Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: Lebon14 on February 20, 2020, 05:35:28 AM

Title: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on February 20, 2020, 05:35:28 AM
And here's a thread for Cheating Fool Detective Satori.

Since this is a free web-comic, it's being translated by DB Scans and here's their Tumblr and MangaDex page:

For the official Japanese links, here they are:

Enjoy some Satori action!

I find this manga quite interesting too. We got to see some Flandre dialogue and personalization for the first time in years. Not only that, Satori will finally interact outside The Palace of Earth Spirit according to Chapter 3 Part 1. Exciting!

Also, we also have a manga that put Zun's love for mystery novels into his own universe. About time!

Also, no spoiler tags yet lol
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: PK on February 24, 2020, 06:47:43 PM
So...both Sakuya and Patchouli are the culprits, for the same thing but with two different victims? What the hell is going on?
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: R. P. Genocraft on February 24, 2020, 06:55:54 PM
And apparently Sakuya isn't aware of it, but Patchouli seems to be?
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on February 24, 2020, 10:53:56 PM
This is such a mindfire truck lol
Satori confirms that they are the culprits. The fact that Sakuya and patchouli have no recollection of what went wrong...
So much mysteries. Exciting! Already hyped for next month lol.

The tea pourring from Meiling on page 9 is laready becoming a meme:
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on February 26, 2020, 06:39:43 PM
Oh wow, there are people who care about this manga  :o

This manga is definitely not a heavy weight like WaHH or FS when it comes to world building, but I believe it's going to be the series that provides more characterization and screentime for ancient 2hus of the past. It also seems to bring its fair share of memes such Reimu slapping Meiling (kinda hot) or Meiling's stylish way of pouring tea

Regarding the ongoing Scarlet Devil Mansion arc, the involvement of the Earth Palace people really makes me think that the whole thing with Sakuya not remembering doing bad stuff might be caused by her being possessed by some kind of evil spirit that managed to escape to the surface, a happening that may nicely tie in with the current issue regarding Hell's management being in total chaos (it could be brought up in this series). The confusion for me stems from the fact that Flandre absolutely missing from the latest chapter 4.1, or whatever the hell the numerotation is supposed to work, and the fact that Patchouli seems to have done something that's not very nice to Meiling. Totally speculating here, but maaaaaayyyyyybe she used Meiling as a guinea pig of sorts to figure out what was done to her ? After all, it's not the first time that Patchouli has used someone from the SDM as a Guinea pig (in SWR for example)...

Anyway, I find the short chapters combined with them coming out monthly and the necessity to have some kind of setup for the more mystery based story makes for a VERY slow paced series.

I initially tought that this manga came out as a way of getting people to pay attention the Touhou website (cuz official stuff will always be paid attention), but I believe it's got some stuff going on for it that should make it interesting to look out for, be it the potential memes or the additional characterisation (super late ones *cough*Flan*cough* but hey, still count)
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on March 31, 2020, 12:19:27 AM
New chapter 4 part 2 and probably the end of the SDM case arc, yay

The culprit indeed acted under the influence of a bad spirit from down there, but somehow I didn't expect that it could possess different persons at it please, haha

Surprisingly, this manga, which didn't seem to be something that would bring a lot to the lore, add something to vengeful spirits. Changing the person it possess by means of beverage ? Interesting. Probably something that falls into ZUN's grand plan of including further booze into his work somewhere down the line, but otherwise, giving this particular vengeful spirit a particular gimmick. I wonder if such gimmick is exclusive to her : can others vengeful spirits have their own way, their own set of conditions for possessing people ? Pretty intersting imo.

Something could also be said about what this adds regarding youkai and their power, specifically their life force : there has always been this thing about the Youkai needing fear or other kind of feeling related thing to subsist, but this is kinda new. Magical power and youkai's importance can more or less be attributed to why Yukari put the border between fantasy and reality, which empowers youkai, and the spell card rules, which allow youkai to use their power in order not to lose it : this makes it very clear that youkai need more than fear, i guess.

And still speaking about non human species and their powers, since we seem to be entering a Hakugyoukurou arc, I'm VERY curious about the thing with Yuyuko : she is a GHOST, not a rando with a flesh body : since what happened to her really look like what happened in the SDM arc, did the vengeful spirit ate (such irony) her magic power ? Is the vengeful spirit going to be able to possess her ? And why would Yuyuko, a GHOST, PRESUMABLY suffer the same symptoms as the YOUKAI who got their power consumed ? among others ...

As far as I'm concerned, the latest chapter 4 part 2 made this series more intersting than I initially thought it would be (I confess, I was pretty underwhelmed by the first chapter tbh)

I've also more or less said this, and this is getting more obvious with the coming Hakugyoukurou arc, but this manga is one hell of an occasion for ZUN to reexplore the setting of locations introduced in the super old works, AND to give some screentime and characterization to the old cast : this is like the most cynical depiction of SDM character relationship I've seen in a while, plus some unusual side that we don't really see very often : cold Meiling, ICE COLD Patchouli, concerned Remilia (?!) This makes me curious as to how PCB cast is gonna be illustrated.

On the other side, this vengeful spirit-chan seems to be one of the few pure villain type of character of this series. That's very unusual, I wanna see what could her motivations be : why is she called eternal criminal ? What is she doing all of this for ? Is there any particular reason she goes after magical power instead of properly possessing people ? I hope she's not gonna be some kind a flat kind of character that was just introduced only to allow the plot to exist, only to be fortune tellered by the end of the manga.

At any rate, this is probably the last time we're gonna see Flandre talk until the next time, AND we're finally going to see Alice  get some spotlight in the next arc, so there's that too
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Branneg Xy on April 06, 2020, 12:18:22 AM
Thinking about it  :o  .... ZUN/Jun'ya Ota could " now "( First Release of Touhou CDS was on 28 October 2019 and alas the "Full Public Reveal " had been delayed until Half of January 2019 by the Communist Chinese Authorities... ) partial tie-in,or partial ties-in could be made even if it they were not his intention,  Touhou CDS   as  "warning&consequences against Epidemics and especially the Covid-19/Coronavirus " :o ....

This spoiler,quote-related to yours, is instead wholly   8) in-Touhou-universe.
Well yes,she,since she is revealed to be female, the "Eternal Vengeful Spirit Criminal Escaped From Former Hell" is able to "Switch Bodies using Different Drinks as Medium" but she is also able to possess others directly,if it serves her purpose , otherwise she could not possess first Sakuya and later (reliable foreshadow of her being possessed and carrying a "Possessed Drink Bottle "at the end of chapter 4.5 ) Marisa who have not drunk any " Possessed Drinks " while  human and in in turn able to move about even if all their Magical Energy is Drained since "Human Magical Energy is not linked with their Life Force unlike Youkai "; however her absolute favourite is the First Method ( vastly more Astute and Cautious ) since this greatly help her to not expose herself,continuosly switch bodies, avoid detection,be camouflaged together with making the Victim(s) being too unaware of her to sense her and fight back,avoid or  alerti others .

Means to expose her would be both to "reliably verify " all the drinks beforehand, test the behaviour of all the people  and especially to make them show their abilities/powers since the Possesed Individuals are unable to use them
New chapter 4 part 2 and probably the end of the SDM case arc, yay

The culprit indeed acted under the influence of a bad spirit from down there, but somehow I didn't expect that it could possess different persons at it please, haha

Surprisingly, this manga, which didn't seem to be something that would bring a lot to the lore, add something to vengeful spirits. Changing the person it possess by means of beverage ? Interesting. Probably something that falls into ZUN's grand plan of including further booze into his work somewhere down the line, but otherwise, giving this particular vengeful spirit a particular gimmick. I wonder if such gimmick is exclusive to her : can others vengeful spirits have their own way, their own set of conditions for possessing people ? Pretty intersting imo.

Something could also be said about what this adds regarding youkai and their power, specifically their life force : there has always been this thing about the Youkai needing fear or other kind of feeling related thing to subsist, but this is kinda new. Magical power and youkai's importance can more or less be attributed to why Yukari put the border between fantasy and reality, which empowers youkai, and the spell card rules, which allow youkai to use their power in order not to lose it : this makes it very clear that youkai need more than fear, i guess.

And still speaking about non human species and their powers, since we seem to be entering a Hakugyoukurou arc, I'm VERY curious about the thing with Yuyuko : she is a GHOST, not a rando with a flesh body : since what happened to her really look like what happened in the SDM arc, did the vengeful spirit ate (such irony) her magic power ? Is the vengeful spirit going to be able to possess her ? And why would Yuyuko, a GHOST, PRESUMABLY suffer the same symptoms as the YOUKAI who got their power consumed ? among others ...

As far as I'm concerned, the latest chapter 4 part 2 made this series more intersting than I initially thought it would be (I confess, I was pretty underwhelmed by the first chapter tbh)

I've also more or less said this, and this is getting more obvious with the coming Hakugyoukurou arc, but this manga is one hell of an occasion for ZUN to reexplore the setting of locations introduced in the super old works, AND to give some screentime and characterization to the old cast : this is like the most cynical depiction of SDM character relationship I've seen in a while, plus some unusual side that we don't really see very often : cold Meiling, ICE COLD Patchouli, concerned Remilia (?!) This makes me curious as to how PCB cast is gonna be illustrated.

On the other side, this vengeful spirit-chan seems to be one of the few pure villain type of character of this series. That's very unusual, I wanna see what could her motivations be : why is she called eternal criminal ? What is she doing all of this for ? Is there any particular reason she goes after magical power instead of properly possessing people ? I hope she's not gonna be some kind a flat kind of character that was just introduced only to allow the plot to exist, only to be fortune tellered by the end of the manga.

At any rate, this is probably the last time we're gonna see Flandre talk until the next time, AND we're finally going to see Alice  get some spotlight in the next arc, so there's that too

Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: PK on April 06, 2020, 04:08:41 PM
Is there a way to know when all of this happens? I personally think the whole story comes (and will end) before Lotus Eaters' chronological start, but i wonder if there is an actual way to determine the chronology, like some reference or whatever.
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Branneg Xy on April 10, 2020, 06:35:43 PM
Is there a way to know when all of this happens? I personally think the whole story comes (and will end) before Lotus Eaters' chronological start, but i wonder if there is an actual way to determine the chronology, like some reference or whatever.

In time,maybe around the half(?) or second-half(?) of the Print Work , an Undisputable Sign is going to show up to clear doubts about the Timeline like it did during SSiB which was revealed to be set,around half of it, during (but please, the "Gensokyo's Timeline and References has much more Worth than reading this humble reply of mine)the Winter and Spring,also tied-in to CoLA,   berfore MoF or the (for short) the"After Ten Desires spannig up to After-Double Dealing Character" in FS ( Forbidden Scrollery).
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on April 28, 2020, 01:39:06 AM
Next chapter is up.
Yukari makes an appearance and... send Rin back home (crying) but send Ran and Chen to investigate the netherworld instead. I'm really glad we've got to see more Ran and Chen officially!
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on April 28, 2020, 11:24:44 AM
Ah yes, the rival detective makes her entrance. Dunno why, but this chapter 5's Yukari seems a bit more responsible, compared to how she usually gamble it all on Reimu. Also more talk on vengeful spirits, although nothing that I don't already know, hmm. Aso I mistook Marisa for Alice with that white capelet of hers ...

Mystery stories are generally supposed to give ya a bunch of clues to help you deduce who is the big bad cat, although this time, unless you know a bit about Touhou, things may seem relatively gratuitous or weird.

But anyway, this cheating armchair detective that I am suspect that our eternal criminal has been hiding inside Youmu's human half, who wouldn't show bizarre change in behavior and who's been the closest to the possessed Yuyuko for like 3 days (as it seems weird to me that the cunning eternal criminal would just hang outside, in the nude, like a dumb dumb, and risk being picked off by some lucky fella or a Youmu swinging around her Hakurouken instead of getting cozy inside a human), and is possibly wainting to make use of Youmu's servant status to serve herself as a drink to one of the non human new comers and get herself a serving of that sweet, sweet magical power or something
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on May 26, 2020, 11:08:17 PM
New chapter is up.
So... Marisa is the catalyst for the *bad guy* heh. Seeing more Satori is always good and her mind-reading abilities keep the story for taking the "huh are you sure route? you could be lying" route. But no news from Yukari but, at the same time, she sent Ran and Chen on a useless mission we know won't give anything.
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on May 27, 2020, 05:28:30 PM
Marisa is generally only there cuz she's one the main characters even though she may not even play an important role in the end, so I for one appreciate her actually getting a proper place in a story for once.

On a slightly bonkers side note, having seen some of the Mima speculation (lol) regarding the identity of the eternal criminal, if Marisa did what she did by her own volition instead of doing it because she was possessed, it would be funny if some kind of relationship between Mima and Marisa gets brought up a motive of sorts for Marisa to do this. Like, some kind of way rewrite for Mima and her relationship with Marisa, a way of Yuuka-ising her into modern Touhou. I am not a PC 98 believer nor am I particularly familiar with how things were back then, but I am secretely rooting for the eternal criminal chan to be Mima because of that, haha. Even a certain celebrity finally got his award and broke a meme, so why can't Mima do the same ?

Anyway, Marisa's motive is most definitely what I'm curious about. Not a Mima believer, but it'd be fun if it turned out to be the case
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Hyouiibara on June 22, 2020, 04:23:40 AM
It was kinda weird tho... Like, How can a spirit be possessed by a spirit? but still, nice plot twist,Sakuya is possessed to drain the heck out of Patchouli and then Patchy got possessed too, is this the ancient 2hus AoCF? (Lol)
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on June 29, 2020, 08:23:58 PM
Hmm, chapter 7 is out, it seems

Bunch of interesting information of uncertain relevance in there ? To list em up :

1/ Something seems to be going on in the underground  that is causing the temperature of the hot springs to raise ? Nothing concrete to speculate with here for me, but if we're getting a repeat of what led to UFO's cast getting freed, then MAYBE whatever is going on down there led to the eternal criminal getting out of the underground. The thing regarding Youkai Mountain's volcanicness honestly doesn't strike me as something particularly relevant, cuz not only that part of the setting has been there for A REALLY LONG TIME now, but we also have best Moriya Goddess watching over it.

2/ The suspicious spirit in the netherworld got cornered but clearly isn't the eternal criminal if we go by the ending. I'm interested in seeing how the computer-like shikigami could make such a mistake in their search. Could the vengeful spirit have left some of her vengeful spiritness on this unfortunate spirit or something ? Also Yukari trying a little bit too hard to seem 17, still not working

3/ Satori circumstances, namely her being so weak on the surface plus her being able to see the "remnants" of thoughts or something ? Maybe Koishi's super strength and endurance is that aside from her not being conscious of her tiredness, she doesn't need to deal with the problem Satori faces

4/ Alice's house being ... relatively creepy ? She's got a doll doing reading for her, like, how is that even supposed to work ?! Also are those candle bearing *silent* dolls supposed to be normally singing ?! But whatever, now Alice's gonna receive a speaking role, after probably a literal decade or something. I also like how a simple pincushion tied on her wrist makes for some kind of couturier getup

Anyway, I find ZUN taking Satori out of the circuit in a time where her ability would make clear Marisa's motives very suspicious. As far as Marisa goes, I think things might be going in either one of 2 directions : 1/ She is legit being a rather naughty here, and is helping the vengeful spirit do bad things for a reason that is yet uncertain ; 2/ This thing that seems like a setup for making Marisa a villain is actually a curveball and Marisa is just tracking this particular vengeful spirit for an uncertain reason (I admit, this last speculation is very inspired by the Mima theories, please don't look at me with disgust like that)
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Serela on June 30, 2020, 02:27:18 AM
3/ Satori circumstances, namely her being so weak on the surface plus her being able to see the "remnants" of thoughts or something ? Maybe Koishi's super strength and endurance is that aside from her not being conscious of her tiredness, she doesn't need to deal with the problem Satori faces
Well, it makes sense; Koishi's Third Eye is closed, so she wouldn't even notice things like this. Meanwhile it seems Satori gets ill from overexposure to them.

