Of course, it was absolutely nothing compared to you. Though this man wasted no time once he realized he was no match, sacrificing himself just to contain you.
> Being the extreme calamity that you are, you could easily destroy this formation - yet no matter how you did so or how many times, he would restore it good as new before you could finish.
> It was a counter to you...a stalemate was born
> However, through that stalemate - through the many years you were stuck with him, two people as one, you took a liking to him. He seems to think likewise. The both of you would rather be together like this than apart again, funny enough...
> "Are you done reminiscing?" Your partner and other half, Anzen, asks. Of course you're sure he's fine with you taking more time to refamiliarize yourself with... yourself - or with him.
// I was wondering who the main character was!
> In addition to our male and female halves, can we transform into an orb?
// I was wondering who the main character was!
> In addition to our male and female halves, can we transform into an orb?
> Yes. It's not really something either of you brought to the table, though seems to be a boon from sticking together so long, maybe...
> Morph Ball acquired.
> Queue Metroid Item Acquisition Fanfare (
> Refamiliarize ourselves with ... ourselves by changing into orb form and rolling around for a moment before switching back!
> Can we still see when in our orb form?
> Who has the most control when in that form? Us or Anzen?
> Morph Ball acquired.
> Queue Metroid Item Acquisition Fanfare (
> Refamiliarize ourselves with ... ourselves by changing into orb form and rolling around for a moment before switching back!
> Can we still see when in our orb form?
> Who has the most control when in that form? Us or Anzen?
> You have three forms as Shingyoku. The orb, the guy, and the gal. These can exist all at once, but you can't have duplicates out. When only one body is present, the both of you can focus better on assisting one another.
> Neither of you have greater control of the orb form than the other, but if one of you is focusing on another body, then naturally, the other body will be less controlled by you.
> You take a moment to assume your orb form. Rolling around a little...
> You can still see while like this. Perhaps in a better way than normal given the lack of eyes. It's like a third person view. Means you've got all 3 as possibilities.
> You take Female form again, rolling out into a stand and returning to first person view.
> "Are you going to try and build up speed by running before flying through the air now?" Anzen asks. "This space does have enough room for it, and no one's watching."
> Who is 'they' that we think we should check on?
> Who is 'they' that we think we should check on?
> Aya Shameimaru and Sekibanki. You didn't get to see their return from the animal realm, but you notice they went back.
> What's our history with them?
> What's our history with them?
> You don't have much. They're just two individuals who you've lent somewhat of a hand to in recent days. You wouldn't really call yourself a friend of them due to such. Though you're sure you're not an enemy at least.
> In what way did we give them a hand?
> In what way did we give them a hand?
> The two of you accompanied them for a bit and just helped out where you could while there. It wasn't that long, but given they were only resolving the incident for a couple days, it is enough to mention.
> Transform back into a ball and start rolling until we build up a decent amount of speed and then fly into the air.
> Transform back into a ball and start rolling until we build up a decent amount of speed and then fly into the air.
> You turn into the orb form and roll. There aren't much "hills" here, but you can get a bit of speed.
> You take the female form and take to the air. It doesn't launch you that incredibly, though.
> You've launched yourself much faster in different ways, like having the ball form out and tossing it yourself.
> Summon the orb and toss it into the air with all our force then summon our usual form on top of it to get a good view of where we are!
> Summon the orb and toss it into the air with all our force then summon our usual form on top of it to get a good view of where we are!
> You toss the orb, then remove your form and retake it in place of the orb.
> You get pretty high faster than just flying straight up, at least.
> You are in the Reiidan Gate, a large, mostly "empty" realm that acts like a gate between Gensokyo, Makai, and Hell (Jigoku). It's mostly empty because there are still a few ruined objects you can come across - nothing special.
> There are also the "gates" you can reveal that lead to those aforementioned realms. Normally, they aren't accessible without you.
> Where are we welcome and where are we not?
> Where are we welcome and where are we not?
> You've yet to hear anyone make any actual complaints to your presence anywhere. Not in Makai, not Hell, not Gensokyo.
> Let's pop into Makai and take a look around! Anything or anyone familiar nearby?
> Let's pop into Makai and take a look around! Anything or anyone familiar nearby?
> You access the gate to Makai and head through.
> The two of you arrive at the usual exit, but there's nothing abnormal around here. The city is much further away from here than the cave that leads to Makai is.
> YuugenMagan isn't immediately around. But it's not like they're always standing around near here.
> Oh well...
> Try Gensokyo then!
