Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: WitheringFlowerCrown on December 20, 2023, 05:57:55 PM

Title: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on December 20, 2023, 05:57:55 PM
>You are Tenshi Hinanai, The Celestial of The Aurora, The Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception or Non-Perception, and other grandiose titles both made by and given to you. Right now, you're on the way to the Shining Needle Castle to have a small (heh) meetup with Shinmyoumaru Sukuna and Shion Yorigami, two friends you've made since that incident involving Urban Legends that lasted way too long.
>Shion is with you on this journey, both because you like being with her and vice-versa, but also because you're worried her bad luck might manifest unfavourably and cause her to miss this gathering.
>You can see the Shining Needle Castle from here and it's only a short flight away, but you still have time to take stock of some things.
#Okay, life was very difficult, but I hope that this can prove a good outlet and actually be consistent for a long period of time unlike the other one.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2023, 03:48:35 AM
> Inventory
> Relationships beyond the immediately-relevant duo
> Is there any specific purpose to this meet-up?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on December 21, 2023, 06:21:53 AM
>Are we riding on a keystone? If so of what size.
>How much of a grandiose entrance can we make without stirring up conflict?
>Did we bring any gifts? We gotta have good courtesy.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on December 21, 2023, 06:51:18 AM
> How infinite is our supply of peaches?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on December 21, 2023, 05:19:27 PM
> Inventory

You decidde to take stock of your belongings...
>Sword of Hisou: A Celestial artifact that chooses its wielder, in this case, you. It can Identify one's Spirit and manipulate weather phenomena utilising Spirit and Scarlet Energy. It can also morph into different shapes and is bonded to you so it's always on hand and convieniently takes practically no storage space. It can also Manipulate and seal a person's Spirit.

>Keystones: You have a near infinite supply of these. Only the Nai Clan (that you belong to) can manipulate Keystones, they're essentially large slabs of black granite wrapped in shimenawa rope. You use these in a variety of ways, as a platform for flying, as a shield, as bullets, as options, the sky is the limit as they say. You surprisingly haven't had to use their main purpose, supression of earthquakes over a long period of time, all that much.

>Heavenly Peaches: You're sick of these but you still keep them on you. These peaches are the only food in Heaven and over a long period of time of eating only them they give you superhuman endurance and strength. Eating one immediately gives you a huge surge of endurance and strength as well as healing most wounds. Ignoring that your hat continues to grow these things everytime they're plucked, you could quite easily go to your portion of Heaven and grab more, not that you would unless you were desperate.
> Relationships beyond the immediately-relevant duo

You also think back to some of your relationships, mostly with Gensokyo residents. Most of them aren't positive...
>Iku Nagae, Oarfish of the Typhoon, A.K.A. Your glorified nanny: This woman is a servant of the Heavens and was told to watch over you in particular. You know she has your wellbeing in mind but you don't like how she butts into your business sometimes and ruins your fun. You still can't bring yourself to hate her, mostly because she is nice and polite when not chastising you which is rare but always good when it occurs.

>The Nai Clan, Your family, For better or for worse: Your family who ascended with you into Heaven after their servitude to the Nawi-no-Kami. Because they didn't have any of the training or rigour typical of a Celestial, they were ostracised by the rest of the Celestial community. Despite this, they adapted to the land well, at least, better than you did. You don't meet with them often anymore due to your delinquency reflecting badly on them, you just know that they're going to tell you to stop going to Earth and you don't want to hear that.

>Suika Ibuki, Oni of The Sprinkle, A.K.A.  Your forceful neighbour: Suika still has that slice of your Heaven from when she defeated you during the Scarlet Weather Incident. You would be a bit more upset or worried but the oni doesn't seem to do anything nefarious or scheming with that plot of land, she just holds parties that last really long and doesn't invite you, which you think might be her way of snubbing you. You give her your peaches sometimes to make some sake but you still get sick of the taste.

>Komachi Onozuka, Shinigami of The River Mist, A.K.A. Your partner in crime: A Shinigami that helped you break into a Hermit's Senkai and subsequently into Avici. Since then, you've had a decent relationship with her, chatting about whatever happened recently whenever she's on break (which is often), sending inquries to the Yama through her (which is rare) and having friendly spars for fun. Despite both of you liking each other a bit you two don't really go any further, probably due to the relationship between Celestials and Shinigami in general...

>Reimu Hakurei, Maiden of Kaisei, A.K.A. The Incident Resolution Specialist: You point out this relationship due to playing a part in saving her life when you and her were in Avici against an Oni. She may not like you due to the events surrounding the Scarlet Weather Incident, but she does know that you wouldn't try to endanger her again.

>Yukari Yakumo, Gap Hag of The Sunshower, A.K.A. Your (im)mortal enemy: This hag hates you specifically out of all Celestials, and the feeling is mutual. This may be due to your behaviour in the Scarlet Weather Incident, but she isn't going to be happy or nice whenever she sees you. Thankfully, you two have a untold truce: you don't mess with her, and she most likely won't mess with you.
> Is there any specific purpose to this meet-up?

>Not really. You three meetup decently often to talk about recent happenings, eat some food, and have fun. Very casual.

>Are we riding on a keystone? If so of what size.

>Yes you are riding a Keystone. It's about a "Medium Size", most people would describe it as a small boulder instead of a Keystone if it weren't for the unique shape and the shimenawa.

>How much of a grandiose entrance can we make without stirring up conflict?

>Pretty grandiose you would say. Any entrance you make is grandiose in your humble opinion, but when you want to make a show of it you drop down from the sky on a keystone, brandish your Sword of Hisou, and announce your entrance to all!
>Shinmyoumaru doesn't need this much pomp and grandeur because she already knows you well, but you have done it once and she didn't really seem that upset except for asking you to fix anything you broke. Which you complied with easily.

>Did we bring any gifts? We gotta have good courtesy.

>...No, you didn't. This is a big faux pas from you. If you were a bit more proud and arrogant you would say that you arriving would be a gift in and of itself, but you're not. Shinmyoumaru deserves something better.

> How infinite is our supply of peaches?

>Quite literally as big as the Heavens. These things grow all over the place and the Celestials don't really care if there are five or five-thousand of them. As long as you have access to Heaven, you have access to peaches.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on December 21, 2023, 06:20:22 PM
>Pluck two peaches from our hat.
>Turn to Shion and ask her if these could make a good gift.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2023, 04:24:47 AM
> What gifts have we brought Shinmyoumaru in the past?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on December 22, 2023, 04:48:05 PM
>Pluck two peaches from our hat.
>Turn to Shion and ask her if these could make a good gift.

>You quickly pluck a couple of Heavenly Peaches and turn in Shion's direction to ask her if these would make a good gift.
>"Hmm... I-I don't think I'm a good judge on things like this since I'm excited for anything positive, especially food." There's Shion's somewhat negative attitude as always.
>"But I think these would be pretty good. Heavenly peaches are always rare here and you could always make different dishes out of them rather than just eating them raw. She might even be able to stretch these two over a long period of time what with how small she is!" Nice perspecti-
>"But haven't you already given her peaches before?" Ah, drat.
>"And she might get get wise to the fact that these are common to you." Well, that is a good point...

> What gifts have we brought Shinmyoumaru in the past?

>As mentioned by Shion, you have given Shinmyoumaru Heavenly Peaches before. You also let her borrow some Keystones for fun. You even gave her one of your hats once. You wonder how she even uses that stuff, but she seems happy to get it. Maybe she might want more?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on December 22, 2023, 09:07:12 PM
>Have we ever tried to bring a lot of peaches? Shinmyoumaru can't be upset towards us if we bring enough peaches to feed all the Inchlings in the Shining Needle Castle for months or even years.
>Did Shion bring a gift herself? If so could we possibly steal half the credit for it?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on December 23, 2023, 09:29:37 PM
>Have we ever tried to bring a lot of peaches? Shinmyoumaru can't be upset towards us if we bring enough peaches to feed all the Inchlings in the Shining Needle Castle for months or even years.
>Did Shion bring a gift herself? If so could we possibly steal half the credit for it?

> A gift such as a  " Offering a free and more abundant amount of Heavenly Peaches according to Shinmyoumaru's request" is good.

> Does Shion usually bring some kind of gits as well?

> If so, ask her about what she is bringing.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on December 24, 2023, 03:32:59 PM
>Have we ever tried to bring a lot of peaches? Shinmyoumaru can't be upset towards us if we bring enough peaches to feed all the Inchlings in the Shining Needle Castle for months or even years.

>No, you've only ever given her a couple. Enough for a day or so for herself. Bringing in a lot of peaches might make it more of a gift than just a couple. Let's just hope she doesn't get sick of them as fast as you did.

>Did Shion bring a gift herself? If so could we possibly steal half the credit for it?
> A gift such as a  " Offering a free and more abundant amount of Heavenly Peaches according to Shinmyoumaru's request" is good.

> Does Shion usually bring some kind of gits as well?

> If so, ask her about what she is bringing.
>Shion doesn't usually bring gifts but this was an exceptional situation, apparently.
>A bouquet of flowers was her choice, surprisingly. You wonder where she got them from considering that the usual places where one could gather flowers in Gensokyo are not very... hospitable for her.
>Shion sates your curiousity. "Oh, I asked Jo'on to buy these for me in the Human Village using the money I scrounged up. She actually did a good job considering her usual attitude... Maybe her time at Myouren Temple is helping?"
>Her face becomes slightly more downcast. "Anything more permanent or larger would probably break given my luck, so I decided on a more decorative piece with symbolic value of our friendship..." She suddenly perks up in shock and worry.  "Wait, I didn't get you anything!" For a poverty god, she sure is worried about her supposed lack of generosity.
>You could ask her for part of the credit in exchange for forgetting about any slights towards you. But for some reason, probably your pride, that feels dirty. Still doable.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on December 24, 2023, 06:36:50 PM
> Look at Shion in the eyes and smile.

> "Don't worry about it. To me, our friendship is the most precious gift you could have ever given me"

> Shion is too much of a sweetheart for us to do her dirty like that, It would be better to either take the fall for not bringing a gift or just bringing a lot of peaches.

> How many heavenly peaches can we conjure up in as little time as possible?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on December 26, 2023, 03:37:24 PM
> Look at Shion in the eyes and smile.

> "Don't worry about it. To me, our friendship is the most precious gift you could have ever given me"

>Shion buries her face into the bouquet. "T-Tenshi! You can't just say lines that! Imagine how Shinmy would react if you said that to her with that face. She might get some ideas."
>Are you really that much of a heartthrob?

> Shion is too much of a sweetheart for us to do her dirty like that, It would be better to either take the fall for not bringing a gift or just bringing a lot of peaches.

> How many heavenly peaches can we conjure up in as little time as possible?

>An arbitrarily large number. Really, it's around 30-50. Possibly more if you get to Heaven and back as soon as possible.
>You could also send Shion ahead and grab as many as possible while she explains your delay.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on December 26, 2023, 03:49:12 PM
> We can't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring her a gift, a celestial must never make themselves look bad in a social situation.

> Can we trust that Shion won't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring a gift?
> And if we told Shion we forgot the gift would that make her view us in a lesser light?
> Either way, prepare ourselves to take a quick dash to Heaven while Shion is flustered.

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on December 27, 2023, 03:48:07 PM
> Once we've obtained the peaches could we somehow summon them out of thin air to present them in a grand manner befitting of a celestial?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on December 30, 2023, 06:53:31 PM
> We can't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring her a gift, a celestial must never make themselves look bad in a social situation.

> Can we trust that Shion won't tell Shinmyoumaru that we forgot to bring a gift?
> And if we told Shion we forgot the gift would that make her view us in a lesser light?

>A Celestial (especially one as wonderful as you) cannot be found lacking in grace, especially in gift-giving, which is one of the main things Celestials are known for. You resolve yourself to this mission.

>Shion definitely won't say you forgot, she would likely just say that you're preparing your gift and to be patient.
>She wouldn't really think lesser of you. She would just see it as a clumsy or absent-minded goof-up and an exception to your usual behaviour because you're usually on top of these things.

> Either way, prepare ourselves to take a quick dash to Heaven while Shion is flustered.

>You quickly look up to check for anything directly above you. All clear, it seems. Going to Heaven for you is as simple as stepping on a Keystone and rising up at very high speeds.

> Once we've obtained the peaches could we somehow summon them out of thin air to present them in a grand manner befitting of a celestial?

>Hmm, you've never tried that and you would expect it wouldn't be possible. You could use sleight of hand and hiding the Peaches from Shinmyoumaru until you present them.
>The only objects you know you can make appear out of thin air are Keystones and The Sword of Hisou. Maybe you could do something with those?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on December 30, 2023, 07:14:42 PM
> "I've got something to confess Shion, I left Shinmyoumaru's gift at home, I'll go get it right now, go on ahead and tell her that I'm simply putting the finishing touches on my gift.

> Wave goodbye at Shion and fly away.
> We've got to get to Heaven as fast as possible, forgetting a gift is one thing, but being late is even worse, a celestial must never be late, unless we're fashionably late.

> Ponder ways that we can try to majestically summon the peaches as we go up.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on January 01, 2024, 05:31:23 PM
> Could we perhaps, summon and present them on many small keystones for a grand appearance?
> Ponder ways the sword of Hisou could fit into our little plan, what are some tricks we know using it?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 01, 2024, 11:09:24 PM
> "I've got something to confess Shion, I left Shinmyoumaru's gift at home, I'll go get it right now, go on ahead and tell her that I'm simply putting the finishing touches on my gift.

>"Well that's a shame, but go on and get it. I'll tell her."
>"...Wait, you're going to give her a bunch of peaches, aren't you? Don't worry, I'll keep it a surprise." Thank goodness. Shion is an honourary Celestial in your heart.

> Wave goodbye at Shion and fly away.
> We've got to get to Heaven as fast as possible, forgetting a gift is one thing, but being late is even worse, a celestial must never be late, unless we're fashionably late.

> Ponder ways that we can try to majestically summon the peaches as we go up.

>You bid Shion a pleasant farewell, hopefully her luck won't act up in such a short time and distance. Then you ascend upwards at speeds that would make every Outside World scientist wonder at how a rock can fly at Escape Velocity with no propulsion.
>While flouting the laws of aerodynamics, you ponder on methods of making the gift presentation more splendorous. You might be a bit biased but peaches, even heavenly ones, are hardly an exciting gift.

> Could we perhaps, summon and present them on many small keystones for a grand appearance?
> Ponder ways the sword of Hisou could fit into our little plan, what are some tricks we know using it?

>It is entirely possible to present them on Keystones. You've had a lot of practice on making keystones into different shapes when killing time. Tables, cups, bowls, platforms, all possible.
>Your Sword of Hisou is a bit more tricky. Its abilities are all linked to Spirit and Weather Manipulation.
>It's tricky, but not for you.
>You could use the Sword of Hisou to cover the area in mist to obscure the arrival of you and/or any Keystones or peaches.
>You could also make it so the weather is a completely unseasonal bright sky the moment you and the gifts arrive.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 01, 2024, 11:21:15 PM
> Can we use our weather manipulation to make heavenly peaches rain down from the sky as we descend from above, using keystones as stepping stones?

That's pretty majestic if I say so myself.

> Also, Are we sure that a certain caretaker of our's won't obstruct us in our path or won't allow us to bring hundreds of heavenly peaches outside of heaven?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on January 02, 2024, 09:42:46 AM
> How's our relationship with that certain caretaker?  Does she approve of how we spend our time?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on January 02, 2024, 09:55:35 PM
> Can we use our weather manipulation to make heavenly peaches rain down from the sky as we descend from above, using keystones as stepping stones?

That's pretty majestic if I say so myself.

> Also, Are we sure that a certain caretaker of our's won't obstruct us in our path or won't allow us to bring hundreds of heavenly peaches outside of heaven?

> Ponder if that would be feasible in the span of time we have available as we can delay some, as we asked Shion to do on our behalf, but not too much...
> How's our relationship with that certain caretaker?  Does she approve of how we spend our time?

> Indeed, getting back to Heaven to take back extra Heavenly Peaches is good, but not good would be to rub Iku the wrong way taking an excessive amount and causong boring delays for Shinmyomaru and Shion...

> No more dilly-dallying.Swiftly  go back to our Family`s Home in Heaven, heading for a secondary spot but still with enough room and privacy to conjure more Heavenly Peaches served on Keystone-made plates, bowls,baskets...

>... Do not go overboard with quantity and have them neatly placed and arranged...

>... once done return with "the gift" flying back en-route to the Shining Needle Castle...

>... stop at a reasonable distance from it in order to recognize the from a distance gathering place with Shion and Shinmyomaru and to "prepare the soecialweather-wrap for the gift"...
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 03, 2024, 10:13:19 PM
> Can we use our weather manipulation to make heavenly peaches rain down from the sky as we descend from above, using keystones as stepping stones?

That's pretty majestic if I say so myself.
> Ponder if that would be feasible in the span of time we have available as we can delay some, as we asked Shion to do on our behalf, but not too much...
> Indeed, getting back to Heaven to take back extra Heavenly Peaches is good, but not good would be to rub Iku the wrong way taking an excessive amount and causong boring delays for Shinmyomaru and Shion...

>...Yes, but the problem would be preparation and time.
>Mysterious/Strange Rain is a weather phenomenon you know exists (raining frogs or fish and so on) but you've never met someone who's Spirit has that associated weather.
>So you would have to do it the hard way, causing a monsoon of some sort and blowing the peaches into the sky. Possible but just far too long and difficult.

> Also, Are we sure that a certain caretaker of our's won't obstruct us in our path or won't allow us to bring hundreds of heavenly peaches outside of heaven?

>Ah yes, her.
>She probably won't try to outright stop you with force, but she will talk your ear off with warnings of what could happen while you're down there. As for the peaches... This isn't the first time you've taken something from Heaven and brought it down to Earth to show off. You guess that she's fine with it as long as it doesn't cause any outright chaos or the object isn't very important.

> How's our relationship with that certain caretaker?  Does she approve of how we spend our time?

>Your relationship with her isn't bad per se. She just doesn't want you to get into trouble because your issues often become her issues due to her role in your life.
>As for how she sees your gallivanting on Earth, she's mixed on it.
>On the one hand, you spend more time on Earth than any Celestial should. You once tried to ask her why she was so worried about that but she shied away from answering you straight.
>On the other, she seems genuinely happy and impressed that you have friends that you meet with regularly and have a good rapport with. Those friends are only on Earth, so she has to deal with the fact that this is the only way of you having regular positive interactions and camaraderie with another person.

> No more dilly-dallying.Swiftly  go back to our Family`s Home in Heaven, heading for a secondary spot but still with enough room and privacy to conjure more Heavenly Peaches served on Keystone-made plates, bowls,baskets...

>... Do not go overboard with quantity and have them neatly placed and arranged...

>After you're done thinking about the logistics of your plan, you see your slice of Heaven approaching.
>Your family's abode was an opulent castle on a floating island, far beyond any human's imagination but it's quite humble for a Celestial. If you were a bit more snippy you would comment on how those who have supposedly shed all fetters and yearning decide to live in such luxurious homes but you usually bite your tongue on such words. When they showed you this place they called it a Tensai or something. Whatever, you head to the garden as fast as possible.

>While flying you gather as many peaches as you can, throwing your Sword to help with efficiency and creating keystones in shape of bowls to catch them. Your speed was impressive, even for you.
>You prepare yourself to leave, with a large gathering of Keystone bowls filled with peaches.

>... once done return with "the gift" flying back en-route to the Shining Needle Castle...

>While heading to the nearest cliff edge to descend, the atmosphere becomes heavy for a moment. You wonder what could cause this feeling until you turn back for a moment and instantly regret not just ignoring it and moving forward.
>It's her.
>"Eldest Daughter, are you sure you want to return to the Surface again? You could spend some time here. Your family has been worried about your health and, honestly, I am too."
>Oh, just fantastic.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 03, 2024, 11:21:55 PM
> A monsoon will be fine, we will simply just retain the peaches in the sky and make them fall down once we arrive.
> Make a mental note about trying to learn how to perform this strange rain in the future, it might come in useful.

> As for the issue at hand.

> Put on our most formal smile , "Good [time of day] Miss Nagae, I was simply making a quick pit stop here in our heavenly abode, I would love to spend more time here, but sadly I've got some matters to attend to.

> Make sure she pays attention to us and only us,  try our best to obscure the peaches from her view, if she were to see them she would probably start lecturing us and we would arrive late to our meeting.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 06, 2024, 06:37:16 PM
> A monsoon will be fine, we will simply just retain the peaches in the sky and make them fall down once we arrive.
> Make a mental note about trying to learn how to perform this strange rain in the future, it might come in useful.

> As for the issue at hand.

> Put on our most formal smile , "Good [time of day] Miss Nagae, I was simply making a quick pit stop here in our heavenly abode, I would love to spend more time here, but sadly I've got some matters to attend to.

> Make sure she pays attention to us and only us,  try our best to obscure the peaches from her view, if she were to see them she would probably start lecturing us and we would arrive late to our meeting.

>Iku pauses for a moment before replying "...Awfully formal today."
>"I'm still going to take this rare piece of politeness from you even if you are acting. I just want you to know that I am worried about you and that you should be cautious while down there. My atmosphere reading isn't always accurate but the air feels heavy, like conflict is just waiting to happen."

>She seems genuinely worried about you. That makes it slightly harder to act duplicitous towards her.
>"I understand if you have matters to attend to. You are probably going to meet your friends or try more Earth Cuisine. I will not keep you here any longer, just try to stay safe. If not for your or my sake, then for the sake of your Earth-Dwelling friends."
>With that, she walks away from you and towards your family's house. You briefly wonder what reason she was here over than to warn or chastise you. But then you remember that your entire family are black sheep to Celestials, you just happen to be the darkest.

>You did hide the Keystones from her sight, but it seemed unnecessary. She appears to be far too on edge to be suspicious of you specifically.
>As for Strange Rain... You'll keep an out for it.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 06, 2024, 07:04:56 PM
> That went smoother than I expected, matter not, let us move onward and fly towards the Shining Needle Castle at a quick pace, making sure that none of the peaches drop from our keystone bowls. Stop at a reasonable distance away from the castle where we can begin our gift presentation in peace.

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 09, 2024, 05:54:14 PM
> That went smoother than I expected, matter not, let us move onward and fly towards the Shining Needle Castle at a quick pace, making sure that none of the peaches drop from our keystone bowls. Stop at a reasonable distance away from the castle where we can begin our gift presentation in peace.

>You look down for a moment to confirm your landing area. The Great Hakurei Barrier doesn't extend to Heaven, so it's entirely possible to accidently (or purposefully) descend into what the Gensokyians now call the "Outside World".

>Then you descend, very fast. The Bowls surround you and keep close attention on them.
>Eventually you reach below the cloud cover and conveniently above the Shining Needle Castle. You keep the Bowls above the clouds and thankfully none of the peaches have dropped. This is going off without a hitch!

>You don't think you will ever get used to the fact that this castle is upside-down.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 09, 2024, 08:01:42 PM
> Perfect.

> Take out our Sword of Hisou and conjure a gigantic  storm cloud above the Shining Needle Palace.
> Make sure that our hat and clothes are clean and tidy.

> What is our estimated peach amount?

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on January 10, 2024, 06:49:49 PM
> Perfect.

> Take out our Sword of Hisou and conjure a gigantic  storm cloud above the Shining Needle Palace.
> Make sure that our hat and clothes are clean and tidy.

> What is our estimated peach amount?

> A gigantic and impressive cloud cover, to be parted, not a stormy one though.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 11, 2024, 05:52:08 PM
> Perfect.

> What is our estimated peach amount?

>You look back and rack your memory. You honestly didn't pay attention and just grabbed as many as possible in a short amount of time.
>You would guess it's somewhere in the ~2000 range. You can be extremely efficient in most you do if you put effort into it.

> Take out our Sword of Hisou and conjure a gigantic  storm cloud above the Shining Needle Palace.
> Make sure that our hat and clothes are clean and tidy.
> A gigantic and impressive cloud cover, to be parted, not a stormy one though.

>Looks like Cloudy weather is in order.
>Usually changing the weather with the Sword of Hisou would involve forcefully using the Temperament of multiple spirits and people.
>Thankfully you are already aware of a certain Perfect Maid with the perfect Temperament.
>You raise your Hisou no Tsurugi up, air and aerosol build around it before dispersing. Soon thereafter, the sky immediately goes darker, the afternoon sun having been covered by a cumulus. This has the completely intended effect of obscuring all keystones and peaches.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 11, 2024, 05:59:54 PM
>  Do we know of any techniques involving the weather that can amplify our voice so everyone can hear us announce our arrival?

> Is there a Temperament that can summon lightning without necessitating rain that we can use?

> Arrange some keystones in a staircase-like manner that leads to the front of the Shining Needle Castle so that we may descend in a majestic manner.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 13, 2024, 02:31:51 PM
>  Do we know of any techniques involving the weather that can amplify our voice so everyone can hear us announce our arrival?

>Not any that can directly amplify your voice. You can cause the air around you to be stagnant so nothing could disturb your voice's travel but other than that, nothing.

> Is there a Temperament that can summon lightning without necessitating rain that we can use?

>Usually fairies, being embodiments of nature, have extremely localized weather phenomenon as Temperaments. You would have to find a fairy related to lighning somehow.

> Arrange some keystones in a staircase-like manner that leads to the front of the Shining Needle Castle so that we may descend in a majestic manner.

>You summon multiple small Keystones, the clouds make a convenient cover, leading down to the "Front" of the Shining Needle Castle. This is both easy and confusing because the castle is upside-down and the entrance is at the height most buildings would have their roof.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 13, 2024, 04:11:41 PM
> I guess we will have to resort to just  announcing ourselves as loud as possible with our voice.

> Descend from the keystone staircase and brandish our sword as we do.

> Stop descending the staircase once we're at a distance that anyone could hear us wherever they're in or outside the castle.

>  Take a deep breath and announce out loud in our loudest voice:
 "The Celestial of The Aurora, The Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception or Non-Perception, the Young Mistress of Bhavaagra, Hinanai Tenshi has arrived!"

> Strike the coolest pose that we know.

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 15, 2024, 09:56:27 PM
> I guess we will have to resort to just  announcing ourselves as loud as possible with our voice.

> Descend from the keystone staircase and brandish our sword as we do.

> Stop descending the staircase once we're at a distance that anyone could hear us wherever they're in or outside the castle.

>  Take a deep breath and announce out loud in our loudest voice:
 "The Celestial of The Aurora, The Girl of the Sphere of Neither Perception or Non-Perception, the Young Mistress of Bhavaagra, Hinanai Tenshi has arrived!"

> Strike the coolest pose that we know.

>You walk down slowly, feeling some sort of instinctual stage performance well up inside you, before letting out a truly epic (in your opinion) announcement of your arrival and epithets. While striking the most awe-inspiring pose with the Sword of Hisou you know.

>Raising your Sword of Hisou into the air, it lets out a bright scarlet glare. Visible to all who look in your direction, a show of beauty in raw strength.
>Shion and Shinmyoumaru seemed to have noticed the adverse weather, your announcement, and scarlet light that threatens to sear the skies. They look up towards you with... Wonder.
>Ah yes, the adoration, the wonder, the looks of awe on their faces! Now this is a great cure for boredom... and other negative feelings within you.
>Now all eyes of your beloved comrades are on you. What do you do?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 15, 2024, 10:00:43 PM
> With our sword high in the air, slash it downwards to part open the clouds and reveal the keystone bowls.
> Levitate them towards Shinmyoumaru and Shion.

> "These are for you, fine ladies".
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 18, 2024, 07:53:32 PM
> With our sword high in the air, slash it downwards to part open the clouds and reveal the keystone bowls.
> Levitate them towards Shinmyoumaru and Shion.

> "These are for you, fine ladies".

>With one quick downward slash, the clouds part to reveal a sunny sky. And enough peaches to make any celestial satiated (and sick).

>You direct them to your friends and they readily partake in them.
>Shinmyoumaru has some praise to give and seems elated"I have to say, this is some impressive presentation. You didn't even need to destroy my window this time! Good on you!"
>Shion is also relieved she kept this a surprise. "Well, now I see why this needed some preparation. A good show!"

>After gathering some of the bowls and... Sitting in one of them (this girl, you swear...), she you looks up towards you. "Hey, Tenshi, you want to get your gift and talk out here or in the Castle?!"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 18, 2024, 09:59:41 PM
> Puff out our chest in pride, "I'm glad my entrance was well received, let us go inside"
> Head inside the castle with all our peach bowls.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on January 19, 2024, 12:14:12 AM
>Iku pauses for a moment before replying "...Awfully formal today."
>"I'm still going to take this rare piece of politeness from you even if you are acting. I just want you to know that I am worried about you and that you should be cautious while down there. My atmosphere reading isn't always accurate but the air feels heavy, like conflict is just waiting to happen."

>She seems genuinely worried about you. That makes it slightly harder to act duplicitous towards her.
>"I understand if you have matters to attend to. You are probably going to meet your friends or try more Earth Cuisine. I will not keep you here any longer, just try to stay safe. If not for your or my sake, then for the sake of your Earth-Dwelling friends."
>With that, she walks away from you and towards your family's house. You briefly wonder what reason she was here over than to warn or chastise you. But then you remember that your entire family are black sheep to Celestials, you just happen to be the darkest.

>You did hide the Keystones from her sight, but it seemed unnecessary. She appears to be far too on edge to be suspicious of you specifically.
>As for Strange Rain... You'll keep an out for it.

> Puff out our chest in pride, "I'm glad my entrance was well received, let us go inside"
> Head inside the castle with all our peach bowls.

> When the gift is received complement not only with thanks but with another  gift of our own,which is...

> relaying to them Iku's warning not only because she allowed us to go without interference but also because she was worried and on edge .
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 22, 2024, 05:28:49 PM
> Puff out our chest in pride, "I'm glad my entrance was well received, let us go inside"
> Head inside the castle with all our peach bowls.

>You head inside with all of your peaches
>The Shining Needle Castle looks beautiful, but also very confusing. The place looks to be made with traditional Japanese decor but all of it is upside-down. Even the doors, thank goodness most of them are screen doors.
>You briefly wonder where you're going to put all of these peaches but multiple Inchlings appear along with Shinmyoumaru and take most of them off your hands. Is it just you or do they look bigger than normal?

>Shinmyoumaru comes back with two objects: a pink rose and... A Sculpture? No way.

> When the gift is received complement not only with thanks but with another  gift of our own,which is...

> relaying to them Iku's warning not only because she allowed us to go without interference but also because she was worried and on edge .

>You tell them what your nanny warned you about.
>Shinmyoumaru perks her head up in deliberation. "I'm not sure what that could be, not many people would bother coming after people like us."
>Shion chuckles nervously before speaking. "You do remember that we are all past Incident Causers, or at least key parts of an incident, right?"
>"Yeah, but that was in the past. I doubt grudges in Gensokyo can last so long, especially since multiple Incidents have happened after ours."
>Shinmyoumaru's tone changes to a cheery one. "But enough doom and gloom take a look at these gifts, I made them with my own hands! I didn't even need help from the other Inchlings."
>She made the sculpture by herself?!
#Sorry for being later than usual. For some reason, proper sleep has eluded me and I've been exhausted for a week. Also my laptop is malfunctioning so I have to type this on my phone.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 22, 2024, 05:49:16 PM
> Take a closer look at the sculpture and assess its quality.
> Look at the Inchlings again and compare their current size with our mental image of how they normally look like just so we're sure this isn't just our mind playing tricks on us.