The way the SDM chapter resolved made it seem like the plot was going to be disappointing, but it does seem to be building up in a more interesting way. Yukari's not the kind I'd expect to make a rookie mistake... and Marisa repeatedly carting the spirit from place to place is pretty strange. It was also hilarious to see Yuyuko giving Satori a piggyback ride.
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on July 02, 2020, 04:26:31 AM
Hmm, chapter 7 is out, it seems

4/ Alice's house being ... relatively creepy ? She's got a doll doing reading for her, like, how is that even supposed to work ?! Also are those candle bearing *silent* dolls supposed to be normally singing ?! But whatever, now Alice's gonna receive a speaking role, after probably a literal decade or something. I also like how a simple pincushion tied on her wrist makes for some kind of couturier getup

Yeah, it seems to be the artist's style that seems pretty minimalistic.
Title: Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Hyouiibara on July 08, 2020, 09:13:38 AM
Marisa got possessed now, the dollmaker surely is doomed.
Nice details on the dolls tho...
 :lgraze: :exc: :exc: :exc:
Idk why but I did this
Title: Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on August 31, 2020, 05:17:08 PM
Next chapter is out.
Alice fans got Jebaited. Some nice Chen x Rin interactions. And some nice arguments the vengeful spirit being the Fortune Teller.

And, yes, I changed the thread title to "Fool Detective Satori" since it's the official English title.
Title: Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Chivler on August 31, 2020, 05:55:30 PM
Are you sure it's "Fool Detective"? The wiki says it's "Foul Detective". Or is the wiki wrong here?

Phew, a grudge against youkai and the Hakurei. I'm excited.
Does that make this spirit one of the few legitimately evil characters in Touhou?
totally Mima
Title: Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on August 31, 2020, 08:39:13 PM
Foul : adverb, contrary to the rules; unfairly
It's gotta be "foul" detective in the sense where it's similar to the previous "cheating" detective, since "fool" detective would have Satori be an absolute buffoon
So yeah, one letter change might indeed be warranted

As for the Chapter 8, The part about the Eternal criminal being familiar with Gensokyo, not being a good person,  having an issue with just about everything and the Hakurei Shrine in particular, and even being sly and mocking as previously shown, uhhh, I don't want to be the guy who says it's sounds like Mima, but ... doesn'it reaaaaally sounds like Mima ?! I can't think of anyone among all the 2hus introduced since EoSD that may fit the profile, so either we get a completely new character or a returning one from a bygone era imo. Still a bit skeptical but a bit hopefull as well, as Mima theories seem to be a bit more appropriate here than for the other times they got brought up in the past
Title: Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on September 01, 2020, 04:04:36 AM
Are you sure it's "Fool Detective"? The wiki says it's "Foul Detective". Or is the wiki wrong here?
Foul : adverb, contrary to the rules; unfairly
It's gotta be "foul" detective in the sense where it's similar to the previous "cheating" detective, since "fool" detective would have Satori be an absolute buffoon
So yeah, one letter change might indeed be warranted

I typo'ed lol. Meant to type "foul" from the beginning haha.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on September 01, 2020, 06:20:47 AM
Speaking of the revelations of this chapter,
I actually thought, against my better judgment, that the Eternal Criminal might be Mima, but that's mostly been dispelled after reading the new chapter. For one thing, Mima's never been known to have these kinds of powers, but more importantly, there's no reason to think she'd be sealed in Former Hell when Reimu never went there until SA - if anything she'd be sealed back into the current hell, where she originally came from. And probably the biggest case against her is that Satori doesn't seem to be giving any indication that Reimu knows the criminal personally - rather the opposite, they seem to have a grudge based in the Hakurei Shrine's past.

Even so,
I think this is an exciting development. This is a rare chance to learn more about the Hakurei Shrine's past, as well as have an actual menacing antagonist. Any antagonist that wishes to attack Reimu directly is a major threat by default.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: DarkWitchClaire on September 10, 2020, 12:00:29 AM
The Rin and Chen interaction is probably the highlight for me so far, but I'm also intrigued to see where the story goes.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on September 28, 2020, 08:42:25 PM
A new chapter is out for this where absolutely nothing happen.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on September 29, 2020, 05:15:35 AM
This recent series of possessions really hit Gensokyo hard. The shrine got closed, youkai lose their beloved magic power, and you can't even get close to the senior youkai without being sure you won't get them possessed. Honestly, they really should deal with it the way the netherworld people did : proper contact tracing, distributing enough seals to the phantom populace ... just look at where they're at now : only one victim, and the possibility to go around to other places ! Just listen to the detective's recommandations, be careful of healthy looking humans as they may  be possessed, be careful of alcoholic beverages (as recent studies confirm that the vengeful spirit may be transmited by such means), and also get your mind read, if you feel like you might've been possessed. This is a very awful time we're in, but its not something we cannot overcome. Everybody only need to do their part, carry seals, and confine that booze elsewhere.

Anyway, this last chapter 9 once again really make the vengeful spirit, or chirei spirit as some people would call it - it came from Chireiden! - reeeeeeaaaaaaally suspicious once again for mentioning that it is specifically aiming for the Hakurei Shrine. I hope ZUN's gonna cut it out with this strip tease soon and show us who is it gonna be. Honestly, with the hints-like presentation of the Eternal Criminal plus the mention of its familiarity with Gensokyo, it would seem appropriate to me that she would either be someone we know (not gonna say who, don't wanna get disinherited) or a completely new character that is somehow deeply tied with the old and the hell setting of the series.

Also wouldn't it be funny if the PCB arc end up without Alice and Ran not saying anything
Like they just got introduced with a title and that's it
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: blackhorsehorse on September 29, 2020, 02:45:31 PM
Also wouldn't it be funny if the PCB arc end up without Alice and Ran not saying anything
Like they just got introduced with a title and that's it

If that were the case, it wouldn't be the first time it happened (FS Kokoro).
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on September 30, 2020, 02:16:44 AM
If that were the case, it wouldn't be the first time it happened (FS Kokoro).
Ah, I meant them talking in the series in general, not just in the manga. Kokoro was pretty new around the time, she got to talk a fair bit in HM, and still got to talk later in ULiL, AoCF and even do something in AFiEU. Even got to stare in a FS 4koma. By comparison Alice and Ran haven't said anything at all for about a literal decade. If next arc is gonna be with IN cast, then it'll be a sad day if Alice just sleeps through the whole PCB cast arc and Ran just get a one time appearance.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on October 26, 2020, 11:54:09 PM
A new chapter is up. This time I feel we're getting somewhere.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Gobbles on October 28, 2020, 06:40:01 PM
Youmu is having a lot of fun this chapter.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on January 26, 2021, 06:31:25 PM
...and we also have a new chapter of Foul Detective Satori! A pretty long one at that!
Things are getting pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on January 27, 2021, 09:03:53 AM
Finally, some goddamn Alice dialogue ! ... is what Alice fans would have probably loved to say lmao

It's good to see that there is a proper reason given to this manga's events seemingly following the orders of incidents happenings instead of just being a simple revisiting of the old cast.

While we haven't been told outright who the Eternal Criminal possessed after possessing Yuyuko, I'm still willing to think it went the getting-served-by-Youmu-to-the-guests route, as Yukari says that she probably got possessed before telling Ran and Chen to set up a perimeter in the netherworld.

Anyway, here's what we currently know about Mima the Eternal Criminal's profile :

-Is a vengeful spirit
-Sort of a badass down there in Hell
-Wants revenge against Gensokyo
-Got some sort of vendetta against the Youkai and Hakurei Shrine
-Been around for long enough she could watch over the very old Scarlet Mist incident to unfold
-Strong enough to possess even Yukari
-Probably SUPER petty, as Satori who knows her a lot assumed she must be snickering somewhere for outsmarting everyone in the netherworld, while Reimu who's goot great intuition assumes the spirit is doing all this to scare her

There is absolutely no way this is some rando we're dealing with this time, considering all that ... In WaHH for example, there was a proper explanation given for Aunn's familiarity with the Hakurei Shrine, but the Eternal Criminal this time sounds like someone who's had personnal involvement with the events of the world ... it would be pretty difficult to shove in a completely new character, so hey ... the temptation to say that it's Mima is very strong this time ...

She also seems to have a liiiiiiiittle penchant for possessing non-Reimu characters who enjoyed playable status. This might quickly get proven wrong as we enter Eientei, where most of the non-Reisen ladies haven't been playable yet ... If I'm right here, then Reisen is gonna be the next one to experience a surprise early retirement. But if it's not her, then I'm curious to see if the Lunarians who consider themselves as Humans are gonna be hardly affected by possession like the "normal" humans, or if they're gonna get KO'ed too.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on January 27, 2021, 09:22:37 AM
I would be lying if I didn't think it might be Mima in my darker moments, but I think there is one fatal flaw with that reasoning: It sounds like they have been sealed in Former Hell for a long time, considering Satori is treating their escape as an urgent matter, to say nothing of the fact that she originally hailed from the current hell. Also, considering all Satori knows, I think she would tell Reimu if she knew the one after her personally. Even with that said though, I can't rule it out completely - there's just too many unanswered questions.

On a similar note though, speaking as a PC-98 fan, I think it's interesting that the Eternal Criminal's MO of targeting those who took part in past incidents would conveniently leave out PC-98 and start at EoSD. When you think about it:

HRtP and MS: Took place in a different realm, would never get Reimu's attention.
SoEW: Neither perpetrator is related to one another anymore, and one has presumably not been seen for over 15 years. Would not draw a correlation.
PoDD: Both Chiyuri and Yumemi are long gone from Gensokyo.
LLS: The only viable incident. But Yuka has long since left Mugenkan and become a solitary youkai, one whom would probably not even tell others if she were possessed.

Thinking like that, it'd make sense to start at EoSD and work forward, if they were aiming for consistency in order to taunt Reimu.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on January 27, 2021, 10:25:22 AM
It sounds like they have been sealed in Former Hell for a long time, considering Satori is treating their escape as an urgent matter, to say nothing of the fact that she originally hailed from the current hell.
Reimu says in the latest chapter 10 that the Eternal Criminal deliberately following the order of incident is probably in order to show Reimu that she has been watching her all that time. Mima or not, the Eternal Criminal could observe her one way or another, else she wouldn't necessarily attack in that particular order and target people who were involved in these incidents. I think here the motive to get back at these people in particular should be of importance later on. It just seem weird that we'd have some completely new and unrelated girl have some kind of personnal reason to target characters we know, especially we haven't been told some kind of grudge anyone could hold towards ALL of these victims. Probably another way of getting back at Reimu for the next reason :

Also, considering all Satori knows, I think she would tell Reimu if she knew the one after her personally.[/ispoiler]
Actually she kinda did, in her conversation with Yuyuko, who already guessed that the Eternal Criminal had a grudge against Youkai AND the Hakurei Shrine. This latest chapter 10 has Yukari telling Reimu about the Vengeful Spirit's true nature and motive too, but like Yuyuko, she doesn't seem to refer to its exact identity.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on February 23, 2021, 08:22:06 AM
New chapter up and might be the last one, and hopefully, just for a while because the artist had to drop out for health reasons.
In this chapter, Satori gets told by Patchy by having her own mind read. Hehe.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on August 30, 2021, 03:19:36 PM

A bit late, but it has been announced that the Mima manga the Detective Satori manga is set to resume serialization.

Not much detail is known aside from there being a new artist handling the art, and we're gonna have to wait for the end of next month (september) for updates on who that artist is gonna be and when the serialization will restart for real.

So yeah, it's been like what, 5 - 6 months of wait or something ? At any rate, I hope things are gonna go well and the new person isn't gonna get crapped on too hard over their artstyle, and also get ZUN to confirm for real if the Eternal Criminal is that villainous ghost who has been eternally absent from 2hu titles for a long time or not
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Branneg Xy on October 29, 2021, 08:08:35 PM

A bit late, but it has been announced that the Mima manga the Detective Satori manga is set to resume serialization.

Not much detail is known aside from there being a new artist handling the art, and we're gonna have to wait for the end of next month (september) for updates on who that artist is gonna be and when the serialization will restart for real.

So yeah, it's been like what, 5 - 6 months of wait or something ? At any rate, I hope things are gonna go well and the new person isn't gonna get crapped on too hard over their artstyle, and also get ZUN to confirm for real if the Eternal Criminal is that villainous ghost who has been eternally absent from 2hu titles for a long time or not

Serialization has resumed on 25/10 (Comic Walker vet. )
under the new graphic direction of" Akimaki Yuu(Twitter Profile) "
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on October 30, 2021, 04:33:09 PM
I'm pretty satisfied that the series is back, and am quite okay with this new artstyle.

However, here's a few nitpicks pertaining to a bunch of details :
- Character designs are not like exactly like how they were previously : most glaring example being Meiling's clothes in the recap : these are not her clothes in the SDM arc ; the lack of [[HeartShapedObject]] around Satori's neck, unlike the previous Satori design with the previous artist, but instead the somewhat "usual" noose like design of the 3rd eye arteries ; and Satori's hair being much neat instead of messy like normal
- The lack of title card for character introductions : we get Eirin, Kaguya, Reisen the first, and even Mokou, but no title card to introduce any of them, unlike how it was usually done for the previous arcs, or even how it's like in other 2hu mangas

Be that as it may, I'm quite satisfied with what we have.

As for the plot and speculations, the most sus thing in the chapter would be the unidentified person who came to talk to Mokou towards the end of this chapter 12. Since we're clearly in the IN arc, possible candidates for who that person could be should be Keine, Tewi, or even Marisa, if we go by people Mokou is familiar with. I personally think it should be a possessed Marisa. She has already been possessed a few times before (according to Satori's speculations) so imo there's no reason for the spirit to come back to her. Although I can't exactly see where things are gonna go from here.