> Oh well...
> Try Gensokyo then!
> You head back and leave for Gensokyo instead.
> Given the location of the gate, it's obvious that there'd be no one around here. Nothing seems abnormal here, either.
> Can we fast-travel back to the gate through a spell or ritual?
> Whack the orb into the sky towards gensokyo and summon ourselves ontop of it!
> Can we fast-travel back to the gate through a spell or ritual?
> Whack the orb into the sky towards gensokyo and summon ourselves ontop of it!
> You don't think so, then again, you've yet to try.
> You launch the orb with a strike rather than a toss, sending it much faster, then take it's form before returning to your own on top of it.
> Though, it's still spinning a bit, so this doesn't give you a great chance to view things.
> If we spot anything interesting make the next toss towards that direction!
> If we spot anything interesting make the next toss towards that direction!
> You peer around in boredom, hoping something comes up...
> There's nothing of note... everything seems calm. There's still the occasional fairy fight, but nothing interesting is going on...
> Maybe you can stir up something yourself.
> Take a few potshots at the occasional fights!
> Can we summon our sphere form with different sizes?
> Take a few potshots at the occasional fights!
> Can we summon our sphere form with different sizes?
> You can. To fit in the palm of your hand, or even house crushing. You haven't tested the limits.
> You fire of some attacks at the fairies, watching them explode or go crashing into the ground or one another from the hit. They're really weak. But at least you're someone who can tinker your damage enough to not just obliterate them.
> "Perhaps we should provoke that ice fairy into a fight?" Your other half questions, next to you. "We could even give her an advantage and see how that improves or hinders her performance when still outmatched."
> "An excellent idea..."
> Locate ice fairy in question and challenge her to a duel!
> "An excellent idea..."
> Locate ice fairy in question and challenge her to a duel!
> You leave the current fairies alone, not that any of them started going after you yet, and head for Misty Lake. Surely she'll be there, if not on the way.
> Sure enough, you do find Cirno at the destination.
> She appears to be building a structure of some sort near the nearby mansion. A spire, or maybe just a tower. Though, Sakuya is already confronting her.
> "Well it's not inside your gates. This is our lake anyways, you guys just came here afterwards." Cirno questions. "I didn't just make some Scarlet Devil Tower or something for you guys."
> "Are we going to have a problem in the end?" Sakuya questions.
> "It doesn't have to be. Will it be alright if we don't make a lot of noise?" Another fairy questions the maid.
> "Hm..." Sakuya considers.
> Now that you're close to others, you notice something strange about them coming into focus. It's like someone put glasses on you and you're seeing things that weren't there before.
> For Cirno, it feels like something mostly chilly and egotistical. You can notice similar things in Sakuya and the other fairy, though different for each...
> What do these 'auras' look like?
> Land nearby and casually stroll towards the fairies and this Sakuya.
> Inquire "What seems to be the problem here?"
> What do these 'auras' look like?
> Land nearby and casually stroll towards the fairies and this Sakuya.
> Inquire "What seems to be the problem here?"
> They don't have much of a form you can discern.
> You land and approach.
> "It'd nothing a passerby should worry about." Sakuya says.
> "These guys are trying to monopoly the lake!"
> "Monopolize." The other fairy corrects Cirno.
> "Monopoly? That sounds like a fun game..." laugh.
> Propose "How about you settle it this way: both of you challenge me to a duel simultaneously, whoever lands the most hits on me before the end wins and gets to have it their way..."
> That'll force the two of them to set their differences asside work together.
> Let our other half know we might need to summon them temporarily for backup during the fight if they agree.
> "Monopoly? That sounds like a fun game..." laugh.
> Propose "How about you settle it this way: both of you challenge me to a duel simultaneously, whoever lands the most hits on me before the end wins and gets to have it their way..."
> That'll force the two of them to set their differences asside work together.
> Let our other half know we might need to summon them temporarily for backup during the fight if they agree.
> "I see no reason for me to agree to such a thing. I could deal with this lot myself." Sakuya says.
> "Be that as it may-" The other half of you chimes in. "fairies are tenacious creatures. What stops them from doing it again and again?"
> "What stops them from doing that regardless if they lose?" Sakuya questions back. "I've heard few stories of fairies that stick to such agreements, let alone listening to them in the first place."
> In a echoy, almost divine like voice (if we can) "If this fairy does not abide by the terms of this duel she shall face divine retribution and be banished to the gates of a faraway land." summon a magical energy ball spin on our finger for emphasis.