//No worries, take your time, getting back into a healthy sleeping schedule can be a real mess sometimes.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 26, 2024, 01:58:55 AM
> Take a closer look at the sculpture and assess its quality.

>It is a stone sculpture in the shape of your Sword of Hisou. The fact that the tsurugi is made of stone makes it seem purely ceremonial but looking more closely shows that the edge has been sharpened finely. The Shimenawa rope that usually covers your keystones is used as the material for the grip. An interesting gift, of very good make. You are not extremely sure on this because you admittedly are not a competent swordswoman but you know from experience how hard it is to get a good edge out of stone. Let alone the Black Granite of your Keystones.

> Look at the Inchlings again and compare their current size with our mental image of how they normally look like just so we're sure this isn't just our mind playing tricks on us.

>You look at the Inchlings again, and yep, they're bigger than usual. as far as you know, the Inchlings are regularly the size of.. an inch. But these ones look more like midgets, or humans with Dwarfism.

>While you were looking at the height-challenged people, Shinmyoumaru and Shion exchange their gifts.
>It turns out they were very similar. Foliage.

>"Huh, so why give me a pink rose?" Interesting question from Shion, the goddess who gave her best friend a bouquet of flowers.
> Shinmyoumaru puffs out her chest in pride. Are you rubbing off on her? "This is no ordinary rose, look closer!"
>Both you and Shion examine the rose and you finally piece it together: It's a Heavenly Peach carved into the form of a Rose.
>"This rose is a representation of our friendship: Grown with heavenly influence, made with mortal wills, and it will never wilt or go rotten!" That last statement is true--at least for the Peach Rose-- they really do never go rotten or wilt, the only thing that cause that is-
>Shion interrupts your thoughts. "Is it not wilting and spoiling right now?"

>You look closer at the Peach Rose and see a grey and black colouration going throughout it. It looks like mold.
>The only thing that could cause this are... Shinigami.
>They chose the worst time to come for you. Could they have waited after the meeting at least?
>This is not a good situation, you need to fend off those Shinigami soon, but what to do with your friends?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 26, 2024, 03:24:03 AM
> "I'm sorry Shinmyoumaru but it looks like we'll have to postpone our meeting just a little bit. It seems that the Shinigami are out for my lifespan again."

> Take a peak through a window, how many Shinigami are there outside?

> What strategies have we used in the past to fend them off? Do they have any particular weakness that we know of?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 29, 2024, 09:35:02 AM
> "I'm sorry Shinmyoumaru but it looks like we'll have to postpone our meeting just a little bit. It seems that the Shinigami are out for my lifespan again."

>The room is filled with an uncomfortable silence when you mention your impending date with death.
>Shion is the first to start speaking, and what she asks surprises you for the courage it shows, although her voice slightly wavers. "C-could we help you protect your lifespan this time?"
>Shinmyoumaru also chimes in, climbing on the table and waving her Needle-sword in the air in a show of bravery. "We can at least try!"
>Well, they can try but you doubt they would be willing to potentially paint a target on their back.
>But first, to scope the area...

> Take a peak through a window, how many Shinigami are there outside?

> What strategies have we used in the past to fend them off? Do they have any particular weakness that we know of?

>You look out of the window and immediately see three Shinigami right outside, not even trying to hide.
>Unlike Komachi, these ones wear a pure monochrome kimono and their scythes are shorter, less wavy.
>Usually Shinigami have some ability of manipulating distance, though that may just be Komachi. One thing you can absolutely guarantee is that they manipulate local and wayward spirits in their assaults.
>Getting close to them and forcing a one-on-one fight with no gimmicks is the best situation you can get into. It's also the most enjoyable for you but that's neither here nor there.
>After that, it's mainly a game of destroying all possible means they could have of subduing you, their weapons, blocking their Qi/Spirit and therefore their abilities and other similar debilitating effects are good. They usually retreat when they realise they have no chance of victory anymore.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 29, 2024, 03:52:07 PM
> "Shion, Shinmyoumaru, listen to me. The Shinigami only want me so what I will do is draw them out to distract them and then you two will strike from behind. It may not seem customary for a celestial such as myself having to resort to such cowardly tactics but they were to ones who brought 3 people to take out only 1 in the first place so all I'm doing is evening out the numbers."

> "Their scythes are deadly up close and they could also possibly manipulate distance so preferably hit them with your danmaku. Shinmyoumaru, if there are any combat-capable Inchlings, bring them with you for support."

> "Be aware that by helping me out... you're risking becoming targets of the Shinigami as well. So if you're not willing to take the risk, you can stay here, no hard feelings."

> How fast do the Shinigami usually fly compared to us?

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 31, 2024, 05:11:54 AM
> "Shion, Shinmyoumaru, listen to me. The Shinigami only want me so what I will do is draw them out to distract them and then you two will strike from behind. It may not seem customary for a celestial such as myself having to resort to such cowardly tactics but they were to ones who brought 3 people to take out only 1 in the first place so all I'm doing is evening out the numbers."

> "Their scythes are deadly up close and they could also possibly manipulate distance so preferably hit them with your danmaku. Shinmyoumaru, if there are any combat-capable Inchlings, bring them with you for support."

>"Alright, sneak attack." Shinmyoumaru follows.
>Shion notes how unfair this would be, for you, that is. "Did they really need to bring three Shinigami to take in one soul? It seems unfair and inefficient."
>Shinmyoumaru walks out of the meeting room and through a door... that's upside-down (you will never get used to this).
>"I'll be asking for volunteers. Some of the Inchlings do have thoughts of heroism and maybe this will appease them.

> "Be aware that by helping me out... you're risking becoming targets of the Shinigami as well. So if you're not willing to take the risk, you can stay here, no hard feelings."

>Shion gets closer to and hugs you. "First, I'm a goddess, not a good one but one that can take care of myself. Second, we are friends and your friendship is worth a lot to me, if you were killed then I wouldn't know what to do with myself."
>Shion then lets go of you and gives you a smirk. "Besides, this is an unfortunate situation, it's either as an unfortunate person you are under my domain and I need to protect you, or I'm going to be in my element." You know for a fact that its impossible for you to be very unlucky, that's what a part of your relationship with Shion hinges on, but it's good that she's attempting to make humour of the grim situation despite her usually gloomy personality.

> How fast do the Shinigami usually fly compared to us?

>They fly at roughly the same speed as you, Distance Manipulation notwithstanding. If you ever need to make distance and make it hard for them to close then you put Keystone Pillars and other wide, blocking danmaku between them and you. Despite Spellcard Rules not being applicable you have to admit that your duelling strategies still come in handy.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on January 31, 2024, 05:53:04 PM
> "You have nothing to worry about. Never assume that a celestial such as myself would ever lose to some mere Shinigami. If I were to go out, I would be fighting the Yama herself!"

> "I'll be going now, once the Shinigami have their backs turned towards you, strike with all your force."

> Head out from the back of the castle without letting the Shinigami see us.
> Once we're a fair distance away, perform our flashiest danmaku to get their attention.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 03, 2024, 01:46:05 PM
> "You have nothing to worry about. Never assume that a celestial such as myself would ever lose to some mere Shinigami. If I were to go out, I would be fighting the Yama herself!"

> "I'll be going now, once the Shinigami have their backs turned towards you, strike with all your force."

>Shion gives you a thumbs up while you leave.

> Head out from the back of the castle without letting the Shinigami see us.
> Once we're a fair distance away, perform our flashiest danmaku to get their attention.

>You head out from the back? Front? Uh, least commonly walked route out of the Shining Needle Castle.
>Hiding yourself in low-altitude, you see your personal reapers waiting to get the jump on you. If only they knew.
>You summon multiple keystone to act as containers for Scarlet Energy, focus on gathering power to your Sword of Hisou, and let out a barrage of energy so dense that some would mistake it for a laser.
>It definitely gets their attention.

>"Hey, Ichiko, when do you think this Celestial is going to be done with her date?" The Redhaired one asks.
>"It's not a date." Ichiko replies.
>"Are you sure? The looks and the talk they had with each other sounded... Intimate."
>Ichiko shakes her head full of white hair in exasperation. "It doesn't matter if it is or is not, the celestial dies today along with any hope of love."
>The third one, silent until now, speaks excitedly. "Amaryllis, Ichiko! I think I see a ruby shining down there!"
>"Rubies don't naturally glow, it requires light to hit them."
>"Well I still see it. Hmm, it's getting brighter. And closer... Guysit'saredlaserbeamwatchout!"
>"Huh-" You honestly were not aiming for a direct hit.
>"Ichiko, call the Kishin Chief!"
>"I'm already on it." She sends a lone spirit into the air at high speeds

>Well, now they're definitely on high alert, and coming to your position because that dense barrage was very bright and eye-catching.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 03, 2024, 05:18:32 PM
> "HAHAHAHAHA, Come at me with all your force!"
> Move back as they get closer and throw whatever wide danmaku and keystones we have to ward them and their bullets off.

> Be on the lookout for when Shion and Shinmyoumaru arrive.
> Do we personally recognize any of the Shinigami that are attacking us from previous encounters?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on February 04, 2024, 11:56:07 PM
> Strike the rising spirit with a quick laser!  Can't let them chicken out of this fight by calling reinforcements!  Use a homing laser if needed, it cannot get away.
> Today they shall learn not bite off more than they can chew!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 05, 2024, 08:43:04 AM
> "HAHAHAHAHA, Come at me with all your force!"
> Move back as they get closer and throw whatever wide danmaku and keystones we have to ward them and their bullets off.

>The Shinigami who spotted your first assault approaches. Long, flowing, blonde hair flaring due to the speeds.
>You hinder her movement by summoning large Pillars of Divine Punishment to cover the landscape, then follow up with Beams of Non-Perception. She navigates the impromptu maze of Keystones put before her, with reaction speeds and quick thinking befitting a denizen of the Spellcard-Using Gensokyo, but the beams almost snipe her through the maze when suddenly the distance between you, her, the pillars, and the beams E x p a n d s . This gives the Shinigami enough space to speed through all obstacles but you summon a keystone from under yourself and use the momentum to perform a backflip, creating even more space between you and her. Before she attempts to close it you trap her in a cage of Kaname Funnels. She should be too busy dodging now to focus on a chase.

> Be on the lookout for when Shion and Shinmyoumaru arrive.
> Do we personally recognize any of the Shinigami that are attacking us from previous encounters?

>They haven't arrived just yet. A bit more stalling should do it.
>No, you don't. You recognise some of the tactics however, out of all of them the Blonde one is the most similar to Komachi.
>In fact... Komachi once told you that a coworker changed positions from a Ferryman to a Reaper. Could this be her?
>But before pondering that, you have something else to do...

> Strike the rising spirit with a quick laser!  Can't let them chicken out of this fight by calling reinforcements!  Use a homing laser if needed, it cannot get away.

>You brandish your Sword of Hisou and utilise its shape-shifting ability to project it outwards, towards the sky, piercing the spirit and exposing its Qi. A perfect snipe.
>"What?! Is everyone in Gensokyo who does Spellcard duels this good at aiming?! Maybe I should listen to Lavana and start practicing."
>Ichiko shouts towards her friend, most likely named Lavana. "The plan's changed! The Celestial brat destroyed the spirit completely, damn Sword of Hisou-"
As she condemns your weapon of choice, the sky becomes dark and rain falls in a Sprinkle. It seems that Spirit was a bit special.
>You realised a long time ago that the weather that your Sword of Hisou causes does not just have normal effects. It seems to affect people's abilities, in combat, movement, or defence. This affects everyone, even your potential enemies. However, you can disrupt any advantages they get by directly striking them with your Sword of Hisou, sealing their Qi.
This also seals any abilities they have tied to their Spirit, which for most Gensokyo residents is all of them.

> Today they shall learn not bite off more than they can chew!

>Indeed they shall.
>Now you just need to hold out. For Shion and Shinmyoumaru.

[attachment=1] Weather: Sprinkle
Effect: All inherent abilities that come from the user's Spirit are enhanced to their maximum potential.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 05, 2024, 03:00:28 PM
> This Sprinkle should come in handy. If they're too focused on trying to dodge our bullets, they will never even GET the opportunity to use their enhanced attacks.

> What are the current positions of the Shinigamis that call themselves Ichiko and Amaryllis?
> Snipe them from afar, we shall not let them run(fly) away.

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 07, 2024, 06:36:24 PM
> This Sprinkle should come in handy. If they're too focused on trying to dodge our bullets, they will never even GET the opportunity to use their enhanced attacks.

> What are the current positions of the Shinigamis that call themselves Ichiko and Amaryllis?

>Amaryllis, the redhaired one, is probably lying face first in the dirt nearby. She got directly hit by what was just supposed to be a flashy attention-grabber, quite unfortunate.
>Ichiko, the white-haired one, is in the sky and approaching you after you thwarted her attempt at calling reinforcements. She looks mad.

> Snipe them from afar, we shall not let them run(fly) away.

>You summon an array of Keystones, gather some of the nearby Qi you can sense, and fire a swarm of lasers directly at Ichiko.
>She dodges the first few, clumsily compared to her comrade, but the rest are a direct hit, she slows and descends to the ground. Most likely to hide.

>You feel a spatial distention and look to where your instinct leads.
>The Blonde one, Lavana most likely, gains enough time to E x p a n d space.
>"Alright, emergency exit time. Hell 'Expiation through Naraka'!" With that, the cage of Kaname Funnels becomes more of a corridor that she can stride through as the distance between attacks widen to the point of uselessness.

>Did she just declare the name of her technique like this is a Spellcard Duel?
>Regardless, you now only have one threat to deal with in the meaningful future.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 07, 2024, 07:49:37 PM
> Everything is going smoother than expected, if something goes wrong, we still have Shion and Shinmyoumaru to help us out.
> "Fufufu, you have done well to stop my cage of Kaname Funnels.... But you'll need more than that to stop me"

> Assume a defensive stance
> "Come at me with your scythe, let us fight one on one like real women."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on February 09, 2024, 05:36:56 AM
> Leave a somewhat obvious opening in our defensive stance, as if inviting Ichiko to strike there  ...only we'll be expecting it, and ready to parry with the sword of Hisou!
> If our little bait & parry gambit is successful go for a direct blow with the sword of Hisou!

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 09, 2024, 01:02:51 PM
> Everything is going smoother than expected, if something goes wrong, we still have Shion and Shinmyoumaru to help us out.
> "Fufufu, you have done well to stop my cage of Kaname Funnels.... But you'll need more than that to stop me"

> Assume a defensive stance
> "Come at me with your scythe, let us fight one on one like real women."
> Leave a somewhat obvious opening in our defensive stance, as if inviting Ichiko to strike there  ...only we'll be expecting it, and ready to parry with the sword of Hisou!
> If our little bait & parry gambit is successful go for a direct blow with the sword of Hisou!

>You taunt the Shinigami, Lavana, to a more physical kind combat. A brief look of surprise lights up her face, but then it quickly shifts into a sinister grin.
>"So, you're the kind of girl that likes a good fight. A challenge, huh?" Well, she read you like a book.
>"Good, let's go!"

>You shift into a faux defensive stance, The Gardener of Hagukoroku would've recognised it as "Gendo no Kamae" but you have no formal training, and you expected Lavana to approach you. But instead she just raises her hand to you-

>And you're right next to her. She attempts to trip you with a sweep of her scythe but you react fast and stomp the blade of her scythe into the ground before going for a direct blow. Your swing completely whiffs as if the distance between the Sword of Hisou and her body were impossible to close.
>Lavana then retreats from close-range while using Distance Manipulation to make her scythe follow her.
>Lavana's grin is less sinister and more a look of elation and joy. It strangely reminds you of yourself when you enjoy something. "I wasn't expecting my first fight against a Celestial to be this tricky! Maybe the transfer wasn't such a bad idea!"
>Lavana's monologue is cut off by her comrade Ichiko, scuffed and damaged, walking out from the nearby foliage.
>"Lavana! We need to retreat! Amaryllis is down and-" The White-haired Shinigami is then hit by a large purple ball of what you can assume is Misfortune from Shion. Looks like one half of your back-up is here.
>Lavana makes a smirk before facing to you again. "Huh, was that your girlfriend?" You know she's saying that as a joke but you wonder what is wrong with these Shinigami. Making light of a relationship that you would be eternally separated from if they succeeded.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 09, 2024, 03:13:44 PM
> "Your taunts won't work on me foolish Shinigami. Although I have to admit, I admire your resilience in combat"
> 'But sadly, you had already lost ever since you showed up at the Shining Needle Castle."
>  Close the distance between us and Lavana and continue our offense. Prioritize trying to seal her spirit with our sword and see if that stops her distance manipulation ability.
> If she tries to separate her distance with us, use the sword's shape shifting ability that we used before to hone in on her.

> Once we see Shion, tell her to apprehend the Shinigami she just shot down and the other one that should be nearby.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 11, 2024, 11:58:35 AM
> "Your taunts won't work on me foolish Shinigami. Although I have to admit, I admire your resilience in combat"
> 'But sadly, you had already lost ever since you showed up at the Shining Needle Castle."
>  Close the distance between us and Lavana and continue our offense. Prioritize trying to seal her spirit with our sword and see if that stops her distance manipulation ability.
> If she tries to separate her distance with us, use the sword's shape shifting ability that we used before to hone in on her.

>"Well, I see being overconfident in victory is still a staple of Celestials.

>You lunge towards her and move your sword in a wild swing, you aim past her body and skin, through her flesh and bones, right to the core of her Spirit and Qi. The raindrops soak through your clothes and skin, feeding the sapling that is your Spirit and the Sword of Hisou feels like an extension of your body.
>Lavana lurches back and you can feel the spatial distention separating your blade arm and her Spirit, but you push more of your will forward, until you feel like it could cross any gap that she could put between you and her! Until-
>You gash her Spirit, and then imprint a seal upon it. May her Spirit remain dormant.
>Lavana face contorts in pain as she drops her scythe and clutches at her chest, as if something is constricting her heart.
>"...That Sword really is dangerous. It's not good for it to be in your hands." She speaks as if the act is labourious. "Regardless, I can't take you in like this" Her arm raises, trying to drag you in by damnable distance erasing power. But she can't.
>"Well, I yield. You get to keep your lifespan this time, Celestial." She just gives up? It's good, because now you can go back with Shion and Shinmyoumaru safely, but you feel disappointed by how easy this fight was and how easy she gave up. You don't even have a scratch on you!

> Once we see Shion, tell her to apprehend the Shinigami she just shot down and the other one that should be nearby.

>You wait for a moment, the only companions being the rain and this cowardly Shinigami, until you see an incredibly disastrious aura approaching you.
>"Tenshi!" Shion runs towards you- and trips (how unfortunate). But you catch her.
>"Oh, uh, sorry about the whole 'Aura' thing. It's my Misfortune spilling out, ever since it started raining it's been like this. Very convenient for dealing with certain guests however." She gives a hateful glare towards Lavana.
>"The Shinigami? The Red-haired one is already tied up, the Inchlings and Shinmyoumaru dealt with her." Lavana snickers at that, the image of a Shinigami being defeated by a group of Inchlings is rich in entertainment value. "And that other one is tripping over her own shoes trying to get up. I might have overdone it with the Poverty Bomb..."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 11, 2024, 06:21:27 PM
> "You did well Shion, sorry about your enhanced aura, that's just an effect of my sword's power. So for now..."
> Lean closer to her
> "Just stick by me and you'll be safe from any unfortunate incidents.

> How long does the spirit sealing last for? Does it have a cooldown time?
> Confiscate the Shinigami's weapons and items, and if we can, seal their spirit as well.
> Head back to the Shining Needle Castle with the Shinigami in tow.

> What do the other celestials think of Shinigami, do they deal with them the same way we do? How much do we know of their hierarchy/system?
> Do there exist any conventions in Gensokyo on keeping war prisoners?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 14, 2024, 08:50:11 PM
> "You did well Shion, sorry about your enhanced aura, that's just an effect of my sword's power. So for now..."
> Lean closer to her
> "Just stick by me and you'll be safe from any unfortunate incidents."

> How long does the spirit sealing last for? Does it have a cooldown time?
> Confiscate the Shinigami's weapons and items, and if we can, seal their spirit as well.
> Head back to the Shining Needle Castle with the Shinigami in tow.


>The longest you've seen the Spirit Seal last is 20 Minutes. It doesn't seem to have a cooldown time as far as you know.
>You look at Lavana and she looks at the floor, despondent in defeat. She seems to understand the situation.

>The first Shinigami after her is Ichiko, you are led to where she should be by Shion and she's somehow managed to get stuck in a tree.
>The Shinigami following behind you guffaws loudly. "Ichiko, how did this happen?!"
>"I was trying to fly away after getting hit. It was already hard enough getting off the floor and then this happened!"
>Ichiko's life isn't going to get any easier.
>Shion drags her down to the floor and you pierce her (gently, you promise) with the Sword of Hisou. You consider tying her up but she can't even walk straight without tripping and needs Shion's help.

>The next Shinigami is Amaryllis, according to the others. It's actually a bit difficult to find her until you all hear... Cheering?
>You walk to the origin of the sounds and see a redhaired Shinigami tied up with Inchlings surrounding her. But Shinmyoumaru and the Inchlings look massive compared to before. Like they're all the size of adult humans.
>"Behold! I, as the Inchling Princess, have bestowed the most glorious victory upon us! We have triumphed over Death itself! This will be the start of a legend containing all of our names!"
>All the Inchlings around her cheer in affirmation, raising their needles up in victory, though the needles are more like spears now with how large they are. They really are hungry for glory.
>The "Inchling Princess" (she never describes herself as such to you) notices you. "Ah, Tenshi. This Shinigami fell out of the sky while we were preparing our ambush and we decided to take care of her. She seemed intimadating but it was really easy to just shrink her scythe, then I bopped her on the head with this." She holds up the Sword-Shaped Keystone.
>You then Seal Amaryllis' Spirit and tell Shinmyoumaru to bring them into the Shining Needle Castle.

>And now you are back where you started, with you, Shion, and Shinmyoumaru sitting around a table with food. Except with some extra-large Inchlings watching over some very rude guests.
>Amaryllis speaks up in frustration. "So what's the deal now, Tenshi?"

> What do the other celestials think of Shinigami, do they deal with them the same way we do? How much do we know of their hierarchy/system?
> Do there exist any conventions in Gensokyo on keeping war prisoners?

>Celestials at best think of Shinigami as nuisances they have to fend away every so often, not unlike mosquitoes or bees or wasps. And at worst think of them as (Im)mortal enemies that are bad news wherever they are. You have a friend, or at least an acquaintance, that is a Shinigami so you err more to the former than the latter, but you hesitate to count yourself since you're almost always an outlier in terms of Celestial behaviour.
As far as you know about the Hiearchy of The Ministry of Right and Wrong, The Ten Kings are the Head of the organisation, but there are separate sectors for different parts of management of the Afterlife and Soul Processing such as determining lifespans or lesser Judges who preside over individual areas. Somebody would have ordered these Shinigami but it likely would not be directly from The Ten Kings or even Eiki Shiki, due to her delegating work from her already busy plate. The information you have regarding their Organisational structure is mostly from Komachi
>The Geneva Conventions don't exist in Gensokyo, but the Spellcard Rules do. Mock your opponent all you want after victory and if you're confused, just follow Reimu's example!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on February 15, 2024, 01:26:59 AM
> Stare daggers at the Shinigami "Your team's been annihilated!  As per Gensokyo's conventions we get to tell you to never bother us again!"

> Let's try and turn them against their bosses, or at least sow the seeds of distrust!
> Smirk "I can only think of two reasons two out of shape Shinigami would dare challenge me of all Celestials:  Either you're slacking off and your boss made you find out the hard way, or you're new and your boss likes hazing new recruits!"
> Fold our arms in thought "Whatever the case, I'd question if they really have your best interests at heart..."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 15, 2024, 04:54:30 AM
> Having a spy within the enemy forces could be essential to atleast know ahead of time when we will be attacked.
> Check the expressions of the Shinigami and try to deduce which is acting more amiable towards us.

> What do we know of the Shinigami's ability to wither things like what they did to the peaches. Before we let them go, we could try to enact revenge on a certain oni who hasn't been inviting us to her parties.

> Have some Inchlings Meterlings patrol the outside to prevent any wayward spirits from leaving or entering.
> Make sure to seal the Shinigami's spirits every once in  a while as well.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 17, 2024, 02:31:46 PM
> Stare daggers at the Shinigami "Your team's been annihilated!  As per Gensokyo's conventions we get to tell you to never bother us again!"

> Let's try and turn them against their bosses, or at least sow the seeds of distrust!
> Smirk "I can only think of two reasons two out of shape Shinigami would dare challenge me of all Celestials:  Either you're slacking off and your boss made you find out the hard way, or you're new and your boss likes hazing new recruits!"
> Fold our arms in thought "Whatever the case, I'd question if they really have your best interests at heart..."

>Amaryllis makes a disgruntled noise and turns her head away from you. "I know for a fact we weren't slacking off or that this was a hazing ritual."
>Lavana is more forthcoming. "We were told to specifically go after you because you have the Sword of Hisou..."
>Lavana then perks up her head in consternation. "You do bring up a good point however, but not whether our higher-ups have our best interests at heart, rather, if they remember what our job is. We normally wouldn't be going after you today, our meeting would be around a decade from now. Just because you have a dangerous artifact doesn't mean you should be top priority, that would arguably be one of the Buddhist or Taoist Hermits."
>Ichiko glares at Lavana as if what she said was gauche or offensive. "Lavana, are you questioning our boss' orders?"
>She smirks and leans back against a wall. "Yeah, I wonder why you guys don't. The entire situation seems suspicious."

> Having a spy within the enemy forces could be essential to atleast know ahead of time when we will be attacked.
> Check the expressions of the Shinigami and try to deduce which is acting more amiable towards us.

>Amaryllis is looking down at the floor, purposely avoiding meeting you eye to eye.
>Ichiko is seemingly trying to distract herself using anything possible.
>Lavana is just leaning against the wall, she doesn't even seem pertubed by the fact that she's surrounded on all sides by armed threats.
>Lavana seems the most receptive at the moment.

> What do we know of the Shinigami's ability to wither things like what they did to the peaches. Before we let them go, we could try to enact revenge on a certain oni who hasn't been inviting us to her parties.

>Shinigami wither all plant life of Heavenly Origin upon their approach without discrimination. You didn't notice it before but even the Bouquet that Shion brought didn't die because it's from Earth.
>They also make Celestials sweat, literally. You just try to ignore that feeling, it's gross.

> Have some Inchlings Meterlings patrol the outside to prevent any wayward spirits from leaving or entering.
> Make sure to seal the Shinigami's spirits every once in a while as well.

>You ask Shinmyoumaru, who is taller than you now, for a patrol request. She thinks about it before going through with your demands. You hardly want any more interruptions after this one.
>You also periodically keep the Shinigami Sealed throughout your time here. Lavana puts her arm out willingly, unlike the rest.

>A while later with nothing out of the ordinary (unless you count Shion wolfing down several peaches a second as unusual) you hear the door open and a wet Inchling Meterling approaches you and bows. "There is a woman with purple hair and a hagoromo outside asking to come in, or at least for you to meet her out there."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on February 17, 2024, 09:56:10 PM
>Amaryllis makes a disgruntled noise and turns her head away from you. "I know for a fact we weren't slacking off or that this was a hazing ritual."
>Lavana is more forthcoming. "We were told to specifically go after you because you have the Sword of Hisou..."
>Lavana then perks up her head in consternation. "You do bring up a good point however, but not whether our higher-ups have our best interests at heart, rather, if they remember what our job is. We normally wouldn't be going after you today, our meeting would be around a decade from now. Just because you have a dangerous artifact doesn't mean you should be top priority, that would arguably be one of the Buddhist or Taoist Hermits."
>Ichiko glares at Lavana as if what she said was gauche or offensive. "Lavana, are you questioning our boss' orders?"
>She smirks and leans back against a wall. "Yeah, I wonder why you guys don't. The entire situation seems suspicious."

>Amaryllis is looking down at the floor, purposely avoiding meeting you eye to eye.
>Ichiko is seemingly trying to distract herself using anything possible.
>Lavana is just leaning against the wall, she doesn't even seem pertubed by the fact that she's surrounded on all sides by armed threats.
>Lavana seems the most receptive at the moment.

>Shinigami wither all plant life of Heavenly Origin upon their approach without discrimination. You didn't notice it before but even the Bouquet that Shion brought didn't die because it's from Earth.
>They also make Celestials sweat, literally. You just try to ignore that feeling, it's gross.

>You ask Shinmyoumaru, who is taller than you now, for a patrol request. She thinks about it before going through with your demands. You hardly want any more interruptions after this one.
>You also periodically keep the Shinigami Sealed throughout your time here. Lavana puts her arm out willingly, unlike the rest.

>A while later with nothing out of the ordinary (unless you count Shion wolfing down several peaches a second as unusual) you hear the door open and a wet Inchling Meterling approaches you and bows. "There is a woman with purple hair and a hagoromo outside asking to come in, or at least for you to meet her out there."


> Thank the messenger for the report.

> Politely ask Shinmyoumaru,since it is her Shining Needle Castle and we are her guests, for permission to meet her,Iku Nagae Messenger of the Dragon palace,here and inside since this explaining this meeting ""should"""be important for her to seek-out not once but twice,so fast in 1 day,and just after her Important Warning which we have already disclosed...

> Examine/Observe and Politely Greet Iku when she arrives.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on February 17, 2024, 10:54:35 PM
> They bring up an interesting point about their superiors ... priorities.  Let's play that to our advantage!

> Feign pondering something for a moment before a bright idea comes to mind: "Just imagine the kind of buzz 'Claiming the Sword of Hisou' would create for your boss!  Getting credited with making the bold decision to go after it would certainly put them on track for a promotion or two!  All while you two, their footsoldiers, who actually risked your lives to obtain it are just relegated to a footnote in the story." (Draw out the italicized words to emphasize our point.)
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 19, 2024, 09:47:04 PM
> They bring up an interesting point about their superiors ... priorities.  Let's play that to our advantage!

> Feign pondering something for a moment before a bright idea comes to mind: "Just imagine the kind of buzz 'Claiming the Sword of Hisou' would create for your boss!  Getting credited with making the bold decision to go after it would certainly put them on track for a promotion or two!  All while you two, their footsoldiers, who actually risked your lives to obtain it are just relegated to a footnote in the story." (Draw out the italicized words to emphasize our point.)

>The Shinigami go silent and ponder for a moment from your assessment of the situation.
>"...Your Sword is dangerous because it can destroy spirits easily. But it doesn't seem like you're actively using it for that purpose."
>"I'm really hoping our superiors aren't trying to be gloryhounds, I had to sacrifice my holiday for this."
>Lavana looks directly at your eyes. "Hey, you seem to care a whole lot about why we're here, And sure you tied us up but you haven't tried to hurt us outside of the initial scuffle despite us, you know, trying to kill you."
>"Do you care about us or something? I mean that in the way that you care for your fellow man. Not in the way that you care for that Poverty God."
>Shion coughs and almost chokes on multiple peaches from that remark.

> Thank the messenger for the report.