Anyway, I've reread the series and came up with a little mini theory (that might be wrong according to chapter 9.5). First of all, let's try to outline a timeline of possessions made by the Eternal Criminal in the SDM case, AND mention the events following said possessions plus mentioning certain facts that may or may not be relevant :

In the SDM arc :
1 - Sakuya gets possessed ; serves Patchouli very suspicious coffee ; Patchouli gets KO'ed and possessed
2 - A Satori-free investigation happens ; non-possessed Sakuya gets imprisonned ; possessed Patchouli still in the bed and under surveillance
3 - Patchouli wakes up ; library gets investigated ; weapon of crime (coffee mug) is gone
4 - Patchouli tampers with Meiling's tea at some point ; Sakuya uses her get-out-of-jail oujo-sama ; Meiling gets KO'ed ; Sakuya found in the kitchen but not in jail
5 - The Eternal Criminal leaves Meiling at some point before Flandre attacks her and the detective arrives

Not sure if it's a particularly important detail or a completely irrelevant one, but imo the coffee mug disappearing is pretty interesting since around the time it happened, the Eternal Criminal has to be inside Patchouli for her to tamper Meiling's tea later on ... imo, the logical explanation for this would be that the Eternal Criminal had an outside accomplice. So who could it have been ?

Here's the thing : with the benefit of hindsight, we know that the Eternal Criminal target the Reimu / the Hakurei Shrine for some reason : Patchouli getting attacked is none of Reimu's business whatsoever, yet Marisa comes to Reimu and tells her what happened, AND even goes as far as to exaggerate the fact to get Reimu involved (despite Reimu expressing her lack of interest and later Sakuya mentionning that it's none og her business).

This is definitely something that didn't go public, and the people who are aware of what happened are clearly aware of the state Patchouli is in (that is, comatose and out of energy, but definitely NOT dead) : how come Marisa was aware that something happened to Patchouli BUT still got the facts wrong ? (chapter 1) Kinda sus if you ask me. And also, back to the weapon of crime disappearing, that is mentionned after Patchouli wakes up (but is still possessed) and check the library with Reimu and Remi (chapter 3). Before that, however, when everyone was gathered so that Orin could reveal the culprit, Reimu and Marisa, SDM outsiders, were there for some reason (chapter 1) ...

I wouldn't be surprised if Marisa came to the library to borrow a bunch of stuff INCLUDING the coffee mug. The possibility of someone sneaking into the library and taking books has even been mentionned by Remilia (when she is checking the library with Reimu and the possessed Patchouli), and most certainly refers to Marisa when she talks about burglars since Marisa's hat is the image we got at that moment.

(The simplest coffee explanation would be that possessed Sakuya cleaned it up before going into Patchouli for real, but the coffee spil still being there while Patchouli is KO in the very first page kinda goes against that imo)

Anyway, it should be obvious that I'm saying that Marisa giving some off that 3rd impostor energy.
But before debunking it with whazt chapter 9.5 says, let's continue that line of thought for a bit :

In the PCB arc :
1 - Possessed Marisa arrives with some booze; drinks with Yuyuko ; Yuyuko gets possessed and drained
2 - Yukari enters the fray ; discusses the situation with Reimu and Marisa
2.5 - At some point, and with the benefit of hindsight, Yukari gets possessed sometime around here ; manages to save a bit of power for later use
3 - Possessed Yukari orders Shikigami to round up ALL of the netherworld's phantom populace ; disappears sometimes after
4 - Yuyuko wakes up, goes with Satori to Hakurei Shrine to look up for Marisa ; on the way, in the forest of magic, Satori picks on traces of the Eternal Criminal's thoughts ; Satori and Yuyuko arrives at the Hakurei Shrine to look for Marisa, but Possessed Yukari just picks up Marisa and send her to the forest of magic
5 - Satori and Yuyuko raises suspicion on Marisa & reveal the Eternal Criminal's true target (Reimu) ; Hakurei Shrine enters lockdown
6 - Netherworld phantoms rounded up, Satori doesn't find the Eternal Criminal there
7 - Marisa takes care of Alice (cute); gets caught and interrogated by Satori, Yuyuko, and a very smug Youmu ; Satori mention that it's obvious that she helped the Eternal Criminal get aroung, but aside from inconsistent memories that proves that Marisa has been possessed before, nothing consequential comes from this ; Marisa reveals that while she came to Alice's house of her own volition, Possessed Yukari was the one who sent her here
8 - Back to the netherworld, Satori tells the Shikigamis that Yukari has been possessed & they should look for her ; Satori tells Marisa she doesn't know if her possession has been planned
9 - Yukari (not possessed anymore) comes to Reimu, tells what she thinks the Eternal Criminal's motives and next target are ; Reimu is back in the action, leaves Hakurei Shrine and flies off to Eientei
10 - Marisa reaches Hakurei Shrine ; Can't find Reimu ; suspects a still-possessed-Yukari targeted her ; leaves off ... destination unclear

A very convoluted and confusing arc. However, this arc has something that goes against my 3rd impostor Marisa theory in its Marisa monologues of chapter 8 and 10 and especially the Marisa - Satori confrontation in 9.5 ... this too, however, made me come up with another reflexion / theory regarding the Eternal Criminal's ability : back in the SDM case, Sakuya is revealed to have no memory of making the coffee whatsoever, while Patchouli does remember tampering with Meiling's tea ... imo, the Eternal Criminal's memory affecting powers are not properly clarified. I wouldn't be surprised if the Eternal criminal's memory erasing abilities reached much further in order to allow what I assume a villainous Marisa to seem innocent in front of Satori.

Also, it's kinda weird to me too that Marisa would just bolt out of Hakurei Shrine to search for Reimu (instead of just waiting there). Searching all over Gensokyo makes no sense either. There shouldn't be any reason for Marisa to know where to look if she was going to depend on Reimu's intuition to begin with. It's weird that she would move decisively like that. Maybe the Eternal Criminal have some suggestion abilities too ? Kinda gratuitous here, but food for thought ...

And even if you put that aside, before possessed Yukari takes Marisa away in step 4, Satori has already felt the Eternal Criminal's thoughts in the FOREST OF MAGIC. Marisa's turf. Why would she stay there ? Perhaps to stay close to her accomplice ? At any rate, I'd say the Eternal Criminal's presence in the Forest of Magic is more important than Alice getting possessed : why it settled around there is kinda suspicious.

And finally, and this happens in the beginning, just before Yukari gets possessed, she MEETS UP WITH REIMU AND MARISA. The fact that apparently Marisa seems to be the Eternal Criminal's favorite possession target is a bit of a red flag too.

Even the Satori - Marisa confrontation in 9.5, which should have absolved her, is kinda weird too, if you consider the discrepancies between some of Marisa's statements and reality (specifically her arrival in Hakugyokurou and meetup with Yuyuko) : possessed or not, that was just incorrect. Sakuya and Patchouli just don't remember stuff instead of getting confused like that.

I initially thought Youmu was possessed in the PCB arc, but after giving a bit more thought, Marisa is much more suspicious than her.

Anyway, bottom line, here's what I think the manga isn't telling us :
- The Eternal Criminal's got an accomplice in Marisa
- The Eternal Criminal's possession effects on memories are not just simple forgetfulness, and might be more
- Marisa's status in general : unwilling helper or an accomplice with mysterious motives ?
- The Eternal Criminal is Mima

On the new arc, a few comments too : the girls mention that the Eternal Criminal might become really dangerous if she possess someone with a really dangerous ability, but imo, that's not really correct. The Eternal Criminal has already possessed Sakuya and Yukari, two characters whose abilities pretty much allow them to do what they want : if the Eternal Criminal had sinister objetives towards Reimu, she could've totally gone for it. And if the Marisa being a bad girl theory is correct, I still wouldn't believe that Marisa would harm her bestie. It would be extremely suspicious too if the shadow figure we see towards the end of chapter 12 turns out to be Marisa, considering all that ...
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on November 03, 2021, 10:06:16 PM
Great write-up, Suspicious person.
Also great summary.

I love the new artist.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on December 04, 2021, 05:02:29 PM
Latest chapter 13 is now out ! Dunno if it's just me, but it feels to me like there's been quite the mood shift ever since the new artist took over. Dunno if it's just the artstyle or the story this time

Anyway, as expected, the shadowy figure is indeed Marisa ... I might be a bit biaised in finding her suspicious (considering what I previously brought up), but honestly I think this should solidify Marisa's position as being closer to the side of the no gooders than on the side of those who are actually helpful this time around ...

It's EXTREMELY WEIRD and suspicious that Marisa would straight up go to the bamboo forest to look for Reimu, and even enlist Mokou's help to try to search for her, as if it was certain that Reimu was in the bamboo forest ... Marisa believes that a still-possessed-Yukari took Reimu away, but we, as readers, we know that Yukari shouldn't be possessed anymore around the time she contacted Reimu, and couldn't have transmited the vengefulona spiritus to Reimu since they didn't share a drink, so we should know from the onset that Marisa's theory is wrong. But for her to suppose that Reimu would pop up in the forest and more specifically in Eientei makes no sense : if she suspects Yukari, why go to the bamboo forest ?! And also, what connection could there be between Yukari theorically kidnapping Reimu then somehow sending her elsewhere ? That makes no sense at all, UNLESS Marisa is in on whatever plot the baddie's got this time.

Marisa's insistence on getting in Eientei (despite being rejected by Reisen and the guards), along with the fact that she strung Mokou along with her puts me on the side of the people who believe that the two shadowy figures at the end of the chapter should be Marisa and Mokou (especially since one of them has a long staff-like thing that ought to be a broom)

The only mystery in this chapter to me is the letter : how did it find it's way in there ? But considerin gthat Yukari was the last known character to be possessed before this, it's possible that she would be used as an explanation (there could be other ones tbh)

Marisa is most definitely extremely suspicious and has been of more help to the Vengeful spirit than the investigation efforts. IF she indeed turns out to be one of the shadowy figures, then her planning her break-in 30 minutes before what's stipulated in the letter doesn't do her any favors. My assumption is still the same here she is an accomplice, but the question I have remains the same too, still : is she a willing helper or an unwitty accomplice who's been controled in some way or another ?
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on December 04, 2021, 10:02:20 PM
Yeah, it's a really interesting chapter. Thanks for the write-up, SusPerson
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on January 08, 2022, 05:48:39 PM
VERY late, but chapter 14 has apparently been out for quite a while now. Haven't had a "proper" chapter these last december releases so I'm quite surprised by this one.

Got a bunch of "meta" things to say about stuff that aren't related to the Eternal Criminal's actions, but when it comes to this latest chapter 14, as expected the shadowy figures were indeed Marisa and Mokou, and the Eternal Criminal's strike coinciding with their intrusion is quite incriminitating, moreso than expected.

Since Marisa got captured but Mokou (as the omniscient narrator says) escaped, it is reasonable to expect the Eternal Criminal to have clung onto Mokou for her getaway. Imo, all the weird attention given to Reimu's weird behavior (like c'mon girl, you've kicked a dozen of godly asses, why get scared of a vengeful spirit) is the usual red herring. My expectation would be that things went this way !

- Probably possessed Marisa meets Mokou
- Probably possessed Marisa and Mokou go to Eientei + try to break in
- Probably not possessed Marisa gets captured, possessed Mokou gets out with the Eternal Criminal

I REALLY hope that something of consequence is finally gonna happen with the next Satori - Captured Marisa confrontation instead of some kind of repeat of Chapter 9.5, else things gets way too repetitive, and repetitiveness + that molasses pacing is not gonna make for the most pleasant of reading experiences.

As for the Eientei folks, I think this last chapter makes them look really bad since the Eternal Criminal got to do her thing again ... think about it : you have EIRIN (the same Eirin who helped establish the Lunar Capital, who figured the heroines's plot and counteracted it in SSiB, who masterfully handled LoLK from the comfort of her home, who is basically one of the smartest people in the series) : freaking Eirin gets warned ahead of time, gets challenged by the perpetrator, even gets a proper schedule for when the thing is gonna happen and still gets owned (outsmarted) ?! Even if they're immortals, letting her princess get in harm's way is not exactly great optics imo. The Eternal Criminal is clearly being built up as this masterful schemer of sorts, but outsmarting freaking Yukari and Eirin in the same week is dangerously bordering Mary Sue territory. No matter what happen, by the time she gets revealed, she BETTER be a major league player kind of character in Gensokyo, else everyone else will end up looking like a bunch of frauds.

Besides that, a few, uh, weird takeaways ?
- Reisen "S" Inaba dangerously looking like she need a fat serving of those holy hand grenades, she has always been considered to be the only "normal" girl of this series (bar her crappy naming sense), but ... uhhh, I can't help but wonder if she's gonna be as unhinged in her future appearances. Hopefully not (unless you're into that, in which case more power to you)
- They're nerfing Satori too much :((((
- Satori casually storing suspicious craniums inside her desk, some questions could be asked here, but I doubt anyone would want to hear the answers. Also Orin best dog
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on January 11, 2022, 10:00:24 AM
I'm just going to drop my crazy theory here while there's time:

The possessed is Reisen, and the person behind the door is not actually Marisa. It has been established in past works that among the things Reisen can do with her ability to manipulate waves is to manipulate sound waves - even claiming that she could communicate with rats using ultrasonic sound if she wanted to. It's well possible that she can essentially function as a voice changer. Now, to what end she would be doing this, I don't know, but the first chapter made a point about how the Criminal can make use of her victim's powers, with Reimu musing about "powers she doesn't understand," so it's made me suspicious of Reisen, whose powers would be nasty in the hands of such a villain.

Also, for what it's worth, Reisen developing sadistic tendencies as a response to her long-term mistreatment is one of the less surprising character development moments. I'm more surprised it'd be directly depicted. Her scenario in AoCF proved my long-held suspicion that she's basically one bad day away from snapping.

And lastly, I'm kind of surprised that a Lunarian would fall into a coma after being drained by the criminal. I was under the impression that Lunarians are closer to humans than most supernatural beings, but I suppose they've ascended far enough beyond human that they're still considered spiritual beings.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on February 03, 2022, 05:33:28 PM
Chapter 15 out for a while, hmm.

Nothing much happens in there, aside from a big surprise at the end
The whole talk with Marisa trying to make Reimu look suspicious doesn't seem to add much imo considering how suspicious Marisa is already. And if you consider the fact that she also popped in the bamboo forest to look for Mokou in order to help her find Reimu, with no hint about where Reimu might've gone ? Yeah, all this possessed Reimu talk is honestly a red herring, like I've previously suggested ...

Anyway, while the smarter characters supposedly know the motives of the villain (unlike us filthy readers), honestly the endgame of the Vengeful Spirit is what interest me the most : what is there to gain by antagonizing all the major players aside from one hell of a whallop by the end of the series ? This seems to me like a legitimate question since she also seems to make her future target obvious (meaning allowing future targets to prepare)

So like aside from giving Reimu a bad time, does she gain something from all of this ? Like, at the very least empowering herself with the magic power she stole ? Cuz honestly temporarily disabling people doesn't seem terribly scary to me, and, again, antagonizing the major players is reasonably not gonna end well for her ...

Anyway, when it comes to the surprising ending of this chapter 15, the only possibility that does pop in my miserable mind is the scenario where a possessed Mokou intercepted Satori in her way to get the truth out of Marisa, and left her in quite the miserable state.