> ...Makai sounds just about right for this troublemaker.
> In a echoy, almost divine like voice (if we can) "If this fairy does not abide by the terms of this duel she shall face divine retribution and be banished to the gates of a faraway land." summon a magical energy ball spin on our finger for emphasis.
> ...Makai sounds just about right for this troublemaker.
> "I'm not afraid of any gods." Cirno says in defiance to your warning. "I've been banished through my own back before and I still beat the God that did it. I'm not afraid of anything! I even beat an enma who was super effective against specifically fairies."
> "Just because they're a living statue doesn't mean they're an enma, Cirno..." The fairy beside her states. "Though, that is impressive for someone who's just a fairy."
> "Hmhm☆"
> "You say that like you aren't yourself." Sakuya comments.
> "You're not just a human yourself, either." The fairy retorts.
> "...Hm. I guess I'll concede, for now." The maid speaks after a bit of consideration in response to that accusation.
> "Hah, i knew you were afraid of me." Cirno boasts. "I'll spare you this time, and my tower wont bother your mansion."
> Maintain a stern look to ensure the fairies don't try some kind of underhanded trick! Summon the orb to spin above our palm for emphasis.
> Has anyone's 'aura' changed?
> Maintain a stern look to ensure the fairies don't try some kind of underhanded trick! Summon the orb to spin above our palm for emphasis.
> Has anyone's 'aura' changed?
> None have.
> You summon the orb form for a more physical threat.
> "Why are you still so tense? Do you wanna take on my tower?" Cirno accuses.
> "They were just trying to settle the dispute moments ago, Cirno.." The other fairy says.
> "That doesn't mean they're not trying to get it for thrmselves."
> Ugh, misunderstandings...
> In an echoy voice affirm "We do not wish to take your tower..." and dispel the orb.
> Turn towards Sakuya and continue "We assume their little experiment can stay provided they don't cause any problems... It's made of ice after all and will only be here until they find something more interesting to pursue."
> Ugh, misunderstandings...
> In an echoy voice affirm "We do not wish to take your tower..." and dispel the orb.
> Turn towards Sakuya and continue "We assume their little experiment can stay provided they don't cause any problems... It's made of ice after all and will only be here until they find something more interesting to pursue."
> "Likely, though I hope they don't take this as a green light to do other things near the mansion." Sakuya responds.
> Have we always seen these auras when in Gensokyo? What about in Makai?
> Point the fairies towards the far side of the lake and suggest "Intruders would attack from that side, that would be the strongest positioning for a tower or castle!"
> Have we always seen these auras when in Gensokyo? What about in Makai?
> Point the fairies towards the far side of the lake and suggest "Intruders would attack from that side, that would be the strongest positioning for a tower or castle!"
> Not at all.
> "What if they think the same thing and change their idea?" Cirno questions. "Then I couldn't face them head on."
> Ask "How would they have the same idea if I've only told you about it? Attacking from this side means they would have to face both the Scarlet Mansion and the fairies at the same time. It would be much easier to start from the far side which is currently unguarded!"
> Point towards the far side.
> Ask "How would they have the same idea if I've only told you about it? Attacking from this side means they would have to face both the Scarlet Mansion and the fairies at the same time. It would be much easier to start from the far side which is currently unguarded!"
> Point towards the far side.
> "Oh. I guess you have a point. But then who told you?"
> Reply "My strategic intuition." with a tone of confidence.
> Reply "My strategic intuition." with a tone of confidence.
> "Hm... Okay, I'll think of something for it."
> Can we summon our yin yang orb onto the other side of the lake? If so summon it there and have it shoot out bullets towards the sky before pointing towards it and commenting "There might already be trouble on the far side..."
> Can we summon our yin yang orb onto the other side of the lake? If so summon it there and have it shoot out bullets towards the sky before pointing towards it and commenting "There might already be trouble on the far side..."
> You cannot...
> Suggest "Do you think you can build a tower taller than miss Sakuya's mansion?"
> Suggest "Do you think you can build a tower taller than miss Sakuya's mansion?"
> "Hmhm, my tower is already on the way to be that tall, see?" Cirno gestures upwards.
> Indeed, it's already nearly as tall as the mansion. She'd have to change stuff about it to get it taller, though.
// Oh... I thought it was more of a pretend structure that only looked huge in Cirno's eyes...
> Suggest another idea to Cirno "What if you built it floating on the lake? Then it could be moved to any side at any time..."