> Politely ask Shinmyoumaru,since it is her Shining Needle Castle and we are her guests, for permission to meet her,Iku Nagae Messenger of the Dragon palace,here and inside since this explaining this meeting ""should"""be important for her to seek-out not once but twice,so fast in 1 day,and just after her Important Warning which we have already disclosed...

> Examine/Observe and Politely Greet Iku when she arrives.

>You ask Shinmyoumaru if Iku, who you assume it is, can meet you inside the Castle.
>"Yes, she's probably going to be soaked from waiting out there. Not to mention that her warning and these Shinigami must be linked."
>Now it's time to wait for her. Well, with some guests.
>"Huh, I actually get to meet a Dragon Palace messenger. Never thought this would happen, especially after losing."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on February 19, 2024, 11:09:31 PM
> In response to their first comment "Also destroying people's spirits would be kind of against the spell card rules here..."
> To Lavana "Maybe I do...  No one's bothered to come after me in a long time.  The fact two just happened to appear out of the blue on an otherwise regular day is most unusual."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 20, 2024, 12:49:01 AM
> In response to their first comment "Also destroying people's spirits would be kind of against the spell card rules here..."
> To Lavana "Maybe I do...  No one's bothered to come after me in a long time.  The fact two just happened to appear out of the blue on an otherwise regular day is most unusual."
> After we get their answer (if any). Look at them all and say: "Sorry, but you won't be meeting a Dragon Palace Messenger today, if she found you guys where here, who knows what atrocities she might commit to you. Don't worry, I'll keep you three safe"
> Escort them with the Meterling guards into a separate room as quick as possible

>  Wherever it's true that Iku (If its even her) would do that or not. We can't have her notice that were keeping Shinigami as prisoners and trying to sow distrust within the hierarchy of hell. She'll probably give us some long lecture or even reduce the time that she allows us to be outside of Heaven. Plus we can further hammer in their trust towards us if they think we're helping them out.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 21, 2024, 04:04:05 PM
> In response to their first comment "Also destroying people's spirits would be kind of against the spell card rules here..."
> To Lavana "Maybe I do...  No one's bothered to come after me in a long time.  The fact two just happened to appear out of the blue on an otherwise regular day is most unusual."

>"Three. There are three of us."
>The three Shinigami then look between each other as if trying to guess which one of them was the most forgettable.
>"What are the Spell Card Rules?" Amaryllis cuts the silence with an absolutely baffling question.
>"Long story short: People try to resolve conflicts non-lethally with beautiful displays of strength and creativity along with dodging instincts and expertise. The better question is: didn't the higher ups tell you guys this before sending you to Gensokyo with me? I thought you guys already knew and that's why I never said anything."
>To that, Amaryllis and Ichiko have no answer.
>"About the number of us, we were just supposed to be scouts that would see if you were here, and vulnerable, then call in a Kishin Chief to subdue you when your location and status were confirmed. Obviously this didn't go according to plan from the beginning."

> After we get their answer (if any). Look at them all and say: "Sorry, but you won't be meeting a Dragon Palace Messenger today, if she found you guys where here, who knows what atrocities she might commit to you. Don't worry, I'll keep you three safe"
> Escort them with the Meterling guards into a separate room as quick as possible

>  Wherever it's true that Iku (If its even her) would do that or not. We can't have her notice that were keeping Shinigami as prisoners and trying to sow distrust within the hierarchy of hell. She'll probably give us some long lecture or even reduce the time that she allows us to be outside of Heaven. Plus we can further hammer in their trust towards us if they think we're helping them out.

>"Aww, I wanted to ask her some questions about the population of Heaven. Oh well, can't ignore a gracious Celestial's hospitality can we?" Lavana winks at the last part.
>The other Shinigami, realising they're way out of their depth, decide to follow Lavana's lead for now.
>You lead them into a separate room with some Meterlings, a very sparse room that doesn't even have a window. They even have their scythes confiscated just in case.

>You make it back into the main room just in time to see a drenched Iku fly through the door, her face a picture of worry
>"Eldest Daughter! Are you okay?! I saw a sudden rain and I know you aren't completely frivolous with weather phenomenon nowadays so I came here after sorting out my work. There's also an announcement I need to tell you but confirming your safety comes first."
>"We're fine, in case you were wondering..." Shinmyoumaru snarks.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 21, 2024, 07:39:00 PM
> "Calm down Ms. Nagae, I'm fine, I just saw a suspicious looking stray spirit flying around, snipped it with my trusty sword of Hisou and accidentally started this weather. How about you first sit down and then tell me what this announcement is all about."
> Motion her to sit down
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 24, 2024, 12:24:17 PM
> "Calm down Ms. Nagae, I'm fine, I just saw a suspicious looking stray spirit flying around, snipped it with my trusty sword of Hisou and accidentally started this weather. How about you first sit down and then tell me what this announcement is all about."
> Motion her to sit down

>"Good to know you're safe now, because this news I have to give you will directly affect your safety."
>"I'm just going to say it now: you are dying.
>Shion stops eating and Shinmyoumaru gasps before Iku raises her hand and continues to add more detail.
>"To be exact, you're showing some of the Five Signs of The Dying Deva. The sweating and uneasiness in Heaven. The others haven't shown up yet, thankfully, which means we still have time."
>"Time for what?"
>"Training. The Shinigami are going to be more aggressive now. That leads me to my second bit of unfortunate news."
>"For some reason we don't know of, the Shinigami are not going by their usual schedule. At least not with you. This is causing the other Celestials to be a bit concerned about when they're going to have to fend them off, or as concerned as they can be given their usual nature."
>"I thought that a messenger from Heaven would have some good news. Or is my Misfortune finally affecting Tenshi?"
>"But I do have some good news! First, you don't have to go back to Heaven anymore so I won't pester you about that. Between that incident with the Elixir and attracting Shinigami, it would be greatly in your and the other Celestial's benefit if you do not go back. This means you can spend all the time you want down on Earth. Second, we do have a list of trusted people for you to train with, I took into account your... Behaviour. So they should be somewhat able to give you a good fight at least. I made sure this list would fit you."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 24, 2024, 05:37:33 PM
> "Wow. That's a lot to take in......"

> What do we personally know about the Five Signs of the Dying Deva?
> Take a quick smell at our clothes and armpits. Has our smell been getting worse recently?
> How old are we exactly?

> "Who exactly are these people I'm going to train with and when do I start? Where will I be lodging now if I can't go back to Heaven?"

>"Also, what do you exactly mean by we do have a list? Who else is working to help me?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 27, 2024, 12:37:04 AM
> "Wow. That's a lot to take in......"

> What do we personally know about the Five Signs of the Dying Deva?
> Take a quick smell at our clothes and armpits. Has our smell been getting worse recently?
> How old are we exactly?

>The Five Signs of the Dying Deva are "Weakeners" that pop up in certain situations and make Celestials (Also known as "Devas") more vulnerable to traditional threats to one's life. They usually only show up when Shinigami are near or when they're close to their natural lifespan. They are constant uneasiness & dissatisfaction with one's life (in Heaven), withering of the flower crown (your peach in this case), perspiration of the armpits, blemishing of the clothes, and an odorous body.
>As far as you can see, you're just incredibly bored with your usual life (which some Celestials would argue counts as dissatisfaction, but who cares what they say) and you're maybe a bit sweaty, but that's due to the Shinigami, surely?
>Wait, the Shinigami only cause withering of the flower crown. You may have made a grave miscalculation!

>You smell your clothes and instantly get hit with a briny odour. This is bad. You were sweating before, but you thought that was because of the Shinigami so you completely ignored it. You wonder how Shion and Shinmyoumaru didn't notice this, or maybe they don't know about the Signs and just thought you were naturally sweaty. Embarrassing.
>You stopped counting at 400 Years. Though you physically have the body of a short teenager due to when you ascended to Bhaavagra, you've been living for a long time. You would argue far too long given how boring your life was when you ascended compared to when you were Chiko and after you started going to Earth's Surface more often. All for the sake of entertainment and novel experiences, of course.

> "Who exactly are these people I'm going to train with and when do I start? Where will I be lodging now if I can't go back to Heaven?"

>"Also, what do you exactly mean by we do have a list? Who else is working to help me?

>Iku pulls out a scroll from her veil, does she use such a sacred artifact as extra storage? "Well, here's the list. It was mostly written by me. These are only suggestions, and if you want to go with others or think my choices aren't fitting then go with your ideas. I've watched over you long enough to know that trying to control your decisions is an exercise in futility, unfortunately."

>Youmu Konpaku: The gardner and servant of the Lady of Hakugyokurou. This suggestion is almost purely for martial reaons. Youmu is an amazing swordswoman despite being a relatively young youkai, and you're, uh, not to offend you, Eldest Daugher, but you have no real technique. It helps that she has a similarly special weapon, though no Celestial artifact. Youmu and her Lady can be found in Hakugyokurou, located in The Netherworld.

>Kaguya Houraisan and Fujiwara no Mokou: The Hourai Immortals. This recommendation is for reasons more taliored to your problems and personality. Although you are not truly immortal since you do have a lifespan, just a long one, I do believe having a discussion with them about how to spend eternity without being bored would be a good experience for you. They also have literal centuries worth of experience in battle due to their feud. Kaguya and Mokou can be found in the Bamboo Forest of The Lost, but you may have more luck just going directly to Eientei rather than wandering around there.

>Byakuren Hijiri and Toyosatomimi no Miko: The leaders of their respective religious factions. This was one that was suggested by your parents. Your conduct as a Celestial is flawed by the standards of others, so they believe that learning the tenets of the most common ways of ascending to a higher plane will do you some good. It took some convincing to make them pick someone specifically in Gensokyo and I did so because I believe you will have a better time there than in The "Outside World", as denizens of Gensokyo call it, or Bhaavagra with another Celestial. Byakuren can be found at Myouren Temple, near the Human Village. Miko can be found in the Divine Spirit Mausoleum, right underneath the Myouren Temple.

>Kasen Ibaraki: Another Hermit, though one that seems to have taken the lifestyle for the sake of redemption rather than ascension. This was suggested by your parents, once again, for similar reasons to why Byakuren and Miko were suggested. You also seem to know a secret of her's so maybe you can get closer to her. Regardless, she seems nice and willing to help people who approach her. She can be found in her Senkai somewhere in the Youkai Mountain. You apparently got in once but I have no idea how you accomplished that feat.

>Iku Nagae: Your watchful messenger. This one is here because I want you to know that I will always be around for you when needed and I want to see you improve. It's also the last one in the list because I know you don't want to see me very often, besides, I have no authority over the Hinanawi Clan and that includes you. I can be found anywhere in Heaven, or you can just cause an Aurora and I'll be right there.

>"You can start after you've finished any important business, either personal or in Heaven. I recommend you do start soon because the Shinigami certainly will not hesistate."
>As for your lodging... I tried my best to pull some strings in the Human Village. It was a bit tough, given your reputation, but they agreed, and even gave you a room in the Child of Miare's house, so long as you don't cause catastrophic issues. I tried asking the Myouren Temple as well, but the leader seems to be aware of your past Incident.
>"'We' in this case refers to your family and I. Despite being a delinquent, they still care about you as family. Hence when I came to them about the report regarding your lifespan, they started to make this list and I greatly intervened since I know an embarrassingly large amount about you and how you work. I, uh, also asked Suika, that Oni that has a part of your Heaven. She's a rambunctious one, I still cannot believe you lost to her once."

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on February 27, 2024, 04:50:38 AM
// Not sure if the choice is final once we pick but they're all good choices.  Slightly favor Youmu because the Sword of Hisou is what Tenshi is known for, might as well 'get good' at it as Iku elegantly put it.  Any other suggestions?

> Stare at the list while pondering our circumstances "The Dying Deva...  Shinigami...".  Surely that can't be happening now of all times?  Just when we're starting to enjoy our time in Gensokyo?

> Raise an eye at the first name on the list "Youmu? Hakugyokuru? Won't the Netherworld be buzzing with Shinigami activity?"

> Do we know the "Child of Miare"?
> On a scale of one to ten how out of place do we look in the village?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 27, 2024, 07:14:24 AM
// Im seconding with Youmu being our choice but if Hakugyokuru is too risky then I think our second best bet would be going with Kaguya and Mokou. Our problem might possibly be caused by an "impurity" in our soul so consulting a Lunarian on the matter might work out well for us. Plus we could also get some combat experience from Mokou and I'm interested to see what type of weather we could conjure with her temperament. One option that isn't on the list that could benefit us is Suwako since her earth manipulating ability is similar to ours.

> How are Shion and Shinmyoumaru reacting to the news?

> What is our personal history with the people on the list besides Iku and Kasen?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on February 29, 2024, 01:28:12 PM
// Not sure if the choice is final once we pick but they're all good choices..

#Choices are not final, you can go to everyone of them over time. The real issue is that the more time passes, the more the Shinigami prowl for you. So getting to the last choice can be very difficult.

//... One option that isn't on the list that could benefit us is Suwako since her earth manipulating ability is similar to ours.

#Choices that are not on the list are completely fine. I wouldn't be a good QM if I couldn't take into account players doing things that weren't planned for.

> Stare at the list while pondering our circumstances "The Dying Deva...  Shinigami...".  Surely that can't be happening now of all times?  Just when we're starting to enjoy our time in Gensokyo?

>You look at the list, wondering how a Celestial could be this unlucky. The Shinigami chose now to suddenly make you top priority? There has to be more to this.

> Raise an eye at the first name on the list "Youmu? Hakugyokuru? Won't the Netherworld be buzzing with Shinigami activity?"

>"You would think. But from what I've seen, they are looking nearly everywhere but there. I guess they just don't believe a Celestial, let alone one like you, would go to the Netherworld willingly even if you were hiding, which you are not. Though that does remind me that the Shining Needle Castle is a fairly obvious place to find you, I sure hope no Shinigami suddenly come in to ruin this meeting."
>If only she knew...
>"Though you might see some Ferrymen there. Not a huge threat but you don't want to show your face to any of the Ministry of Right and Wrong, exposing your location is bad."

> Do we know the "Child of Miare"?
> On a scale of one to ten how out of place do we look in the village?

>You know the Child of Miare by title and fame, though not personally. You have seen a couple of her previous incarnations while watching over Gensokyo in Heaven, and when you were Chiko you think you saw the 6th Child, Amu. She must've visited your family's shrine at one point.

>On a Scale of 1(Fits in Perfectly) to 10 (Practically an alien) you are on a 9, but in a mixed way. You are a Celestial, and as a Celestial there are at least some humans who still hold a deep respect for you. But you are also Tenshi Hinanawi, a brat who caused multiple localised weather phenomena and an earthquake that destroyed the Hakurei Shrine, there are some who know and remember that. How they react to you may depend on their attitudes and opinions on the concepts of redemption and change.

> How are Shion and Shinmyoumaru reacting to the news?

> What is our personal history with the people on the list besides Iku and Kasen?

>Shion seems to be packing a lot of peaches into a bag, though some slip out sometimes, and she seems to be wearing the Peach Rose that Shinmyoumaru made on her head.
>Shinmyoumaru is talking with some of the Meterlings (how has Iku not noticed their size?) while carving another peach into a... Lotus?

>Personal History...

>Youmu Konpaku was one of the people who defeated you during the Weather Incident, she even climbed up to Heaven to resolve the situation. She gave you a really good fight back then. She then reutrned during the "Groundbreaking Ceremony"(Aka the "Celestial Torture-fest") where you challenged each other and you defeated her. You haven't met her much after that.

>Kaguya Houraisan... You don't know much about her. You know she's a Hourai Immortal, and a Lunarian, therefore she's from a Pure Land like you. You did meet one of her underlings, Reisen, during the Weather Incident and you know that they both absconded from The Moon. At first you thought it was a waste to do that, but if The Moon is anything like Bhaavagra then you don't blame them.

>Fujiwara no Mokou is a Hourai Immortal and a Human, unlike Kaguya or you. You met her briefly during the Perfect Possession Incident, and you can admit that she's a great, daring fighter. While you use your near-immortal and hardy body for full-body blows or wild swings, she uses her own body as fuel for her offense. It would be a suicidal fighting style if it wasn't for the fact that she knows what she's doing from centuries of experience.

>Byakuren Hijiri and Toyosatomimi no Miko are both people you met during the Perfect Possession Incident and they- they don't have a high opinion of you. To be fair, you didn't put your best foot forward, you were too eager to fight and you even lost with Shinmyoumaru backing you up. You still remember what Miko said after you lost:
Quote from: Toyosatomimi no Miko
"Celestials were supposed to be far more powerful than that.
You're pathetic. I don't even want to look at you."

>It burns you when you think about it, so you try to forget that ever happened.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on February 29, 2024, 06:13:52 PM
// I think that it'll be more efficient for us to go to first improve our practical combat skills and then focus on our personality issues. This a rough draft for the order I think we should go through:
1. Youmu 2. Kaguya & Mokou 3. Kasen 4. Iku 5. Byakuren & Miko 6. Suwako (if we have time to spare)
We must enact our revenge on Byakuren and Miko for disgracing our celestial pride so we should tackle them last once we have improved our fighting skills with all the others.

> "It looks like I have a lot of work cut out for me. Are you going to bring me some luggage? Considering the situation that I'm in, you can't expect me to wear the same clothes all day."

> What time of day is it right now?
> Do we know any perfume shops or at least anyone who can get us perfume?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 01, 2024, 04:20:56 AM
// Order looks good! Also I'm sure Iku will hang around as our 'watchful messenger' and be available any time, unless 'plot clouds' happen to get in the way.

> Do we perhaps know anyone else long lived enough (like a Youkai) to attract the Shinigami's ire? Even if they couldn't help us with our predicament directly we surely know the saying 'the enemy of my enemy is a friend'?

> Are we aware of any way the Shinigami may locate us? Can they sense 'outlaws' the same way Celestials can feel the presence of nearby Shinigami?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 03, 2024, 10:44:19 AM
// We must enact our revenge on Byakuren and Miko for disgracing our celestial pride so we should tackle them last once we have improved our fighting skills with all the others.

#Now you're thinking like Tenshi!

> "It looks like I have a lot of work cut out for me. Are you going to bring me some luggage? Considering the situation that I'm in, you can't expect me to wear the same clothes all day."

>You mention to Iku your supply issues, bringing to attention your sweat.
>"I was in a hurry to tell you about the situation, but I did bring one extra set of clothes. You may need to source your own in the future somehow. It's unfortunate but you could call me for more, only if your really need it and can't get some yourself."
>She then pulls a box out of her Hagoromo (does that thing have another dimension of space in it or something?). It has extra clothes inside. She even got the boots you like!

> What time of day is it right now?
> Do we know any perfume shops or at least anyone who can get us perfume?

>It's currently the evening, and twilight covers the sky.
>You don't know any people or dedicated shops who would know about perfume. Shion is very unlikely, Shinmyoumaru somehow always smells decent but with no real tools required, and Iku... maybe, but you don't like asking her for help unless you really need it.
>Other options include Shion's Little Sister, Jo'on. She apparently spends a lot of (usually ill-gotten) money on cosmetics, she might even help with the clothes problem that's likely to happen. There was also a flower shop in The Human Village the last time you checked, that should at least help with covering up the smell if nothing else.

> Do we perhaps know anyone else long lived enough (like a Youkai) to attract the Shinigami's ire? Even if they couldn't help us with our predicament directly we surely know the saying 'the enemy of my enemy is a friend'?

> Are we aware of any way the Shinigami may locate us? Can they sense 'outlaws' the same way Celestials can feel the presence of nearby Shinigami?
>The only person you know that could explicitly dislike the Ministry of Right and Wrong is Yukari Yakumo... But you don't want to even see her, and the feeling is mutual. Maybe she could help if you manage to convince her of the severity of the situation, but she's likely to just see this as a natural situation for a Celestial along with you getting your comeuppance for being the brat that is Tenshi Hinanawi. Not to mention she only truly interferes with situations when they involve The Lunar Capital, one of her sworn enemies, or the safety of Gensokyo as a whole. She could dislike The Ministry of Right and Wrong because she is a youkai with an inclination towards chaos, and doesn't like people or things that put clear cut labels of "Good" or "Bad" and "Black" or "White" on people or actions.

>Seija Kijin is another person likely to hate The Ministry of Right and Wrong. As an Amanojaku, she's ontologically predisposed towards being a contrarian, disliking the status quo and wanting to overthrow authority figures, and The Ministry of Right and Wrong are The Authority of afterlife processing and judgment. The issue is that she lost all of her allies for a reason, you can slightly sympathise with not agreeing with others around you and not being well-understood, but cheating is hardly fair. But you don't need to be sad. Amanojaku can never really make friends anyway.

>A more unclear option are all of the Hermits and Celestials that come into conflict with Shinigami. Hermits are, well, hermits. Kasen might help but also not bother, and you have no idea if Seiga will be willing after what happened with Miko. And other Celestials... You don't have any Celestial friends but surely they could see that teaming up on the Shinigami is a pragmatic option.
>As far you know, The Shingami don't explicitly have a way of keeping track on someone. They keep track of their lifespan and hunt them down when they exceed it, but they do so physically and need to confirm the location of the target through scouts like Lavana and the others.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 03, 2024, 05:06:21 PM
> Suggest Iku this order and ask her what she thinks about it:
1. Youmu
2. Kaguya & Mokou
3. Kasen
4. Oki
5. Byakuren & Miko
6. Suwako

> Do we have any money on us? Is it possible we could ask Iku to give us a small allowance so we can buy things in the human village.
> Do we hear any suspicious sounds from the room that the Shinigami are in?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 03, 2024, 11:57:23 PM
> Hmm, the Lunar Capital... talk about stirring up the hornets nest!
> Since the Shinigami cannot inherently track us formulate a plan about (discretely) planting an idea in the heads of the Shinigami we've just captured...

> Specifically that Tenshi Hinanawi is fleeing to the moon to avoid capture!  Those moon people are pretty self sufficient (and long lived) right?  They have their own ways of doing things and therefore shouldn't be overly enthusiastic about a bunch of Shinigami and Ministry of Right and Wrong running around their turf.  Any assassins sent for us will inevitably get annihilated, perhaps even sparking a greater conflict between the Ministry and the Lunar Capital.
> Such a clever plan should certainly earn the respect of that Yakumo Youkai, Celestials are flawless Tacticians after all.  The question is how could we get her on board with such a plan, without her over-analyzing it and prematurely dismissing it as doomed to fail due to a lack of respect for Celestials.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 06, 2024, 03:03:06 PM
> Suggest Iku this order and ask her what she thinks about it:
1. Youmu
2. Kaguya & Mokou
3. Kasen
4. Oki
5. Byakuren & Miko
6. Suwako

>"Suwako?" Iku thinks for a moment before nodding. "Seems okay. Although I'm surprised that you would come to me before Byakuren and Miko, and that they're so late in the list."

> Do we have any money on us? Is it possible we could ask Iku to give us a small allowance so we can buy things in the human village.

>...You do actually have some money, but not a lot. Back when you did your Personality Assessments/Weather Forecasts in the Human Village some people did donate some money afterwards. This was before the complaints of adverse weather and rumours of weather manipulation popped up. As for if Iku has any money for an allowance... You're unsure. Heaven is filled with luxuries (though not in your opinion) that are given for free, and almost denizens have no need for money and have transcended the want for material goods. Iku could be similar, but for how much of a sour opinion you have of her, you have to admit that she's much better than the stuffy Celestials.

> Do we hear any suspicious sounds from the room that the Shinigami are in?

>No, they have been very quiet. You have no idea if they are scared of being found or are just really quiet.

> Hmm, the Lunar Capital... talk about stirring up the hornets nest!
> Since the Shinigami cannot inherently track us formulate a plan about (discretely) planting an idea in the heads of the Shinigami we've just captured...

> Specifically that Tenshi Hinanawi is fleeing to the moon to avoid capture!  Those moon people are pretty self sufficient (and long lived) right?  They have their own ways of doing things and therefore shouldn't be overly enthusiastic about a bunch of Shinigami and Ministry of Right and Wrong running around their turf.  Any assassins sent for us will inevitably get annihilated, perhaps even sparking a greater conflict between the Ministry and the Lunar Capital.
> Such a clever plan should certainly earn the respect of that Yakumo Youkai, Celestials are flawless Tacticians after all.  The question is how could we get her on board with such a plan, without her over-analyzing it and prematurely dismissing it as doomed to fail due to a lack of respect for Celestials.

>Hmm. It could work.

>The Lunar Capital is a Pure Land like Bhaavagra, but unlike Bhaavagra it is not like that naturally. It is Pure because it has a lack of exposure to Impurity and it could lose that status from overexposure, this is why the Lunarians are heavily against any "Impure" beings getting anywhere close to The Moon. So Shinigami, the arbiters of death, and The Ministry of Right and Wrong, the bureaucracy of the afterlife, would definitely be unwelcome. However, you are a Celestial and have been living in Bhaavagra for many years, you should be pure enough to blend in! At least, that's what you want the Shinigami and The Ministry to think.
>Yukari might be up for this. You don't know how she feels about proxy wars, but considering how much of a manipulative vixen she is (heavily ironic given the literal Kitsune Shikigami she has), she would probably go behind a plan that doesn't involve any actual parties from Gensokyo proper.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 06, 2024, 06:49:02 PM
> "I'm honoured that you find my order satisfactory. I left those two last for personal reasons and right now my top priority should be getting combat experience and I think that you are a much better mentor than those monks."
> "Is there anything else that we need to discuss?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 07, 2024, 07:22:49 AM
> Do we know of any relationship between the Lady of Hakugyokuru and Yukari Yakumo?  If so, then yet another reason to visit Youmu first and set our little plan into motion!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 07, 2024, 04:48:23 PM
> "I'm honoured that you find my order satisfactory. I left those two last for personal reasons and right now my top priority should be getting combat experience and I think that you are a much better mentor than those monks."
> "Is there anything else that we need to discuss?"

>You see Iku's face light up in surprise, then she looks away from you for a moment. Was she blushing?
>"No, nothing more on the docket."

> Do we know of any relationship between the Lady of Hakugyokuru and Yukari Yakumo?  If so, then yet another reason to visit Youmu first and set our little plan into motion!

>You don't know of any ties between them. With how little you see Yuyuko Saigyouji and how you almost purposefully avoid Yukari, you can't really know. Though you do know that Yuyuko is very old and important, she can't be so notable that Yukari meets with her, right? What would The Lady of Hakugyokurou and The Gap Hag even do together anyway?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 07, 2024, 06:06:30 PM
> "Then shall we bid farewell? I have a lot of work cut out for me and I better get started quickly."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 08, 2024, 10:06:39 PM
> Think of ways we could lead the three Shinigami into thinking we're fleeing Gensokyo.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 10, 2024, 12:46:37 PM
> "Then shall we bid farewell? I have a lot of work cut out for me and I better get started quickly."

>"Yes, I think we shall."
>Iku gets up, looks around and does a double-take, she finally noticed the size of the Meterlings, then goes towards the window/door. "I'll be out of sight but always with reach, Eldest Daughter. Good luck on your survival." She then leaves with no more words.

> Think of ways we could lead the three Shinigami into thinking we're fleeing Gensokyo.

>Hmm. You could talk about how boring Gensokyo is, it would be a lie but not out of character. You could talk about how The Lunar Capital is more easier to live in than Bhaavagra and how you could fit in due to your Pure nature as a Celestial. Or you can just be straightforward and tell them that you're leaving Gensokyo and going to The Lunar Capital, for as many things people can say about you, you never lie, which would make this believable.

>While pondering on the most efficient method of deceit, you hear rustling nearby followed by Shinmyoumaru saying "We're done!"
>You look at Shion and Shinmyoumaru to see them wearing a Peach Rose and Lotus-Shaped Peach on their heads respectively. Shion also has a comically large bag, probably filled with food.
>"We're going with you!"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 10, 2024, 10:57:33 PM
> "Are you sure about this? We'll be constantly prowled by Shinigami and we'll have to move a lot. Also don't you all have your own responsibilities to fulfill?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 11, 2024, 02:01:43 AM
> Perhaps a better strategy would be to set the stage so they 'overhear' this bit of dialogue.  Is there somewhere out of sight of the Shinigami but close enough that they can overheard us pretending to discuss this with Shion and Shinmyoumaru?  After all, covertly obtained information from the enemy is more trustworthy than their own words.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on March 12, 2024, 07:34:27 PM
> "Are you sure about this? We'll be constantly prowled by Shinigami and we'll have to move a lot. Also don't you all have your own responsibilities to fulfill?

> Do not forget to thank them sincerely for their friendship such as theirs to follow you through  future hardships.

> Of course if either or both cannot follow together without abandoning their own responsibilities,or mostly so,point out the facts in a tone and way both truthful to the aforementionted ones and respecftul to their earnest motivation and friendship.
> Perhaps a better strategy would be to set the stage so they 'overhear' this bit of dialogue.  Is there somewhere out of sight of the Shinigami but close enough that they can overheard us pretending to discuss this with Shion and Shinmyoumaru?  After all, covertly obtained information from the enemy is more trustworthy than their own words.

>...but the fact the 3 Shinigami would so conveniently overhear our discussion while it is supposed to be secret to them ,and to such a precise location such as the Lunar Capital,would defeat the fundamental purpose...

>...and,most importantly, both Person-wise Celestial-Wise, making bases & plans about & around lies & deceits is going to backfire sooner or later causing more troubles and harm rather than solutions and mend.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 12, 2024, 10:34:58 PM
> "Are you sure about this? We'll be constantly prowled by Shinigami and we'll have to move a lot. Also don't you all have your own responsibilities to fulfill?
> Do not forget to thank them sincerely for their friendship such as theirs to follow you through  future hardships.

> Of course if either or both cannot follow together without abandoning their own responsibilities,or mostly so,point out the facts in a tone and way both truthful to the aforementionted ones and respecftul to their earnest motivation and friendship.

>You thank your friends for their willingness to plunge themselves into danger for your sake, but try to explain to them your worries of their safety and their possible responsibilities. Shinmyoumaru puts her chin up confidently in reply.
>"Don't worry, if we work together then the Shinigami will be remarkably less of a threat. I honestly thought it would be more scary to face them, but they couldn't even stand up to Inchlings!"
>"And besides, look at how big I am now-"

[attachment=1] Weather: Sprinkle
Effect: All inherent abilities that come from the user's Spirit are enhanced to their maximum potential.

>The Weather is now Clear

>"Waugh!" Shinmyoumaru falls as she returns to her original size, as well as all the other Inchlings that are no longer Meterlings. She and the others manage to catch themselves on the ground though. Shion's Aura dissipates as well.
>"Ugh, well, even without a size advantage I can still contribute. I'm used to "Punching up", both figuratively and literally." Something tells you that the literal is more fitting here.
>"And about my responsibilites... I had a discussion with the others living here. Partitioning the food, dealing with visitors, dealing with 'rude guests', they should be self-sufficient for a long period of time."

>"As for me..." Shion starts "I don't really have any major responsibilites, I'm pretty sure my little sister can take care of herself." Shion chuckles awkwardly.
>"Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm more dangerous to myself and everyone around me than the Shinigami are directly towards me. Also, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I had the opportunity to help you retain your lifespan, didn't take it, then later found out that you succumbed to the Shinigami."
>"Ooh, speaking of the Shinigami: These Peaches will help us detect any Shinigami nearby in case they come after us individually." Shion points to the Peach-Rose and Peach-Lotus on her's and Shinmyoumaru's head respectively.