Marisa being quite suspicious is not exactly in the realm of theorys anymore, but her role in the Vengeful Spirit's plans and whatever info could be gleaned from her via mind reading should be very important : previously we already had that situation where possessed Yukari WARPED HER OUT as Satori & Yuyuko were going to see her at Hakurei Shrine, then possessing & erasing her memories before the Satori-Marisa meeting at Alice's house (Hakugyoukurou arc) ... this time Satori gets freaking dropped on her way to pry the truth out of Marisa ... that is ONE TOO MANY BAILOUTS

Whatever big reveal ZUN is planning to do for this manga has got potential imo, but the freaking slow pacing plus the fact that we still don't know the identity of the big bad cat nearly THREE YEARS into the serialization is quite jarring tbh. The fact that the next "incident" is Touhou 9, considering how much of an outlier Touhou 9 was, really makes me think that we're gonna get a somewhat substantial reveal either at the end of this IN arc or in the next one.

Also, a few minor takeaways :
-Akyuu's headcanon about Mokou being a ninja is lowkey appropriate
-The radiance of Eientei cuisine is only matched by the Eirin's forehead
-Extremely rare instance of bodily injury (not some super brutal ones thankfully), AND it's on a beloved character, they're REALLY nerfing Satori way too much :((((
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on February 06, 2022, 06:30:31 AM
Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I think you may be misreading something from the Hakugyokurou arc. The timeline I see the possessions in that arc is:

>Yukari gets ambushed by the criminal and possessed
>Yukari's gaps are used to attack Alice and drain her
>Presumably, while Yukari is still compromised, she is repossessed and takes Marisa to Alice's house. Possibly just to taunt everyone and show another victim has been taken?
>Yukari is drained and abandoned, where she then revives enough to go see Reimu

It's confirmed that Marisa was possessed when she visited Hakugyokurou, but there's no indication she has been possessed a second time. If she had, she wouldn't remember going to Alice's house, and only one person can be possessed at a time.

Also for what it's worth, Satori being bad at fighting has always been a thing. I forget the exact source but ZUN always envisioned her as someone not great at fighting, and Koishi implies as such in SA extra as well. Symposium of Post-Mysticism also seemed to imply that Satori may less be "sealed away" underground so much as she's taken refuge there to get away from humans. I read her strain at reading minds to be more of a psychological limit than a physical one.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on February 06, 2022, 08:59:39 AM
Ah yeah, Marisa came to Alice's house by her own will after getting gapped by possessed Yukari, but that is a bit of an impression of mine for reasons I'll mention later. Aside from that, I don't think there was a Yukari repossession around the time :

>Yukari's gaps are used to attack Alice and drain her
>Presumably, while Yukari is still compromised, she is repossessed and takes Marisa to Alice's house. Possibly just to taunt everyone and show another victim has been taken?
>Yukari is drained and abandoned, where she then revives enough to go see Reimu
Yukari's gap doesn't drain magic power, the Vengeful Spirit's possession does, and Alice got possessed since she fell into comatose. Plus, Satori also clearly says that there is no sign of external injuries, so it cannot be an attack besides possession. Besides, The Vengeful Spirit only possess one person at a time, and repossessing Yukari is very unlikely since Yukari was capable of taking action and could easily flee when freed. This is how the chain of events would be in case of a Yukari repossession :
- Yukari attacks Alice, gets the vengeful to possess her
- She nicely wait there somehow ???
- The vengeful spirit finishes draining Alice, possess Yukari again
- Repossessed Yukari takes Marisa to the Forest of Magic

Possessing Marisa might have a bit of an issue too, unless the Vengeful Spirit tossed Yukari right after gapping Marisa and hypothetically possessed her, and more importantly is NOT something that was explicitly mentionned in chapter 9.5 where Satori confronts Marisa, however I don't think it's an impossibility. My main reason for thinking that kinda goes with my suspicion about how the plot may be going : my theory regarding this series is that Marisa is working with the Vengeful Spirit, for some reason or another, and the Vengeful Spirit relies on the memory erasing effects of its human possession to deceive Satori's mind reading abilities. The fact that POSSESSED Yukari gapped Marisa away JUST BEFORE Satori gets to see her is what makes me think that way, or Marisa randomly accurately figuring where exactly did Reimu pop up, or Satori getting attacked on her way to see Marisa in the last chapter 15 : if Marisa had nothing incriminating inside her memories, why bail her out ?

When it comes to Alice however, we actually never saw when exactly she got possessed, there was this assumption that she got recently got possessed when the manga showed her to us. My impression was that it was possible that she got possessed way earlier before the PCB arc took place : my theory on the chain of events would be that :
- The Vengeful Spirit escapes from the SDM and goes to the Forest of Magic to get Marisa
- The Vengeful Spirit casually help itself to Alice's magical power on the way (weird occurence considering that it's currently aiming to show to Reimu that the possession happens to the places where the big incidents happened) then ditches
- The Vengeful Spirit goes back on track and does the Hakugyoukurou thingy
- (chain of events that I previously mentionned happen)
- Possessed Yukari gaps Marisa away from Hakurei Shrine, notify her on the way that Alice is knocked out cold

It's very likely that Marisa didn't get possessed after she got gapped away, even moreso since if she was plotting something with the Vengeful Spirit (as I assume), she shouldn't have any such memories of plotting at this time (cuz of previous possession), UNLESS she had a hand in Yukari's possession at Hakugyoukurou (if the small drinks on the table were of any relevance or are just extra bonuses from the artist).

It's confirmed that Marisa was possessed when she visited Hakugyokurou, but there's no indication she has been possessed a second time. If she had, she wouldn't remember going to Alice's house, and only one person can be possessed at a time.
Satori brings up that there is a high probability that Marisa has been possessed multiple times, so possessing someone more than once should not be an issue, especially if it's a human who doesn't suffer from the possession side effects Youkai face. It's likely that what happened is exactly as what she told Satori, and it's likely that no Marisa possessions happened after Yukari gapped her, but imo, if she had no incriminating memories to be deleted at the time this happened, there would be little reason to take such brazen action and blow possessed Yukari's cover (along with the legitimacy of the phantom gathering, which wasted quite a bit of time)
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on February 07, 2022, 11:22:30 AM
First, when I said "attacked with gaps," I meant "used Yukari's gap powers to travel to Alice's house and attack her." Sorry about that vague wording.

Satori's impression that Marisa was the primary host was before she actually talked with Marisa. Afterwards she revised her theory once she determined she wasn't lying. And while it's true a gap in memory may not be something Satori would be able to note per se, she would definitely be able to tell if Marisa was actively conspiring with the criminal or lying during her interrogation at Alice's house. At most, Marisa is her pawn, not a conspirator. And besides, working with someone to hurt Reimu is the one thing Marisa would absolutely never do, no matter the reason. That alone is enough for me to dismiss the idea out of hand, personally.

As for Yukari being repossessed, I admit it's a bit of conjecture, but it's the only thing that makes sense to me. There's a lot we don't know about the details of this spirit's possession, but given Marisa somehow went to Hakugyokurou while possessed, attacked Yuyuko, and then left without any memory of it has given me the impression there's some degree of post-possession amnesia, where the person is kind of out of it and just kind of moving on automatic (otherwise, anyone would realize something had happened).

If Yukari were in such a state, it'd be easy to repossess her. And there's something to support the idea of quick repossession, as well. In chapter 9.5, this is Satori's initial theory of what happened:

>Marisa gets possessed while investigating Meiling's attack at the SDM
>Travels to Hakugyokurou, attacks Yuyuko
>Marisa gets repossessed directly afterwards, goes to attack Alice

Whether or not this is something that can be done, Satori seems to believe it's something the spirit is capable of, and she knows more about its methods than anyone.

Alternatively, Yukari was drained right before switching to Alice, then repossessed afterwards. I don't think there would be a problem with using someone after draining them, since they're just being used as puppets to begin with. It's a little vague on how exactly Yukari reserved some energy, since the illustration just showed a flower hidden in a gap, but we can assume she accessed it after being drained and abandoned.

I'll admit though, the "Alice was attacked before the arc even started" theory is interesting, but given the timeframe other victims have recovered I can't think of a way that would work. Plus, if you look at the frame when Alice's body is shown, there's an overturned teacup, suggesting she was attacked via liquid and not through old-fashioned possession (like I'm assuming happened to Yukari, Marisa, and Sakuya). Still, I'll keep that in the back of my head.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on February 07, 2022, 06:08:30 PM
the "Alice was attacked before the arc even started" theory is interesting, but given the timeframe other victims have recovered I can't think of a way that would work. Plus, if you look at the frame when Alice's body is shown, there's an overturned teacup, suggesting she was attacked via liquid and not through old-fashioned possession (like I'm assuming happened to Yukari, Marisa, and Sakuya). Still, I'll keep that in the back of my head.

Yeah, it may seem kinda weird that Alice's possession would last much longer than Yuyuko's (if she Alice was possessed before Yuyuko), but at the same time, unlike the other victims, she had nobody to nurse her back to health. If she was possessed first, maybe that could have played a role. At any rate, while Satori detected traces of the Vengeful Spirit's thought in the Forest of Magic (Alice and Marisa's turf), it's not specified that it's anything besides mocking thoughts, and at this point Yukari is the one that is still possessed (between step 2 and step 6). If Marisa was being naughty, I wouldn't be surprised if the Vengeful Spirit decided to set her base near her ally since she's got nowhere else to go.

Although I'm not really sure about the situation surrounding Alice's tea, previous cases were as such : Patchouli got KO from the coffee that possessed Sakuya served and obviously tampered with, same goes for Meiling after drinking something that got tampered by possessed Patchouli, and likewise for Yuyuko drinking the booze brought by possessed Marisa. This might be reading too much into a mere panel, but imo if you've got a teapot by your immediate side, the chances of getting served by someone else goes down quite a bit. All previous liquid possessions happened in relation with them being served by a possessed person, which is why I was kinda thinking that for Alice's case, mmaybe, JUST maybe it was a regular old boring possession ,although her waking later than Yuyuko kinda suggests that she might have been possessed just as our attention is brought to the forest of magic. At the time, the way things stand is as such :
1 - Vengeful Spirit leaves SDM
1.5 - (???) + the Vengeful Spirit getting in contact with Marisa
2 - Possessed Marisa brings booze to Yuyuko, Yuyuko gets possessed
2.5 - The Vengeful Spirit had to leave Yuyuko in order to get Yukari
3 - Marisa and Reimu meets Yukari, Yukari later gets possessed
4 - Various events happen, Satori detects traces of the Vengeful Spirit's thoughts in the Forest of Magic
5 - Still possessed Yukari sends Marisa to the forest of magic
6 - bla bla previous argument, either repossession or Yukari ditching

Maybe the Vengeful Spirit infected her tea, dunno

And since we're talking about liquid related possession, I'm actually kinda curious about how did Marisa get possessed after the SDM arc. Regular non liquid possession is something that Vengeful Spirits are capable of doing (even brought up when the culprit being a Vengeful Spirit is revealed), but hasn't actually happened "on camera" in this manga. Although this might get clarified depending on whether Mokou is currently possessed or not.

At most, Marisa is her pawn, not a conspirator. And besides, working with someone to hurt Reimu is the one thing Marisa would absolutely never do, no matter the reason. That alone is enough for me to dismiss the idea out of hand, personally.
I also don't think the endgame of the Vengeful Spirit is about harming Reimu, since there were quite a few opportunies to do just that previously : for example, she could have just used a possessed Sakuya (before Reimu was made aware of the possessions) to do a surprise attack featuring time powers, or used Yukari and possibly attack Reimu when she was confining herself. Even most of the previous victims didn't particularly suffer any serious harm (despite magic loss supposedly being serious for Youkai) : weak Patchouli still got to move around, while Yuyuko is plenty capable of giving a freaking piggyback : the only person who truly have been harmed at this point would be Satori at the end of Chapter 15 : if the big bad's motives aren't about seriously harming Reimu, then Marisa getting enlisted doesn't seem off the table. I'm leaning more towards the Marisa-is-an-accomplice route because I can't picture Marisa to get manipulated at convenience, plus the things that require a proper partner that is on the ball in the more recent chapters.

While Chapter 9.5 generally seem to absolve Marisa at that point, I think there are too many suspicious things surrounding her circumstances for her to be totally clean :
- She got Reimu to be involved in this whole possession ordeal back in the beginning, EVEN exaggerated the facts (saying that Patchouli is dead) to get Reimu's interest
- Seemingly being the Vengeful Spirit's possession target (like why), with Satori suspecting her to already having been possessed multiple times
- Her intrusion in Eientei, which even coincide with the Vengeful Spirit's letter's threat

And while it's true a gap in memory may not be something Satori would be able to note per se, she would definitely be able to tell if Marisa was actively conspiring with the criminal or lying during her interrogation at Alice's house.
Still going by the angle where Marisa may be a conspirator, imo "refreshing" Marisa should not be too much of a challenge : something that seems suspicious to me happens in the start of the IN arc, where Marisa, somehow, figures out exactly that Reimu is in Eientei and even enlist Mokou's help to get just there : before this happens, an supposedly good Marisa was trying to rely on Reimu's intuition to find the Vengeful Spirit, but couldn't ask Reimu since she went to Eientei after a not-possessed-anymore Yukari told her about the Vengeful Spirit's intentions : if Marisa was going to rely on Reimu's help to find something, how did she figure Reimu's current location with exact precision ? Especially if she wasn't made aware of the Vengeful Spirit's objectives ? Extremely suspicious to me, what's with her randomly getting a bunch of highly accurate information. I think things probably went this :
- Reimu goes to Eientei
- Marisa doesn't find Reimu, may have met up with the Vengeful Spirit
- A possibly possessed Marisa goes to meet Mokou
- Possibility that the Vengeful Spirit is moved onto Mokou, since she wasn't on Marisa anymore at the time of the capture

IF Marisa is indeed an accomplice instead of just an unwitting pawn, her motives would currently elude me. Unless it has something to do with the identity of the Vengeful Spirit who is totally M*ma

As for the mysterious, unidentified and enigmatic Vengeful Spirit's motives, I think the revenge she wants to take on Gensokyo has gotta be something that's a little bit different from just harming everyone, especially Reimu (since Marisa wouldn't harm her bestie). Still not sure what her exact objective is or how her plan's endgame gonna be.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on February 07, 2022, 09:26:52 PM
The whole "Patchouli is dead" thing honestly just seems like a running gag to me. Everyone is so excited over a murder mystery they keep calling the victim "the body." I wouldn't read too much into it, since I'm pretty sure Marisa isn't the only one to use this line.

As for Marisa figuring out Eientei is the next location, it's true that it isn't shown on screen, but I think it's a fair argument that she simply put the pieces together like Satori did. After all, even someone with no interaction with the surface at the time like Satori was able to figure out Eientei was the next target after gaining some basic information about the incident orders - someone directly involved like Marisa would be able to connect the dots together.

Rereading past chapters for this, I'm even more convinced Marisa isn't an accomplice. When she visits the shrine to look for Reimu, she shows clear concern and confusion, despite nobody else being around. Unless we're talking David Cage levels of bad mystery writing, there's no reason for her to "fool" anyone in this circumstance. That being said, I do find it curious how in the most recent chapter, she seemingly forgot why she came to Eientei in the first place until Eirin prompted her to remember. That is strange, but I reserve judgement until we see more. I suppose I can't rule out the theory that she was intercepted by the spirit on her way to Eientei, but then why would she remember meeting Mokou in the first place?