// This may not actually matter, but Touhou LostWord features a location called the Scarlet Devil Tower. It is an alternate form of the Scarlet Devil Mansion in an alternate Gensokyo setting. It has various biomes throughout the structure and reaches all the way to the moon (don't ask). Whether or not this is an intentional reference, and to what degree it is if it is, I can't say, but I wanted to point it out anyway just in case.
// You learn something new every day!
> How big are these structures exactly?
// Oh... I thought it was more of a pretend structure that only looked huge in Cirno's eyes...
> Suggest another idea to Cirno "What if you built it floating on the lake? Then it could be moved to any side at any time..."
// You learn something new every day!
> How big are these structures exactly?
//Sakuya and the others wouldn't have much issue if it was just a little tower now would they?
> The Scarlet Devil mansion seems to be a three story structure, with the building's exterior designs reaching up to the height of a fourth story. The ice tower likewise reaches the SDM's third story at it's highest point.
> "But I already made it over here."
// Spell cards have been cast for less in Gensokyo haha!
> If we got our sphere form underneath it somehow could we expand/enlarge it to lift the structure ontop of it?
> Suggest "Perhaps someone can be found that can move it?"
> Look towards Sakuya for answers...
// Spell cards have been cast for less in Gensokyo haha!
> If we got our sphere form underneath it somehow could we expand/enlarge it to lift the structure ontop of it?
> Suggest "Perhaps someone can be found that can move it?"
> Look towards Sakuya for answers...
> You should be able to. Though, you're sure you can just lift this spire up yourself.
> The maid seems to have already returned to the mansion...
// Wait what? We can just lift an entire building?
> Suggest "I could give it a try..." before checking how heavy this thing is.
// Wait what? We can just lift an entire building?
> Suggest "I could give it a try..." before checking how heavy this thing is.
> You head to the bottom of the structure and give a very small tug. Yeah, this will be easy. Even an Oni should be able to handle this much. Its not even nearly as wide as the Mansion nearby either.
> "If we're moving this, I'll keep it from breaking apart further up." Your other half assures.
> "What? Are you going to lift this?" The other fairy questions. "I know youkai are strong but... you must be an Oni, then? Sorry for assuming if you aren’t."
> Well, she's close enough at least.
> Reassuringly nod to the fairy effectively saying "We got this."
> Once we get the structure lifted slightly off the ground slide the orb below the center and have it apply an upwards force to keep it from 'sagging' in the middle.
> Ask Cirno to mark where it should go.
> Reassuringly nod to the fairy effectively saying "We got this."
> Once we get the structure lifted slightly off the ground slide the orb below the center and have it apply an upwards force to keep it from 'sagging' in the middle.
> Ask Cirno to mark where it should go.
> You give a nod and lift the structure, using your orb form to carry it alongside you.
> "Uhhh. There." Cirno points over to an igloo in the distance.
> Place it close to the igloo as directed.
> Place it close to the igloo as directed.
> You place the tower near the igloo.
> "No, on top of it." Cirno corrects.
> "That's fine. You can use it as a reference to build a bigger one on top of your home, right?" The other fairy advises.
> "Oh, good point. I'll make a better one!"
> Try placing it ontop of the igloo but don't let go fully, make sure the igloo isn't giving way due to the weight. These fairies aren't exactly architects...
> Dispel the orb out of underneath and slide it inside to apply an upward force from within so the entire thing doesn't roll off the igloo. Expand it to mostly fill the room it's in to spread the lifting distribution so that it doesn't make an orb shaped hole in the ceiling instead of supporting it.
> Try placing it ontop of the igloo but don't let go fully, make sure the igloo isn't giving way due to the weight. These fairies aren't exactly architects...
> Dispel the orb out of underneath and slide it inside to apply an upward force from within so the entire thing doesn't roll off the igloo. Expand it to mostly fill the room it's in to spread the lifting distribution so that it doesn't make an orb shaped hole in the ceiling instead of supporting it.
> You place the spire atop the igloo. Surprisingly, the igloo doesn't seem to budge. It's like this thing was made to take a bunch of hits...
> The Igloo has no opening on the top, nor does the spire have an opening on the bottom. The tower is pretty much a gigantic snow-cicle or snow cone.
> Cirno seems to get to work freezing the surroundings of the bottom of the spire, pretty much welding it onto the igloo. Though, again, that doesn't connect their interiors...
> So it's just a solid piece?
> Let go once it's mostly stabilized and float up to the top to inspect it from above. How's the view?
> So it's just a solid piece?