> Perhaps a better strategy would be to set the stage so they 'overhear' this bit of dialogue.  Is there somewhere out of sight of the Shinigami but close enough that they can overheard us pretending to discuss this with Shion and Shinmyoumaru?  After all, covertly obtained information from the enemy is more trustworthy than their own words.
>...but the fact the 3 Shinigami would so conveniently overhear our discussion while it is supposed to be secret to them ,and to such a precise location such as the Lunar Capital,would defeat the fundamental purpose...

>...and,most importantly, both Person-wise Celestial-Wise, making bases & plans about & around lies & deceits is going to backfire sooner or later causing more troubles and harm rather than solutions and mend.

>Yes, they are in a room nearby. You could "conveniently" scooch closer to the door so that they could hear clearly.
>There is the worry of whether this will damage your chances for something better later but, surprisingly for your long age, you were never good at long-term decision making.
>There's also the question of if it's suitable Celestial behaviour, but you've never been a bastion of proper Celestial behaviour to begin with.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 13, 2024, 04:03:07 AM
> Sigh
> "I guess it can't be helped, you better pack up a lot because this will surely be a long journey."
> "Also I'm assuming both of you will stay with me in the Child of Maire's house.... maybe she wouldn't mind a few extra guests."

> "But before we head out, we have to deal with our little Shinigami problem"
> Silently approach the door to the room the Shinigami are in and try to listen in for any suspicious sounds.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 14, 2024, 04:25:27 AM
> Assuming there's no alarming sounds, reseal the Shinigami using the Sword of Hisou before beckoning Shinmyoumaru and Shion over to someplace that's certainly out of earshot of the Shinigami.
> Whisper "I'm been pondering what to do with these three and have decided the best strategy would be sending 'em off on a wild goose chase."
> Brief Shinmyoumaru and Shion on our plans of planting the idea of escaping Gensokyo by allowing them to overhear a conversation between the three of us thinking about going in hiding.  Celestials do not lie after all, though as a Flawless Strategist we have something better than lies.

> Return to outside the door where the Shinigami are being kept let our previously choreographed conversation play out:
> Tenshi: "Judging by the fact their bosses really wants to get their hands on the Sword of Hisou for some reason, these won't be the last Shinigami we'll be seeing..."
> Shion: "What about hiding somewhere they'll have a hard time finding?"
> Shinmyoumaruru "Or escaped to someplace beyond their reach or jurisdiction?"
> Tenshi: "Heaven would be too obvious, not to mention the trouble it would bring to everyone else living their boring, but peaceful lives there."
> Tenshi (After a short pause): "Say, I wonder when the next full moon is?"
> Take a couple steps away and after a few moments Shinmyoumaru and Shion in unison: "Perfect, they'll never find you there!"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 15, 2024, 09:12:13 PM
> Sigh
> "I guess it can't be helped, you better pack up a lot because this will surely be a long journey."
> "Also I'm assuming both of you will stay with me in the Child of Maire's house.... maybe she wouldn't mind a few extra guests."

>You sigh, mostly out of exasperation. They really are going to follow you to the ends of the earth then hell and back, aren't they?
>"Oh yeah, lots of stuff. Unlike Shion here, I packed camping equipment along with clean water. And if that runs out, I have a handy cleansing tool right here." Shinmyoumaru says as she raps the Miracle Mallet with her knuckles. Is that really a responsible use of an artifact?
>"Hey! I packed a lot of food because I almost always get hungry." Shion's voice becomes despondent. "It's like no matter how much I eat I always have a hole in me that can't be filled."

>"Oh, and about where we'll sleep: I don't think Shion will be welcome in the Village, let alone the Child of Miare's house, considering her... powers and reputation. That's part of why I got the camping stuff, I'm not going to have her be alone outside. We'll be sleeping together! Like a hiking trip!"
>"Thanks for the solidarity, but are you sure? I wouldn't want to be the reason you sleep in an uncomfortable situation."
>"Shion, no situation is uncomfortable if it's with you."
>Shion goes silent at that.

> "But before we head out, we have to deal with our little Shinigami problem"
> Silently approach the door to the room the Shinigami are in and try to listen in for any suspicious sounds.

>You go to the door and you hear some slight chattering, what are they even...

> Assuming there's no alarming sounds, reseal the Shinigami using the Sword of Hisou before beckoning Shinmyoumaru and Shion over to someplace that's certainly out of earshot of the Shinigami.
> Whisper "I'm been pondering what to do with these three and have decided the best strategy would be sending 'em off on a wild goose chase."
> Brief Shinmyoumaru and Shion on our plans of planting the idea of escaping Gensokyo by allowing them to overhear a conversation between the three of us thinking about going in hiding.  Celestials do not lie after all, though as a Flawless Strategist we have something better than lies.

>You walk in and just see Lavana explaining the Spell Card Rules and Gensokyo's balance to the other Shinigami.
>Lightly tapping them with your Sword of Hisou is easy, they barely budge. Lavana even continues expositing while being pricked.
>When you leave you herd Shion and Shinmyoumaru to a secluded place and explain your plan.
>"I'm in." Wow, no hesitation from Shinmyoumaru.
>"Wait, you're going to the Moon?! Why did you not tell us?!" You calm Shion and clarify the plan with her. Though that outburst will probably make the next part more plausible.

> Return to outside the door where the Shinigami are being kept let our previously choreographed conversation play out:
> Tenshi: "Judging by the fact their bosses really wants to get their hands on the Sword of Hisou for some reason, these won't be the last Shinigami we'll be seeing..."
> Shion: "What about hiding somewhere they'll have a hard time finding?"
> Shinmyoumaruru "Or escaped to someplace beyond their reach or jurisdiction?"
> Tenshi: "Heaven would be too obvious, not to mention the trouble it would bring to everyone else living their boring, but peaceful lives there."
> Tenshi (After a short pause): "Say, I wonder when the next full moon is?"
> Take a couple steps away and after a few moments Shinmyoumaru and Shion in unison: "Perfect, they'll never find you there!"

>You enact your plan with Shion and Shinmyoumaru. Almost all of you were perfect actors, "Almost", because Shion was stuttering for some of her lines. But that just makes it more convincing in your opinion.
>The reactions of the Shinigami in the next room were gold.

>"She's not wrong, we're probably not going to be the last ones sent after them. Who knows, maybe one of the Kishin Chiefs will come in person.

>"Heaven would be way too obvious, she's right. Also, how strangely caring of her to worry about other Celestials, are we sure the personality profile for her was accurate?"

>"Wait, did she just say the damn Moon?! No way, nuh uh, I'm going to have to see her at the next full moon to believe that!"

>You and Shinmyoumaru need to walk away from the door before you snicker or laugh. This plan gave you the feeling of playing a prank on someone with your friends.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 16, 2024, 06:32:19 AM
> Step away from the room for a few minutes so that we may laugh and snicker.
> Walk back in to the room and address the Shinigami.

> "Good news for you guys, your information has proven to be useful for my plans for the future. If you obey and answer my questions I will consider letting you go."

> "Who exactly are these "Kishin Chiefs" you were trying to contact earlier when you sent the spirit during our battle? Just how strong are they?"

> "Do you know a certain Shinigami called Komachi?"

> Look at Lavana: "Was this your first time trying to capture a Celestial? Why the career change?"

> "How much do you know about the sword of Hisou?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 17, 2024, 03:36:35 AM
> Complement Shion and Shinmyoumaru on their acting performance!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on March 18, 2024, 08:50:33 PM
> Step away from the room for a few minutes so that we may laugh and snicker.
> Walk back in to the room and address the Shinigami.

> "Good news for you guys, your information has proven to be useful for my plans for the future. If you obey and answer my questions I will consider letting you go."

> "Who exactly are these "Kishin Chiefs" you were trying to contact earlier when you sent the spirit during our battle? Just how strong are they?"

> "Do you know a certain Shinigami called Komachi?"

> Look at Lavana: "Was this your first time trying to capture a Celestial? Why the career change?"

> "How much do you know about the sword of Hisou?"

> Study note and compare not just each one of their answers, but also  each one  body language, expressions, reactions, any other useful telling, gauging, hinting, alike sign,   from up to when they comprehend each question down to when they have done answering it.

> Also take note of differences and similarities between thel
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 19, 2024, 04:02:17 PM
> Complement Shion and Shinmyoumaru on their acting performance!
> Step away from the room for a few minutes so that we may laugh and snicker.
> Walk back in to the room and address the Shinigami.

>You would away from the door before you and Shinmyoumaru split your sides.
>"They actually fell for it!"
>Shion is looking at the two of you, wondering what's so funny, while you congratulate the two of them on a performance well done.
>After you calm down you walk back into the room of Shinigami.
>"Back so soon, Tenshi?"

> "Good news for you guys, your information has proven to be useful for my plans for the future. If you obey and answer my questions I will consider letting you go."

> "Who exactly are these "Kishin Chiefs" you were trying to contact earlier when you sent the spirit during our battle? Just how strong are they?"

> "Do you know a certain Shinigami called Komachi?"

> Look at Lavana: "Was this your first time trying to capture a Celestial? Why the career change?"

> "How much do you know about the sword of Hisou?"
> Study note and compare not just each one of their answers, but also  each one  body language, expressions, reactions, any other useful telling, gauging, hinting, alike sign,   from up to when they comprehend each question down to when they have done answering it.

> Also take note of differences and similarities between thel
>"Oh, we're playing 20 questions now?"

>Ichiko, the Shinigami who sent the spirit in the battle, answers the first question. "Kishin Chiefs are Oni who reside in Hell, New Hell that is. They are extremely powerful even by Oni standards and command lesser Oni in tormenting those who fall into Hell. They also work with the Yama to assassinate any beings who extend their lifespan too far, usually Hermits or Celestials, because they disturb the concept of Saṃsāra."
>"To give you a picture of how powerful they are, Celestial: The Kishin Chief I was trying to call, Suiki, once gathered all of the water in this Land of Fantasy, super-pressurized it, created a columnar jet of water powerful enough to disintegrate rocks on contact, and maintained it for multiple days." Ichiko leans forward, probably to add emphasis. "She did all of that, to kill one Taoist Hermit. She wasn't successful in the end though, damn Hermits and their tricks."

>Ichiko raises her eyebrow in confusion when thinking of the second question. "Is Komachi not the Ferryman in charge of the River Sanzu here?"
>Amaryllis nods. "Yes, she is. I got no idea about her other than that though. I barely come here."
>Lavana, unlike the others, perks her head up. "Oh yeah, Komachi! I know her from my younger days. I wonder how she's doing nowadays?"

>"You're interested in my life story, huh? Well alright, this was my first time trying to capture a Celestial and your guess is right, I was a Ferryman to be specific. As for why I became what I am now... It was because my job was boring."
>"Just day-in-day-out wandering to-and-fro the River Sanzu delivering Souls for processing was really boring. I tried to cheer myself up by going to the Road of Liminality more often but the festivals that supposedly could even bring dead people back to life couldn't lift my spirits. I was still a hard worker but I took no joy in anything I did, I just wanted to leave that river as soon as possible, which is funny because The Ministry consider Ferrying a cushy job. Eventually someone higher up probably took pity on me and I was moved to Reaper work. Much more enjoyable, I get to go outside now, fight more often, and try different food. This change was recent, about a century ago."
>Huh, for some reason you can sympathise with this story.

>"As for our information on the Sword of Hisou..."
>"It's a Celestial Artifact, meaning only Celestials can use it, and they often choose their wielder, which means it sees you as a worthy wielder for some reason. There are other Celestial Artifacts but yours was given top priority because it can destroy spirits, which means they don't get sent to Heaven or Hell and they don't even get reincarnated. This can greatly disrupt the Cycle of Saṃsāra if used improperly." Ichiko's face becomes more glum. "The Weather Manipulation capabilities of the Artifact was something I only found out today, for some reason our higher ups never bothered to tell us about the Spirit-Altering Weather effects."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 19, 2024, 04:24:57 PM
> "You poor Shinigami, your higher ups didn't even bother to tell you the proper information before sending you out to get me. If I weren't so merciful, you three would be 6 feet under."
> "I am satisfied with your answers, do you have any inquiries to ask before I let you go?"

> It seems that the real threats against us are going to be the Kishin chiefs. Do we know anything about oni exterminators?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 19, 2024, 09:27:32 PM
> Wonder what trick the Taoist Hermit could've used to block a water jet so powerful it could split rocks...
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 20, 2024, 06:41:57 PM
> "You poor Shinigami, your higher ups didn't even bother to tell you the proper information before sending you out to get me. If I weren't so merciful, you three would be 6 feet under."
> "I am satisfied with your answers, do you have any inquiries to ask before I let you go?"

>"Good, I hope to never see you again and the feeling is likely mutual."
>"Amaryllis, that's rude! Really, she could've done worse than this."

>"How are your parents doing? Safe?"
>"How come your friends are so willing to fight for your life? I would like to have the same kind of friendship but something tells me that's not very healthy."
>"Could you take a look at my Spirit Weather? I'm just curious, seems like a fun parlour trick!"

> It seems that the real threats against us are going to be the Kishin chiefs. Do we know anything about oni exterminators?

>Not really...
>Reimu's specialty is exterminating Youkai, but you know that she only cares when it affects Humans or Gensokyo as a whole. Never mind the fact that she dislikes you, she's going to consider this outside her jurisdiction.
>You struggle to think of another until you realise something. Shinmyoumaru is a descendant of Issun-Boushi, maybe she has some Oni-slaying prowess? Just maybe?

> Wonder what trick the Taoist Hermit could've used to block a water jet so powerful it could split rocks...

>There's no way that Hermit blocked or just took the brunt of the attack, the target was a Hermit and not a Celestial, and so didn't have access to the diet that would give a hardy body. So that means the Hermit dodged and escaped the assassination attempt... but how? Maybe the Taoist made a secret exit or something?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 21, 2024, 03:17:24 AM
> "They're doing fine I guess, I don't really talk to them a lot though."

> "I guess we have something that is deeper than a normal friendship and we've been through a lot of incidents as well.
> "And why would you call that kind of relationship unhealthy? Isn't it normal to desire to protect the ones you love? You Shinigami probably have no value of life, after all you see more dead people in a day then someone eats rice bowls in their entire life."

> "Fine, but don't ever compare my previous Sword of Hisou's ability to parlour trick."
> Take a look at her spirit weather and inform it to her.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 22, 2024, 02:16:34 AM
> Ponder where and how we're going to let them go.  We don't want them following us or otherwise snooping around...
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 22, 2024, 06:00:47 PM
> "They're doing fine I guess, I don't really talk to them a lot though."

> "I guess we have something that is deeper than a normal friendship and we've been through a lot of incidents as well.
> "And why would you call that kind of relationship unhealthy? Isn't it normal to desire to protect the ones you love? You Shinigami probably have no value of life, after all you see more dead people in a day then someone eats rice bowls in their entire life."

>Shion speaks as well. "I'm willing to fight for Tenshi because I believe she would be willing to do the same for me."
 Lavana looks down and away from you in commiseration. "Protect the ones you love...?"
>"Thanks for the insight, Tenshi, Shion."

> "Fine, but don't ever compare my previous Sword of Hisou's ability to parlour trick."
> Take a look at her spirit weather and inform it to her.

>"Alright, alright. Didn't know you take this seriously."
>You point your Sword of Hisou towards her and the colour of the blade changes, from the typical Scarlet to a bright white, it glows dimly. It's the colour of a Pale Sun, usually only seen in midday. Though it's bright enough to be visible through clouds, it also does not offer any warmth to those in need.
>Weather: Pale Sun
>Effect: Distance between people shrink, Defence becomes weaker.

>Lavana seems mesmerized by the blade. "Seems... Fitting, somehow. What a gentle glow."

> Ponder where and how we're going to let them go.  We don't want them following us or otherwise snooping around...

>Hmm, a tough decision. Leaving them anywhere random is bound to end badly, but you don't really know of any proper jails that can keep in entities like Shinigami. You're not sure at all where you could trap them...
>At best you could let them go at The Road of Liminality. It's far enough from The River Sanzu and Hell that you won't get caught immediately but close enough that they would be more willing to go back to their higher-ups rather than chasing you.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 23, 2024, 09:28:39 AM
> Let them know we'll be escorting them to the Road of Liminality then, where we will part ways.
> Will we be able to get a head start running away by sealing them right before we make a run for it?  Like does being sealed inhibit their ability to chase us down?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 25, 2024, 11:27:51 PM
> Let them know we'll be escorting them to the Road of Liminality then, where we will part ways.
> Will we be able to get a head start running away by sealing them right before we make a run for it?  Like does being sealed inhibit their ability to chase us down?

>"So close to our home? How generous of you."
>"The Celestial is mostly like doing this out of convenience, not generosity."
>"Come on, let a Shinigami dream."

>You would get a head-start if you Sealed them. Their Distance Manipulation would be sealed and their flying greatly hampered. They would basically have to chase you on foot if they wanted to at all.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 26, 2024, 03:43:05 AM
> Look at Shion and Shinmyoumaru, "You guys ready? we have to get going now but first let's make sure to give our dear guests a proper farewell."

> Take a look at our inventory and make sure there's nothing missing.
> Head off to the Road of Liminality with the Shinigami tied up on top of a keystone.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 27, 2024, 08:24:30 PM
> Eavesdrop on any conversations they may be having on the way.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 28, 2024, 10:01:11 PM
> Look at Shion and Shinmyoumaru, "You guys ready? we have to get going now but first let's make sure to give our dear guests a proper farewell."

> Take a look at our inventory and make sure there's nothing missing.
> Head off to the Road of Liminality with the Shinigami tied up on top of a keystone.
> Eavesdrop on any conversations they may be having on the way.

>Sword of Hisou: A Celestial artifact that chooses its wielder, in this case, you. It can Identify one's Spirit and manipulate weather phenomena utilising Spirit and Scarlet Energy. It can also morph into different shapes and is bonded to you so it's always on hand and convieniently takes practically no storage space. It can also Manipulate and seal a person's Spirit.

>Keystones: You have a near infinite supply of these. Only the Nai Clan (that you belong to) can manipulate Keystones, they're essentially large slabs of black granite wrapped in shimenawa rope. You use these in a variety of ways, as a platform for flying, as a shield, as bullets, as options, the sky is the limit as they say. You surprisingly haven't had to use their main purpose, supression of earthquakes over a long period of time, all that much.

>Heavenly Peaches: You're sick of these but you still keep them on you. These peaches are the only food in Heaven and over a long period of time of eating only them they give you superhuman endurance and strength. Eating one immediately gives you a huge surge of endurance and strength as well as healing most wounds. Ignoring that your hat continues to grow these things everytime they're plucked, you could quite easily go to your portion of Heaven and grab more, not that you would unless you were desperate. They immediately rot and wither the moment Shinigami get close, making them a convenient sensor for Shinigami.

>Peach Rose: A Decorative Rose worn by Shion on her hair. It rots near Shinigami like any other Heavenly Peach. It was mainly made as a way of checking if Shinigami were hunting her, but she insists that it's also a sign of the bond between you and her.

>Peach Lotus: A Decorative Lotus worn by Shinmyoumaru on her hair. It rots near Shinigami like any other Heavenly Peach. It was mainly made as a way of checking if Shinigami were hunting her, but she insists that it's also a sign of the bond between you and her.

>"Black Needle Blade": A sword made out of your keystones that Shinmyoumaru made. She carries it in conjunction with her "Shining Needle Sword" and Miracle Mallet. It's a keystone, which means it has all the qualities of one. Including being a container of energy.

>"Emergency Food": All of the food packed by Shion. She promises that she'll only go through it as a last resort. Despite your instincts, you trust her on that.

>Camping Equipment: Equipment for outdoors exploration packed by Shinmyoumaru. She shrunk it and it seemed to stick, so it's very easy to carry.
>"Yep, we're ready! Oop, wait."
>Shinmyoumaru flies up to your head, lifts up your hat, and climbs under it. "This is just a safety precaution, and so we can stay close so you don't lose track of me in this size." You can somehow hear Shinmyoumaru perfectly through your hat.

>You get a keystone for each Shinigami and tie them in the Shimenawa rope. You then put them together on their own prisoner transport keystone. Then you leave for the Road to Liminality, it shouldn't be long since it's near the Youkai Mountain.

>The Shinigami talk a bit in hushed voices, they try to be discreet but they're bad at it. Even if they were good, Shion is nearby and they don't notice her for some reason.

"So, what're your plans when you get back to Higan and the Ministry?"
>"I'm going to ask for why we weren't given more details, then request back-up. I'm also going to ask Komachi a couple of questions since Tenshi had to have mentioned her for a reason. I didn't even think she would remember a Shinigami's name, let alone a Ferryman."
>"Requesting back-up for a situation like this is going to take a while. This Celestial's hunt is already out of order, trying to get the Ministry to invest resources into this will be tough."
>"I know that, but I have to try at least, it's standard operating procedure. I say that, but to be honest, I kind of don't want to ask for back-up."
>"What? Why?"
>"The chase, the fight, it gets me excited. If I just go back then I'll be sitting around waiting for another case where the Kishin Chiefs are going to do all the hard work again. I want to fight, I like to have a challenge."
>"...Are you a masochist, or something?"
>"What?! No!"

>From then on the hushed tones become less interesting.

>You're right over Youkai Mountain. This is quite ironically the closest one can get to physically entering Heaven and simultaneously the way to the Road of Liminality, and subsequently River Sanzu and Higan.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 29, 2024, 12:44:57 AM
> It may still be daytime but occasionaly one can see the moon in broad daylight.  If so, gaze at it absentmindedly for a few moments on the way (in view on the Shinigami of course).  Just long enough for them to subconsciously notice it but not long enough for them to comment on it.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 29, 2024, 01:43:10 PM
>  Advance ahead toward the Road of Liminality and try our best to avoid any nosy tengu while we're near the mountain.
> Keep listening to their conversations just to make sure they're not doing anything suspicious
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 29, 2024, 03:22:32 PM
> It may still be daytime but occasionaly one can see the moon in broad daylight.  If so, gaze at it absentmindedly for a few moments on the way (in view on the Shinigami of course).  Just long enough for them to subconsciously notice it but not long enough for them to comment on it.

>You look up at the sky and surprisingly can actually see The Moon in full daylight. You look at it for a while and ponder what lies up there. The Lunar Capital, home of the Lunarians. They consider Life impure. Therefore Death, the abscence of life, is also impure. They also dislike Immortality for the same reason. Gazing upon a Pure Place puts a sick feeling in your stomach for some reason. Maybe because it reminds you of Bhavaagra.
>You realise that you stopped for a while and the Shinigami are staring at you.
>"We moving?"

>  Advance ahead toward the Road of Liminality and try our best to avoid any nosy tengu while we're near the mountain.
> Keep listening to their conversations just to make sure they're not doing anything suspicious

>You head forward once again. Some Wolf Tengu see you as it is nearly impossible to escape their sight. Thankfully you are a Celestial, and they never bother you. Surprisingly there are no Bird Tengu; they're the nosiest of the bunch.

>The Shinigami say nothing important for the remainder of the trip. A large amount of talk about bureacracy. How could they work in such a structured job? The processing of souls is more mundane and mind-numbingly dull than you thought.

>You see multiple stalls selling food and trinkets next to a river behind the Youkai Mountain. This must be the Road of Liminality. It's ironically very lively, with festivities and attractions all over. Candy, chances to catch goldfish, and souvenirs for sale. You are actually a bit curious about how Soul Candy tastes; new gastronomy from Earth has always intrigued you.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 29, 2024, 06:20:51 PM
> Check the price on the Soul Candy and see if we can afford to buy at least 3.

> Try to find a secluded place to leave the Shinigami in.
> Is the Shimenawa rope unbreakable? Would it be better for us to just leave them there trying to untie themselves?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 29, 2024, 07:24:16 PM
> Remember to re-seal them with the Sword of Hisou to give ourselves a head start!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on March 30, 2024, 06:50:21 PM
> Check the price on the Soul Candy and see if we can afford to buy at least 3.

> Try to find a secluded place to leave the Shinigami in.
> Is the Shimenawa rope unbreakable? Would it be better for us to just leave them there trying to untie themselves?

>You quint your eyes to look at the stall signs and see that the prices are actually pretty cheap. You can definitely afford three of them.
>You see a neatly stacked set of rocks nearby and consider that a good place to leave them.
>>Lavana stifles a laugh.
>Shimenawa was orginally made to restrain supernatural entities. Whether to keep them out of a location or keep them in. It's not unbreakable but by their very nature the Shinigami will have a hard time breaking out.

> Check the price on the Soul Candy and see if we can afford to buy at least 3.

> Try to find a secluded place to leave the Shinigami in.
> Is the Shimenawa rope unbreakable? Would it be better for us to just leave them there trying to untie themselves?

>You lightly prick them before absonding.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on March 31, 2024, 12:09:37 AM
> "I guess this is where we bid farewell Shinigami. Your information has proved to be useful for me. Don't even try to chase after me, your efforts will be futile.

> "Farewell, I doubt that we'll ever see each other ever again."
> Take a short glance towards the moon.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on March 31, 2024, 01:07:24 AM
> As we step away pause and glance back at Lavana for a moment "Despite our differences I wish you success in your new career. Perhaps in a different time and place we would've been friends, we're more alike than we each care to admit..."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 01, 2024, 08:53:57 PM
> "I guess this is where we bid farewell Shinigami. Your information has proved to be useful for me. Don't even try to chase after me, your efforts will be futile.

> "Farewell, I doubt that we'll ever see each other ever again."
> Take a short glance towards the moon.

>"Great, I hope we never meet again."
>"Amaryllis, you do know that if we don't neutralise her then this job is a failure right?"
>"Anyway, good luck up there. I've heard the food is terrible since they never eat meat and they use something called 'Molecular Gastronomy' or someother."

> As we step away pause and glance back at Lavana for a moment "Despite our differences I wish you success in your new career. Perhaps in a different time and place we would've been friends, we're more alike than we each care to admit..."
>Lavana stares at you for a second, then chuckles. "You're a weird Celestial, you know that? Not a problem though, it's been nice seeing you. I was being genuine on wishing you luck up there."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 01, 2024, 09:06:01 PM
> Leave the area and head towards a stand that sells soul candy that is far away from their sights.

> Buy 3 pieces of soul candy, one for us, one for Shinmyoumaru and one for Shion.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 01, 2024, 09:18:59 PM
> Ponder what "molecular gastronomy" might mean?
> How close are we to the Netherworld's gate?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 02, 2024, 01:33:26 PM
> Leave the area and head towards a stand that sells soul candy that is far away from their sights.

> Buy 3 pieces of soul candy, one for us, one for Shinmyoumaru and one for Shion.

>You head past the captors and towards the stalls. Surprisingly, you see Youkai and Humans, Living and Dead, around the area. You guess the spirits here aren't hostile if people are so comfortable.
>You make it to a stall run by a pale-skinned woman with brown hair. Or at least, you guess her skin is pale. The ghostly nature of her appearance makes it hard to tell.
>You buy three pieces of Candy from her.
>Well, "three pieces" is a bit misleading. You get three bags of Konpeito. The pieces are all translucent and the bag is as light as air in your hands.
>You look around a bit to see if anyone is looking at you, then you put one of the bags under your hat. Shinmyoumaru is probably going to be busy with that.

> Ponder what "molecular gastronomy" might mean?
> How close are we to the Netherworld's gate?

>You don't know what molecular gastronomy is. You know that Gastronomy has to do with the creation and preparation of food; particularly good tasting food. And you have heard Iku talk about Molecules before when discussing the atmosphere of a location for weather predictions (and telling you what consequences your antics have on it), she says that the molecules are what make up the clouds... So maybe Molecular Gastronomy has something to do with manipulating the physical nature of something to make it taste differently than normal...! Wait, that's just regular cooking! You're going in circles and feeling frustrated...

>You decided to get away from that mental twister by thinking of how close you are to the Netherworld Gate. Last you heard, the Border of Life and Death was disturbed by that Gap Hag and hasn't been mended since. You are in the Road of Liminality, and the Netherworld gate is... At the top of Youkai Mountain. Looks like you're up for another flight. It's a good thing you're right behind the Mountain, otherwise this could've been arduous.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 02, 2024, 02:13:13 PM
> I guess we're going to pay our first tutor a visit. Head towards the Netherworld Gate.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 04, 2024, 01:48:03 AM
> If we believe we could be within view of the Shinigami start the journey by flying off towards Human Village just above the treeline, then pivot towards Youkai Mountain once we're certain we're out of sight.  If there's cloud cover head directly upwards once we reach the base of Youkai Mountain to get further hide just barely above the clouds.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 04, 2024, 11:13:55 PM
> I guess we're going to pay our first tutor a visit. Head towards the Netherworld Gate.
> If we believe we could be within view of the Shinigami start the journey by flying off towards Human Village just above the treeline, then pivot towards Youkai Mountain once we're certain we're out of sight.  If there's cloud cover head directly upwards once we reach the base of Youkai Mountain to get further hide just barely above the clouds.

>You fly away with your bag of sweets. Awkwardly, you can hear Shinmyoumaru munching on them under your hat. Some table etiquette the Princess has...
>You look back at where you left the Shinigami and realise that the stack of stones is tall, like someone's been working on it for years. They're definitely not going to see you past that.

>As you fly up Youkai Mountain, you think about the rash of bad luck you've suddenly had. Between the Shinigami suddenly ruining one of the few things you enjoy, the company of your friends, and finding out that you're dying, you have a few headaches ahead of you.
>But you will prevail, for your survival. So that your friends won't be alone anymore. And because dying is something that happens to other people, not you.

The Prologue: "Catastrophe on Earth ~ Beseiged by Death." has been completed.
#From here on out, things are much more open. As I said before, you can go to any of your "Tutors" in any order. You seem to have agreed on the order already, so I'm prepared.
#Good job on shooting down that spirit before it left. As Ichiko implied, if that spirit left then it would have called in Suiki and she would have drowned you in a high-pressure cylinder of endless water.
#You're being an absolute sweetheart to Shion and she's prepared to fight for your life.
#But despite what it may look like, Shion and Shinmyoumaru have selfish reasons for joining you on this journey.
#If any of you have any feedback or questions then you can ask me at any time. Here or in private messages. Feedback in particular is greatly wanted so I can get better.

>You thankfully avoid any prying eyes and make it to the Netherworld Gate. It's towering over you, the shadow of the boundary of death.
>Shinmyoumaru raises your hat to look forward. "So we're here? What's your plan on getting past this gate?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 05, 2024, 04:11:13 AM
//I've been enjoying the quest thus far, good job. Thank god Tom was keen enough to shoot down the spirit or else we'd probably be dead  :cirnotan:

> Have we ever gone to the Netherworld?
> What do we know of the mistress of Hakugyokurou?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on April 05, 2024, 06:06:05 AM
>You fly away with your bag of sweets. Awkwardly, you can hear Shinmyoumaru munching on them under your hat. Some table etiquette the Princess has...
>You look back at where you left the Shinigami and realise that the stack fo stones is tall, like someone's been working on it for years. They're definitely not going to see you past that.

>As you fly up Youkai Mountain, you think about the rash of bad luck you've suddenly had. Between the Shinigami suddenly ruining one of the few things you enjoy, the company of your friends, and finding out that you're dying, you have a few headaches ahead of you.
>But you will prevail, for your survival. So that your friends won't be alone anymore. And because dying is something that happens to other people, not you.