And lastly, as for the spirit's motives, I think it not attacking Reimu yet isn't so much that this isn't its ultimate goal as it's a classic trope of the villain wanting their victim to suffer before striking. A lot of its movements, from these elaborate escapes/infiltrations to mimicking the order of the incidents seems to be done with the express purpose of taunting and/or scaring Reimu. If its motive is revenge, it makes sense it wouldn't just go the most straightforward route. Because otherwise yeah, it would have been game over the moment Yuyuko was taken over.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on February 28, 2022, 02:56:15 AM
The translation isn't up yet, but I was able to understand most of it in Japanese, thankfully. The most important detail of the chapter below:

We have a name: Mizuchi Miyadeguchi. Sorry Mima fans.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on February 28, 2022, 03:20:08 PM
Can't believe Mima's back with a new design AND even a new name ! New girl's apparition is a bit hampered by the medium being a black and white manga cuz we don't know how her color scheme is gonna be like : what's the color of her hair ? The color of her eyes ? Are her clothes really black and white plus a bit of grey for the metallic parts ? Chara design wise, aside from really looking like Shion after a failed burglary attempt, she looks a bit like she could've come from Criminal Girls but much less salacious methinks.

Also she seems to have a bunch of paper dolls with her. Aside from vengeful spirit business, could she be proficient in Onmiyoji techniques ? Since paper dolls are stereotypically associated with these ...

Anyway, I'm a bit less inclined to think that Marisa would collab with the baddie now cuz this girl is a complete stranger of the evil variety. Although Marisa being completely clean would not only be boring but make a number of things look really weird to me, what's with a lot of Marisa - Vengeful Spirit moments plus her actually following the Vengeful Spirit's timing in the Eientei break-in ...

Possession timing with Kaguya inn the Human Village seems also kinda sketchy since she's possessed at the very least Yukari before that, yet Kaguya was already in Eientei when we reach there. While I'd like a clear-and-cut clarification, I kinda suspect that ZUN is probably not gonna give that, hmm.

For this IN arc, my new impression of the timeline for possession would be as such :
- Vengeful Spirit leaves Yukari, possesses Kaguya in the Human Village, probably runs SUPER FAST towards Eientei to prevent plot holes
- Completely not possessed Marisa and not possessed Mokou coincidentally go to Eientei to perfectly act in a manner that's consistent with the Vengeful Spirit's plans ?!?!?!!!!
- Possessed Kaguya pretends to be not possessed Kaguya, suggest a plan to Eirin while trying not to laugh, later pretends to get KO'ed later in order to match the plan that she presented to Eirin when the supposed time for the Vengeful Spirit to strike comes
- Not possessed Marisa gets captured, a propably not possessed Mokou gets out of Eientei
- The Vengeful Spirit sees Satori approaching, gives her a whallop, may or may not have been done while possessing Kaguya
- Possessed Kaguya and a relatively fresh out of Eientei Mokou fight each other (typical), Possessed Kaguya gets defeated, the Vengeful Spirit leaves her
- The Vengeful Spirit and Mokou fight, Mokou gets possessed at the end of it

As for the Vengeful Spirit knowing a bunch of stuff including miscellaneous info she shouldn't know, if I was right about the paper dolls thingy, maybe she uses shikigami too and rely on them to spy around and get intel. Cuz if that is so, then her knowing about all the things that happened on the surface would make more sense.

Her angle is still not sure, but as someone who allegedly comes from an era where there was more chaos in Gensokyo, she most certainly comes from an earlier and more violent period in the history of Gensokyo. And since she is a Vengeful Spirit who seems to have a grudge with the Hakurei Shrine and Gensokyo, maybe back when she was a human, she did plotted or did something really bad that turned the residents of Gensokyo (and the Hakurei Shrine of the time) against her. Who she was as a human and what was her relationship with the Hakurei Shrine might seem suspicious for now, but it should be unraveled in not too long hopefully.

It only took 2 to 3 years for her reveal, but what she is aiming for and how she is gonna get handled is going to take a bit more time. It's quite convenient that the next "incident" is TH 9, which involves afterlife administration people : if any exposition is going to be done, that seems like the perfect time to me.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 01, 2022, 01:04:06 AM
I'm not sure why Kaguya getting to Eientei before Reimu is a plot hole. As vague as Gensokyo geography is, PMiSS made clear that the human village is closer to Eientei than the Hakurei Shrine.

Anyway it pleases me somewhat that more people are finally catching on that this is less of a mystery story and more of a monthly drama serial. I never took seriously the idea that this was a solvable mystery from the moment the spirit's existence was revealed in the first arc, but it seems more people are accepting this as of the newest chapter's developments.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on March 01, 2022, 02:32:59 AM
I'm not sure why Kaguya getting to Eientei before Reimu is a plot hole.
No no no, I didn't say that that's a plot hole, just that the timing between Yukari to Kaguya possession is ridiculously tight, especially since Reimu flew straight to Eientei just after Yukari told her about Newhu's plans.

As for the mystery part, honestly, it's about the first arc and only that that seems like a "proper" mystery one, what's with the various hints presented in there allowing to guess the nature of the culprit (Ex : me, who figured out that the culprit is a spirit that came from the underworld because of Sakuya not knowing she did anything + Chireiden gang's involvement). Fantasy mystery stories generally are limited by the fact that you need established rules & setting to allow the readers to make reasonable guesses but also involving supernatural elements : Touhou, however,  has an established setting that allows it not to suffer from that problem (as I showed in the previous example), but FDS hasn't really done much of what you'd expect from regular Mystery stories for the newer arcs.

Regardless of how the story is currently, the first arc and the "Detective" part of the title really lead one to believe that this is a mystery series, after all what else would a detective be for ? I think it's reasonable to expect a "detective" story to be about resolving a bunch of mysteries as the story progress. However the arcs that follow the SDM one give sudden revelations rather than hinted or guessable events, like the reveal of Yukari having been possessed or Kaguya's possession as she went to the Human Village.

I think that for the reader who came in fresh without knowing how the story is gonna develop in the future (as in everybody who followed this since its inception), the manga is more like a wild goose chase with new unhinted revelations coming one after another : after the latest chapter 16 and with how Satori keeps getting put away from the plot, how the manga is gonna be viewed is obviously gonna change, but I don't think it's appropriate to say that this wasn't a mystery manga from the get go, since that was clearly what it was at the start.

Also, while some possessions were straight up revealed without any hints of any kind, the mystery part of this manga was generally about "who was possessed". While there definitely has been a general change in the tone of this series + a fight scene even, I really don't think ZUN is suddenly gonna transform this into an action manga or throw away the "mystery" part altogether. The motives of Mimain't are still not revealed, and the same goes for the plan she got in store to achieve that. Stuff like figuring how her powers properly work and what are her means (for example how she seems to know stuff she reasonably shouldn't) could potentially require figuring too.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on March 02, 2022, 02:27:54 AM
I love love love the design of Mizuchi. Mima lovers needs to take another huge L.
Also, I wonder where the story will go from here.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Roashiki on March 30, 2022, 01:23:40 PM
Ch 17 (

So given the progression of events should we expect Eiki or komachi to be the next victim? I also hope we get to see yuuka since it's been awhile since we've seen her.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on March 30, 2022, 05:22:16 PM
So given the progression of events should we expect Eiki or komachi to be the next victim? I also hope we get to see yuuka since it's been awhile since we've seen her.
Way it looks, seems like we're getting some of that PoFV disrespect as we are entering straight into MoF arc (if we go by the chapter / arc title + introduced cast of characters. Kinda funny since MoF's "incident" doesn't strike me as a proper generalized incident like the previous ones (PoFV included), but I digress.

With this, we wrap up a relatively short IN arc. Nothing much happens aside from possessed Mokou looking around and having some instropection. The parts of the chapter that stand out to me would be the ones where EvilHu not seeming particularly happy while thinking if Humanity lost to Youkai plus sort of blaming such situation on the current state of the Hakurei Shrine.

As a Vengeful Spirit who seems to hail from an earlier era, her concerns and displeasure with the current situation are quite interesting and may even be hinting towards who she could have been back as a Human and what her motives are. Although I still wouldn't get why she hasn't seriously harmed her previous possession victims.

I'm not really expecting ZUN to suddenly decide to focus on the backstory of Gensokyo, but with Mizuchi seems to me like she can be a good opportunity to present the state of the pre-gensokyo-as-we-know-from-Akyuu.

There aren't a lot of speculations regarding her that I know of, but considering her previous targets and her displeasure with the current Hakurei Shrine, it's clear that her worldview is suspiciously outdated for the current Gensokyo, where the Humans receive medicine from the rabbits, news from the tengus, bunch of utility items from the kappas, household servants in zashiki warashis, and so on ... so with all that, I'm kinda leaning towards her possibly having been a peace keeping human who fought on the side of humanity and was really not happy when it was decided that people and youkai should coexist or something.

Which kinda makes the coming MoF arc kinda interesting, as it features gods instead of youkai : is she gonna target Moriya Shrine ? And why ? Until the next proper confrontation, I don't think we're gonna learn anything serious about her.

And still regarding her identity, specifically her source for inspiration : we all know that ZUN usually take inspiration from  (mostly) Japanese folklore or distinguished Japanese figures for some of his characters, plus a little Touhou spin: some girls are inspired BY legends or people, some girls are straight up supposed to BE such or such legendary being or figure, while some take some kind of vague inspiration from some legend or figure but has not much to do with said legend or figure (like Kagerou and Kosuzu), or even go the Mokou and Kaguya way here ZUN add an extra history in established folklore and historical figures : I ain't seen nothing about "Miyadeguchi" anywhere, but I've seen some speculations pertaining to some "Deguchi" fellas, such as Mr Onisaburo Deguchi ( (the more illustrous and possible one imo) or even Ms Nao Deguchi ( that are associated with the Oomoto religion. I'm not like super familiar with Oomoto thingy or any text written in relation to that faith, but imo, Ms Miyadeguchi Mizuchi might either follow the Kosuzu and Kagerou (who are named after Japanese people who have accomplishement that can be associated to their characters) ; OR go the Kaguya and Mokou route where ZUN could add his little spin on actual people (a bit unlikely as the "big things" regarding these people happens after Gensokyo getting sealed after 1885). Not something to take seriously, but just something that may or may not be of relevance.

And while this other reflexion comes a bit late, with Mimain't being an entirely new character, her fixation on Marisa as favorite possession target goes from "kinda sus" to "actually weird" : why would she seem to be comfortable inside of a complete stranger ? AND even notify said stranger than one of her neighboors (Alice) is KO'ed out cold, especially if since Mimain't doesn't seem to be super fond of Youkai ? Really weird to me, and I hope ZUN's gonna bring some explanation in the future. For the Marisa thing, I'm willing to think that Mizuchi and her suspicious association with water (considering that's what one of her medium for possession is) go really well with Marisa, who is innate affinity with water. Not sure about the whole Alice business tho

And finally, a bunch of takeaways from the latest chapter 17 :
- Nitori with that new drip
- Sanae being a good girl who follow the rules and get a proper title card intro with her grandma. Also being super cute

- Actual suspects for us filthy readers ?!
- Satori being late to the scene ... again
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Roashiki on March 31, 2022, 02:42:20 AM
The detective being a step behind the mastermind is a pretty old trope but satori as of late feels less like the product of that old trope but more of the incompetent detective type. As for Marisa I  honestly think that was biggest mima bait I've ever seen but now that I read your post I think there might be something more to  Mizuchi claim of considering Marisa her favorite to possess. If Mizuchi really was on a anti youkai force it would've put her in direct conflict with the hakurei maiden and essentially designating her as a rival of sorts. We also know that Mizuchi has been watching reimu for some time (and yet those two haven't aged 🤔) and must have felt that Marisa was a kindred spirit. When you add in Marisa's affinity for water the result would probably be an insanely compatible body for possession.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on June 05, 2022, 03:55:45 PM
Chapter 18's been out for quite a while now

As it's still in the early stage of the MoF arc, nothing much is happening now. While I don't think that there's much to read into the characters she's possessing most of the time, possessing Nitori is kinda weird since Mizuchi didn't acquire her technological savviness, so she's not getting much of those electrical tasks done. This makes it clear that picking Nitori is about infiltrating Youkai Mountain first and foremost. I'm kinda curious of Nitori getting KO'ed in the future is gonna be tied with the main cast's investigation, as Youkai mountain is pretty distant from the previous locations setting wise.

That said, current possession timeline plus bunch of other things :
- Mokou : unpossessed + KO'ed in Human Village
- Nitori : possessed in Human Village
- Sanae : went in the Human Village, confirmed not possessed because Nitori is the one who got hopped on
- Miyoi, foxes and tanuki : clearly not possessed, not sure if relevant even

As for the usual vengeful spirit exposition this time, Kanako and her lovely roommate's talk about how Vengeful spirit, aside from youkai, can also possess gods / divine spirit due to being similar in nature, I feel like it would be less convoluted if ZUN just say what vengeful spirits can't possess cuz at the point we're at it seems like they can possess pretty much anything sentient or something.

Still on the vengeful spirit talk thingy, I find it interesting that they mould say that Vengeful Spirits typically target the target of their grudge, since Mizuchi has clearly harmed more than one person at this point. Reimu's personality is such that it's hard to think that anyone would bear a grudge towards her, and some kind of generalized grudge towards Gensokyo or the Hakurei Shrine seems kinda abstract (although I can see it serving as a justifiication for Mizuchi not going "poof" in case she does manage to get her revenge, as a vengeful spirit). And even if she is genuinely aiming for people with connections to Reimu, her actions are a bit haphazard and without lasting consequences for her victims, like what does she really do ? As expected, her motives need to be properly unveiled in order to make sense of a bunch of stuff.

And finally, a bit of a weird impresion, but just like MoF (the game), gods seems like they might be a bit of a central theme in this new MoF arc : aside from the Moriya gang, we also have a gorgeous looking Goddess of Misfortune in Hina (who gets to enjoy a proper role in an official work), and others than can arguably be considered as water gods (kappa) and wind gods (tengu, once Aya and her the kin comes to light later). Kinda interesting considering the Vengeful Spirit talk about youkai and divine spirits being possession targets from earlier.

Only weird part this chapter to me is the small chip that drifts by end of the chapter : was it some random machine part that she randomly threw away or something that is to be of use later on ? It's been a while since we've had a drinl-related possession, so there is no way we're suddenly get some kind of weird new possession based of items she's fiddled with

Anyway, until Mizuchi's endgame is properly revealed, random-what-if-theory-with-not-much-bearing-towards-anything-here : since ZUN is trying to go for a mystery-ish story, what if he took inspiration from Agatha Christie, who he's taken inspiration or made references towards in the first time ? Like, Mizuchi pretended to attack people in the order they commited incidents while actually having one specific aim since the beginning ? Imo that would make her actions somewhat, since it's not like she specifically aimed for the masterminds behind incidents specifically. Like, MoF's gonna end and as we enter SA arc, Satori'll feel targeted but Mizuchi would just aim for something else inside of the Underworld or something. Crazy speculation, but imo that would be kinda cool.