> Let go once it's mostly stabilized and float up to the top to inspect it from above. How's the view?
> Yes.
> You head up and examine the in progress work.
> it doesn't look bad for a fairy's work.
> "I wonder what brought her to start on this." Your other half considers. "On that note, we may have ended up somewhere different than expected. Both the ice fairy and the great fairy look different than before."
> Different in what way does she look?
> Different in what way does she look?
> The green haired fairy tagging along with Cirno seems smaller than you recall. In almost every way, even her hair. You recall her fitting the name Daiyousei well in being quite a Big fairy, but now, you'd day even fairy maids are bigger than this one...
> The ice fairy also looks smaller than you remember. Not smaller than that instance at the height of her incident, at least, but still.
> Huh?
> Do our surroundings look any different?
> Huh?
> Do our surroundings look any different?
> No. This still seems to be the Misty Lake you're familiar with, you believe. Obviously, the tower Cirno is making is new.
> Could it just be the change of perspective from looking at them from afar? Or do they look legitimately smaller compared to their surroundings?
> Could it just be the change of perspective from looking at them from afar? Or do they look legitimately smaller compared to their surroundings?
> You've been up close and comparing them to things like the mansion, and they seem smaller. Sakuya, however, doesn't seem different, at least from what you can tell.
> Perhaps they're using some kind of spell to make themselves smaller? But for what purpose?
> Fly over to Sakuya and ask when did they start forming the ice structure, something so big must've taken some amount of time to build.
> Perhaps they're using some kind of spell to make themselves smaller? But for what purpose?
> Fly over to Sakuya and ask when did they start forming the ice structure, something so big must've taken some amount of time to build.
> Sakuya is still recently absent. At best, Meiling seems to be present outside.
> We know who Meiling is? Head on over then and ask!
> We know who Meiling is? Head on over then and ask!
> You believe you're only missing knowledge on anyone new. Most of the frequent people around Gensokyo, you do at least know of.
> You head down to the gate and ask when this ice structure started.
> "Hm..." Meiling thinks for a moment. "The fairy maids warned me that she was doing something near the mansion a while ago. Maybe an hour ago? Then again, I didn't see anything showing up over the gate until more recently."
> In shock "An hour ago!?"
> Comment "That's quick for a fairy!"
> Ask "Anything unusual about her or the way the structure was built?"
> In shock "An hour ago!?"
> Comment "That's quick for a fairy!"
> Ask "Anything unusual about her or the way the structure was built?"
> "I wasn't watching her closely. I guess she just went for it. Maybe one of her friends dared her to make such a thing."
> "Well, there are a few abnormal fairies." Your other half adds. "This much in such a time isn't impossible. By the way, do you know of a redhead also dressed in red who can safely remove her head?"
> "No? Have there been ghost sightings or something?" Meiling asks.
> "Maybe it was all a dream?" He questions. "Or this is?"
> Do we notice Meiling having an aura?
> Ask our other half "You're looking for her?"
> Do we notice Meiling having an aura?
> Ask our other half "You're looking for her?"
> You do notice such a thing. It's again different from both Sakuya's and Cirno's.
> "Not really. If this were like that dream, that Sekibanki girl should've been a maid here. Though it certainly felt real, there's nothing left around here that'd prove it was." He comments.
> You notice that your other half has that strange apparition as well. Though, it doesn't feel strange compared to them. It's familiar, enough to call it your own, even. It's almost like a mirror, if a bit different.
> Noticing the aura on our other half comment "Something is afoot!"
> Ask our other half (and Meiling) if we look a little funny or strange today.
> Does each person's aura feel unique?
> Noticing the aura on our other half comment "Something is afoot!"
> Ask our other half (and Meiling) if we look a little funny or strange today.
> Does each person's aura feel unique?
> "Funny? Uh... well, the two of you seem pretty close." Meiling remarks. "Like family or something. I guess all i could say is your hair being different colors from each other is strange."
> "Not physically. But what you're seeing, I'm pretty sure I'm seeing as well." Anzen comments.
> They have so far.
> Laugh "Y-you could say that..."
> Suggest "Let's investigate elsewhere too then..." and ask Meiling if we can visit the mansion and ask about the auras.
> Laugh "Y-you could say that..."
> Suggest "Let's investigate elsewhere too then..." and ask Meiling if we can visit the mansion and ask about the auras.
> "I'm afraid I can't let you in. Visitors are usually prohibited, unless invited." Meiling says.
> We'll come back later then...