The Prologue: "Catastrophe on Earth ~ Beseiged by Death." has been completed.
#From here on out, things are much more open. As I said before, you can go to any of your "Tutors" in any order. You seem to have agreed on the order already, so I'm prepared.
#Good job on shooting down that spirit before it left. As Ichiko implied, if that spirit left then it would have called in Suiki and she would have drowned you in a high-pressure cylinder of endless water.
#You're being an absolute sweetheart to Shion and she's prepared to fight for your life.
#But despite what it may look like, Shion and Shinmyoumaru have selfish reasons for joining you on this journey.
#If any of you have any feedback or questions then you can ask me at any time. Here or in private messages. Feedback in particular is greatly wanted so I can get better.

>You thankfully avoid any prying eyes and make it to the Netherworld Gate. It's towering over you, the shadow of the boundary of death.
>Shinmyoumaru raises your hat to look forward. "So we're here? What's your plan on getting past this gate?"

// Who or What were you inspired and regarding the original and canon-aligned the "Shinigami Reapers Trio"? //

// Are you hinting Tenshi, together with both or one among Shion and Shinmyoumaru, could be significantly coming across them later in this I.D.O.(Tenshi. Quest)? //

// Your "#Good job on shooting down that spirit before it left". As Ichiko implied, if that spirit left then it would have called in Suiki and she would have drowned you in a high-pressure cylinder of endless water." means it would have been An Unavoiadable Bad End?
 Or is it meant, which is a Better Story-Choice Progression, as a "Not-Avoided Difficult Challenge to be Well-Prepared, Coordinated, Go Through for or else Bad End?"   //

//I've been enjoying the quest thus far, good job. Thank god Tom was keen enough to shoot down the spirit or else we'd probably be dead  :cirnotan:

> Have we ever gone to the Netherworld?
> What do we know of the mistress of Hakugyokurou?

//"#But despite what it may look like, Shion and Shinmyoumaru have selfish reasons for joining you on this journey. "

 Oh-oh. First they were suspicious but still just suspects, but now with this Parser's/QM's confirmation we better be more perceptively prudent and balancedly relying about our duo-team of friends-allies...//

> Answer to Shinmyoumaru,  but also turn to look at Shion, we know the Border of Life and Death is still weakened by Yukari Yakumo and. not fixed by her or others, which means...

> ... the Gate to the Netherworld is weakened too and ready to be tested for safe passage...

>... which could be by simply flying over, and do make an attempt at that, but...

>...  If we are blocked, get closer to go look for  a weaker-looking area to try pushing a Keystone through it to see how far it is going, and yet..

>... try Keystone-pushing-through in any case, however...

>... stop if its resistance is not bending enough. to our Keystone,and go search a spititually weaker area by careful probing with our Sword of Hisou(Scarlet Temperament).

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 05, 2024, 08:35:29 PM
> Like has been already suggested try flying over or around.  // Imagining it as a fence gate minus the surrounding fence!

> If all else fails take the Sword of Hisou and ram it straight through the center of the gate with all our physical and magical force.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 06, 2024, 10:18:56 PM
//I've been enjoying the quest thus far, good job. Thank god Tom was keen enough to shoot down the spirit or else we'd probably be dead  :cirnotan:

> Have we ever gone to the Netherworld?
> What do we know of the mistress of Hakugyokurou?

>No, you never have entered the Netherworld. Mostly because you have never needed to.

>Yuyuko Saigyouji... She's strange. She was one of the people who came to Heaven and met you during the Scarlet Weather Incidenet. But unlike everyone else, she didn't want the Incident to stop. She was apparently so enamoured with the beauty of the unseasonal Summer Snow that she didn't want it to stop. That was probably one of the first times you fully instigated a battle beyond starting the Incident. You know that she, similar to you, caused unseasonal Snow, but when you asked her how she did so she essentially said that her willpower to bloom the Saigyou Ayakashi made it so. Which... Isn't a bad mindest in all honesty, that's partially how you change the weather. Her nature as a Spirit makes it easier for her to enter Bhavaagra and she was apparently the very first to figure out that you was responsible for the Incident, or at least, that a Celestial was involved. That alone makes her smarter and more clever than she looks and presents herself, as a carefree Spirit both figuratively and literally.

// Who or What were you inspired and regarding the original and canon-aligned the "Shinigami Reapers Trio" Lav?//

// Arecn you hinting Tenshi, with all so Shion and Shinmyoumaru, could be again coming across them much lter in this I.D.O.(Tenshi. Quest), is that true//

// Your "#Good job on shooting down that spirit before it left. As Ichiko implied, if that spirit left then it would have called in Suiki and she would have drowned you in a high-pressure cylinder of endless water." means it would have been An Unavoiadable Bad End?
 Or is it meant, which is a Better Story-Choice Progression, as a "Not-Avoided Difficult Challenge to be Well-Prepared, Coordinated, Go Through for or else Bad End?"   //

//"#But despite what it may look like, Shion and Shinmyoumaru have selfish reasons for joining you on this journey. "

 Oh-oh. First they were suspicious but still just suspects, but now with this Parser's/QM's confirmation we better be more perceptively prudent and balancedly relying about our duo-team of friends-allies...//
#The Shinigami Trio were made up whole cloth from the idea of The Ministry of Right and Wrong having different roles for different Shinigami, such as the Shinigami who calculate lifespans who are said to exist in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, pg. 103-109. Komachi would not be coming after you because she's a Ferryman, but we have no official Reapers in any material, Mainline, Spin-off, Literature, or otherwise. The Shinigami were named after Flowers (Amaryllis), Concepts associated with (Buddhist) Hell (Lavana) or regular names with deeper meaings (Ichiko). Lavana in particular, as Tom has figured out, is a Mirror of Tenshi on the Shinigami side with some issues unresolved.

#You probably are going to see them again later due to the aforementioned lack of Reapers in Touhou proper. I have the (unfortunate) habit of needing to create Original Characters to fill in gaps that Touhou itself doesn't. For example, In Minor Existence Quest, I had to create Black Apple, Worm in Red, Hanako Sakura, Ame, and Kawa from already existing concepts that weren't fully explored in Touhou Lore itself. I want to keep that part under control unless I explicitly get feedback that it's okay.

#Suiki would not have been an instant Bad End, putting one of those in the Prologue of all places would be bad form. She would have been incredibly difficult and frustrating to escape from, but entirely possible. The "Taoist Hermit" that escaped her before was Seiga Kaku in Wild and Horned Hermit, Chapter 12. Sure, Seiga has an ability made for escaping closed spaces, but if she can do it then you can too.

> Answer to Shinmyoumaru,  but also turn to look at Shion, we know the Border of Life and Death is still weakened by Yukari Yakumo and. not fixed by her or others, which means...

> ... the Gate to the Netherworld is weakened too and ready to be tested for safe passage...

>... which could be by simply flying over, and do make an attempt at that...

> Like has been already suggested try flying over or around.  // Imagining it as a fence gate minus the surrounding fence!

>...There's no way. Even if the Barrier of Life and Death was weakened there's no way that the Gap Hag or The Hakugyokurou Mistress would leave such a massive security fault in it.
>At least, that's what you thought.
> You fly over the Gate out of curiousity and have absolutely no difficulties doing so. Shion quickly follows after realising that you can just fly over.
>Shinmyoumaru looks back at the other side of the very unobstructing massive gate. "I have so many questions and I feel like none of them have adequate answers."
>Shion looks at her hands as if pondering the nature of them. "Are we dead now? How does that even work in my case?"
>She then perks up in shock and digs through the bag full of peaches she brought. "Huh, the peaches aren't dead or decaying."
>It would be a mystery, but you know why.
>This atmosphere is very familiar, you are not Iku but you can feel it. The Netherworld is a Pure Land, just like Heaven and supposedly The Moon. This is why the Peaches haven't rotted, they were made for this kind of place.

>For a land of the dead, The Netherworld is surprisingly picturesque. The flowers and trees seem to be in eternal blossom and bloom, any buildings you see are pristine, and anything that seems old appears to be that way for purely aesthetic reasons and fits in perfectly with the surroundings.
>You see a mansion off in the distance, and a very large set of stairs going upwards for a nearly impossible to track height.
>You also see a lot of Phantoms, but it's the Netherworld so that was entirely expected.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 07, 2024, 02:23:28 AM
> "You guys don't worry about being dead or anything of the sorts, the Netherworld is basically like Heaven so you can enter and go as you please without necessarily having to be dead."
> "I assume that mansion should be where my tutor lives so let's head there first."

> Head towards the entrance of the mansion.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 08, 2024, 04:12:35 AM
> Absentmindedly comment "Here's to hoping these stairs aren't endless..."

> Start a backwards long jump on the stairs and build up enough speed to move one parallel world north, pivot 2 west and finally move on south to end up in Makai!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 09, 2024, 04:24:20 PM
> "You guys don't worry about being dead or anything of the sorts, the Netherworld is basically like Heaven so you can enter and go as you please without necessarily having to be dead."

>"That's awfully convenient for us but very peculiar and brings into question the nature of life and death. I know that "Death" seems to follow you, but what would happen to your already Celestial spirit when you die? What if someone was killed while in The Netherworld? Honestly, this just makes more questions than it answers."
>"I wasn't expecting you to wax philosophical about the nature of life and death, Shion."
>"I kind of have to, considering the reason we're here.

> Absentmindedly comment "Here's to hoping these stairs aren't endless..."

> Start a backwards long jump on the stairs and build up enough speed to move one parallel world north, pivot 2 west and finally move on south to end up in Makai!

>"I'm guessing they aren't. Unless this is a form of punishment there's no way that someone made an endless set of stairs because then it would have no destination. I do have to say it looks a long way up. Thank goodness I'm on your head, I would not want to climb up this thing myself. Especially not in this size."

You align yourself carefully then start leaping backwards. Your leaping sounds start overlapping itself when you build up enough speed. You eventually completely disappear off the face of Gensokyo, but mess up your second jaunt and end up in Len'en instead. (

> "I assume that mansion should be where my tutor lives so let's head there first."

> Head towards the entrance of the mansion.

>You head over to mansion and as you get closer you hear... Music?
>It sounds like a full concerto with piano, violins, trumpets, and drums playing an upbeat song.
>The Mansion itself is one of the buildings in The Netherworld that look well-maintained. Although you can tell it's old, the brickwork, paint and decorations look like they have been tended to carefully.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 09, 2024, 07:52:49 PM
> Do we see any spirits nearby?

> Listen in closely to the direction of the music and head there, if it's coming from the mansion then the tutor or mistress should be near there.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 10, 2024, 12:37:49 AM
> Is Shion as 'immortal' as a we (believe) we are?
> What about Shinmyoumaru?

> Make a mental note to be careful about summoning the Sword of Hisou here after the Shinigami's warning that it can destroy spirits.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 11, 2024, 10:20:13 PM
> Do we see any spirits nearby?

> Listen in closely to the direction of the music and head there, if it's coming from the mansion then the tutor or mistress should be near there.

>You see a lot of spirits nearby. Most of them are waiting right outside the mansion.
>The music is definitely coming from the mansion, and you're right at the front door.

> Is Shion as 'immortal' as a we (believe) we are?
> What about Shinmyoumaru?

> Make a mental note to be careful about summoning the Sword of Hisou here after the Shinigami's warning that it can destroy spirits.

>Shion's mortality... It's slightly complicated as far as you know.
>Shion is a Poverty Goddess (貧乏神), so she exists as long as people believe she exists. Interestingly, unlike other Gods, she and her sister can subsist off of simple acknowledgement rather than purely veneration. This means that she can exist so long as people say she exists, but otherwise she gets weaker before eventually fading away. You swear you won't let that happen, it's partially one of the reasons you're desperate to survive. This also strangely reminds you of cats...

>Shinmyoumaru follows the same rules as other Youkai but, similar to Shion, she's a bit different.
>Shinmyoumaru, as an Inchling, doesn't need veneration to continue existing. They do need acknowledgement (not fear), however. This isn't a big problem due to how well-known Issun-Boushi is (or you guess he's well-known from how Shinmyoumaru speaks of him to you). But due to the physical traits of Inchlings and the decline of their civilisation, not many people want to genuinely ally with them. They're used and then thrown away. You still remember when Shinmyoumaru one day spilled her heart out to you about the glory of the Inchlings. You personally find them quite noble and graceful, so you don't have any problems associating with them.
>The fact that, similar to the Tengu, they have an entire region they control grounds their existence somewhat.

>You keep a mental note of the Sword of Hisou being a major threat to even pull out here. It's practically an existential threat to the denizens of The Netherworld.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 12, 2024, 09:34:54 AM
> Has Shion ever opened up on how she came to be a Poverty Goddess?

> Knock on the door of the mansion.  If nothing happens after a reasonable amount of time fly above in search of the music.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 12, 2024, 12:03:27 PM
> What do we know of Youmu's swords? Are they also artifacts?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 12, 2024, 07:36:43 PM
> What do we know of Youmu's swords? Are they also artifacts?

>Youmu's Swords, oh boy.
>Roukanken is the katana that you mainly worry about. It's forged by Youkai, or some supernatural being, for sure. Not many objects can be considered Artifacts, but Roukanken comes close. It's one of the few weapons that actually hurts you when you get hit by it. It doesn't cut through your flesh, thankfully, but it does make a fight with her much more tense and therefore more fun in your opinion.
>Hakurouken is a Wakizashi that you could consider an artifact. As far as you know, only the Konpaku Family can use it, similar to how only Celestials can use your Sword of Hisou. It does something related to cutting through confusion? You're confused on the mechanics of that thing, honestly.

> Has Shion ever opened up on how she came to be a Poverty Goddess?

>Never. She's not even mentioned how she came into existence once. You guess she just is]/i] one. You would have to ask someone with a lot of wisdom and knowledge of Youkai and Spirits to tell you to find out, you guess.

> Knock on the door of the mansion.  If nothing happens after a reasonable amount of time fly above in search of the music.

>You knock on the door and wait. It takes a moment, that you and Shion spend eating the Soul Konpeito. It tastes incredibly airy while also being strong in sweetness, like mint. But Konpeito is almost entirely made of sugar, how did they manage this? Shion is savouring every bite of each individual bit, and you follow her lead.

>Eventually the door opens and a statuesque woman looks down at you.
>"Are you here for the concert?" A concert is here?
>Shion decides to answer in your stead first, nervously. "N-no, we're here to find one "Konpaku Youmu". Is she here?"
>The woman, who you quickly note is a Ghost rather than a Phantom, glowers at the two of you. "Why are you asking?"
>Shinmyoumaru peeks out of your hat to answer. "Tutoring reasons. This is literally a matter of life and death."
>The ghost is not fazed by the small girl in your hat and instead by her statement. "...Why did you come here if you didn't want to die?"
>"It's a long story. Look, our friend here is a Celestial, she's trustworthy!"
>"She's a Celestial? Prove it."

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 13, 2024, 05:41:05 AM
> Summon one of our keystones
> "You see these? These right here are keystones, these can only be handled by the Hinanai family which are celestials."

> Take out our Sword of Hisou
> "And you see this? This is the sword of Hisou, a celestial artifact capable of manipulating the weather."
> Make the sword of Hisou extend in order to clarify our point that this isn't a normal sword.

> "And if you still don't believe me, please go get Youmu, she can testify for me."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 15, 2024, 12:11:11 AM
> Keep the sword out of reach in case the ghost gets too excited and accidentally touches it.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 15, 2024, 08:13:20 PM
> Summon one of our keystones
> "You see these? These right here are keystones, these can only be handled by the Hinanai family which are celestials."

> Take out our Sword of Hisou
> "And you see this? This is the sword of Hisou, a celestial artifact capable of manipulating the weather."
> Make the sword of Hisou extend in order to clarify our point that this isn't a normal sword.

> "And if you still don't believe me, please go get Youmu, she can testify for me."
> Keep the sword out of reach in case the ghost gets too excited and accidentally touches it.

>When you take out your Keystone the Ghost raises her eyebrow a bit. Then when you take out the Sword of Hisou she lurches backwards.
>"Right, Right. I believe you. Sorry for getting in your way, dear Celestial." She gets out of your way fast, with no further suspicions.
>If only getting into parties was always this easy...

>Looking inside, you see a lot of people standing in a room that looks like an auditorium. But you can't see much more from here.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 15, 2024, 08:33:55 PM
> Can we still hear the music?
> Are there any notable figures in the auditorium. Try to look for Youmu or Yuyuko in the area.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 16, 2024, 08:35:48 AM
> If everyone's preoccupied, zone out and listen to the music.  Is is a song we recognize?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 18, 2024, 07:28:03 PM
#Sorry for being late.
> Can we still hear the music?
> Are there any notable figures in the auditorium. Try to look for Youmu or Yuyuko in the area.

>Yes, you can absolutely hear the music loud and clear.
>You look around for any important people and you see...
>>Youmu Konpaku and Yuyuko Saigyouji. The main people you're looking for, how convenient. They seem to be enjoying the concert going on. Yuyuko in particular is waving some sort of stick that glows?
>>You also see...Komachi?! Why is she here?! Is she slacking off again?!

> If everyone's preoccupied, zone out and listen to the music.  Is is a song we recognize?

>While walking in, you listen to the music. It doesn't sound familiar to you, ( but Shion seems to get strangely teary when paying attention to it.
>"Good job with the Ghost out there. I did not want to pull out this mallet now of all times."
>"...Ah- yes, good job, Tenshi...
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 18, 2024, 09:44:29 PM
> Keep listening to the music until the concert is over. We dont want to disturb them while they're enjoying the show do we?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 19, 2024, 04:54:09 AM
> Take a seat (on the floor if there are none) and enjoy the show!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 22, 2024, 09:44:05 PM
> Keep listening to the music until the concert is over. We dont want to disturb them while they're enjoying the show do we?
> Take a seat (on the floor if there are none) and enjoy the show!

>You sit down (on the floor as there are no seats) and listen to do the concert with Shion and Shinmyoumaru. You even take off your hat, flip it, and raise it up so Shinmy has a better view.
>The concert lasted longer than you thought. They went through roughly five different songs in different genres. The part that shocks you the most though is that there are multiple pianos, keyboards, trumpets, strings, and even drums, but only four musicians. How did they play all of those instruments without touching them? Some kind of ability?
>"The Prismriver Sisters... I'm really happy they managed to finish their concert back in the Urban Legend Incident even with what I- we- Jo'on and I did."

>You focus on your task again when you see a patch of pink and white moving through the crowd. That must be Yuyuko and Youmu!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 22, 2024, 11:06:20 PM
> "I see Youmu and Yuyuko over there, you guys stay here, this needs to be private."
> Hand over Shinmyoumaru to Shion, put on our hat and follow Youmu and Yuyuko.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 23, 2024, 02:46:02 AM
> Start a friendly conversation with Youmu and Yuyuko!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 23, 2024, 10:56:27 AM
> "I see Youmu and Yuyuko over there, you guys stay here, this needs to be private."
> Hand over Shinmyoumaru to Shion, put on our hat and follow Youmu and Yuyuko.
> Start a friendly conversation with Youmu and Yuyuko!

>"Alright. Don't worry, we'll be safe."
>You put on your hat but when you attempt to pick up Shinmyoumaru she somehow flouts the Square-Cube Law and slaps your hand away.
>She then jumps over into Shion's untended bowl perfectly, as if she had practice on this. Well that's something.

>You quickly follow Yuyuko and Youmu through the leaving crowd of the audience and finally catch up to them right outside the door.
>Yuyuko is the first to notice you. "Ah, it's the Celestial!" She remembers you? "Well, what brings you- ah, where are my manners!"
>Yuyuko then does a very polite bow. "I am Saigyouji Yuyuko, and this young woman here is Konpaku Youmu, in case you need a reminder."
>Youmu follows Yuyuko's example and bows to you as well. Isn't Yuyuko basically royalty here? Why are they bowing to you?
>"To return to The Lady's question: Why are you here in particular? Just the concert or something more?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 23, 2024, 03:17:18 PM
> Where are our manners? Introduce ourselves!
> "Tenshi Hinanawi, Eldest Daughter of the Hinanawi Clan."
> Complement miss Saigyouji "The concert sure was wonderful..."

> Adopt pensive expression "Though more solemn business brought me here, you could say it's a matter of life and death..."
> Ensure we're out of earshot of Komachi before elaborating further "Earlier today we had a run in with two Shinigami claiming that my time here as a Celestial is nearly up.  We just barely managed to defeat them and learn that an order has been issued high up in the ministry to hunt me down.  No doubt more Shinigami will be sent, which brings me here asking for your house's assistance in training to fend them off for as long as possible."
> Glance back at our friends "C-can't bear the thought of leaving Shion and Shinmyoumaru alone..."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 25, 2024, 10:25:29 AM
> Where are our manners? Introduce ourselves!
> "Tenshi Hinanawi, Eldest Daughter of the Hinanawi Clan."
> Complement miss Saigyouji "The concert sure was wonderful..."

>Yuyuko smiles. "Thank you for the compliment, but you should really be giving your praises to the Prismriver Sisters. I didn't even organise it, they did that themselves!"

> Adopt pensive expression "Though more solemn business brought me here, you could say it's a matter of life and death..."

 >Yuyuko's expression becomes slightly more dour."Oh."

> Ensure we're out of earshot of Komachi before elaborating further "Earlier today we had a run in with two Shinigami claiming that my time here as a Celestial is nearly up.  We just barely managed to defeat them and learn that an order has been issued high up in the ministry to hunt me down.  No doubt more Shinigami will be sent, which brings me here asking for your house's assistance in training to fend them off for as long as possible."
> Glance back at our friends "C-can't bear the thought of leaving Shion and Shinmyoumaru alone..."

>"Hmm. Youmu, your thoughts?"
>"...I can do it. Although I am in training myself, I believe I still have some things to teach Tenshi."
>"I was thinking more about how the Celestial is prolonging the inevitable."
>"My Lady..."
>Yuyuko's face perks up. "But she has such a romantic and noble reason for doing so. I can't possibly deny her!"
>"Good to see we are on the same page."

>"I do have to ask you for a favour first."

>Oh boy, errands.
>"Usually I would be taking care of the Hakugyokurou's Garden at this time. Considering that you want your training as soon as possible as this is a matter of life and death, it would be in both our interests if you were to help me in the gardening.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 25, 2024, 02:40:41 PM
> "I would have never believed that a celestial such as myself would have to do gardening but this is situation of life and death....Alright, I'll do it. First let me go tell my friends first, where should we meet up? Do I need any gardening equipment?"

> It's kind of suspicious that Yuyuko would help us evade the Ministry of Right and Wrong considering she's in charge of the Netherworld.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 26, 2024, 05:53:20 AM
> Thank miss Saigyouji and Youmu for offering their assistance at a dark time for a Celestial.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 28, 2024, 05:02:47 AM
> "I would have never believed that a celestial such as myself would have to do gardening but this is situation of life and death....Alright, I'll do it. First let me go tell my friends first, where should we meet up? Do I need any gardening equipment?"

> It's kind of suspicious that Yuyuko would help us evade the Ministry of Right and Wrong considering she's in charge of the Netherworld.

>"No, you don't need to get any of your own equipment, because we keep plenty of our own. I'm sorry that this kind of work may seem degrading to you but in I usually do it in this window of time, so I can't shirk it, and the sooner it gets done, the sooner I can train you." She seems genuinely remorseful at that last sentence.
>"And we will meet up at the entrance of Hakugyokurou, up those stairs." She points to the endless-looking stairs that you saw when entering the Netherworld.
>You're going to have to climb those stairs?!
>"Good luck on your gardening! Hmm, maybe I should join in? It seems fun!"
>Taking care of an entire garden's worth of land seems fun to her? Though you've never tended to a garden before so what do you know, it might be fun.

>It is indeed suspicious that Yuyuko would help you in this circumstance considering that she should in all likeliness be on The Ministry's side. You do know that she's much more clever than she presents herself. So she likely knows something that you don't and is hiding it from you. Getting her to spill that information is probably going to be more effort than it's worth however.

> Thank miss Saigyouji and Youmu for offering their assistance at a dark time for a Celestial.

>Youmu smiles, albeit in slight embarassment. "Oh no, the pleasure is ours. Besides, I've heard that teaching things to beginners can be a good way of testing you have a good grasp on the fundamental aspects and concepts of an art."
>Your hand twitches a bit at you being called a beginner, but you understand where your swordsmanship stands in comparison to her's.
>"Everyone goes through dark times eventually, Celestial. We can only hope to alleviate some of the pain that comes with it through our help."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on April 28, 2024, 10:59:16 AM
// Saigyouji can probably tell more about Tenshi then she knows about herself (or is willing to admit to herself)
> Nod and follow Youmu, glancing back to see if miss Saigyouji will follow along.
> Would now be a good time to let our friends know we'll be out helping Youmu?  If so step over to where they're waiting and explain.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 28, 2024, 02:50:03 PM
//We'll have to try to find a way to let Yuyuko tell us some information. Maybe a few bottles of alcohol might help our case but I'm not sure if Yuyuko, a ghost, can even get drunk.
> How good are we at drinking?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on April 28, 2024, 10:44:33 PM
// Saigyouji can probably tell more about Tenshi then she knows about herself (or is willing to admit to herself)
> Nod and follow Youmu, glancing back to see if miss Saigyouji will follow along.
> Would now be a good time to let our friends know we'll be out helping Youmu?  If so step over to where they're waiting and explain.

>Yes, this would be a good time to tell your friends about your impromptu errands.
>You go over to Shion and Shinmyoumaru while they're having a conversation.
>"...And there was a Dream version of Tenshi?"
>"Yes, she was probably the most terrifying to see and listen to. But... the experience really allowed me see into the hearts of others."
>"Oh hey, the real one is right there!"

>You tell Shion and Shinmyoumaru about the gardening you are soon going to do.
>Shinmyoumaru raises her brow in confusion. "Gardening? Didn't expect that, but we'll keep watch on the bottom of these stairs then. If any threats are coming after you they most likely have to go up the stairs."
>"It's also because she doesn't want to climb the stairs."
>"Shion! Shush!"

>You then leave and start your ascent of the staircase with Youmu. You really hope this will at least feel shorter than it is.
>You look behind you and see Yuyuko also following behind you both.

//We'll have to try to find a way to let Yuyuko tell us some information. Maybe a few bottles of alcohol might help our case but I'm not sure if Yuyuko, a ghost, can even get drunk.
> How good are we at drinking?

>You're pretty good at resisting drunkeness, that's for sure. When you were still Chiko (you don't like recalling these memories) you were often given alcohol, but only as a medicinal tonic and not for recreation. When you became Tenshi though, you quickly gained a rebellious streak and whenever you're invited to a party (this is extremely rare, unfortunately) you can outdrink several Youkai. You haven't tried against an Oni yet, Suika might be up for a challenge...
>Though you're unsure if your currently slightly weakened state might effect your usual resilience.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on April 29, 2024, 01:25:56 AM
> I guess we'll have to actually climb the stairs.
> Head over to the stairs and begin our ascent and keep an eye on Yuyuko.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 01, 2024, 01:13:51 AM
> Float is the more refined way to ascend for a Celeastial, climbing is for peasants!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 01, 2024, 05:33:35 PM
> I guess we'll have to actually climb the stairs.
> Head over to the stairs and begin our ascent and keep an eye on Yuyuko.

>You head over to climb the stairs but you realise...

> Float is the more refined way to ascend for a Celeastial, climbing is for peasants!

>Of course! What were you thinking?! Climbing, pfah!
>You go over to the stairs and summon a Keystone from right under you to ride. "Was that always there?"
>While rising up the stairs, you look behind you to keep an eye on Yuyuko. But you don't see her behind-
"Hi!" Bwah!
>She was right next to you on the Keystone! How did she sneak into hugging distance of you?!
"Does every member of the Hinanawi Family travel like this? This is pretty fun and relaxing!"

>You decide to look away from the disturbingly friendly and free-spirited... Spirit, by looking forward.
>Youmu, despite running and not flying, is somehow faster than you and is travelling at an inhuman pace.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 01, 2024, 07:09:54 PM
> "They are pretty fun. These keystones are practically an all in one tool."
> Pick up the up the pace with our floating so we can catch up with Youmu.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 01, 2024, 11:41:01 PM
> Tease Yuyuko "Get used to this, and it'll be hard to go back to walking!"

> When picking up the pace double check that miss Saigyouji hasn't been left behind!  For all we know she could just be pretending to ride on the keystone by floating above it with the same speed, being a ghost and all she might just phase through it otherwise.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on May 02, 2024, 11:15:02 PM
>Yes, this would be a good time to tell your friends about your impromptu errands.
>You go over to Shion and Shinmyoumaru while they're having a conversation.
>"...And there was a Dream version of Tenshi?"
>"Yes, she was probably the most terrifying to see and listen to. But... the experience really allowed me see into the hearts of others."
>"Oh hey, the real one is right there!"

>You tell Shion and Shinmyoumaru about the gardening you are soon going to do.
>Shinmyoumaru raises her brow in confusion. "Gardening? Didn't expect that, but we'll keep watch on the bottom of these stairs then. If any threats are coming after you they most likely have to go up the stairs."
>"It's also because she doesn't want to climb the stairs."
>"Shion! Shush!"

>You then leave and start your ascent of the staircase with Youmu. You really hope this will at least feel shorter than it is.
>You look behind you and see Yuyuko also following behind you both.

>You're pretty good at resisting drunkeness, that's for sure. When you were still Chiko (you don't like recalling these memories) you were often given alcohol, but only as a medicinal tonic and not for recreation. When you became Tenshi though, you quickly gained a rebellious streak and whenever you're invited to a party (this is extremely rare, unfortunately) you can outdrink several Youkai. You haven't tried against an Oni yet, Suika might be up for a challenge...
>Though you're unsure if your currently slightly weakened state might effect your usual resilience.

> What do we know personally or by second-hand accounts about " Dream Versions of people"?

> So at our usual "health" were we capable  of not only being at an even drinking contest with Tengu,2nd most alcohol enjoyer and resilient as a Youkai species,but also surpass them"? With how much "effort"?

> In any case keep in mind we are in a somewhat weaker state...and Yuyuko would likely see through a ploy like " merry-drunk slip-ups of info"...a better window of opportunity were Yuyuko seem and is more interested and pleased to somehow be usefully open about us...

>...and yet it is quite likely she is going to monitor what she is able  about our current state, eventual improvements,and sooner or later send a certain amount of info to The Ministry resulting us not having any relatively major secret for them..."how relatively major" is variable though since we are " still a mostly-trainee of Youmu and a mostly-guest of Yuyuko herself in Hakugyokurou".
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 03, 2024, 01:21:10 PM
> "They are pretty fun. These keystones are practically an all in one tool."
> Pick up the up the pace with our floating so we can catch up with Youmu.
> Tease Yuyuko "Get used to this, and it'll be hard to go back to walking!"

> When picking up the pace double check that miss Saigyouji hasn't been left behind!  For all we know she could just be pretending to ride on the keystone by floating above it with the same speed, being a ghost and all she might just phase through it otherwise.

>You pick up the speed, you're practically going as fast as you can without using Scarlet Energy and Youmu is still faster. What do they feed this girl?
>"Woo! I can definitely see how you can't go back. I might slightly prefer flying myself, but just by a bit compared to this!"