Finally, a bunch of takeaways :
- Kawashiro branding on a Nitori machine : Kawashiro brand is quite common in fanworks, but this is the very first time (correct me if I'm wrong) it pops up in an official capacity. Was it artistic discretion or something made with the blessing of ZUN ?
- Random kawaii uguuu kappa mob trying to wrestle the position of most popular kappa mob from Wahh's black haired kappa
- Zero kappa backpacks
- Long haired Suwacc
- Super short Suwacc (like half the size of Kanako)
- Expressive hat of Suwacc (it mimics her eye's expressions !)
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on January 01, 2023, 08:48:55 PM
The fact that we get some more Flandre action is quite surprising. That murder look she gave off in one of the panel gives her a definite vampire personality..
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on May 30, 2023, 04:52:20 PM
Been a while, but chapter 27 (?) is out, and some stuff in there seems to have interesting implications :

After a weird MoF arc and a rather lengthy UFO cast intro, besides the usual possession & dump, it seems like there are a few things that may relate to Mizuchi's identity this time, namely the surprised reaction from Reimu regarding her name being Miyadeguchi, which reminds me that Newhu hasn't introduced her properly to the non-readers ; but also the fact that Mizuchi is likely proficient in barrier techniques (I assume she's the one who trapped the gang in Myouren temple), which is extremely suspicious as the only barrier specialists we know generally play a very important role regarding Gensokyo's balance / protection / admin work thingy ; plus the added bonus of her being a bit of a relatively new in Hell.

We haven't had new dialogue from her yet, but these make her identity very, very suspicious, even moreso considering her evident distaste of Youkai, her displeasure with the current state of the Hakurei Shrine, plus her getting shocked over thinking if Humans lost a while back. I hope Reimu's gonna explain who she's supposed to be in a month or two, cuz Reimu seems to know something regarding her name (else why she'd act so surprised).

On the possession tracking side of things, memory needs a bit of refreshing but imo it's somewhat like this :
- End of Eientei arc : goes from Kaguya to Mokou
- Goes to the Human Village, possesses Nitori  and scout Youkai Mountain probably
- Somehow possess Sanae in the Human Village at some point and go to the supposedly locked down Moriya Shrine
- QUITE PROBABLY possess Marisa (again) at the end of MoF arc
- Somehow possesses Byakuren
- Has either left or is still stuck around Myouren temple somehow
Anyway, since Myouren temple is all barriered up and since all the important residents are all still inside, I'm actually expecting Mizuchi to still be around Myouren temple this time. I think it would be funny if she went back to Marisa like usual but got unlucky and is currently stuck dealing with Flandre during her hitman part-time job.

Dunno at what arc ZUN is gonna stop, but if we go to a TD arc I'm curious to see what she's gonna do with the more Human-friendly faction of the bunch, plus eventual Tojiko dynamics.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on June 30, 2023, 04:16:45 AM
Bit late, but new Foul Detective Satori chapter 28 out

Super straightforward chapter this time, as it seems we're closing on the end of the Myouren temple arc. The title of the arc refering to the underground actually made me think for a bit that there might be a chance that there'll be something that'll connect or bring us back to the underground, but the way things look it doesn't seem so

Regarding the possessed person this time, it turns out to be Kyouko. The manga's monthly release kinda made me forget some of the information, and I actually forgot that Kyouko actually appeared in this arc at all, lol. Anyway, the lack of Kyouko among the people worried about Byakuren (among the Myourenji people present in the premises in this arc) does indeed seems kinda sus considering the fact that Myourenji people kinda care about her a lot.

Mystery series generally require a bit of straightforwardness and obviousness in their reveals, so I for one appreciate that there is some logic / explanation behind why Kyouko is the one possessed, explanation that is somewhat consistent with the lack of screentime after the important happening AND already observable (or rather, her being unobservable) in previous chapters. While it would be undoubtedly much more exciting to deduce an actual willing accomplice than some poor sap being controlled without them being aware, imo this is much more preferable than stuff like Kaguya being freaking possessed offscreen in a location we weren't introduced to in the manga and apparently outrunning a flying Reimu straight to Eientei in order to let the plot take place. But speaking of straightforward and obvious, another big thing that is a part of the mystery genre is the part where the big bad reveal their motive : while we know it's a grudge against Gensokyo, actually hearing it from the horse's mouth seems much more appropriate to me.

Although the unexpected thing this time to me was the fact that the possessed Kyouko was trapped and confused by the weird restriction surrounding Myouren temple, which means that it's unlikely that she set up the barrier herself (She might consistently be painting a giant target on her back, but is probably not dumb enough to shoot herself in the foot like that). So, as far as barrier-proficient people that are not confused nor trapped inside Myourenji goes, it's probably got to be Yukari, who I coincidentally forgot made an appearance super-early on in this arc too.

So imo, here's what's going on :
- Yukari probably set up the barrier out of being tired of the BadHu's shenanigans
- Yukari enlisted Flandre's help and sent her to Myourenji to help deal with said source of shenanigans
- Yukari sent Satori there too cuz gap are a much superior means of transportation compared to piggybacks and Satori kinda need her getback for what happened in the bamboo forest AND not look like a fool detective by finally getting a proper confrontation

As for what's gonna happen, either BadHu gets sorted there and then, or she plays a trump card that allows her to get into the next TD arc. I actually think she's gonna get away with it again since we don't seem like we're getting that proper Reimu faceoff yet. And while Satori is supposedly the main character this time, imo we still need BadHu to tell Reimu what her beef with her is, plus the ass whooping that she's long had coming her way.

A few additionnal takeaways :
- Only noticed this upon reread, but this Nazrin DOES have new drip and an especially big bow
- More battle manga action sequences
- Marisa's broom reality check. No seriously what did she expect
- Kyouko REALLY in need of some exorcism right now, probably needs the uncute beaten out of her
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on September 28, 2023, 06:05:43 PM
New chapter 29 is out after some weird kind of pause

Later chapters various Touhou mangas kinda have this weird tendency of changing into a battle manga (which is especially weird for this initially shoujo / mystery kinda manga), and such is the case for this chapter (and the previous one) as it set up a fight between Reimu, Byakuren and Shou vs Flan.

Chapter's very straightforward but surprisingly leaves room for speculation, for example regarding the mist and the help that Kyoukozuchi speculate Satori to be waiting for (just Flandre or someone else ?) ; pluus the ending with a suspicious looking Satori (possessed or not)

It's gonna be pretty embarrassing if Satori actually got possessed imo cuz that's another fail to add to her list of non-accomplishements in this manga, but the fact that she approaches Marisa (decidedly Mizuchi's favorite possession target) kinda leads me to put my stocks on the "yeah she's possessed" side of speculations

Myouren temple arc is coming to a close, but I feel like we haven't learned anything new or substantial regarding Mizuchi's motivations and plans : I'm kinda hoping that next chapters gonna clarify these else next arc is gonna have virtually the SAME beginning as the IN, MoF, and UFO arc have. I'll take anything 2hu, but even I would like to see quality writing instead of this particular formula for this manga. Slow pace + early chapters of new arcs having nothing happening is kinda unimpressive tbh.

Bunch of takeaways :
-Already in previous chapters, but damn, Marisa. Blood on my 2hu ? Yikes.
-Shou's one chance at getting some action in over a decade gets divided by 3
-Flandre looking more threatening than 2 big shots (+ Shou) for some reason ?

Also a bit unrelated, but fun Flandre fact : she HAS a spell card called "Scarlet Nihility" that she uses in her Route A ending in 17.5 : this means that she's the ONLY character who's got a named attack that's neither illustrated nor can be played in a game : since we are getting actual action / fight scenes, I'm kinda crossing my fingers to see if we're gonna get it in this manga (not likely, I know) or have some other kind of spell card.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Lebon14 on November 30, 2023, 06:03:41 AM
Been a little while since I posted on here.

The last few chapters were great and it has the most action we had in an official manga ever.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on December 30, 2023, 07:56:55 PM
Somewhat late, but we're done with the Myouren temple happenstance into what seems to be an introduction of sorts to what's gonna happen next time and who's gonna take part in it. I actually feel like the plot is about to make a signifiant progress with this chapter, so here's hoping

The new chapter 32(?) reveal that Miss Miyadeguchi is in fact related to the Hakurei Shrine, so that's a W for the guys who expressed theories that goes around these lines, and she is now trapped in the underworld as the various entrances that lead there got sealed after she got sent there.

Now strictly speaking, with the villain clearly identified and more or less sent to prison, it can be said that there are no more real stake at hand here, but the main girls JUST have to be petty and really, REALLY seem like they are going to break through the underground's seal and go to Miss Miyadeguchi cuz they need that getback

I quite like the fact that we're bringing the girls from the previous arcs for this, but it seems to me like we're decidedly going the battle manga route. Now, we've had SO MUCH slice of life stuff in this series to the point where I've managed my expectations and seek out excitement in other series : I quite like NON slice of life stuff as far as touhou goes, but at the same time it seems like an unusual direction to take for this initially mystery manga. I have a remark on that aspect that I'm gonna save for a final review when this manga is completed.

I guess we still need that exposition from Miss Miyadeguchi and hopefullly, HOPEFULLY make use of the opportunity that she presents to get a window to peer into the backstory of Gensokyo.

Minor takeaways :
- Satori showing the MOST skin in the entirety of this series
- Remilia's very cool and sharp look, in comparison to her previous girly (and I assume very pink) one
- Flandre and her own way of being considerate ?
- Reimu, Remilia and Sakuya showing the cutest smile when thinking about absolutely trouncing someone
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Inunaki on December 31, 2023, 02:22:47 PM
I mean, they said they couldn't be sure that they blocked off every exit, but seeing what Reimu's doing makes me think they're not going to go the "she somehow found a way out" route.

Also, is it bad that my first thought when I read this was "Poor Parsee, she's now out of a job"? She's my favourite character, but she hasn't even appeared in this, so I guess it's sorta odd that I'm thinking about her...

I'm glad, however, that we finally have some backstory for Mizuchi, even if it's only vague now I'm hoping this is a sign that we'll soon be getting more information about her and her exact motives.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Inunaki on February 28, 2024, 09:36:48 AM
After two months, we have received a new update.

It was mostly Mizuchi-centric. I like the new character development for Mizuchi, especially since we've only seen her behave more-or-less in one manner. Getting a bigger glimpse into her personality was really nice.

Also, Yuugi taking pity on her and siding with her is interesting. Not just due to the obvious "Yuugi is now helping Mizuchi" development, but if someone who was previously annoyed by her actions actually sympathised with her to the point of actively aiding her, then this I feel is a big development. Whatever this is, it isn't anything minor (I imagine "vengeful spirit" is not a high bar, provided something has made you angry enough, some people can get real petty) and it clearly makes the Miyadeguchis sympathetic. It isn't some cut-and-dry case where Miyadeguchi is clearly in the wrong and the Hakureis were in the right and Miyadeguchi is being petty about it (and maybe that was obvious but cmon, they haven't exactly given the reader any reason to be sympathetic to Mizuchi until now) and I feel it's going to be really interesting when the rest of the cast figure out what exactly happened (from a storywriting perspective, it's unthinkable that they wouldn't find out).

It seems Reimu knows to an extent, but I wonder how much. Back when I first read the previous chapter, I felt that Reimu had just vaguely heard about the Miyadeguchis and simply decided to go after Mizuchi out of pettiness because it was clearly established to be about her, but re-reading it, I'm not so sure. I'm not sure if she knows exactly what happened and is attacking out of honest belief that the Miyadeguchis were in the wrong, or if my previous belief that she's just being petty is correct. I guess we'll have to see.

It seems, at the very least, that my last post was right and we're going to be getting more information about what Mizuchi is getting revenge over, so that's a plus.

Overall, a really good chapter in my opinion. I personally really like Mizuchi and am sorta rooting for her over Satori, Reimu and the others (though that might just be because I tend to sympathise with villains a lot more) and I hope this doesn't end with her being exterminated, though as a vengeful spirit I wonder if she'll cease to exist if she actually succeeds. I hope whatever happens, she doesn't come out too badly.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on February 29, 2024, 02:15:24 AM
I'm surprised that it's such a common reading of the last two chapters that Reimu is going after Mizuchi out of pettiness or because she hates the Miyadeguchi. It's not clear what exactly her feelings are or what she's going to do, but from the start I had the sense she feels some manner of responsibility towards Mizuchi for whatever happened in the past. Whether that's sympathy or merely an element of understanding before she stands her ground though, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm excited to see where the story takes us as we presumably head towards the final act.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Inunaki on March 08, 2024, 08:56:31 AM
I'm surprised that it's such a common reading of the last two chapters that Reimu is going after Mizuchi out of pettiness or because she hates the Miyadeguchi. It's not clear what exactly her feelings are or what she's going to do, but from the start I had the sense she feels some manner of responsibility towards Mizuchi for whatever happened in the past. Whether that's sympathy or merely an element of understanding before she stands her ground though, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm excited to see where the story takes us as we presumably head towards the final act.
To me, it was the way she worded things. She spoke very vaguely about it, saying the Miyadeguchis served Hakurei Shrine and that it happened before she was born, which is a very vague way of putting things so I originally felt that she might not have known the full story. And then her final words are "We hit back!", which personally felt to me like an indication that she just wanted to get revenge on Mizuchi rather than anything to do with her past, especially considering that Mizuchi was already sealed in Former Hell, it just felt like she was going after her unnecessarily out of spite, due to the confirmation that this incident was about her.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting things, but that's the sense that I got having read it at first. As I said, I'm no longer so sure, but that was my original thought process.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 08, 2024, 11:41:40 AM
Reimu already knew she was the personal target of the incident since the second arc though. If she hadn't learned her name was Miyadeguchi, it sounds like she may have accepted the outcome as things are, but learning her tormenter's name caused her to choose to confront her directly, even at the risk of her own life. Frankly, more than anything, I just can't believe Reimu is the type of person who would act out of spite over clan politics from before she was born, and her body language didn't read as anger to me. It's very much vague what her thoughts towards Mizuchi are since we don't know what happened between the Hakurei and Miyadeguchi, but I would be very surprised if this encounter will be a simple matter of Reimu trying to exterminate her.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Inunaki on March 12, 2024, 05:58:57 PM
Reimu already knew she was the personal target of the incident since the second arc though. If she hadn't learned her name was Miyadeguchi, it sounds like she may have accepted the outcome as things are, but learning her tormenter's name caused her to choose to confront her directly, even at the risk of her own life. Frankly, more than anything, I just can't believe Reimu is the type of person who would act out of spite over clan politics from before she was born, and her body language didn't read as anger to me. It's very much vague what her thoughts towards Mizuchi are since we don't know what happened between the Hakurei and Miyadeguchi, but I would be very surprised if this encounter will be a simple matter of Reimu trying to exterminate her.
I didn't interpret it as her being spiteful over what happened with Mizuchi over things that happened before she was born, I interpreted it as her being spiteful after having direct confirmation that it was about her. It's been a while since I've read the whole thing, but I don't recall it being concretely established that it was targetting Hakurei, aside from them noticing the pattern of Mizuchi's targets and the incidents Reimu handled. Marisa even acknowledges this by saying "That just makes it even more certain! You're that spirit's main target!", the implication being that now they had concretely established it.