> Fly to the human village and land a short distance from it, before continuing by walking to be as discrete as possible.
> We'll come back later then...
> Fly to the human village and land a short distance from it, before continuing by walking to be as discrete as possible.
> You take off for the human village, landing before the entrance and walking in.
> You haven't been here often so you're not sure what a regular day would look like. Neither is Anzen, but it looks like there isn't a lot going on?
> Take a stroll through town and look at the various establishments. What kind of stores and restaurants are there?
> Take a stroll through town and look at the various establishments. What kind of stores and restaurants are there?
> You make your way through the village. There are a few business here and there, but it looks like there's a higher concentration of trade going on alone a certain path.
> "A market." Anzen speaks. "Are there any other villages to trade goods between, or is this the only one in Gensokyo, as it seems...?"
> There appear to be other non-humans in this village aside from yourself. Even another Oni has her eyes on you. You wonder if she's looking for a fight somewhere secluded? Actually, you think she was in that dream before. A pink haired woman with a bandaged arm and horns. Though, this one doesn't have visible horns, nor the hood she wore at that time. Maybe she's just her sister? Or maybe that dream was just really twisted...
> Suggest "There's always Makai, if someone's up for the journey to trade..."
> Approach the Oni.
> Suggest "There's always Makai, if someone's up for the journey to trade..."
> Approach the Oni.
> "It seems like barely anyone knows how to get there anyways."
> You approach the Oni, your stature forcing you to gaze down at her a bit.
> "Uh, hello... Are you perhaps, new here?" The Oni questions.
> "To the village, yes." Your other half answers.
> "I'd suggest you...hide the decorations you have." She gestures atop her head, mimicking horns, though not in place of her hidden ones. "You might mistakenly frighten some of the villagers who aren't prepared for such sights."
> Can we even do such a thing?
>> If so then hide such 'decorations'.
>> If not ask if the Oni knows anything that might help.
> Examine the Oni and the villagers for aura.
> Ask "Have there been any disturbances from fairies today?"
> Can we even do such a thing?
>> If so then hide such 'decorations'.
>> If not ask if the Oni knows anything that might help.
> Examine the Oni and the villagers for aura.
> Ask "Have there been any disturbances from fairies today?"
> You've never tried to hide your horns before. You're not sure how you would.
> Anzen seems to bring out a small cloth, suddenly wrapping it into your hair and around your horns.
> After a few moments, he finishes up, tying it into what seems like a ribbon.
> "Will this do?" He questions.
> "That seems great." The woman responds. "You seemed really for this."
> "Ahem. I just thought it'd look nice."
> "Not much." The Oni seems much more pleased and amicable to idle chat from the previous interaction. "They know not to cause trouble in the village. Naturally, and through trial and error. Most of the time."
> The Oni does have that noticeable sensation about her, like Meiling, Sakuya, and those two fairies. Again, it's unique to her... though interestingly, there's almost none of it surrounding her bandaged arm. Instead, there's a bit more concentrated in her center. Though even then, it seems different than the rest of her.
> Of the villagers you see around you, they all appear to be unique as well. None of them are too similar, even those that hold hands and those that look alike...
> Do we know Alice? Does she run puppet shows in the village? Ask about the schedule if so.
> Ask if the doctor from Eientei is in town.
> Do we know Alice? Does she run puppet shows in the village? Ask about the schedule if so.
> Ask if the doctor from Eientei is in town.
> You think so. Though you don't recall her doing it often. Still, you ask if there are any planned.
> "I'm not sure. She doesn't really have a schedule as far as I know. It seems like they're on a whim. Maybe announced beforehand." The Oni speaks.
> "Eientei doctor?" She questions, seemingly oblivious to who you're speaking of.
> Is the doctor really not that well known?
> "Oh nevermind... Thanks for the heads up on the 'decorations'!"
> If she doesn't have anything else to tell us continue leisurly strolling through town to try and find it's 'center' or 'plaza' if there is one.
> Is the doctor really not that well known?
> "Oh nevermind... Thanks for the heads up on the 'decorations'!"
> If she doesn't have anything else to tell us continue leisurly strolling through town to try and find it's 'center' or 'plaza' if there is one.
> Well, you've heard it is a hidden place. Maybe some only know her by name and not her home.
> "Thank you for listening." The woman says.
> You part ways and try to search for the center, but you can't seem to find one. There aren't many open areas, and the ones that do feel like a different place than a center. There's some place with a stage. Maybe that counts enough?
> Examine stage.