> What do we know personally or by second-hand accounts about " Dream Versions of people"?

>You don't know much about Dream Versions of people, first or second-hand. You know you did accidentally meet with a Dream Version of Shinmyoumaru during the Perfect Possession phase of the Urban Legend Incident and she somehow switched places with Shinmy as your "Slave". She was not much different from regular Shinmy, other than being a bit more mean and willing to get into fights. She was also surprisingly honest.

> So at our usual "health" were we capable  of not only being at an even drinking contest with Tengu,2nd most alcohol enjoyer and resilient as a Youkai species,but also surpass them"? With how much "effort"?

>At the level of drinking you were at, it was less "effort" and more of your Celestial body keeping you healthy. It wasn't greatly enjoyable but you didn't vomit and you still had your wits about you. You're honestly a bit afraid your body might fail you since you're already sweating a lot despite not wanting to...

> In any case keep in mind we are in a somewhat weaker state...and Yuyuko would likely see through a ploy like " merry-drunk slip-ups of info"...a better window of opportunity were Yuyuko seem and is more interested and pleased to somehow be usefully open about us...

>...and yet it is quite likely she is going to monitor what she is able  about our current state, eventual improvements,and sooner or later send a certain amount of info to The Ministry resulting us not having any relatively major secret for them..."how relatively major" is variable though since we are " still a mostly-trainee of Youmu and a mostly-guest of Yuyuko herself in Hakugyokurou".

>Right, Yuyuko is very clever. And you have no idea if she can even get drunk now.

>Youmu, Yuyuko, and You travel as fast as possible up the stairs. After one more massive stride by Youmu, you're at the top of them and right at the entrance to Hakugyokurou.
>It looks stunning.
>The Cherry Blossoms cover the air in a glow perfect for flower-viewing. The few ghosts simply watch the gardens in peace, having no troubles. The Zen Gardens and Cherry Blossoms create an image that only an expert artist or poet could encapsulate. Does this image last eternity too? You wonder.

>Yuyuko gets off your Keystone and follows Youmu inside the Shrine.
>"We will be waiting for you inside. We need to give you your equipment before you start, of course."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 03, 2024, 01:33:29 PM
> "Alright"
> Head into shrine, but keep our eyes open, if we see anything suspicious, stop moving.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 04, 2024, 04:08:45 AM
> Take a moment to enjoy the sights, we might not get many 'moments' more to enjoy depending on how this goes...
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 04, 2024, 01:59:12 PM
> Take a moment to enjoy the sights, we might not get many 'moments' more to enjoy depending on how this goes...

>You bask in the scene for a moment. Just the atmosphere here feels good. You really wish that places like this were in Heaven. Though you just know that these beautiful gardens would just have peach trees instead, an annoying thought.

> "Alright"
> Head into shrine, but keep our eyes open, if we see anything suspicious, stop moving.

>You walk into the shrine, it's well-decorated considering its purpose. But a well-respected person lives here, so that's probably to be expected.
>>"I'm going into the other room to get our equipment, I'll only be a moment. Hopefully you two can keep each other company and not do anything strange."
>"I have no idea why she thinks we're going to break something or some other."
>"Anywho, welcome to my abode! A comfy place, is it not? Before you answer that, I have something to give you."

>Yuyuko moves over to a table and pulls a pink glass bottle with a small nozzle, then walks over and pushes it into your hands.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 04, 2024, 03:34:06 PM
> Complement miss Saigyouji on the atmosphere and invite her to visit heaven sometime, the Celestials could learn a thing or two about landscaping and decorating...

> "In heaven we can decorate our gardens with any trees provided they start with "Pea' and end in 'ches'!"

> Inspect the pink bottle while awaiting an explanation.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 08, 2024, 12:11:46 PM
> Complement miss Saigyouji on the atmosphere and invite her to visit heaven sometime, the Celestials could learn a thing or two about landscaping and decorating...

> "In heaven we can decorate our gardens with any trees provided they start with "Pea' and end in 'ches'!"

>"Ah yes, I remember from my short time in your slice of Heaven. It's a shame, really. The Landscape and view of Heaven would be incredibly wonderful if it was diversified just a bit."
>"Though you shouldn't extend a visit to me so frivolously. You know what they say about dining with the dead
~" She's most likely teasing you with that.

> Inspect the pink bottle while awaiting an explanation.

>You look at the bottle, the liquid inside is slightly pink but mostly clear. And the nozzle seems to made to spray a mist outwards. You sniff it, and it smells like the Cherry Blossoms from outside.
>"It's a perfume. I don't want to be rude, but... you smell. Most likely due to your perspiration. This perfume should help ward off the 'Stench of Death'."
>How ironic that a ghost, and the Lady of Hakugyokurou at that, is giving you something to help with your deathly stench.
>But did she just have this prepared for you this whole time?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 08, 2024, 12:56:11 PM
> "Thank you, now I don't have to go out of my way to find some perfume myself."

> Apply the perfume on ourselves and check our smell again afterwards.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 09, 2024, 12:24:32 AM
> In response to her comment about 'dining with the dead' ask half seriously "Would I be invited to join your residence if I end up becoming one with the dead?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 09, 2024, 05:26:07 PM
> "Thank you, now I don't have to go out of my way to find some perfume myself."

> Apply the perfume on ourselves and check our smell again afterwards.

>"Oh, it's no problem, really! Do tell me if it smells good or not, this is sort of a pet project of mine."
>You spray the perfume over your body. Spray and waft it over your clothes.
>It... completely covers your odour! You smell just like the Cherry Blossoms of Hakugyokurou, and feel so liberated! Like you could float out of this plane if you wanted to!

Perfumes and Scents: Covering the Stench of Death
Throughout your time being tutored and escaping Death, you may be given perfumes or other methods of covering your... pungent odour
These seem to do more than just cover your stench and make you feel good. They also seem to make certain actions and behaviours easier.
Whether this is pure placebo or supernatural in nature is your guess.
>Scent Obtained: Cherry Blossoms in the Wind.
>>Cherry Blossoms in the Wind: Increases the Speed of your movements, in the air and on the ground. This also seems to make you think faster, or at least make your decisions more incisive.

> In response to her comment about 'dining with the dead' ask half seriously "Would I be invited to join your residence if I end up becoming one with the dead?"

>"Oho, that's a dangerous question, my dear Celestial!" She says teasingly. "You are very interesting, and a very good guest, but I do think you would become bored of this place quite fast. There's also the question of what would happen to your soul if you were ever to become one of us. But if you're ever curious, I could use my ability on you. Think of it as an... open invitation~." She says that with a wink. She's definitely teasing you, but the fact that she could very well just end your life or call the Ministry weighs on your mind a bit.

>Youmu walks back into the room with a change of clothes for you, overalls, trowels, hoes, and rakes, along with spades and watering cans.
>"Are you ready? The gardens are large, prepare yourself." She speaks as if you're both going into combat.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 09, 2024, 09:21:39 PM
> Follow Youmu and help her with her gardening chores.

> Explain "I'm less worried about what I'd become and more about if I could stay here and still be with Shion and Shinmyoumaru in a way?  If nothing else ends up working out..."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 10, 2024, 03:34:15 AM
> Find somewhere private to change into the change of clothes before we go with Youmu.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 11, 2024, 12:17:57 PM
> Explain "I'm less worried about what I'd become and more about if I could stay here and still be with Shion and Shinmyoumaru in a way?  If nothing else ends up working out..."

>"Normally that question would be easy to answer: No. But with the Border between Life and Death being in the state it is... Perhaps they would visit you every so often, if nothing else."

> Find somewhere private to change into the change of clothes before we go with Youmu.

>You squeeze past Youmu into the room she just came from and quickly shuffle out of your usual clothes, all for the better, they're covered in sweat.
>Your new clothes are certainly more... Rustic, to say the least. The shirt is still white, though your frilled skirt and apron are gone, replaced with sky-blue overalls. Interestingly, the cloud-like pattern on your skirt that not many notice are also present on your overalls, and the Rainbow gradient of crystals you wear on your skirt have been adapted as a rainbow-coloured chain on the right side of your hips. This outfit is way too tailored to your liking for it to be a coincidence. Even the boots are the same brown, cross-laced ones you usually wear!
>But you look fantastic. Of course, you look stunningly cute and gorgeous in anything you wear, in your humble opinion, but this makes your current sweaty predicament look like an aesthetic choice rather than a consequence of being chased by death. You look downright down-to-Earth rather than like a Heavenly Celestial. Which some might prefer.

> Follow Youmu and help her with her gardening chores.

>You go out into the gardens and see Youmu waiting for you. Dual-wielding a trowel and clippers.
>"The first step is going to be simple: Uproot any weeds and eliminate them. Couch Grass and Ground Elder are our targets, they are easy to identify as they have white roots that encroach on the area."
>With that, she prepares as going for a flying slash and disappears, cutting six weeds in her path already. Isn't she moving way too fast?!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 11, 2024, 06:29:17 PM
> The playful attitude, all these coincidences matching our preferences...  An odd thought surely comes to mind, could miss Saigyouji... l-like us!?

> Give the weeds a slash worthy of a Celestial!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 11, 2024, 08:45:06 PM
> How big is the garden? Could we give an approximate estimation on its size?
> Is our slash capable of removing the weed at its root?If we simply cut the upper portion of the weed then it would just regrow and continue spreading. We have to go to the root of the problem.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 12, 2024, 06:29:50 PM
> The playful attitude, all these coincidences matching our preferences...  An odd thought surely comes to mind, could miss Saigyouji... l-like us!?

>W-what?! N-no. Surely she's just this accomodating and teasing with anyone she invites over, right? Right?! No way someone like Yuyuko could like you...

> Give the weeds a slash worthy of a Celestial!

>You distract yourself from those thoughts by getting at the task of eliminating weeds!
>You swing your Sword of Hisou with swagger, and it cuts out the upper parts of the Couch Grass, but it doesn't get at the roots.
>You go for a vertical slash and end up missing. How did you miss?!

> How big is the garden? Could we give an approximate estimation on its size?

>The garden is about as big as the main building of Hakugyokurou itself. It's right in the middle of it and is about the size of the chamber room of a mansion. It's... pretty big for just Youmu. Does she really do this every day?

> Is our slash capable of removing the weed at its root?If we simply cut the upper portion of the weed then it would just regrow and continue spreading. We have to go to the root of the problem.

>Unfortunately the slash just hits the upper portion and you somehow missed the root on the second swing.

>Just as you're lamenting over your poor work, Youmu appears behind you dual-wielding a trowel and spade.
>"Your form is sloppy. You're exerting too much effort in your upper body, like you're barrelling through the air rather than moving through the space your blade opens. And your swings are inefficient, you're wasting time and energy by not performing a proper stance."
>Does she really need to assassinate your self-esteem like that?! She said it all with a straight face like it was all obvious facts as well!
>You can't be that bad at swordplay, right? You know you came here to be tutored but you didn't know the gardening was going to be part of the training!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 12, 2024, 08:17:08 PM
> One doesn't simply make such an elaborate outfit within a few hours. We've only known each other for so little time, might she be a..... secret admirer?

> "Can you please show me the right stance then?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 12, 2024, 08:20:16 PM
> Anyone she invites over?  The dress is awfully specific to us...

> Readjust our stance based on Youmu's advice to better take advantage of our lower body strength and focus on such strength for our next swing.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 13, 2024, 11:06:28 AM
> One doesn't simply make such an elaborate outfit within a few hours. We've only known each other for so little time, might she be a..... secret admirer?
> Anyone she invites over?  The dress is awfully specific to us...

>W-well the gifts and outfit she gave were way too specific for "Just being nice". Who just gives someone perfume and an entire custom outfit for "Just being nice"?
>But what would you even do if she liked you? You've never had any experience in anyone liking you this much.
>Then again, maybe she would like it if you approached her. You are a brave and headstrong Celestial! She probably likes that aspect of you, if anything. Yeah, you're gonna do it!
>In fact, why would she not like you?!

> "Can you please show me the right stance then?
> Readjust our stance based on Youmu's advice to better take advantage of our lower body strength and focus on such strength for our next swing.

>Youmu adjusts your body physically while explaining the reasoning behind the stance.
>"Lean forward a bit and raise your head, this will allow you to prepare your movements faster while keeping your view straight on your adversary. Keep you sword in an upper guard with your left foot in front, this is called Hidari-Jodan-Gamae. It's main advantage are the reach and speed of your strike, though it has poor defensive measures due to multiple key body parts being open. Though with your unique body and willingness to fight, you'll probably live any blows and scare off any enemies trying to get close."
>"And now... Swing downwards from your stance. You want the blade to go through the target and your body follows to add more force. Though... considering your blade, you might not need extra force. Even with my Roukanken, to which the things that it cannot cut are close to none, I use extra force in case I meet that extreme outlier."

>You space yourself from the Couch Grass and swing downwards with your body following through.
>You Sword of Hisou cleaves the root in twain with nary a problem. Youmu then picks it up and throws it into a bucket of destroyed weeds.
>"Great job!" Her smile seems genuine. "Now we can practice attacking while moving, that will be very useful due to the nature of Spell Card Duels and speed up this whole thing. Though... do you want to take a break? Your face is very red and your breathing is heavy."
>What is she talking about?! You're not blushing! Wait she didn't say you were blushin-
>Let's just get on with it!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 13, 2024, 01:01:11 PM
> "I'm f-fine thank you very much. Let's just move on okay?"

> Adopt the Hidari-Jodan-Gamae stance and start walking through the garden.
> Once we see any weeds, give them a good strike while moving.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 13, 2024, 03:03:39 PM
> Ask Youmu if a particular type of weather could be helpful.

> Think of ways we could approach miss Saigyouji.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 14, 2024, 10:21:07 PM
> Ask Youmu if a particular type of weather could be helpful.

>"...A clear, blue sky. Or Spring weather, like a light sprinkle."

> "I'm f-fine thank you very much. Let's just move on okay?"

> Adopt the Hidari-Jodan-Gamae stance and start walking through the garden.
> Once we see any weeds, give them a good strike while moving.

>You calm your nerves from thinking of your sweetheart host and move while keeping your stance.
>At first it feels very stiff, like you're holding back your range of movements just for decorum. But eventually you get used to moving while keeping the stance and starting to see what Youmu is talking about.
>You move faster on the ground than before, somehow, and your swings go muc h further than before. Originally you would've had to extend your blade to hit at the ranges you are now, but it just feels like the regular range for your Sword now. Your vertical swings are fast and oppressive, overwhelming the enemy force of weeds.

> Think of ways we could approach miss Saigyouji.

>How to approach that ever-blossoming cherry blossom...
>You could just walk up to her normally and ask her out c-confirm if she really is an admirer of yours, of course!
>You could give her hints with a gift, just like she's likely doing with you. But what kind of gift? Could you even procure one right now?
>You could invite her to a gathering or a party? Maybe to a secluded location for a talk? Though that might look suspicious.
>Or you could flirt, but flirting is something that you've never done and probably never will do. You tell people if you like or hate them, you don't tip-toe around it.
>This is all assuming she says yes likes you is ready to accept your proposal... Wait that sounds worse!

> Youmu dumps another set of Weed Carcasses into her bucket. "We're almost done here. Prepare yourself, this next part is probably the roughest. It will help you integrate flying into your swordplay however. Another key adaptation to make in Gensokyo."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 15, 2024, 12:33:49 AM
> Let's try to combine both of Youmu's suggestions and summon a 'sunshower'!  A clear blue sky with a light drizzle to soften the ground.

> Yuyuko clearly loves her gardens, so how about summoning and maintaining the perfect weather for growing flowers while we're here!
> Try summoning such weather in the gardens outside the area we're working in.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 19, 2024, 10:23:30 AM
#This is the longest I've been absent and I apologise. My glasses suddenly broke and I had to get them replaced.

> Let's try to combine both of Youmu's suggestions and summon a 'sunshower'!  A clear blue sky with a light drizzle to soften the ground.

>>"Summon the weather in that area over there." She points to a sectioned off area where the largest Cherry Blossom tree you've ever seen is. Unlike all the other plants around here, it's not blossomed and it looks like it hasn't in a while.

>Right, a Sunshower. The border between Rain and Clear sky, or Sudden Rains during clear skies. You know of a Gap Hag with such a weather. And thankfully you still have some power left so you won't have to slice open a person's Spirit.
>Your Sword of Hisou changes color into a Sunset Red, it glows similarly to dappled sunlight and you raise it to the sky.

[attachment=1] Weather: Sunshower
Effect: All Defences are greatly lowered but stamina recovers faster. Incorrectly blocking an attack may lead to injuries. Extracting power from Spirits becomes easier.

> Yuyuko clearly loves her gardens, so how about summoning and maintaining the perfect weather for growing flowers while we're here!
> Try summoning such weather in the gardens outside the area we're working in.

>Right! She'll  certainly appreciate making her life easier in this aspect.
>Now... Good weather for Gardening...
>The Hakugyokurou, and the Netherworld in general, doesn't suffer from fluctuating weather. So you should make sure this sticks. A light Drizzle ought to do it.

>You cut yourself on your Sword a bit, you're running out of Power and you don't want to harm any Spirits, then your blade changes into a white, cloudy hue. Then you point it upwards, and a Drizzle pops into existence from clear skies.

>"Our next step is to deal with the Saigyou Ayakashi. This is treacherous despite the fact that it hasn't bloomed in ages. You're going to need to fly for this and you'll see why soon."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 19, 2024, 01:05:13 PM
> Let us move on from this weather summoning. We ought to do a good job in order to impress Miss Yuyuko and win her heart have Youmu tutor us properly.

> "What do you mean by treacherous? it's just a tree right?"
> Fly over to see what she's talking about.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 19, 2024, 08:56:59 PM
// I saw a health bar and for a moment I thought we had somehow started a battle haha!

> Glance back at the mansion, what are our companions up to?
> How big is this tree compared to the others or the mansion?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 20, 2024, 03:18:46 PM
#Hah, yeah. That bar is just the timer for the Weather. It wasn't really relevant before, but it's going to be soon.

> Let us move on from this weather summoning. We ought to do a good job in order to impress Miss Yuyuko and win her heart have Youmu tutor us properly.

> "What do you mean by treacherous? it's just a tree right?"
> Fly over to see what she's talking about.

>"This is not a normal tree. The Saigyou Ayakashi lures people to their deaths by its beauty. There's a long story behind it, but that's all you need to know for now."
>Luring people to their death... That sounds very similar to Yuyuko's ability. That can't be relevant, right?
>You fly up to see the tree and see the absolutely massive Cherry Blossom Tree surrounded by Spirits. Some have kept their form and are just looking at it, enraptured, others seem to have completely lost their form and are just floating around it.
>And... are the roots of the tree moving?

// I saw a health bar and for a moment I thought we had somehow started a battle haha!

> Glance back at the mansion, what are our companions up to?
> How big is this tree compared to the others or the mansion?

>You look back at the mansion and realise your companions are not in Hakugyokurou. You remember them saying they would keep watch at the bottom of the stairs.
>Yuyuko is watching you with a smile though, so that's a definite morale boost!
>The tree is taller than the entire shrine and is so big that it takes up an entire section devoted to it. Frankly, you're surprised you didn't notice this tree the moment you arrived in Hakugyokurou.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 20, 2024, 03:31:23 PM
> "So are we supposed to just give it a trim?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 20, 2024, 09:20:25 PM
> "It ought to grow back thicker after a good trim, at least that's how the peach trees in heaven work..."

> Ponder if there's anything else we could do to make it look nicer?  Youmu mentioned it hasn't bloomed I'm ages.  Is there anything we've learned in all our years as a Celestial that might help?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 21, 2024, 10:21:57 PM
> "So are we supposed to just give it a trim?"
> "It ought to grow back thicker after a good trim, at least that's how the peach trees in heaven work..."

> Ponder if there's anything else we could do to make it look nicer?  Youmu mentioned it hasn't bloomed I'm ages.  Is there anything we've learned in all our years as a Celestial that might help?

>Youmu looks at you with a straight face before grinning. "Yes. Yes, we will just give it a trim."
>She then throws away all of her other gardening equipment and unsheathes her Roukanken. "Just a trim."

>Something tells you this will be the most stressful trimming of your life.

>Hmm, usually when plants don't bloom for extremely long periods of time it's because the area they grow in is cursed. But considering you're in the Netherworld, it would be a better guess to say it's Sealed somehow. You would guess that unsealing the Saigyou Ayakashi would make it bloom.
>But failing that, culling any dead branches should help.

>You walk with Youmu towards the section that the Saigyou Ayakashi has control over. The roots have spread everywhere, contained by Shimenawa demarcating the Hakugyokurou from the Saigyou Ayakashi's domain.
>The moment you move close to the Saigyou Ayakashi you feel something... tugging you.
>You immediately recognise this as the allure of death and shake it off.
>"Huh, good job. I guess being a Celestial must give you some experience in this."
>"The moment we start our 'trmming', the Saigyou Ayakashi will start resisting with its roots and the enraptured Spirits will attack us to protect its beauty and die peacefully. Flight is Heavily Recommended here. I would rather not have your blood on my hands."

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 22, 2024, 12:20:04 AM
> Do we know how to do anything about the seal?  If not can we at least give it the appearance of being in bloom?

> Nervous smile "Got it!"
> Stay above the ground and use our newfound reach to trim from afar!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 22, 2024, 02:49:04 AM
// We ought to try to get a weather that could improve our flying speed but it seems that our power is low. Maybe we could draw spirit power from Saigyou Ayakashi?

> What effects does a "Sunny" weather give?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 22, 2024, 03:41:05 AM
// That sounds like a good idea, we should just make sure they aren't harmed.

> Recall what the Shinigami revealed about the Sword of Hisou and keep our distance from spirits while trimming.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 24, 2024, 07:18:16 AM
> Do we know how to do anything about the seal?  If not can we at least give it the appearance of being in bloom?

>Not really, no. You are no stranger to seals and magic though. Breaking one should be a cinch given enough time to analyse it.

> Nervous smile "Got it!"
> Stay above the ground and use our newfound reach to trim from afar!
// That sounds like a good idea, we should just make sure they aren't harmed.

> Recall what the Shinigami revealed about the Sword of Hisou and keep our distance from spirits while trimming.

>You shift your guard downwards, incidentally going into Gendo-no-kamae despite not knowing about it, and leap upwards.
>Just in time too, you look down and see Roots spiking out from where you just stood.
>Youmu floats next to you. "The places that need to be trimmed will have a relative lack of Spiritual Energy, and therefore a lack of spirits surrounding it. The others though- watch out!"
>Just as she says that, you sense a threat behind you and lurch to the right, avoiding some bullets shot by enraptured phantoms. You don't know if these follow Spell-Card Rules and you don't want to find out.
>You decide to not waste anymore time and fly straight towards the Saigyou Ayakashi. Some bullets threaten to hit you but you slash them out of the sky before then. You go for a wild swing and it actually hits! From this far? You're a Foot away from it!
>The branch you sliced off falls to the ground like a regular piece of wood. You were half expecting it to explode for some reason.

// We ought to try to get a weather that could improve our flying speed but it seems that our power is low. Maybe we could draw spirit power from Saigyou Ayakashi?

> What effects does a "Sunny" weather give?

[attachment=1] Weather: Sunny
Associated Character: Reimu Hakurei
Effect: Dodging attacks are easier, even when they should hit you by all logical sense. Flying is easier, you can turn and move on a dime.

>You look down again to see multiple roots extending upwards reaching to- towards you?! How far can these things go?!
>You look towards the Saigyou Ayakashi and see the Phantoms shooting a barrage of bullets right at your current position. They really are predictible, aren't they.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 24, 2024, 03:58:29 PM
> "Stream" our way out of the bullets and locate all the low spiritual energy branches
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 24, 2024, 08:51:35 PM
> When we get a chance pop those phantoms with a handful of fast aimed rice bullets.  Color them a pale blue and pink so they blend in with the scenery and are harder to notice.

> If we feel overwhelmed with dodging to the point we can't really focus on trimming disrupt our other weather effects and channel some nice sunny weather to aid with the dodging.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 27, 2024, 10:35:32 AM
> "Stream" our way out of the bullets and locate all the low spiritual energy branches

>You keep calm and move smoothly away from the bullets. More like leaning away than quick, jerky movements.
>You try to look for those branches... Low amount of Spirits... Ah!
>The moment you find one a laser brushes past you. You block more of them with your Sword of Hisou, but you get put off-center a bit.
>No matter. You quickly reorient youself with 3D movement and dive at the branch. Your Sword cleaves right through one.

> When we get a chance pop those phantoms with a handful of fast aimed rice bullets.  Color them a pale blue and pink so they blend in with the scenery and are harder to notice.

>Right, you don't want to deal with lasers again. You fire some small bullets at the rude Spirits, they get caught up in dodging them and you spot Youmu cut through a group of them with her Wakizashi.
>Did she just- No, she was using Hakurouken...
>"All of you leave right now! You can do Flower-Viewing later!"
>They leave while looking around confusedly. Cutting through confusion, huh?

>The Saigyou Ayakashi seems to be ramping up its personal offense. It's attacking you with roots ruthlessly. Thankfully they can only come from one direction, down, so you know where to dodge.
>Youmu also has more time to join you in directly trmming the tree. Her Roukanken is a big help here.
>Though at this point you should call it "Pruning" rather than "Trimming".
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 27, 2024, 12:35:32 PM
> Form a ring of keystones around the base to block the roots from slowing our progress.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 28, 2024, 01:57:00 PM
> Can we determine the weather the spiritual energy of the tree gives if any at all?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on May 28, 2024, 10:06:03 PM
> Form a ring of keystones around the base to block the roots from slowing our progress.

>Right, right! Keystones rain from above, to Youmu's absolute bafflement ("Where does she hide those?") , and surrounds the Saigyou Ayakashi's Trunk.
>The roots are thankfully blocked out of their full range of movements due to this. And you notice that no other roots are coming for you. It could be because of the Shimenawa around your keystones.

> Can we determine the weather the spiritual energy of the tree gives if any at all?

>You can discern the weather of any being with sentience. A tree shouldn't count for the minimum standard of sentience, but most trees don't attack you with roots, and this one seems to at least have a sense of self-preservation if this says anything.
>Just as you think that, you feel your Sword of Hisou responding to the proximity of the Tree's "Spirit".
>And it has a Weather of... Snow?!

[attachment=1] Weather: Snow
Associated Character: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Effect: All Characters can steal Spiritual Energy from others on touch. "Touch" really just means any melee weapon.

>Why does the Saigyou Ayakashi have the weather associated with your sweetheart... Her
>This can't be right! Right?! Two entities having the same weather is common, but not for very unique beings like Her. Usually people have the same weather when they have the same origin and/or personality, two fairies who are born of the same aspect of Nature will have the same weather. For someone with a complexity like Her, someone else having the same weather should be near impossible, let alone for that other someone to be a tree and not a person.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on May 29, 2024, 02:08:29 AM
> "Now that these roots are out of the way, let us trim to our hearts content."
> "Do we still see any low spiritual energy branches? If we do go ahead and cut them"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on May 29, 2024, 06:11:42 AM
> Is miss Yuyuko still watching (admiring) us from a distance?
> Maybe investigating that seal later would be a good idea, perhaps she'd be impressed if we managed to do something to get the tree to bloom a little?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 01, 2024, 07:18:30 PM
> "Now that these roots are out of the way, let us trim to our hearts content."
> "Do we still see any low spiritual energy branches? If we do go ahead and cut them"

>"Yes, let's."
>All obstacles have been neutered, and it was just a matter of time before Youmu and you finished Pruning the Saigyou Ayakashi. As the last dead branch falls to the ground, you take a breath. Did you always get exhausted like this?

> Is miss Yuyuko still watching (admiring) us from a distance?
> Maybe investigating that seal later would be a good idea, perhaps she'd be impressed if we managed to do something to get the tree to bloom a little?

>You look back towards the shrine and see Yuyuko smiling at you! Definitely silently celebrating a job well done by your's truly (you).
>Hmm, looking at the seal later sounds like a good idea when you have more free time. Something tells you that Yuyuko would be very curious as to what the Tree looks like in full bloom.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 01, 2024, 07:46:39 PM
> Give Yuyuko our most femme fatale wink.

> "We've done a good job If I do say so myself. So what's next?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 01, 2024, 08:10:59 PM
> Continue providing weather beneficial to garden growth!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 02, 2024, 08:55:35 PM
> Continue providing weather beneficial to garden growth!

>Before you leave, you create a Sunshower around the area. That should keep it in good condition. Thankfully your Sword of Hisou is charged up from having to cut down this Tree.

> Give Yuyuko our most femme fatale wink.

>You look at Yuyuko and give her a smouldering wink.
>"Oh my, how cute~!"
>Cute? Close enough.

> "We've done a good job If I do say so myself. So what's next?"

>Youmu sighs and raises her head to the sky. "Next, we rest. We are done with the gardening for now."
>"And we will fulfill the real reason you came here. I'm going to give you as much training as physically possible in as short a timeframe as you can allow."
>"This is going to involve direct combat with me, of course. And not just Spell Card Duels, but old-fashioned Sword Duels as well. Be warned, you may be a visitor, a Celestial, and my apprentice for now, but I will not go easy on you. I will beat as many techniques as I can into your head."
>We will have a break to prepare ourselves first, do what you want until then."

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 03, 2024, 01:50:57 PM
> Do we still reek of death after all this exercise?

> "I'll go ahead and see my friends, where should I head after the break is done?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 04, 2024, 02:59:11 PM
> Take a moment to appreciate our good work!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 05, 2024, 09:07:40 AM
> Do we still reek of death after all this exercise?

>You take a brief sniff, and you smell... like Cherry Blossoms. This perfume really does work wonders, you should thank Yuyuko. For only that. And no other reasons. Absolutely not.

> "I'll go ahead and see my friends, where should I head after the break is done?"

>"I'll be waiting over at the front entrance of Hakugyokurou. It's the most spacious area that's not part of The Garden."
>"Tell your friends I said 'Hello'!"

> Take a moment to appreciate our good work!

>You look back at the garden and take in your work.
>The Garden looks less cluttered, for lack of a better word. The weeds blended into the garden well but now it looks like everything in the garden was meant to be there and is well-tended to.
>The Saigyou Ayakashi looks less like a supernatural tree and more like a regular, really large Cherry Blossom tree. That is dead. The main things that point to it being unusual now is the fact that it's in the Netherworld and the Keystones surrounding the base.
>This reminds you an awful lot of that time you put a Keystone in the Hakurei Shrine. Hopefully Yukari won't suddenly appear.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 05, 2024, 12:25:21 PM
> Head back to where Shinmyoumaru and Shion are.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 05, 2024, 02:00:04 PM
> Might want to pick up those keystones before leaving!  Recall them so as to avoid 'littering'.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 05, 2024, 04:26:28 PM
> Might want to pick up those keystones before leaving!  Recall them so as to avoid 'littering'.

>You decide to play it safe and recall those Keystones around the Saigyou Ayakashi. If Yukari happens to be watching you then she won't have any excuse to complain.

> Head back to where Shinmyoumaru and Shion are.

>You head out of the Hakugyokurou to the unbelieveably long staircase.
>You decide to make your descent more fun by making a running start and jumping!