Anyway, as you said, her thoughts on the matter are vague. My interpretation of that vague-ness was that she's being super vague about what happened between the Hakurei and Miyadeguchi but directly after we get absolute confirmation that it's targetting her, she seems bent on fight Mizuchi even after she was already dealt with and in spite of all of Former Hell being blocked off.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 13, 2024, 03:22:05 AM
You likely should give the earlier chapters another look in that case, because a solid half of the PCB arc was Reimu freaking out over the revelation that she was Mizuchi's target after Satori told her, leading her to hide from everyone until Yukari helped her regain some of her nerve. Reimu's been more than aware that Mizuchi is after her for some time, and it was commented on multiple occasions how nervous and defensive her investigations were based on that knowledge. Learning her tormentor is a Miyadeguchi caused something to click in her mind on why she is being targeted, but the fact itself, or even that her grudge is aimed at the Hakurei Shrine, is not new information to her.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on May 28, 2024, 06:29:43 PM
Been a while, but chapter 35 of Satori Kaisen is out, in which we get to see Fraudeguchi's entire neighborhood gang up on Goatmu (and where we shall eventually see if all of the introduced cast are gonna get owned by Fraudeguchi in a series of 1v1 after scamming a win from Goatmu later down the line)

I kinda feel that the setup from the two previous chapters is kinda unnecessary if we're decidedly going the battle manga route. Now dunno if the hole that spewed vengeful spirits in the chapter is what Reimu used to force her way in the underground this time, but if it is, I think giving an opening for vengeful spirits to invade the surface world is extremely irresponsible if it's for the sake of some petty personal vendetta, even moreso if you consider the possibility that Miss Miyadeguchi could have made use of the opportunity herself ...

Alternatively, the opening could have also been created by other parties seeking to settle accounts with Miss Miyadeguchi, but there's currently nothing to hint at that.

It would be ideal if Reimu's little incursion in the underground was done with the help of Yukari's gaps rather than some brutish opening. Vaguely curious to see if Byakuren's suspicion towards whatever might be going on in the Hakurei Shrine is gonna lead her to the truth of the matter or if she's just gonna find Yukari there (cuz she's probably the person communicating with Reimu & helping her, just like in SA. I can see her chilling in the Shrine during this)

The way this underground arcs present itself, the underground dwellers don't seem to have either much initiative or control over the events that are happening, so most of the problems should by the surface dwellers (whether it be the activation of the sealing systems or the creation of the opening this time

The only question to me is whether Fraudeguchi had some failsafe from a previous era in play : we still haven't been told why she seems to have such accurate and updated information about the surface world (if ZUN remembers that), plus there probably being a reason why she's called the jailbreak king : either 1/the opening this time is caused by the heroines, in which case they are petty and irresponsible (and in which case Reimu's gotta have a more compelling reason than getting payback) ; or 2/ it's caused by some failsafe Miss Miyadeguchi prepared (kinda expecting there to be no failsafe else she woulsn't be so down in the dumps in the previous chapters)

Minor takeaways :
-Reimu's binding vow on her gohei's length which give her a stronger striking power in exchange for reach
- That black undershirt of Parsee I assume mainly comes from fanworks seems to have received an officious status
- No danmaku ? I always had this vague impression that Touhou action should have bullets, but honestly the lack of bullets give more dynamic action sequences. Dunno why
- A scratch on Reimu ??? Very strange to see Reimu get grazed by an early game LitterallyHu

Regardless of the possible implications from Reimu's behavior this time, I for one appreciate the return of the brand of Reimu that went to heaven to beat up and drag someone for repairs : a one-woman invasion of former hell where all the residents are on edge against you sorta works as a flex
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on July 04, 2024, 06:38:02 PM
New chapter 36 continuation's been out for a while, and aside from all the flashiness, I think this one might have an interesting implication :

If Byakuren's observation regarding the hole having been opened from the outside is correct, then it could only be explained by there being an accomplice of sorts for Miss Miyadeguchi.

I have always been a believer of the possibility of there being AT LEAST one serious accomplice, cuz not only an actual willing accomplice seems much more interesting than some poor mind controlled saps imo, but also because that might be more reasonable (than, say, what her possible abilities might be for example) when it comes to explaining how Miss Miyadeguchi's got not only updated intel but also proper information regarding a bunch of people to target (as well as directions), all that despite being stuck in Hell.

Going by that line of thought, if someone's gotta be an accomplice, then among all of the characters who's been introduced in this manga so far, imo Yukari's got a pretty good chance of yet again being the big bad cat :

Motivation wise, nothing is certain cuz it's currently speculation, but I think the recent reveals of Miss Miyadeguchi being related to the Hakurei Shrine (plus Yukari's standing in regards to them in general kinda makes me think back to Yukari being possessedin the PCB arc yet "somehow" managing to save a bit of her magical powers, quite unlike everyone else : could it actually be because of something more than her being capable ? Also there being the issue with possessed-and-dumped Alice, a youkai, for whose sake possessed Yukari sent Marisa to her place to nurse her ?!! Bit weird considering Miss Miyadeguchi's attitude towards youkai.

Anyway I think there's some weirdness and irregularities regarding Yukari's circumstances as a possessed person that it's probably worth considering her as a suspect. It wouldn't be the first time for her to have done dangerous and risky things in order to accomplish some sort of obscure goal or for showing her consideration : it's like when she spread a literal doomsday urban legend in FS or pretty much gave Kosuzu the extra push towards Youkaiification (whatever you call the process) in FS, or other stuff that she's done in the past like her Lunarian-provoking actions in SSiB for her goals there ... she takes big risks but it's generally fine cuz they won't come to fruition by means of interruption by the protagonists most of the time.

Imo, it's possible Yukari's aware of Miss Miyadeguchi's circumstances and whatever's going on in this manga is mainly possible because of some considerations she's showing for her. If there really happens to be an accomplice and if it turns out to be Yukari, I could see her sticking Miss Miyadeguchi on Marisa partly because she's Reimu's bestie or something

At any rate, this is the first time where Miss Miyadeguchi actually deals some real damage to the Hakurei Shrine, what's with it actually getting demolished. We've been told for the longest time that Reimu is the vengeful spirit's target, but it hasn't directly harmed her in the slightest for the longest time. It's a shame we don't get told what she's aiming for with this stunt, but then again, what does the Hakurei Shrine getting wrecked means ? Why, renovations of course. And quite possibly add one or two new things around. Curious to see if the eventual rebuildingof the Shrine will have suspicious additions that would allow Miss Miyadeguchi to haunt it for a while ; or if there is an immediate goal that can be reached with its destruction

Also curious to see if Marisa's gonna come into play again, and if so, with what kind of role, cuz she's been completely absent this arc. Possessions aside, there's no reason for her to outright collab with an unknown evil stranger, but I could see her getting directions from an acquaintance that's working with said evil stranger.

Minor notes :
- Yamame being ... very competent ? Tbh I think it would have been hilarious if she actually got one shot in the previous chapter but oh well
- Also noticed after previous chapter reread, but Yamame's pupils looks like spiders when she means business back there
- Reimu fun time despite that delicious poison plus super radiation combo, not to mention hell's miasma, also no scar from previous scratch : she's no human, she's a freaking machine
- Yuugi and SDM crew still not coming into play ?

I also wonder if we're gonna get back to some previous plot points(?) / oddities such as Alice's circumstances or the thing that happened with Hatate's not-internet.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on October 04, 2024, 08:09:45 PM
Chapter 38's been out for a bit, with a completely out of left field reveal and a more shocking development

The accomplice who secretely assisted Miss Miyadeguchi actually turned out to be Suika who, together with Yuugi, broke the restriction of the Underworld to help vengeful ghost girl to get out. Now as someone who hasn't made an appearance in this manga, her suddenly coming into the picture in such a manner is just completely weird and unexpected for me : as far as this manga goes, I think that does NOT reward people who kinda try to deduct what is happening as she hasn't been teased in any way whatsoever in this manga. It probably has intersting implications for Touhou fans who follow this manga, but for randos who potentially stumbled here and try to appreciate this manga for what it is, it's probably just super weird. Going by this manga being primarily a manga made for Touhou fans (who should be expected to know lore and stuff), I am willing to give it a "*shrug* why not ?" and assume that Suika and her exceptionnal intelligence gathering capabilities + connection to hell are what was behind Miss Miyadeguchi being pretty updated on the current stuff going on in Gensokyo despite having been in Hell for all her lifetime afterlifetime (assuming that Suika didn't just start helping Miss Miyadeguchi after she got sealed but before too)

Additional considerations can be made due to the fact that she's a youkai, not unlike those that were targeted by Miss Miyadeguchi, and can be said to have a rather favorable relationship with the Hakurei Shrine and Yukari : why would she ruin the putting-the-bad-guy-in-jail-and-then-beat-her-up-there operation that Reimu and Yukari's got going on ? And how did she get involved with Miss Miyadeguchi ? Also Miss Miyadeguchi's face when they say Suika looks more like a "huh." than a "heh !", kinda makes me wonder if she knew she had an outside helper.

Anyway, back to our favorite(?) vengeful spirit, since Yuugi pretty much sided with her out of pity (presumably), similar reason could be why Suika would back her up too. So whatever backstory she's gonna have, I really hope ZUN's gonna be able to make something really poignant. Like, she's been Hakurei Shrinemaidening for a while but had to go cuz of outdated values not fitting for the future direction Gensokyo was to take or something PLUS extra flavor. I'm not super confident in ZUN's ability at telling sad and griping stuff so, uh, I hope he's at least gonna make something that'll make me go like "wooooow, that's dirty, they did her bad" or something

Personally, I'm still slightly hanging on the possibility of Yukari having played a hand in Miss Miyadeguchi getting freed up still, not only cuz of previous irregulaities in PCB arc, but also because of her connection with Suika (whose motivation for getting involved is currently unsure as someone who really don't strike as a hero of justice, avenger of the wronged) : could it be possible that Yukari got Suika to get involved with Miss Miyadeguchi ? I also find it very suspicious that somehow, Yukari also got Reimu away from her Shrine on a relatively dangerous mission AND just about miss Miss Miyadeguchi as she does some reckless stuff on the surface : the Hakurei Shrine getting wasted plus the mountain going boom is such a big gaffe from her part that I kinda wonder if there's a bigger meaning behind her the Reimu - Miyadeguchi faceoff to be delayed AND Reimu SOMEHOW being isolated from the action at a critical time ...

As for the mountain going boom,
honestly, it's a development that I never expected to happen, especially not in a manga : it's a pretty old part of the setting (BaiJR prolly) and supposedly under the control of Suwako, so I didn't really expect it being mentionned much earlier in the manga to be of importance. Pretty much nothing important besides the tengus joining the investigation happen during the MoF arc anyway, so the eruption kinda suggests that whatever she did at that time may be related to facilitating what's going on right now.

Now regarding Miss Miyadeguchi's actions through this series, this is obviously a much higher escalation. I personally believe that she pulled an ABC murder style approach in this manga, and her going in order of incident causers really was to justify her going to the mountain to pull out this feat. For what purpose ? Is there some secret in the mountains ? That remains to be seen ...

Anyway, with all the happenings aside, there still remains a bunch of oddities that I'm not sure are gonna get reexplored :
- Why did she KO Alice, if she is pretty much secluded and have little bearing to her endgame (of which the eruption is presumably part of)
- What shocked Hatate ?
- Why is Suika part of all this ?
Plus we're still waiting for the SDM crew to make their move, and we also gotta wait to see if we're gonna have everybody vs Miss Miyadeguchi or Miss Miyadeguchi AND a bunch of allies (such as Yuugi and Suika vs the gang)

All in all, a chapter that doesn't tell a lot BUT with potentially massive implications, considering the fact that we have a former Hakurei no Miko and a freaking volcano ERUPTION, which easily clears 90% of previous incidents in terms of dangerousness.

Also Satori's relevance seem pretty minuscule as we go forward in the series, poor baby girl

Minor takeaways :
- Sanae's Kanako, uh, boob grab ? I've always felt that Kanako has, as the cool kidz say, such a negative rizz that I feel that giving her a playable role or even trying to sexualize her still don't help her image in the eyes of the community
- Marisa's complete absence in this arc, kinda weird considering how she keep forcefully sticking her nose in all of the previous ones
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Roashiki on October 29, 2024, 08:53:37 PM
No lore this chapter but we did get to see the kappa mob again and was treated to the rematch of utsuho vs reimu.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on October 30, 2024, 11:57:46 AM
What are the odds of Yukari bringing Reimu and Okuu to the surface, I wonder ? Especially since her bringing Reimu down there has got to have contributed to the collapse of the underworld's seal

Also feels like the eruption actually coming from the Geyser center instead of the mountain  allows much room for an easier scaling down. Despite the massive break-in later in the chapter, I kinda feel that having some clear targets to beat up feels a bit more reassuring than dealing with a proper natural disaster

This newer chapter 39 of Sidelines Observer Satori serms to be shaping things up into a Surface people Vs Underground dwellers, and might possibly work as a proper illustration of SA's worse-ish scenario had it come to pass

Minor takeaways :
-Kawaii uguu ~☆ Kappa returns
-Reimu still basking in that radioactive everything while Marisa is told to keep out, a bad day for the pro Marisa powerscaling agenda
-Kinda wonder if other previous victims are also going to come back to get a piece of that action (especially Alice, c'mon fo something)
-All the recent escalations yet we're at the 9th chapter of the SA arc, and we still have Miss Miyadeguchi's story and motivations, Suika and Yuugi, the recent geyser issue + eruption's resolution, plus Satori having to do something (among others) to think about. Either these are gonna happen in a newer arc, or this SA arc is gonna be a super long (albeit more interesting) arc
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: kapmin on November 02, 2024, 05:42:43 PM
I like that the kappa mob continue to be relevant in the manga, makes the series feel more alive.

Give me back the WaHH trio tho...
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Roashiki on November 29, 2024, 02:40:11 PM
Not much to talk about again this chapter but I did enjoy seeing the absurd scale of okuu's attack. Are we absolutely sure okuu isn't a god?
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on November 29, 2024, 05:31:30 PM
The new chapter 40 giving Miss Miyadeguchi a new title is kinda suspicious since she's already had one before. In universe she's called the Eternal Criminal (not a title), the Jailbreak King (back in her intro chapter), and now Casuality of the Great Barrier. Kinda interesting cuz unlike the Various Kasens, it's not like she's transformed or anything. But at any rate title are either for flavor most of the time, or a bit descriptive of what / who such or such person is : we already know that she's got an issue with the Hakurei Shrine, Reimu, Gensokyo, and is not a super big fan of the Youkai filth, but directly mentioning the Barrier as something related to her surprise early retirement is pretty interesting (like, is the first title for her as a vengeful spirit while the 2nd one is for her as a Hakurei no Miko ?)

Like, what's her relationship towards it ? Is it something she cares about or not ? If yes, then is her grudge towards Reimu due to Reimu not doing a good job towards it, or if no, is it because it actually turned out to benefit the youkai that she's enemies with and she got pushed out of the way despite her good services ? I think it would be interesting and make her grudge more personnal if she turned out to have played a big and direct role in the creation of the Barrier : imagine your creation getting perverted to serve the interests of your mortal enemies : that would be a twist.