> Do we see anyone working on or near the stage?
> Ask Anzen to explore while taking note of the auras we're noticing and tell us what he finds.
> Examine stage.
> Do we see anyone working on or near the stage?
> Ask Anzen to explore while taking note of the auras we're noticing and tell us what he finds.
> The stage is pretty big and open, fit for various types of performances. Still, it doesn't take up too much of the village that it's larger than the buildings.
> There's two girls on the stage, seemingly interested in it. One of them bears a bit of resemblance to Yukari, even in clothing. The other is a girl with a capelet like what you've got, though her choice of colors is different.
> "I was doing that already." He argues. "There might be some people who can help with learning more about it, too."
> Give a friendly wave before approaching.
> Ask "Would you know if there is a puppet show here tonight?"
> Examine them for auras, are they any different than the ones we've encountered so far?
> Give a friendly wave before approaching.
> Ask "Would you know if there is a puppet show here tonight?"
> Examine them for auras, are they any different than the ones we've encountered so far?
> You wave and approach.
> "A puppet show?" The one in purple questions. "Renren, have you heard of any tonight?"
> "Uh, Mulberry, you seem way too casual about this. Remember we should be careful about who we meet?" Her friend speaks quietly to her.
> "No need to be rude. She seems nice." The one in purple responds, then looks to you. "Sorry, we haven't been here long, so we aren't sure about any frequent performances. My name is Mulberry. This is my friend, Renren."
> "D-Don't go telling them everything about us." Her friend speaks. "Er, nice to meet you. I think we saw the puppetmaster around earlier, but she didn't seem ready to do any shows. She left after watching some other lady buy flowers?"
> "Ah, right. That did seem weird. Maybe she wanted them first?" Mulberry considers.
> You examine the two. They both seem to have such a noticeable interior thing as the others you've seen so far, and as usual, the details of it seem unique.
> Lets introduce ourselves and Anzen, perhaps they're a little intimidated by our appearance.
> Ask "What did the other lady who bought the flowers look like?"
> Glance at the stage they were looking at earlier and ask "Are you looking for something on the stage?"
> Lets introduce ourselves and Anzen, perhaps they're a little intimidated by our appearance.
> Ask "What did the other lady who bought the flowers look like?"
> Glance at the stage they were looking at earlier and ask "Are you looking for something on the stage?"
> "We're just a bit interested in it." Renren explains.
> There doesn't seem to be much interesting about it, though...
> "She had green hair. I don't think we noticed much else." Mulberry looks to her friend.
> "Yeah. I didn't even remember their hair color."
> Ask "Something we can help with finding?"
> Ask "Something we can help with finding?"
> "We're not looking for anything in specific actually." Renren says.
> "I see, well have a nice day then!"
> Step off the stage and take a look around, are there any market stalls or restaurants neaby?
> "I see, well have a nice day then!"
> Step off the stage and take a look around, are there any market stalls or restaurants neaby?
> You step down.
> None nearby in view.
> Can we see under the stage? (Like is it raised?)
> Take a stroll back towards the Oni we met earlier and ask about the green haired lady Renren and Mulberry mentioned.
> Can we see under the stage? (Like is it raised?)
> Take a stroll back towards the Oni we met earlier and ask about the green haired lady Renren and Mulberry mentioned.
> Though raised, the stage is more like a block. It seems it wasn't intended to have an underside.
> You make your way back to the Oni, but seem to have trouble locating her. Maybe this place is more packed with people than you thought.
> Anyone we recognize then?
> Anyone we recognize then?
> A lot of humans you aren't familiar with...
> Comment to Anzen "Guess not much is happening around here... Though, what those two were doing around the stage?"
> Walk out of the village and towards Misty Lake, perhaps it'd be wise to see what those fairies got up to while we were away.
> Comment to Anzen "Guess not much is happening around here... Though, what those two were doing around the stage?"
> Walk out of the village and towards Misty Lake, perhaps it'd be wise to see what those fairies got up to while we were away.
> "They could be planning something for later." Anzen supposes.
> You leave the village, returning towards the lake.
> As you approach, you notice that there appears to be a duel underway.
> A duel!? Between who?
> A duel!? Between who?
> The participants seem to be Cirno and the Three Fairies of Light.
> Summon Anzen, let's make this fight even!
> Surround the three fairies with those very small and annoying white pellets that seem to fly off in random directions.
> Summon Anzen, let's make this fight even!
> Surround the three fairies with those very small and annoying white pellets that seem to fly off in random directions.