>"The Dream Version of you was strangely mean, do you know anything about why that could be?"
>"No idea. Maybe I'm too hot-blooded? That could be mistaken for brashness."
>"Hmm, maybe."
>"Honestly, I'm just surprised we haven't seen any Shinigami yet. Except for Komachi, but she just left. Is it really okay for a Shinigami to slack off and go to a concert?"

>"It makes our job easier so I'm not complaining- Do you hear that?"
>"Hear wha-"
>You crash land and make dent in the ground, cracking the pavement.
>"Oh, it's Tenshi! Nice outfit! You look really... Hard working and reliable, for lack of better words."
>"Who gave you those clothes anyway?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 05, 2024, 06:49:50 PM
> Yuyuko wouldn't mind if we cracked her pavement right?

> "Well, I had to do some gardening in order to earn myself a lesson with Youmu so they gave me this oddly fitting outfit. And look!"

> Stretch out our arm
> "They even gave me this perfume"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 05, 2024, 08:47:22 PM
// Some things never change!

> Ask our friends if they know anything about seals.  If they do then suggest "Perhaps we can thank our hosts by helping get this stubborn ol' tree to bloom.  I have a hunch some kind of seal or magic is interfering with it..."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 06, 2024, 05:02:34 PM
> Yuyuko wouldn't mind if we cracked her pavement right?

>You... don't know. You sure hope she wouldn't mind.

> "Well, I had to do some gardening in order to earn myself a lesson with Youmu so they gave me this oddly fitting outfit. And look!"

> Stretch out our arm
> "They even gave me this perfume"

>Shion and Shinmyoumaru lean in and take a brief sniff of you.
>"Smells like cherry blossoms. It also covers up that stench you've had recently."
>So they could smell it! Why did they never tell you?!
>>"The outfit is weirdly fitting for you... It's like she's been watching you to make sure it fits. Or she just thought about you constantly without even knowing if you would come to Hakugyokurou
>"...I don't know if it would be more concerning if she was watching you and prepared this just when you arrived, or if she just thought about you constantly. Both seem very creepy and concerning to me."

// Some things never change!

> Ask our friends if they know anything about seals.  If they do then suggest "Perhaps we can thank our hosts by helping get this stubborn ol' tree to bloom.  I have a hunch some kind of seal or magic is interfering with it..."

>"Nope, nothing about Seals. I know a bit about luck, enchantments, and mythology. But not seals."
>"I don't really know anything about seals."
>"Huh? Then what are all of those paper slips on you?"
>"Things associated with poverty. Eviction Notices, Debt bills, things like that. They've been attached to me ever since I became a Binbougami..."
>"We could make guesses as to what kind of seal it is though. How would you seal a tree from blooming. And why?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 06, 2024, 09:02:59 PM
> Ask politely "Is that how you became the poverty goddess?"

> In a funny tone "As for the tree, perhaps the last head of the Netherworld thought it outgrew or overshadowed the rest of the garden and just decided to seal it than bother trimming it."
> Laugh "Let's just say it doesn't particularly enjoy haircuts..."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 10, 2024, 12:57:25 PM
> Ask politely "Is that how you became the poverty goddess?"

>"No, these appeared after I became a Poverty Goddess. How I did so was a long life of destitution..."

> In a funny tone "As for the tree, perhaps the last head of the Netherworld thought it outgrew or overshadowed the rest of the garden and just decided to seal it than bother trimming it."
> Laugh "Let's just say it doesn't particularly enjoy haircuts..."

>"Yikes. That might be true, it's a pretty permanent solution. But wouldn't sealing the tree be more troublesome than just hiring someone else to prune and trim it every so often?"
>Given that the job is entrusted to Youmu, you don't think she even gets paid.
>"But carrying on from the joke, this tree must be very dangerous to be sealed. I guess if you want to seal a tree then you would want to get at its roots. Those are where they get their nutrients, a pretty important thing. So one of the "Lodestones" of the Seal must be at least near its roots."
>"Though I do wonder why we're the ones speculating about the seal on the Tree. Wouldn't Youmu have more information about the seal, given that she's the Gardner? Or Yuyuko, given that she's the Lady of the Hakugyokurou?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 10, 2024, 02:28:08 PM
> "On the topic of Yuyuko,  I checked the weather the spirit of Saigyou Ayakashi and it had the same weather as her."
> "Unique and special people like her normally have their own unique weather and it's even odder for her to share the weather with a tree of all things"

> Is there anybody in our surroundings that we could possibly ask about the tree's origins.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 10, 2024, 02:29:27 PM
> Agree 'You're right, we should ask our hosts to see what they know.  I just thought perhaps they haven't figured out how to unseal it in their time here or have been too busy with the Netherworld to work on it."
> Gesture up the steps towards going and asking Yuyuko about it.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 11, 2024, 08:44:12 PM
> "On the topic of Yuyuko,  I checked the weather the spirit of Saigyou Ayakashi and it had the same weather as her."
> "Unique and special people like her normally have their own unique weather and it's even odder for her to share the weather with a tree of all things"

>"...Yeah, I don't think a Tree should have the same weather as a person. I'm not at all well-versed in whatever your sword does, but this seems unusual."
>"Hmm, usually when two entities have instrinsic similarities like these, it's because they're closely linked. Like, on a Spiritual level. Don't ask me how I know this though."

> Is there anybody in our surroundings that we could possibly ask about the tree's origins.

>The best bet would be the longest living ghost or phantom here. But due to the nature of both, that might be hard to determine.
>There are some in the area you could ask. There always are.

> Agree 'You're right, we should ask our hosts to see what they know.  I just thought perhaps they haven't figured out how to unseal it in their time here or have been too busy with the Netherworld to work on it."
> Gesture up the steps towards going and asking Yuyuko about it.

>Shinmyoumaru's face goes pale. "A-alright, I'm only going up there if I can get a ride!"
>She's already sitting in Shion's bowl.
>"I can get up there myself."
>"I do wonder, maybe there's a good reason Youmu and Yuyuko never bothered unsealing it?"

>You know for a fact that statement is wrong because you witnessed that Incident where Winter dragged on far into when Spring should have started, and you know that Yuyuko was responsible for that.
>"Uh, tried unsealing it again, I mean."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 12, 2024, 12:49:40 AM
> "I guess we'll find out once we ask the mistress herself."
> "Let's see who can reach the top first alright?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on June 12, 2024, 04:55:24 AM
>You take a brief sniff, and you smell... like Cherry Blossoms. This perfume really does work wonders, you should thank Yuyuko. For only that. And no other reasons. Absolutely not.

>You take a brief sniff, and you smell... like Cherry Blossoms. This perfume really does work wonders, you should thank Yuyuko. For only that. And no other reasons. Absolutely not.

>"Tell your friends I said 'Hello'!"

> Once everyone reaches the top-put a rather good effort in but do not exaggerate in order for your friends to also being appreciative of their own efforts tell Shinmyoumaru and Shion miss Yuyuko extend her greetings to them as well.

>You look at the bottle, the liquid inside is slightly pink but mostly clear. And the nozzle seems to made to spray a mist outwards. You sniff it, and it smells like the Cherry Blossoms from outside.
>"It's a perfume. I don't want to be rude, but... you smell. Most likely due to your perspiration. This perfume should help ward off the 'Stench of Death'."
>How ironic that a ghost, and the Lady of Hakugyokurou at that, is giving you something to help with your deathly stench.
>But did she just have this prepared for you this whole time?
> Once on the way keep talking, but  with a direct question although tempered down with the tone and look of friendshìp: since you would have not taken offense at your fridnds but rather gained an earlier awareness thanks to them,  when did they notice the"Unprecedented Death Stench" on you? Why, especially the why,   did they not reveal it to you?


>It is indeed suspicious that Yuyuko would help you in this circumstance considering that she should in all likeliness be on The Ministry's side. You do know that she's much more clever than she presents herself. So she likely knows something that you don't and is hiding it from you. Getting her to spill that information is probably going to be more effort than it's worth however...

> Then on more at-hand matters... keep in mind to look for and take opportunitues to find out about,  while still being amiable and grateful, a good guest and apprentice, some or more about the why Yuyuko is so helpful and wiith preparation in store for you since she should be either on the side of Ministry or Neutral...

>... moreover, she, or rather her retainer Youmu, is not on "The Iku-suggested list of specifically helpful and relatable masters"...
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 12, 2024, 05:24:23 AM
> Get ready to sprint towards the top.

> What do we know about that time spring took a while to arrive?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 13, 2024, 08:27:34 PM
> "I guess we'll find out once we ask the mistress herself."
> "Let's see who can reach the top first alright?"

>Shinmyoumaru jumps onto Shion's head immediately upon hearing that dare.
>"I am not participating!"
>Shion puffs up her chest, much more confident, smug, and foolhardy than she usually is. "Hmhm! First one to the top owes the other a bowl of Miso Soup!"

> Get ready to sprint towards the top.

> What do we know about that time spring took a while to arrive?

>Snow covered a majority of Gensokyo despite it supposedly being the middle of Spring. This was because "Spring", or the Weathers associated with it, was being taken away from Gensokyo, and occassionally its denizens. You saw yourself the stream of Spring and some Spirits heading up to the Netherworld, most likely due to the weakening of the Border of Life and Death. You know for a fact that Yuyuko was responsible for the Incident, because not many people could have the unfathomable power required for such a feat as stealing Spring.

>You look up while reminding yourself of the past Incident and see Shion getting a head-start on you.
>"Come on, you slowpoke! Do you want to lose?!"
>You immediately feel the competitve part of yourself surging. That's an intrinsic part of you at this point.
>With that, you're off to the races.

> Once on the way keep talking, but  with a direct question although tempered down with the tone and look of friendshìp: since you would have not taken offense at your fridnds but rather gained an earlier awareness thanks to them,  when did they notice the"Unprecedented Death Stench" on you? Why, especially the why,   did they not reveal it to you?

>Shion talks through laboured breaths. Unexpectedly, she's climbing up the stairs by foot, just like you. You have no idea how she's going to keep up with you, considering how malnourished she looks. "R-right, we noticed it when you arrived at the Shining Needle Castle! We thought that it was me at first, but when you left it was obviously you! We didn't t-tell you because we didn't want to be rude!"
>"We all have off days when we just can't get rid of odours. We didn't want to seem judgmental. Didn't know it was a sign of something this serious."

> Then on more at-hand matters... keep in mind to look for and take opportunitues to find out about,  while still being amiable and grateful, a good guest and apprentice, some or more about the why Yuyuko is so helpful and wiith preparation in store for you since she should be either on the side of Ministry or Neutral...

>... moreover, she, or rather her retainer Youmu, is not on "The Iku-suggested list of specifically helpful and relatable masters"...

>Right, Yuyuko is being very helpful. It's unprecedented. As much as you would really like it if she was doing it because she loves likes you, you have to keep the possibility of her being in league with the Ministry in the back of your head. You really hope she isn't...

> Once everyone reaches the top-put a rather good effort in but do not exaggerate in order for your friends to also being appreciative of their own efforts tell Shinmyoumaru and Shion miss Yuyuko extend her greetings to them as well.

>You and Shion make it to what feels like the last stretch and you both sprint. Shion leaps over the last step just before you do and cheers in celebration.
"Yeah! I did it! I get to have Miso Soup later, and I earned it by beating Tenshi as well! It's going to taste so good!"
>After her jubilation, she falls to the floor in exhaustion and you catch her.
>You then tell Shinmyoumaru and Shion and Yuyuko extends her greetings to them as well.
>"This is going to a legendary day! The Inchling Princess is going to meet with The Lady of The Hakugyokurou! A meeting between the elite for sure."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 14, 2024, 12:36:21 AM
> "Is Miso Soup really the best reward you could come up with Shion? You could have at least bet on something more lavish."

> "Don't miss behave around Yuyuko alright, I don't want her image of me to be tainted."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 14, 2024, 11:35:28 AM
> Perhaps word that bit about misbahving a bit more politely.  (Unless they're actually known to get a little too excited when meeting someone like Yuyuko!)

> Indeed there's still the possibility our hosts may be informing the ministry.  Let's do some more digging and find out what we can about their intentions.  What do we know about how Youmu and Yuyuko became the heads of the Netherworld?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 14, 2024, 12:21:13 PM
//We also have to consider that Iku was the one who suggested Youmu to us. It's posible that she consulted Youmu and Yuyuko beforehand and that's why they have so many things set up already.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 17, 2024, 12:20:38 PM
> "Is Miso Soup really the best reward you could come up with Shion? You could have at least bet on something more lavish."

>"Yes. Yes it is the best reward I can come up with. It tastes good, it's cheap, and I can ask for it pretty much anywhere. The fact that it's cheap is the best part, really."
>"Though I could go for another Miso dish..."

> "Don't miss behave around Yuyuko alright, I don't want her image of me to be tainted."
> Perhaps word that bit about misbahving a bit more politely.  (Unless they're actually known to get a little too excited when meeting someone like Yuyuko!)

>You (politely) tell Shinmyoumaru and Shion to try to act with decorum around Yuyuko. Shion can get a bit mopey and Shinmyoumaru is excitable, it isn't a problem around you or their friends but strangers might think their behaviour is strange or annoying.
>"Why do you care about what Yuyuko thinks about you? She may be The Lady of The Hakugyokurou, but you're a Celestial. Of the Nai Clan no less. Unless..." Shinmyomaru's face becomes impish. "Do you have a crush on Yuyuko?" she says teasingly.
>Shion jerks her head towards Shinmyoumaru at that question.
"But seriously, I am The Inchling Princess. I know at least a bit about how to act around aristocracy or similar types. You don't need to worry about me. Rather... How are they going to react to Shion?"

> Indeed there's still the possibility our hosts may be informing the ministry.  Let's do some more digging and find out what we can about their intentions.  What do we know about how Youmu and Yuyuko became the heads of the Netherworld?

>You don't know much about them. You know that Yuyuko inherited the role from the past Lord, who was a poet of some sort. And you know that Youmu inherited her role from a member of her family, who was also Half-Human Half-Phantom.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 17, 2024, 06:39:19 PM
> Try and dodge the question of whether we have a crush by reassuring "I'm certain they'd be pleased to meet the poverty goddess!"

> Do we know anything about Yuyuko's past life and how she became a ghost?

> Continue searching for our hosts.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 18, 2024, 05:24:11 AM
> If they still continue to press on about us having a "crush" on Yuyuko (pftt as if), tell Shion that we'll get her two miso soups. That'll hopefully distract her from the topic.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 18, 2024, 04:55:36 PM
> Try and dodge the question of whether we have a crush by reassuring "I'm certain they'd be pleased to meet the poverty goddess!"

>"Well, are people happy when they see Hina?"
>"Some of them that are more in the know are. Or those that don't really need to worry about misfortune. Yuyuko might actually be fine."
>"Maybe... But Tenshi, you still haven't told us why Yuyuko's opinion seems to be so important to you. Is Shinmyoumaru right?" I-is Shion glaring at you?! She's supposed to be tired, right?!

> If they still continue to press on about us having a "crush" on Yuyuko (pftt as if), tell Shion that we'll get her two miso soups. That'll hopefully distract her from the topic.

>"Two Miso Soups?!" And with that, she's not glaring at you anymore. "O-okay, later! Maybe if we see Mystia's Izakaya or the Human Village so we can go to Geidontei and-and have some beer and-." That was a close one.

> Do we know anything about Yuyuko's past life and how she became a ghost?

>Nothing. She must have been alive either before or while you were Chiko, because you never saw anyone who looked or acted like Yuyuko while looking down on Earth from Heaven in boredom. You know she must have died to become a ghost (duh) but not how she died.

> Continue searching for our hosts.

>You go inside the Ghost Shrine, Shinmyoumaru follows while Shion discusses meal options with her.
>You see Yuyuko sitting at a table having a cup of tea, graceful as always.
>"You're back soon, with your friends no less. And here I thought that going up and down those stairs would be tiring."
>"Youmu will be ready in a small moment. Anything you would like to talk about in the mean time?"

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 18, 2024, 06:26:56 PM
> "Well, I think I might have gotten used to those stairs, it makes great exercise."

> Sit down at the table, gesture at Shion and Shinyoumaru to have a seat too.
> "I was wondering about what exactly the  Saigyou Ayakashi is. Spiritual trees like it normally have a story to how they attained their spirituality."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 18, 2024, 09:02:36 PM
>  Politely add "Since it's not blooming, perhaps there's some kind of magic or seal preventing it from doing so. As the Eldest Daughter I could examine to see what it would take to get it back to blooming every season, it's the least we can offer to our hosts for the hospitality!"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 18, 2024, 10:59:52 PM
> "Well, I think I might have gotten used to those stairs, it makes great exercise."

>"An interesting use case. Ahh, if only I still had use for things like exercise."

> Sit down at the table, gesture at Shion and Shinyoumaru to have a seat too.
> "I was wondering about what exactly the  Saigyou Ayakashi is. Spiritual trees like it normally have a story to how they attained their spirituality."
>  Politely add "Since it's not blooming, perhaps there's some kind of magic or seal preventing it from doing so. As the Eldest Daughter I could examine to see what it would take to get it back to blooming every season, it's the least we can offer to our hosts for the hospitality!"

>You sit down at the table, Shion and Shinmyoumaru join in. Shion in particular gives a strange look towards Yuyuko.
>Yuyuko's face seems contemplative. "The Saigyou Ayakashi...For as long as I've been the Lady, that Tree has been there."
>"A long time ago, a talented poet travelled around the land currently known as Gensokyo. When that poet became aware his time was running out, he chose to rest beneath the most beautiful Cherry Blossom tree he could find. After he died, others heard of the otherworldly beauty of this Tree and followed his stead. After the Tree soaked in enough blood, it became a Youkai Tree. It became able to lure people to their death on its own, and became known as the Saigyou Ayakashi. Later on, this tree would be sealed with a Human Soul."
>"I wanted to unseal the Saigyou Ayakashi, to see those legendary blossoms and to unseal that soul. The event that you might know as the "Perfect Cherry Blossom" Incident was not my first attempt. It was my most drastic, however."
>Her face droops and she looks melancholic. "No matter what I try to unseal the Saigyou Ayakashi I'm never successful and I don't know why. The Perfect Cherry Blossom Incident was the closest I got and I had to endanger the lives of thousands for that chance."

>Her face perks up to be more cheerful. "Nowadays I just enjoy the perks of being both a literal and figurative free spirit while appreciating all of the other pieces of beauty this land can show me. Like you
>"You can certainly try to get rid of that seal, I doubt you'll get further than I did. Not because you're unskilled, but because even I had a literal eternity to unseal the tree and had to give up eventually."

Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 19, 2024, 07:00:05 AM
> Did Shion catch Yuyukos little comment about us?

> Let's take a look at the seal later and see if we can determine what's needed to get it to bloom.

> Agree "We'll look into it, if we can't figure it out is there something else we can offer to the hospitality?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 21, 2024, 07:46:07 PM
> Is it considered rude to ask a ghost how they died?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 22, 2024, 12:54:43 PM
> Did Shion catch Yuyukos little comment about us?

>No, she seems to have only absorbed the main part of Yuyuko's talk about the Saigyou Ayakashi.

> Let's take a look at the seal later and see if we can determine what's needed to get it to bloom.

> Agree "We'll look into it, if we can't figure it out is there something else we can offer to the hospitality?"

>"You can give me your heart :heart:~"
>Okay, Shion definitely heard that one. She's slumped back in her seat being moody now.
>Yuyuko chuckles. "I'm kidding!" Her face becomes devious. "Or am I?"
>"But seriously, if you're planning to look into that seal soon then you better work fast or discreetly. My friend,
Yakumo Yukari, is going to arrive here soon."
>Wha- Yukari?! Why is she even coming here?! How is she friends with Yuyuko?!
>Meanwhile, Yuyuko is just sipping her tea like nothing is wrong.

> Is it considered rude to ask a ghost how they died?

>You know nothing of Ghost Etiquette.
>You guess it would depend on the ghost? Some ghosts are so vengeful due to how they died they would probably tell you unprompted. But others would have such traumatic deaths that it would be dredging up some horrible memories.
>Yuyuko does seem lackadaisical enough to talk about her death in stride.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 22, 2024, 01:47:56 PM
>  "I guess I should head out soon, will Yukari be able to notice that I'm in this area? You probably already know that it's best for us to avoid an encounter."

> How did Shinyoumaru react to the comments made by Yuyuko?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 22, 2024, 09:00:55 PM
> Add "Since we're trying to lay low and whatever gossip gets out brings prying eyes here..."

> Though, we did hint to the Shinigami about the whole going to the moon thing, perhaps running into her wouldn't be as unproductive as we think?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 24, 2024, 09:37:22 PM
>  "I guess I should head out soon, will Yukari be able to notice that I'm in this area? You probably already know that it's best for us to avoid an encounter."
> Add "Since we're trying to lay low and whatever gossip gets out brings prying eyes here..."

> Though, we did hint to the Shinigami about the whole going to the moon thing, perhaps running into her wouldn't be as unproductive as we think?

>"Oh, definitely, you should leave. I would not be surprised if she were discreetly watching you since you came here, or even once you started your journey. If she somehow knows you were here then I will vouch for you. I cannot allow a cute Celestial like you to suffer her grudges."

>Maybe you could convince her that you both have a common enemy in the moon? Or at least convince her that going along with the lie is a good idea. But if she's been watching you for long...

> How did Shinyoumaru react to the comments made by Yuyuko?

>Shinmyoumaru gave you a sly smirk. You feel like you know what she means by it but you do not want to admit.

>Youmu walks in from a different room. Dressed in the same clothes that you regularly see her in.
>"Tenshi, I am ready for our training."
>"Are your friends joining in? I could accommodate them but it would take more precious time. Or they can just watch."

>It is going to be a very funny sight. You in your gardening clothing duelling Youmu in her regular clothing.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 25, 2024, 08:45:18 AM
> Ask "Want to join in?"

> What would be the best way to determine if we're being watched? Since we know miss Yakumo's weather effect could we use our ability in an unconventional way to perceive/sense her presence?  Thinking back on the weather incident her weather effect remained active even when she was hidden... Perhaps we could try going somewhere isolated and changing the weather based on the nearest person's influence and seeing what it changes to?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 25, 2024, 03:19:32 PM
//Should we change ourselves back into our nornal clothes? It wouldn't be respectful of us to go around Hakugyokurou in farmers clothes.

> Where did we leave our original change of clothes?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 25, 2024, 04:27:59 PM
// Certainly! It wouldn't be befitting of a celestial to be seen as we are now! I was just too focused on the prospect of being eavesdropped on to think about it.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 25, 2024, 06:19:40 PM
> Ask "Want to join in?"

>"Nah, I don't think I'll be very good at sparring in my current size."
>"I don't use any bladed weapons, let alone Katana. I wouldn't gain anything from participating."

> What would be the best way to determine if we're being watched? Since we know miss Yakumo's weather effect could we use our ability in an unconventional way to perceive/sense her presence?  Thinking back on the weather incident her weather effect remained active even when she was hidden... Perhaps we could try going somewhere isolated and changing the weather based on the nearest person's influence and seeing what it changes to?

>That would work. Generally, the more exposed and obvious someone's Qi or Spiritual Energy is, the easier it is to lock onto their Weather. If Yukari is watching you, then she has to be doing it from an extension of her ability meaning her Qi is all over the place. Either that, or she's using her Shikigami, and they're also easy to track.

> Where did we leave our original change of clothes?

>A side room. More of a very large closet, really. Your regular clothes are covered in sweat but arguably more formal than the gardening wear you currently have on.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 26, 2024, 02:20:02 AM
> "Then I guess you guys can just watch from the sidelines."
> Stand up from our seat politely.
>"Now if you will excuse me, I must change into more appropriate clothes before I begin the sparring."
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 26, 2024, 02:28:03 PM
> Can we notice anything odd about the neaby Qi or Spiritual Energy? If there's too much energy to individually identify someone then make a mental note to find an isolated location to try again.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 28, 2024, 02:48:28 PM
> "Then I guess you guys can just watch from the sidelines."
> Stand up from our seat politely.
>"Now if you will excuse me, I must change into more appropriate clothes before I begin the sparring."

>"Huh, alright."
>"Aww, you look cute in those clothes."
>"My lady, please not in front of other guests."

> Can we notice anything odd about the neaby Qi or Spiritual Energy? If there's too much energy to individually identify someone then make a mental note to find an isolated location to try again.

>You don't notice anything odd. You feel your own Aurora, Yuyuko's Snow, Youmu's Blue Sky, Shion's Acid Rain, and Shinmyoumaru's Dust Devil, but not anything else unusual. Though maybe the amount of unique people around you is making it hard to find anything subtle, so you should probably do this when a bit more isolated.

>You leave the room and go to the closet.
>You see your regular change of clothes, they're sweaty, but they're still your clothes and fairly formal. You change into them, and bring the gardening clothes with you back into the main chamber.
>"I'll be holding those clothes for you."
>Just as you wonder how she's going to do that, your gardening clothes shrink in your hands and she takes them.
>"Are you ready?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 28, 2024, 03:22:51 PM
> "I'm all set now."
> "What will be the rules for our spar?"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 28, 2024, 09:04:13 PM
> Alright that's somewhat reassuring, make a mental note to try again later in a more isolated area but for now we're clear. At least there were no Shinigami neaby!  Let's focus on the duel and enjoying our time here.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 29, 2024, 10:02:35 AM
> Alright that's somewhat reassuring, make a mental note to try again later in a more isolated area but for now we're clear. At least there were no Shinigami neaby!  Let's focus on the duel and enjoying our time here.

>Alright, all clear. Now to spar with Youmu and finally kick off this training.

> "I'm all set now."
> "What will be the rules for our spar?"

>"We will spar with our regular weapons. I will use Roukanken and you will use your Sword of Hisou." Huh, you honestly thought you would both use bokken or something.
>"We will fight until one of us either get three strikes on the other's body, or two strikes to the wrist. Danmaku is allowed, however special abilities are not. Myon won't be on my side, and you will not use your Weather Effects. You can use your Keystones, however. They can be used as danmaku or as a shield for attacks."
>"Yuyuko will be judging whether or not hits count or if we break the rules."
You see Yuyuko waving at you.
>"I might as well judge too. Yuyuko might be biased and give Youmu a win."
>Yuyuko gasps in faux shock. "Oh my! I wouldn't want to spoil a fair game like that! Besides, I would likely be more biased towards Tenshi's favour." She gives you a wink.
>"Yeah, yeah, you want her, we get it." Shinmyoumaru says in exasperation.
>"I'll watch and judge as well. I'll be cheering for you, but otherwise I will try to not be biased"
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 29, 2024, 11:33:18 AM
> Assume a stance that enhances our range and summon the Sword of Hisou.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on June 29, 2024, 12:57:50 PM
> Take a look at our surroundings. What type of floor are we fighting on? Is there a ceiling?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on June 29, 2024, 03:43:54 PM
> Assume a stance that enhances our range and summon the Sword of Hisou.

>You and Youmu walk over to the front entrance of Hakugyokurou, a wide open area.
>You raise your hands over your head and summon the Sword of Hisou. (Thank goodness it practically doesn't take any space)
>Youmu goes into a low guard, her Roukanken facing towards you.

> Take a look at our surroundings. What type of floor are we fighting on? Is there a ceiling?

>The floor is an array of Stone Tiles. Smoothed and cleaned, probably by Youmu herself. There is no ceiling. Yuyuko, Shinmyoumaru, and Shion are watching in bated breath, probably wondering who will make the first move.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on June 29, 2024, 08:22:58 PM
> Youmu is certainlt trying to impress miss Yuyuko, let's draw out the first strike by appearing vulnerable. Leave a semi obvious opening in our stance only to pre-emptively strike when she goes for it and aim for the wrist!

> Summon a line of low scattered keystones on the ground behind her as we follow through with our strike so that she trips upon retreating.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 01, 2024, 01:41:21 PM
> Youmu is certainlt trying to impress miss Yuyuko, let's draw out the first strike by appearing vulnerable. Leave a semi obvious opening in our stance only to pre-emptively strike when she goes for it and aim for the wrist!

> Summon a line of low scattered keystones on the ground behind her as we follow through with our strike so that she trips upon retreating.

>You lean forward in your stance. It already leaves you wide open, so there aren't many adjustments that need to be made.
>Youmu circles around you, keeping her blade between you and her.

>Youmu seems to have tired of waiting and advances towards you. Interestingly, she runs instead of floating.
>You immediately spring your trap, swinging downwards at her while simultaneously summoning Keystones to block her escape!
>She stands her ground and her attack deflects yours, and she follows up with a thrust that targets your wrists-
>Youmu's Roukanken slams the Sword of Hisou out of your hands!
>Youmu walks back a bit. "Baiting me is not going to work. It may work on an unskilled enemy who doesn't know how to provoke a counter that's sure to fail, but it will not work on someone like me."
>"Youmu, that attack scores no points."
>"Yeah, I'm not counting that either."
>"What? Why not?"
>"Although that attack would be the end of a fight against an opponent with a regular weapon, Tenshi can just summon the Sword of Hisou right back into her hands. Disarming her is actually the most pointless thing to do."

>Youmu walks always from you, but not too far. The Keystones have essentially halved the amount of space either of you can move without flying.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 01, 2024, 04:00:18 PM
> She's right, let's reserve that trick for our lesser skilled opponents ...but what if we did something totally unexpected?

> Can we shoot a giant laser from the Sword of Hisou? // Referring to that old flash game Megaton Shot where you'd draw a sigil and spin it to shoot a master spark like beam to score points.  Tenshi spins the Sword of Hisou only for the spark to comically backfire!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on July 02, 2024, 11:27:41 AM
> Can we identify the stance that Youmu is in?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 04, 2024, 06:27:05 PM
> She's right, let's reserve that trick for our lesser skilled opponents ...but what if we did something totally unexpected?

> Can we shoot a giant laser from the Sword of Hisou? // Referring to that old flash game Megaton Shot where you'd draw a sigil and spin it to shoot a master spark like beam to score points.  Tenshi spins the Sword of Hisou only for the spark to comically backfire!

>Of course, you can. It's the most basic technique you could use the Sword of Hisou for. Although Scarlet Weather Rapture and its alternatives are not lasers, but rather an extremely condesed barrage of Bullets, lasers are a step down in difficulty.

> Can we identify the stance that Youmu is in?

>Youmu is in a low guard again, her sword between you and her.

>Youmu decides to advance towards you, keeping her guard.

    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 06, 2024, 07:39:17 AM
> Sidestep and adopt the Hidari-Jodan-Gamae stance while maintaining distance without breaking eye contact.

> Reach for a strike while simultaneously dispelling the keystones, hopefully giving us that split second opening by taking her eyes off us.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 09, 2024, 09:58:37 AM
> Sidestep and adopt the Hidari-Jodan-Gamae stance while maintaining distance without breaking eye contact.

> Reach for a strike while simultaneously dispelling the keystones, hopefully giving us that split second opening by taking her eyes off us.

>You raise your Sword upwards and lean forward, trying to look as imposing as possible.
>Youmu answers by lunging forward.

>You dispel the keystones and perform a vertical slash with your Sword, but Youmu looks directly into your eyes before thrusting her blade at your chest.
>Both of your attacks hit each other at the same time. Your attack strikes Youmu near her sternum, while she thrusts directly where your heart would be.
>"Both Tenshi and Youmu lose one point on their chests!"
>"Not that they had much to begin with."
>"Shinmy, are you sure you should be saying that? Of all people?"