At any rate, regarding the chapter 40, dunno how it is for everyone else, but some of the action is not very clear to me : is the black storm thingy spewing oil from which vengeful spirits spawns ? Did Okuu's big attack wipe the black storm plus a respectable chunk of the invaders ? Plus I can't quite understand the scale + effect of the attack : Reimu just had a short chat with Marisa before going back in : did they get far enough for the explosion's aoe damage not to reach Marisa and friends ? Cuz depending on how things went, I feel like the escalation from the previous chapters might have gotten handled right there.

And back to the action, while I MUCH appreciate a shounen-y approach instead of the usual (like, DECADE kind of usual) slice of life approach, we don't really have a power system or a even power scale to base the action around of : in game, the player uses a combination of strategy and skill to get by, but it's a bit different here. We don't see why Utsuho would decide to go for a self-harming attack instead of keeping at Reimu like how she previously did ; we don't know what's Reimu's plan to deal with Okuu instead, she just keeps going at her (what would she have done if Yukari didn't chip in an gave her a barrier ?) ; we can't really be sure about where the girls bottom line lies : how much punishment can they endure or deal. While it's nice that we have proper action sequences, I feel like the lack of instropection or planning from the girls make them not so much clever, and its a lot of flashiness and less substance. I hope Miss Miyadeguchi is gonna be defeated because of something pretty deliberate from the main girls, not just because of getting overpowered by the heroines. I don't want the bad guy to lose because the plot has decided that she loses in order to progress, I want her to lose because of a deliberate set of choices / strategy from the main girls (especially Satori, c'mon you can do it)

And about Miss Miyadeguchi's action, this one kinda weirded me a bit. On a surface level, possessing Okuu gives her a MASSIVE firepower boost and make her a dangerous threat towards Gensokyo, but past that, I think there are some considerations to be made : there WERE more opportunities to go after Reimu (with the element of surprise) before, but she hasn't. So why now, with Okuu ? Was she waiting for her to be weakened ? Or to use her firepower to deal REAL damage to Gensokyo ? Or is there some bigger purpose ? She has already possessed Sakuya and Yukari before, if the main idea was to get a powerful possessed person to fight Reimu with then it's just weird that she'd do so now instead of then.

And still on the topic of possession, in the MoF arc, we've seen Miss Miyadeguchi struggle with electronics cuz possessing Nitori didn't give her Nitori's expertise, while in the UFO arc, one of the main idea was that forcing a fight would allow to check people who don't correctly use their abilities in battle : so, possession clearly doesn't give all the faculties of the possessed : so regarding Okuu's possession, what's the main idea ? Cuz if she's suddenly super proficient with her big boom related abilities, it pretty much take away from established vengeful spirit possession mechanism lore we're told by this manga : I hope ZUN's not gonna throw these away for the sake of a big battle, and that there'll be a bigger meaning behind Okuu's possession.

No real takeaways besides Satori's ability being used to skip dialogue cuz straighforward action chapter, but I've seen some people referring to the Kawaii uguu ~☆ Kappa from before as Fani-chan, how do we feel about this nickname, gentlemen ? Cuz it's been a long time since an unnamed character got a fan nickname so it's something that might be worthy of consideration
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on February 02, 2025, 10:01:08 AM
New chapter 41 out

Straight up hands chapter

But before that, personally,  if all the guys I've had issues with previously but am relatively cool with now magically got socked in the jaw successively, I'd assume it would have been done by a secret admirer of mine of the maniacal variety (who really wanted to see the job done) rather than someone who secretly wishes harm upon me.

Point is, with Miss Miyadeguchi's endgame apparently being about scaring Reimu, I'm a bit weirded out by her choosing to go after vague acquaintances of Reimu instead of doing something else : not only are the incident-related people mostly Youkai, but they are also not exactly her best buds. Besides, it's not like Reimu is the only one who met these people in that previous order, there's Marisa too, how would Reimu assume that the targeting of previous incident causers is about sending a message to her if there is another person involved in those same sequence of incidents ? It'd be more reasonable to think that this is targeting incident resolvers, not Reimu specifically. In fact, Reimu only got scared because super smart people who have some knowledge about the culprit told her that she is the target, not because Reimu figured it out for herself : as such, the vengeful spirit's let's-scare-Reimu-operation is not very well thought out. I find the lack of a greater goal besides the scaring of Reimu a bit disappointing (despite all the time spent in previous arcs), considering all that. Kinda expected her to be a bit of a mastermind considering how she outsmarted Yukari and freaking Eirin previously (fraud list needs update maybe ?) ...

I'm OK with her nature as a vengeful spirit leading her to torment Reimu, but at the same time, her modus operandi is too hectic and does not necessarily makes sense : first of, she couldn't bear a grudge against Reimu specifically as she couldn't have been born at the time she was wronged (backstory incoming for proper explanation) ; second, current Reimu can't be said to be as afraid as she was at the end of PCB arc, as she literally dares to charge into Hell to look for a confrontation, so there's some backpedalling regarding Miss Miyadeguchi's previous goal of scaring Reimu ; third, Reimu is literally the Hakurei no Miko, you CANNOT guarantee a victory against her (not to mention she's fighting Reimu through possession : if Utsuho with full faculties doesn't fold Reimu, how would a possessed Utsuho that doesn't fully uses her abilities be able to ? (only brute force and hand-cannon fire, no sun generation)) ; fourth and finally, her plans have already been thwarted after being sent to the Underworld : not only could she already not follow the order of incidents under secrecy anymore as she gets more and more exposed the more she keeps going, but her return to the surface is only owed to the goodwill of others (Suika and Yuugi) rather than her own abilities. This means that she never had the ability to fullfill her grudges by herself in the first place, so I'm *still* secretly hoping that there is a bigger meaning and bigger objective besides harassing Reimu here (her current achievements would be leveling the shrine and facilitating a massive vengeful spirit break-in)

As for the big happening in this chapter 41, namely vengeful spirit form / grudge Reimu, we already have people who gets youkaified by means of exposure to constant youkai energy (like Ichirin), people using various kind of energy (occcult, seasonal, trance, even beast spirits) to empower themselves, and even a time in AoCF where Reimu's spiritual power massively surged during her fight with Shion. Empowering oneself with vengeful spirit's energy therefore fall in lines with previous usage of various kind of energy, but for this manga in particular, I feel like it's introduction is rather bizarre : the only vengeful spirit lore we get in this manga is that they can possess a bunch of things and generally drain the magic power (+ stamina) of those of the magical variety : now it gives her massive power ? Don't really wanna be an armchair author, but I kinda wonder if there's a way to properly preface it before this chapter, as it gives a proper meaning to gathering the attention of vengeful spirits from the previous chapters's fights.

And speaking of fights, I'm unimpressed by Reimu's overall performance for this manga : she curbstomps trash mobs, but just relies on brute force most of the time : no barrier techniques, no gap abilities, no divine arts, just brute force and luck (she literally got bailed by Yukari previously) ? AND gets a SCRATCH from LiterallywHu Yamame ?! : and now she needs the evil version of the popularity system to get an upper hand ?!!!! Sorry, but she gotta try a bit harder than that.

The main thing I'm looking forward to next is the long-overdue backstory of Miss Miyadeguchi, the introduction of which seems kinda awkward to me : it's pretty normal for battle or action mangas to give the backstory while the action is not over in order to give some sort of emotional stake in the story, plus a cathartic ends when the big finisher arrives, but here Miss Miyadeguchi's possessed body already got whacked, and she's pretty much doing it to get the sympathy of the vengeful spirit audience. A bit weird. Is it to justify a proper round 2 with an empowered version of herself ? Plus we also need closure for Yuugi, Suika, the SDM crew wanting in and probably Satori.

And I feel like I have a vague idea of Miss Miyadeguchi's backstory at this point anyways, but I'm still curious to see how ZUN is gonna handle it. I've always felt like ZUN is on the timid side as far as being an authour goes, so I'd like to see if he can make me feel sympathy for Miss Miyadeguchi when she was still alive. More importantly, we're gonna get a design for her when she was still alive, with legs and feet (not a fetish guy but this is important) BUT potentially in a Hakurei Shrine outfit, so there's also that to look forward to.

No real takeaways besides Satori's ability really showing its limits : "Can't see it properly at this range" ?, alright man, can we disable her ability with a flashbang or smokescreen next ? Boy are these Satori stocks going down ...
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Roashiki on February 24, 2025, 10:52:26 PM
Chapter 42 is out and oh my goodness. It's not translated yet but mizuchi's past is told and it's dark, probably the darkest touhou chapter in history. All I can say is that yea mizuchi is well within her right to be mad, hell I'll say that it was unfair to even send her to hell in the first place.
Title: Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
Post by: Suspicious person on February 27, 2025, 04:42:58 PM
This chapter 42 finally clarifies the gist of her grudge + possibly why Suika is helping her : she's was an extermination specialist (that gave away her humanity, but we'll get back to that later) affiliated to the Hakurei Shrine (as the Miyadeguchi family served under them) that fell to the youkai scum. Also kinda expected her to be a Hakurei no Miko proper rather than a random miko affiliated to the Shrine, but that's more of the same.

The most unexpected and interesting part to me was the fact Miss Miyadeguchi was actually a Jinyou, a human who became a youkai, AND even partook in attacks on human : meaning that she switched sides, from humanity to the youkai one. Furthermore, her transformation from human to youkai was not just motivated by self preservation, but also by some ideal related to how the relationship between youkai and humans (particularly the extermination specialists) was to be (an ideal that she may have shared with Suika). Unfortunately we don't get insight into what she thinks of youkai in this chapter plus the additional explanation (besides survival) for why she'd become a youkai.

The problem, however, is that after her death the world didn't quite progress in the way that she might have hoped for : the Hakurei Shrine (and the Miyadeguchi family under its service) decided to side with the youkai.
Nowadays we know that youkai would have pretty much disappeared due to science's progress, while the necessity to keep some humans alive means that they can't properly use their power and slowly lose that too : so the Hakurei Shrine's intervention was definitely VERY favorable towards youkai's continued existence, while the current setting's incident management just keep them strong and doesn't feature proper exterminations (Reimu / the Hakurei Shrine basically keeps them around)

This presents a pretty unusual view of the setting, where its presented that the Hakurei Shrine is le bad, as Miss Miyadeguchi pretty much call them traitors towards humanity (even roped her family into that). The interesting thing to me lies in the fact that Miss Miyadeguchi HAS betrayed humanity herself (for self preservation and additional unclarified human-youkai relationship related reasons) : what is her point of contention against the Shrine siding with youkai ? And what is the world of youkai that she and Suika hoped for before the Hakurei shrine gone and done it ?
Cuz strictly speaking, current Gensokyo is pretty much a haven for the youkai and is relatively safe for its native human population, despite the humans living in far inferior conditions when compared to the outside world AND even having the youkai scum infiltrating their society at every level : there a suspicious kind of peace, but humans definitely have the short end of the stick.

So imo, she's probably super pissed cuz not only she pretty much died for nothing BUT also because her "side" of the conflict sided with the youkai instead and benefited them greatly even in current setting touhou : even nowadays "youkai extermination" can be considered to be a farce. Reimu bears the brunt of her grudge cuz aside from the whatever previous disagreeable reasons there may be, Reimu IS the current face of Hakurei Shrine AND even plays a hand in what angers Miss Miyadeguchi cuz she sanctionned the spell card rules ... Presented like this, it makes more sense why she targets Reimu and follow the order of incidents that follow the spellcard rules in their resolution ...

As far as the human-youkai relationship goes, FS illustrates it best, and it suddenly appearing in this manga this late doesn't really allow it to be properly fleshed out in this particular manga. However, FS is more modern setting, while Miss Miyadeguchi's days and worldview is about a century or so earlier. So I'm a bit bummed that we only get this SUPER late, and don't even get to see what exactly is the world with youkai that Suika and Miss Miyadeguchi envisionned (or Miss Miyadeguchi's second reason to give up her humanity).

If we go back to the VERY old part of the setting regarding the start of Gensokyo, we have a land haunted by youkai as well as verious extermination specialists that gathered there (and eventually settle the place). IF there was neither Hakurei barrier nor the current arrangements regarding human village and youkai, the youkai would have eventually disappeared : bit of a speculation, but maybe the extermination specialists understood that they'll fall into complete irrelevance and into obscurity once the youkai are gone and decided to take action in order to secure their prosperity too (would suck to be left in some godforsaken woods once the job is done while the rest of the world move on).

And another additional speculation regarded to the balnce between powers here, but regarding Jinyous in general, surely the reason why their existence is a massive threat towards Gensokyo is because it means one less humans AND another enemy of humanity on one side (would still need to farm fear of their own, as seen in Miss Miyadeguchi having attacked humans despite decidedly being on their side, while also presenting an alternative towards living in fear of the youkai for the humans AND less humans to farm fear of : if transforming into Jinyou was presented as a proper option to the wider public, the human society could probably collapse (as just any of your neighboor could become a hostile monster), while the youkai could lose their control overthe humans as well as the fear they need (as becoming a youkai may become cool, they become less scary). Not to mention the increase of power Jinyou gets + the uncertainty of their agendas : what will they do ? even Miss Miyadeguchi herself was evidently pro human despite attacking them occasionally. Dunno if the potential forJinyous have something to do with Miss Miyadeguchi's view, but it wouldn't be surprising considering how she rejects the current state of things.

So yeah, all in all, a pretty interesting chapter if you read a bit into it. When I saw that she was actually a human turned youkai, I was like "wait a minute, isn't there a MORE interesting story to tell here ?!!!" Cuz aside from being acquainted with Suika early on and turning into a youkai on her suggestion, I feel like her end is not as interesting (cynical, I know) as what her life, ideals, and motivations that led her to become a Jinyou would be. Also VERY disappointed that the first time we get to view a proper Gensokyo backstory, it's just a few dialogue scenes tbqh.

Anyway, the ending of the chapter 42 shows Reimu doing quite a bit of thinking regarding Miss Miyadeguchi's circumstances and resentment. I quite like the usual depiction of Reimu where she's insensitive, cynical and pretty much cold hearted (FS Reimu superior), but I'm quite open to seeing a human side as well. Like ... is she feeling *gurgle* pity here ?! A bit weak for the crimson slasher but sure why not. What is she gonna do next chapter ? Whoop Miss Miyadeguchi's butt into the afterlife and be done with it ? Or have some kind of heart to heart conversation about current state of things ? Cuz after all, this is still touhou, and we have NEVER seen a 2hu removed from the setting (nor will we ever). Whatever's gonna happen next, imo we'll have the grudge towards Reimu significantly scaled down, but she'll still hold a bit towards Hakurei Shrine to keep existing (a bit like Tojiko).

Also things look like they're coming to a close, but we still haven't seen the SDM crew make a move, and the same goes for Yuugi and Suika (I hope their role is not just gonna be to open a hole and that's it), AND we still need a certain title character to do something.

Minor takeaways :
- An additional title for Miss Miyadeguchi "Traitorous human-youkai shrine maiden", making her the most titled character to appear in one work
- First bunch of youkai who actually eat a humanish person, also very poor table manners
- Jinyou having a 100% fatality rate (2 for 2) now, making it the most lethal race to be in the series
- Actually still don't know what Miss Miyadeguchi's abillity is, huh
- A single line of dialogue for Miss Satori