> You enter the fray unofficially with Anzen, sending some uncoordinated shots off the three fairies of lights' way.
> Aside from Star, who manages to dodge them, the other two are taken off guard and knocked down. Luna doesn't make it.
> "Wait a minute, this is cheating!" Sunny complains.
> "What are you doing here? I can handle them." Cirno speaks.
> The fairy that was with her earlier seems to be absent.
> To Sunny: "What do you mean there's three of you and one of her!?"
> To Cirno "It appeared like they were ganging up on you... but if you insist I can leave"
> To Sunny: "What do you mean there's three of you and one of her!?"
> To Cirno "It appeared like they were ganging up on you... but if you insist I can leave"
> "Well you aren't fairies. You wouldn't understand." Sunny argues.
> "They need all three of them just to compare to me. I am the strongest, after all." Cirno speaks.
> "We won't join in then..."
> Let's leave them to their own devices and head back to the scarlet mansion. This time going around the far side as to not be seen by the gatekeeper that told us to leave last time.
> "We won't join in then..."
> Let's leave them to their own devices and head back to the scarlet mansion. This time going around the far side as to not be seen by the gatekeeper that told us to leave last time.
> You leave the fairies handicapped against Cirno, heading around to the back of the mansion in hoping to avoid it's guard.
> There's some fairy maids here, tending to the garden.
> Ask Anzen "What do you think is the best way in?"
> Ask Anzen "What do you think is the best way in?"
> "If we're infiltrating, perhaps we could go straight through the front door through one of us distracting her. We could simply open the door briefly to take a peek, tossing our orb form inside while she's not looking." Anzen suggests. "If the doors are locked, hm. We'd have to convince her to open them one way or another while we're close, and still distract her from inside."
> Nod and agree "An excellent idea, I can work on distracting her while you find an opening to roll our orb in."
> Suggest "Let's approach from the lake to avoid any suspicions"
> Circle back to the gate but in a wide arc so it appears like we just arrived from the lake.
> Nod and agree "An excellent idea, I can work on distracting her while you find an opening to roll our orb in."
> Suggest "Let's approach from the lake to avoid any suspicions"
> Circle back to the gate but in a wide arc so it appears like we just arrived from the lake.
> "We'll go with that, then."
> You take the long way back around to the front of the gate.
> Walk up to the gate and ask Meiling "Have those fairies been back at all?"
> Then point towards where we placed the structure and comment "It's surprisingly huge and intricately made for a fairy..."
> Walk up to the gate and ask Meiling "Have those fairies been back at all?"
> Then point towards where we placed the structure and comment "It's surprisingly huge and intricately made for a fairy..."
> "I'm surprised you moved it. Well, not in disbelief, but that they didn't argue about it." Meiling looks over.
> Continue while pointing "Guess what? The three fairies showed up shortly after to duel Cirno."
> Continue while pointing "Guess what? The three fairies showed up shortly after to duel Cirno."
> "As in the orange, blue, and yellow ones? I think they play together pretty often."
> It looks like Anzen got the door open. It should be all good in a few seconds.
> Comment "I wonder if it was over the icy building?"
> Anzen should remember to close it, as to not create any suspicion.
> Comment "I wonder if it was over the icy building?"
> Anzen should remember to close it, as to not create any suspicion.
> "I've heard them quarrel over less, so, probably. Hopefully it doesn't fall this way if they topple it." Meiling says.
> The door is quietly closed as well, with Anzen vanishing, likely taking his form inside with the orb.
> Come to a realization "You're right! I don't remember seeing any foundations! A strong gust could push it over..."
> Luigi Anzen time!
> Come to a realization "You're right! I don't remember seeing any foundations! A strong gust could push it over..."
> Luigi Anzen time!
> You've already chosen who gets to be in the spotlight.
> "It has some sort of foundation now, I guess." Meiling gestures to the igloo below it. "Not much, but..."
> Add "Well it's better than nothing!"
> Sudden realization "Need to attend to something, hopefully those fairies don't become a bother again!"
> Float off towards the lake and once we're beyond the trees and out of view teleport to Anzen.
> Add "Well it's better than nothing!"
> Sudden realization "Need to attend to something, hopefully those fairies don't become a bother again!"
> Float off towards the lake and once we're beyond the trees and out of view teleport to Anzen.
> You tell Meiling about some... important business and fly off out of view.
> Thankfully she doesn't suspect much, and you can remanifest by Anzen, successfully getting into the mansion.