>Youmu speeds backwards, going the full length of the "Arena" this time.
>"A good job of taking advantage of the speed the stance gives you. However you have to remember that anyone who faces you in combat like this is likely to take hits from you if it means striking you down. You should learn to Attack while Defending. It's entirely possible to attack in a way that intercepts some angles I could attack from."

    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 09, 2024, 06:24:15 PM
> Complement Youmu on her focus and swiftness.

> Comment "You're not the only one who can't keep their eyes off me!" while glancing at our spectators.

> Take note of the angle which Youmu used to attack us and think of an attacking motion that would obstruct such strikes.

> From what we remember from Youmu's strike were there any openings from which we could've counterattacked from?

> Sidestep to give ourselves room to assume our previous stance. If Youmu makes the first move, expect a variation of her last move and try to take advantage of the openings we saw, otherwise go for a variation of our own, striking while taking into account the angles we need to obstruct.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on July 09, 2024, 09:26:31 PM
//Yomu hit us directly where the heart should be, and her other strike was aiming to hit our wrists. She's probably trained to always hit our most fatal points so we should make sure to have extra caution there.

> Make sure to also expect a move that will hit any important fatal points.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 10, 2024, 06:01:18 PM
> Complement Youmu on her focus and swiftness.

> Comment "You're not the only one who can't keep their eyes off me!" while glancing at our spectators.

>"Oho, she's definitely right about that."
>"Make sure to be as focused as her!"
>"My focus and swiftness is nothing praiseworthy. The Tengu have me beat on swiftness especially." Youmu's mouth curls into a smile. "But still, thank you."
>With that, she moves towards you carefully.

> Take note of the angle which Youmu used to attack us and think of an attacking motion that would obstruct such strikes.

> From what we remember from Youmu's strike were there any openings from which we could've counterattacked from?

>Her attack was a fast thrust. If you had a less open or lower guard then you could have countered it easily, but this is one of the noted downsides of the stance you took: How open it is.

> Sidestep to give ourselves room to assume our previous stance. If Youmu makes the first move, expect a variation of her last move and try to take advantage of the openings we saw, otherwise go for a variation of our own, striking while taking into account the angles we need to obstruct.

>You adopt your previous stance, and Youmu dives in.
>You see her hands move for a swing rather than a thrust, it's aiming high-

> Make sure to also expect a move that will hit any important fatal points.

>Right! Fatal spots!
>You move your hands into a low guard, then swing upwards. The target was Youmu's body, but your Sword is (coincidentally?) in the path of her Roukanken, leading to a clash.
>You two are stuck in a bind. You take a moment to extrapolate what Youmu's target was. And realise it was your neck, as you thought.
>This girl really has no mercy, does she?

    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on July 11, 2024, 11:03:46 PM
> Keep pushing more with our sword, in terms of raw strength and stamina we probably out power her so she should eventually break.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 12, 2024, 08:06:39 AM
> Be ready in case she tries to slide the sword away to break out of the stalemate.

> Push both with our feet and magically as if we were trying to fly forward.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 12, 2024, 02:05:46 PM
> Keep pushing more with our sword, in terms of raw strength and stamina we probably out power her so she should eventually break.
> Push both with our feet and magically as if we were trying to fly forward.

>You decide to use your greatest advantage: Your raw endurance.
>You keep pushing forward, but even with you pushing your strength into your movement, Youmu is surprisingly strong despite her lithe frame.
>You get a bright idea. You tilt and manipulate your Sword in the bind until it's above Youmu's Roukanken, then push down as if pulverising her into the ground.
>Youmu immediately realises that this is a losing battle and attempts to slide away, but her footing becomes uneven-

> Be ready in case she tries to slide the sword away to break out of the stalemate.

>And you're ready.
>You launch a kick, magically-enhanced, at her exposed leg and destroy her balance. As Youmu falls to the floor, you grab her Roukanken as she instinctively tries to catch herself, then lean over and impale (read: poke) your Sword into her wrist.

>"That's one hit to Youmu's wrist! Beautifully done by our graceful Celestial!"
>"I would use a lot of words to describe Tenshi, but graceful definitely is not one of them."
Shion chuckles nervously. "Y-yes. Tenshi is definitely not the picture of grace. But she gets the job done and rushes headfirst into danger without fear! That's what I like about her."
>"Hmhm, me too~."

>Youmu performs a kip-up and distances herself from you.
>She then smiles brightly, with genuine joy. As if she was happy to have lost that clash.
>"Good job in that bind! It seems that you mainly go for defensive behaviour when up against a skilled opponent. Originally, I was planned on keeping Roukanken above your Sword of Hisou to give me the advantage of gravity, but you beat me to that. Breaking someone's footing may not be very feasible while in-flight, but a close equivalent would be destroying their orientation and sense of direction."

>You throw the Roukanken back to its proper owner, and you both have a stand off.
    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on July 12, 2024, 07:42:25 PM
> First the wrists, then the heart and now the neck. What other fatal spots could she hit next? Assuming she won't attack in the same spot again.

> Maintain our guard up and keep our eyes on Youmu.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 13, 2024, 02:32:39 PM
> Perhaps she decides to dual wield to guard or hit two points at once?
> Does Youmu have another blade sheathed?
> Can we summon a second blade? (Like a magical copy of the Sword of Hisou)
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 15, 2024, 06:06:09 PM
> First the wrists, then the heart and now the neck. What other fatal spots could she hit next? Assuming she won't attack in the same spot again.

> Maintain our guard up and keep our eyes on Youmu.

>You stare at Youmu. She's completely still, not even twitching. It's actually a strange amount of focus to have while completely still.

> Perhaps she decides to dual wield to guard or hit two points at once?
> Does Youmu have another blade sheathed?
> Can we summon a second blade? (Like a magical copy of the Sword of Hisou)

>Yes, she has her Hakurouken sheathed and has hasn't pulled it out once. Probably because she thinks she won't have to.
>No, you cannot summon a magical copy of the Sword of Hisou, how you wish you could. You can, however, create a blade-shaped keystone to wield. It's just a bit of stonemasonry.
    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 16, 2024, 02:25:59 PM
> Let's show our mentor what we've learned and aim for the vital points! In our own way of course...

> Open with some light danmaku to give her something to think about while we change stance to enhance our speed. Make a spinning dash forward, and while our sword is obscured from her view dispel the Sword of Hisou and replace it with a keystone sword, using it's added weight to power through her instinctual block and knock her off balance.
> Try to be ready for a followup move after striking or if our swords get caught in another bind.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on July 17, 2024, 04:21:53 AM
> Could we theoretically throw our Sword of Hisou at an opponent, summon it back, throw it again and repeat the same process to form a pseudo-danmaku?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 18, 2024, 05:39:08 PM
> Let's show our mentor what we've learned and aim for the vital points! In our own way of course...

> Open with some light danmaku to give her something to think about while we change stance to enhance our speed. Make a spinning dash forward, and while our sword is obscured from her view dispel the Sword of Hisou and replace it with a keystone sword, using it's added weight to power through her instinctual block and knock her off balance.
> Try to be ready for a followup move after striking or if our swords get caught in another bind.

>You raise your hand and shoot a light curtain of slow bullets, made with Scarlet Energy, to distract Youmu.
>She responds by staying still and deflecting any bullets that come close to her.
>You advance forward through the curtain and spin with a flourish, replacing your Sword of Hisou with a Keystone-made blade.
>The sharp slab of black granite flies towards Youmu's neck, but she reorients herself in the bullet curtain (an impressive feat considering she's only moving on the ground) and puts all her force into deflecting.
>Youmu's Roukanken slices straight through your blade, destroying it. Thankfully Keystones are disposable, and this forced Youmu to focus on attacking your sword rather than your body.
>As a result, you're right in front of Youmu. You quickly follow up by summoning the Sword of Hisou in your off-hand and throwing a diagonal cut at Youmu's elbow.
>She finally unsheathes her Hakurouken and deflects your Sword of Hisou before distancing herself. She has to do so while dodging lingering danmaku, and so doesn't get far.

> Could we theoretically throw our Sword of Hisou at an opponent, summon it back, throw it again and repeat the same process to form a pseudo-danmaku?

>Yes, absolutely. You remember doing this at the Scarlet Weather Incident and the Perfect Possession Incident. It's really fun!
    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 18, 2024, 06:43:30 PM
// Ahh, by "being ready for a followup attack" I meant ending the move there for instructions on the next turn without resummoning the Sword of Hisou.

> Dispel the Sword of Hisou and summon two keystone swords, one in each hand. Before she has any chance to recompose herself charge forward, using our 'blades' not to attack but to parry her counterattack by 'sweeping' her blades out of the way. Get as close as possible and if we can make an opening use our strength and attempt to grab her with our arms behind her back.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 22, 2024, 08:56:02 AM
> Dispel the Sword of Hisou and summon two keystone swords, one in each hand. Before she has any chance to recompose herself charge forward, using our 'blades' not to attack but to parry her counterattack by 'sweeping' her blades out of the way. Get as close as possible and if we can make an opening use our strength and attempt to grab her with our arms behind her back.

>You rush forward, dispelling the Sword of Hisou and immediately shaping two Keystone swords, one for each hand.
>Youmu tightens her grip on Roukanken and Hakurouken. You aim for her swords, putting her on the defensive, she backsteps and uses off-line movement as long as she can.
>This is actually a bit difficult. Everytime you get close, she lurches backwards as if she was saving energy and speed for that moment. You need to make her stumble or something, or you aren't going to catch her.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 22, 2024, 09:37:01 AM
> Noticing the pattern of her dashing backwards the moment we get close summon a small keystone in her expected path before trying again. Surely Youmu can't see behind her back!?
> Keep up the pressure with our keystone swords, parrying any hits cominf our way without aggressively going for a strike.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on July 22, 2024, 04:14:20 PM
> Noticing the pattern of her dashing backwards the moment we get close summon a small keystone in her expected path before trying again. Surely Youmu can't see behind her back!?
> Keep up the pressure with our keystone swords, parrying any hits cominf our way without aggressively going for a strike.

> Try to box her in by launching increasing and different sprays of larger ring bullets  both coming from the small keystone and the space separating the 2 of us, adjusting them. to Youmu backward movements and successive responses.

> Look ready to capitalize on a moment of lull,pause,opening or stumbling to throw the Sword of Hisou at her least defense-ready side.

> Be ready, while closing-up for the close-up engagement,  to reinforce the counterattack by launching-thrusting 1 of the Keystone-Blade, off-hand or main-hand and quickly ,  depending which side Youmu's stance and  footing is more harried, by quickly replacing it the Sword of Hisou and quickly serving further striking-engagements pressuring/bypassing her guard and orientation.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 22, 2024, 04:22:45 PM
> Don't summon the Sword of Hisou, use a keystone sword // I'm saving it for a finishing strike that'll make Youmu (and Yuyuko...) proud.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 25, 2024, 12:11:13 PM
> Noticing the pattern of her dashing backwards the moment we get close summon a small keystone in her expected path before trying again. Surely Youmu can't see behind her back!?
> Keep up the pressure with our keystone swords, parrying any hits cominf our way without aggressively going for a strike.

>You summon a small Keystone behind Youmu as she backsteps, she can't see it-
>But she does twist backwards in avoiding it. What is this girl?!
>You continue your pursuance of her.


> Try to box her in by launching increasing and different sprays of larger ring bullets  both coming from the small keystone and the space separating the 2 of us, adjusting them. to Youmu backward movements and successive responses.

> Look ready to capitalize on a moment of lull,pause,opening or stumbling to throw the Sword of Hisou at her least defense-ready side.

> Be ready, while closing-up for the close-up engagement,  to reinforce the counterattack by launching-thrusting 1 of the Keystone-Blade, off-hand or main-hand and quickly ,  depending which side Youmu's stance and  footing is more harried, by quickly replacing it the Sword of Hisou and quickly serving further striking-engagements pressuring/bypassing her guard and orientation.

>This fight has turned very agile. You're sure both you and Youmu have travelled around the entire Arena while clashing blades.
>You've summoned a lot of Keystones in an attempt to trip her, but she gracefully dodges every one of them, to your annoyance. And the ones she doesn't dodge get cut in half with a stroke of her blades.

>Eventually you decide to limit her movement.

>All of the Keystones that had been discarded and chopped suddenly shoot barrages of red bullets, encroaching on Youmu.
>She tries her best to dodge them, but you lunge forward with a thrust which she blocks.
>And that leaves her open to a slash from above with your other hand. Her other hand is low, and she can't bring it up fast enough.
>Your Keystone-Blade bops her in the chest, and she falls to the ground.

>"A sterling performance from Tenshi leads to Youmu suffering a hit to the chest!"

    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on July 25, 2024, 11:44:28 PM
> Strike our most stylish pose to impress Yuyuko.
> What expression does everybody have on their face?

> After our pose, resume our combat position.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 26, 2024, 04:56:26 PM
> Use this quiet moment to check for any foreign weather-auras that our fight might've attracted the attention of.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on July 30, 2024, 03:05:22 PM
#I had to get a new Power Cable for my PC because my old one broke. I apologise

> Strike our most stylish pose to impress Yuyuko.
> What expression does everybody have on their face?

>You raise one sword high, and keep the other to your side, while looking into the sky majestically. You hope.
>Shion and Yuyuko are clapping while grinning enthusiatically, Shinmyoumaru is just laughing. You sure hope it's not at you.

> After our pose, resume our combat position.

>You go into a normal pose.
>You realise that you actually have no knowledge of Dual-wielding stances. At least the Sword of Hisou came naturally and Youmu taught you a couple stances for two-handed blades. This feels completely unnatural.

> Use this quiet moment to check for any foreign weather-auras that our fight might've attracted the attention of.

>You briefly focus your sixth sense.
>You can feel Shinmyoumaru, Shion, Yuyuko and Youmu's Weather. Along with...
>Yukari Yakumo's Weather. This likely means that either her or her Shikigami are watching you at the moment. But you have no time to wonder about that now.

>Youmu gets up before walking a few paces from you.
>"Were you always willing to wield two blades? Let alone ones just made out of your keystones?"
>No. You just had the idea right now.
>"Hmm. Oh well. I will warn you now: I am not going to hold back."
>With that statement, Youmu brandishes her blades before executing an elaborate and graceful blade dance. You would be entranced by it if it weren't for the fact that it sends danmaku in the form of sharp air at you.
>You immediately spring to dodge. You usually crutch on your Celestial Body's resilience, but you can't do that now. Every hit counts, and she gains more chances to find an opening on you if you slack off.

>Your movements become more intentional over time. In this Curtain Fire Game, moving without purpose is suicide, your vision is dominated by winds so strong that they have a physical manifestation. Your only solace is that Myon is banned, otherwise this would be worse.
>Not that it's any good. Properly dodging Danmaku usually involves flying, which you aren't doing, and complete focus, which takes your focus away from pushing an offensive.
>The result of this is that you are far from Youmu, and you feel like you're exactly where she wants you to be.
>"Try to block her bullets or get closer!"
    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on July 30, 2024, 09:41:29 PM
> A Celestial must be flawless regardless if the duel is in the air or on the ground! Youmu may have an inherent advantage but we can benefit from this arrangement as well! We may be known for manipulating the environment through the weather (literally), but our surroundings are technically part of the environment as well...

> Imagine the danmaku as a light source and summon 5 large keystones in a 'circle' around the field, about halfway from the center and limits, so that they cast 'shadows' behind which danmaku cannot reach, no matter where it's emitted from. Space them out enough to discourage Youmu from cleaving through them all in one move or spin.

> Using the safe space the keystones create, reevaluate the situation while trying to readopt our previous stance, imagining one sword as our primary striking one and the other as a sacrificial defensive one we can afford to break. With our secondary sword we should be able to counter hits that we wouldn't have been able to defend against with a two handed weapon.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on July 31, 2024, 01:48:19 PM
> We must to find a way to get out of this Bullet Hell that Youmu is putting us through. What type of danmaku (lasers, orbs .etc) is Youmu shooting?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on August 01, 2024, 11:37:13 PM
> A Celestial must be flawless regardless if the duel is in the air or on the ground! Youmu may have an inherent advantage but we can benefit from this arrangement as well! We may be known for manipulating the environment through the weather (literally), but our surroundings are technically part of the environment as well...

> Imagine the danmaku as a light source and summon 5 large keystones in a 'circle' around the field, about halfway from the center and limits, so that they cast 'shadows' behind which danmaku cannot reach, no matter where it's emitted from. Space them out enough to discourage Youmu from cleaving through them all in one move or spin.

> Using the safe space the keystones create, reevaluate the situation while trying to readopt our previous stance, imagining one sword as our primary striking one and the other as a sacrificial defensive one we can afford to break. With our secondary sword we should be able to counter hits that we wouldn't have been able to defend against with a two handed weapon.

> We must to find a way to get out of this Bullet Hell that Youmu is putting us through. What type of danmaku (lasers, orbs .etc) is Youmu shooting?

> Position a series-string of Danmaku-Spread Youmu-aimed Keystones so we there is a "more protect8 e weaving path joining with the Keystone Circle" we better dodge and be protected while we, keepin up our adaptable-mobile,  block&parry guare get closer to Youmu.

> Drop a circle of Danmaku-Focused  Keystones tracking and Targeting around Youmu to ease the pressure an restriction in order to shift them more on Youmu.

> Then also Make also use any slow-dow or imoediment opened in or along the ser-aginst barrage against to further safely advance.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on August 12, 2024, 09:21:47 PM
> We must to find a way to get out of this Bullet Hell that Youmu is putting us through. What type of danmaku (lasers, orbs .etc) is Youmu shooting?

>It's a bit difficult to properly catgeorise air that is so sharp that it has a physical form and hurts. But if you were stretching then you would call them "Crescent-shaped fast-moving bullets".

> A Celestial must be flawless regardless if the duel is in the air or on the ground! Youmu may have an inherent advantage but we can benefit from this arrangement as well! We may be known for manipulating the environment through the weather (literally), but our surroundings are technically part of the environment as well...

> Imagine the danmaku as a light source and summon 5 large keystones in a 'circle' around the field, about halfway from the center and limits, so that they cast 'shadows' behind which danmaku cannot reach, no matter where it's emitted from. Space them out enough to discourage Youmu from cleaving through them all in one move or spin.

> Using the safe space the keystones create, reevaluate the situation while trying to readopt our previous stance, imagining one sword as our primary striking one and the other as a sacrificial defensive one we can afford to break. With our secondary sword we should be able to counter hits that we wouldn't have been able to defend against with a two handed weapon.

> Position a series-string of Danmaku-Spread Youmu-aimed Keystones so we there is a "more protect8 e weaving path joining with the Keystone Circle" we better dodge and be protected while we, keepin up our adaptable-mobile,  block&parry guare get closer to Youmu.

> Drop a circle of Danmaku-Focused  Keystones tracking and Targeting around Youmu to ease the pressure an restriction in order to shift them more on Youmu.

> Then also Make also use any slow-dow or imoediment opened in or along the ser-aginst barrage against to further safely advance.

>Right, stay calm. A Celestial is graceful and flawless even when in conflict and duress. You will be living (and dying) proof of that.

>If the danmaku is light then Youmu is the lamp. You just need to block enough of her barrage for some space.
>With that thought, you summon numerous Pillars of Divine Punishment to block out Youmu a bit, then hide behind one. Making a Curtain to stop the Curtain Fire.
>You look at the two swords in your hands. You are not adept at a dual-wielding martial art, but you're a Celestial. Such things as "Martial Arts" are merely a short thought away from understanding.
>Having both blades focus on offence does not make much sense, it would leave one wide open to an attack even more so than using a single blade. As more blades means more movement required. The main advantage of having two blades then, is the ability to do multiple things at once. Whether that be attacking two separate positions at once, or attacking and defending at the same time. In this case, you need enough defence to not get mulched in a Bullet Hell.

>As you think, the sword in your right hand becomes smaller. If it's not going to be used for offense then it doesn't need to be heavy, in fact, it would be more helpful if it were lighter, then you can swing it faster to bat away incoming attacks.

>As you finish your rumination, you hear an extremely high-pitched sound. As if metal was singing. When you look towards the direction of the sound, you see the issue. Youmu just cut one of you Pillars into pieces. It was the wrong one, thankfully, but you can't stay here forever.

>To buy yourself more time, you summon more Keystones aimed at Youmu. This time their purpose is to deliberately harrass Youmu while she's dancing.

    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on August 13, 2024, 05:49:36 AM
> Which is heavier, our Sword of Hisou or the Keystone sword?
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on August 13, 2024, 06:48:33 AM
> Which is heavier, our Sword of Hisou or the Keystone sword?

>The Keystone Sword.
>Your Sword of Hisou is not really made of anything physical. Its cutting power comes from the obscene amounts of Scarlet Energy or Qi within it, and its Soul-splitting powers.
>Keystones, and therefore Keystone Swords, are made of black granite.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on August 14, 2024, 08:46:54 PM
>The Keystone Sword.
>Your Sword of Hisou is not really made of anything physical. Its cutting power comes from the obscene amounts of Scarlet Energy or Qi within it, and its Soul-splitting powers.
>Keystones, and therefore Keystone Swords, are made of black granite.

> Keep our eyes and senses on Youmu''s position while being ready to summon more Shoot & Lasers Keystones in her way .

> Be also adjusting the taken position and stance in order to be out of range of an eventual Youmu's fast cleaving and sword-dancing" and  of the Keystons, like we have just witnessed just earlier and based on the experience we had known in the past and we are experiencing now, but not as far removed that it would be slower to imbalance and intercept her not-so-distant rushing or make a counter-rush.

> As a good aid to that...if the Keystone Sword has been reduced and made lighter so would it be possible to elongate and point-sharpen it similar to a ''Javelin but withJjagged protrusions on most of its surface" making it more difficult and risky to deflect it swiftly?

> If so get to work on it,and in any case keep up the earlier preparations , reactions , ready-to-actions.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on August 16, 2024, 07:27:49 AM
> Keep our eyes and senses on Youmu''s position while being ready to summon more Shoot & Lasers Keystones in her way .

> Be also adjusting the taken position and stance in order to be out of range of an eventual Youmu's fast cleaving and sword-dancing" and  of the Keystons, like we have just witnessed just earlier and based on the experience we had known in the past and we are experiencing now, but not as far removed that it would be slower to imbalance and intercept her not-so-distant rushing or make a counter-rush.

> As a good aid to that...if the Keystone Sword has been reduced and made lighter so would it be possible to elongate and point-sharpen it similar to a ''Javelin but withJjagged protrusions on most of its surface" making it more difficult and risky to deflect it swiftly?

> If so get to work on it,and in any case keep up the earlier preparations , reactions , ready-to-actions.

>Keeping your eyes on Youmu won't be doable without exposing yourself, but you can figure out where she is.
>All Bullets have to originate from her position, because Myon is not allowed, so if you just pay attention to the direction the bullets are coming from then you can easily guess her position. From there, returning fire is easy.

>You get to work on making a jagged Keystone Javelin. It's entirely possible, as your Keystones can be of any form when summoned, really.
>The more detailed the form, the longer it takes to make them, however. This might take a while...

>Your Lasers and launched Keystones do seem to slow down Youmu a bit. You can see the Danmaku become less dense before finally turning to silence.
>You're nearly done...

>Soon after, you hear rushed footsteps and fear the worst.
Quote from: Test: Find Tenshi Hinanawi
Rolled 5, 1, 2 = 8
Target: Roll Under 12
Threshold for Success: 5 (Roll <=7)

>A Keystone next to you is diced like it was made of paper. Just put it out of your mind and focus on chiseling...
>As you chisel, you realise that this is no longer a traditional sword duel. Probably not since the second or third round. This is more of Spell Card Duel but with no Spell Cards. This does give you practice on using these techniques in a Bullet Hell, which in Gensokyo is the most likely situation to be in.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: degradingwindow on August 18, 2024, 03:43:56 AM
> Spare the details on the javelin, just make sure that its long and sharp.

> Once we finish the javelin, unsummon our Sword of Hisou and wield the javelin in one hand and the keystone sword in the other.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on August 18, 2024, 03:08:00 PM
// Back after a short absence, really like where this is going! I've been trying to avoid over relying on the Sword of Hisou less it becomes temporarily unavailable at some point in the story or starts attracting undesired attention, one-ring style (since it seems to be of high importance to the Shinigami). Though I do want to use it for a dramatic finisher move to end this duel in a way befitting of a Celestial.

> Is Youmu using a type of stance or special technique to cleave through solid stone!? Determine if her sword always follows a particular pattern or 'path' to cut through the pillars based on the shrapnel and remnants of the destroyed keystones. // What's the moves hitbox, if this was a fighting game?
> Does it look like she'd lose her balance if the pillar were to suddenly disappear before impact (and thus provide no resistance)? // Does that move have a long recovery if it misses?

> Reshape the pillars to appear like columns from a grand ancient temple, worthy and befitting of a duel against a Celestial. Everyone knows we love over-the-top theatrics, and in what appeared like a pointless change of scenery we've subtly modified the top part of the pillars to be wide enough to stand (and hide) on. Make sure to start from a pillar other than the one we're standing behind as to not give any hints to our location!
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on August 21, 2024, 11:48:04 AM
> Spare the details on the javelin, just make sure that its long and sharp.

> Once we finish the javelin, unsummon our Sword of Hisou and wield the javelin in one hand and the keystone sword in the other.

>The Keystone Javelin is fully complete. A bit crude by your standards, but it will do its job. It fits suprisingly well in your hand despite its slapdash nature.

>Your Sword of Hisou was always unsummoned, so you raise your Keystone Javelin in your dominant hand and the Keystone Short Sword in your off-hand. You really need to name these things if you might use them more often.

> Is Youmu using a type of stance or special technique to cleave through solid stone!? Determine if her sword always follows a particular pattern or 'path' to cut through the pillars based on the shrapnel and remnants of the destroyed keystones. // What's the moves hitbox, if this was a fighting game?
> Does it look like she'd lose her balance if the pillar were to suddenly disappear before impact (and thus provide no resistance)? // Does that move have a long recovery if it misses?

>You look over at the destroyed Pillars of Divine Punishment, analysing their form.
>From the looks of the debris, it seems to be a short-ranged slash rather than any sort of danmaku. The fact that the Danmaku stopped when she decided to start destroying them is also a sign that this is true. The pieces also imply that does much more than one or two swings
>You at first think that she must have used a great amount of force. Then you remember that the things that cannot be cut by Roukanken are next to none. "Next to none" being your body, your flawless Celestial body is so tough that the blade can't dig into you without some major force applied. Your Keystones are not as lucky.

>It appears to be a Narrow, short-ranged attack. With almost no recovery period. However, it seems like she focuses on slashing to make sure the Keystone is destroyed, leaving her open from angles the attack doesn't cover.

> Reshape the pillars to appear like columns from a grand ancient temple, worthy and befitting of a duel against a Celestial. Everyone knows we love over-the-top theatrics, and in what appeared like a pointless change of scenery we've subtly modified the top part of the pillars to be wide enough to stand (and hide) on. Make sure to start from a pillar other than the one we're standing behind as to not give any hints to our location!

>Alright then, time for your speciality!
>You've made changes like this before, it's very fun and great for creating structures fit for the Eldest Daughter of the Nai Clan.
>The trick is to create an image of what the end product should look like, then quickly chisel everything in a flash. Slow chiseling over time only happens when you try to create things you've never thought of or imagined before.

>With that said, pieces of all of the Pillars falls off as if divinity ordered them to change form (which is exactly what happened in your book), and become columns that could hold up the house of the divine (you do use this trick for your house when you feel like it).

>"Is this really the time for grand theatrics? Youmu is trying to slice Tenshi into bits!"
>"Hmm, I do not think this is just theatrics." Well, Yuyuko's observant.

>Youmu, for her part, immediately dashes away from the Pillars and eyes them with suspicion. Maybe she's trying to figure out where you are and what you're doing?

    :player: Tenshi Hinanawi



    :lenemy: Youmu Konpaku

#One thing I will say: Thank you very much, Tom, for the health bars! I've basically just stolen the BBCode you used for the example post.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Tom on August 22, 2024, 07:24:50 PM
// Haha, they're really good for giving quests a little more visual flair!

> Give Youmu a good reason to continue breaking the pillars by spawning bright rings of non aimed danmaku from them. Not enough to be a threat, but just enough to be annoying and give her something to think about! Leave a long delay between a pillar being broken and us summoning a new one, this will both give us time to better focus our energy and make taking them out not seem pointless.

> Set up a 'delayed throw' of the javelin by aiming it towards Youmu and suspending it immediately next to the pillar with the help of a tiny keystone.
> Silently 'climb' up to the top of the pillar (more correctly elevate, as is befitting of a Celestial)! Just as we reach the top temporarily summon a keystone to slam into the back of the javelin, sending it flying towards Youmu as if we threw it from behind the base of the pillar.
> With Youmu's superhuman reaction time she will certainly react to the sound of the javelin being thrown and instinctively parry or deflect it, then knowing our position she will immediately counterattack by destroying the pillar. Since she commits to multiple slashes to ensure the pillar's destruction use this to our advantage by leaping (with the grace of a Celestial) behind her from above the pillar and summoning the sword of Hisou so that it appears (to the crowd) like a dramatic stab through the heart from behind, only the sword was spawned harmlessly under her shoulder grazing her body (and wrist if we can manage that!) instead! Dispel all danmaku and pillars to make our finishing attack all the more thrilling for our crowd.
Title: Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
Post by: Branneg Xy on August 23, 2024, 09:36:18 PM
// Haha, they're really good for giving quests a little more visual flair!

> Give Youmu a good reason to continue breaking the pillars by spawning bright rings of non aimed danmaku from them. Not enough to be a threat, but just enough to be annoying and give her something to think about! Leave a long delay between a pillar being broken and us summoning a new one, this will both give us time to better focus our energy and make taking them out not seem pointless.

> Set up a 'delayed throw' of the javelin by aiming it towards Youmu and suspending it immediately next to the pillar with the help of a tiny keystone.
> Silently 'climb' up to the top of the pillar (more correctly elevate, as is befitting of a Celestial)! Just as we reach the top temporarily summon a keystone to slam into the back of the javelin, sending it flying towards Youmu as if we threw it from behind the base of the pillar.
> With Youmu's superhuman reaction time she will certainly react to the sound of the javelin being thrown and instinctively parry or deflect it, then knowing our position she will immediately counterattack by destroying the pillar. Since she commits to multiple slashes to ensure the pillar's destruction use this to our advantage by leaping (with the grace of a Celestial) behind her from above the pillar and summoning the sword of Hisou so that it appears (to the crowd) like a dramatic stab through the heart from behind, only the sword was spawned harmlessly under her shoulder grazing her body (and wrist if we can manage that!) instead! Dispel all danmaku and pillars to make our finishing attack all the more thrilling for our crowd.

> Make sure to deliver the " Pillar Shots" from an angle and position that make Youmu focus away and leave less ground that she can cover.

> Set the " Javelin Delayed Shot" when we are just behind the top of the Pillar.

> Time the "Jump Pillar-high above and behind Youmu" when she is focused at the base of the pillar and not in view of the full Pillar.

> When we are about to enter her range to "strike" with the Sword of hisou,from her less covered sides, also summon a Keystone flying a bit overhead and in front of us ready for any emergency downward-impact or interposal.