Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 315364 times)

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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #240 on: July 26, 2021, 08:25:24 AM »
>Fall asleep.

>You lay into your bed with sheets and covers over you. Allowing yourself to slip into unconsciousness...
Your dreams are a maelstrom of memories and imagination. After living in a thick forest with a blood-red sky, your monotony was finally broken by your actions. May your name finally be known in Gensokyo.
Your mind sorts out the loose ends of your experiences. You think Hina is collecting Dolls, trying to aid Gensokyo in any way she needed to. Akyuu could be preparing for your meeting, maybe preparing her agenda? Something about the Secret History Association? You still have business with Hanako, those Kama Itachi must have reasons for taking her herbs. Your imagination completes the image.
Seija must be thinking of a possible prison-break. There is no way she's just sitting there quietly.
Your mind focuses on her, Seija, and the fight. This was your first serious fight with Danmaku. It felt short, and maybe it was, but your memories
still condense it down to the important moments. The dynamic nature of your opponent. Your silk trapping their movements. Your analysis of her Spell Card. These all influence your strategy going forward. After all, you are the sum of your experiences.
You feel more confidence in your fighting capabilities after analysing the fight in this semi-lucid state.
Could you even hope to approach a Playable Character's Skill?:
>Danmaku Expertise: Level 2
>>Spell Card Analysis: You can attempt to analyse a Spell Card. You must be in it, and while analysing you are vulnerable due to split attention, unless you take precautions to protect yourself. Success gives you an overview of the Spell Card along with the main strategy of Capturing it,
>>Moth Familiar Option*: You can shoot Danmaku from your familiars, the default is a jet of silk that acts like a laser. The main advantage of this is being able to shoot while moving, and shooting from multiple locations. You can shoot a barrage of strong, restrictive silk in exchange for a bit of Hunger.

>You awake to the sound of chatter.
>"-and that shower! It's great! We're definitely taking it with us when we go back to the Shrine!" That upbeat voice, unmistakable.
>"Apple, you tease me for stealing, and yet you're the most ecstatic to uproot everything in this place." That voice of reason, similarly difficult to confuse.
>You shuffle your body to look at your fae companions. Worm and Apple are in towels. They must've been showering.
#*An "Option" refers to a shot-type. Think of Reimu's Neddles, Ofuda, and Orbs. Or Marisa's Illusion Lasers and Magic Missiles.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #241 on: July 26, 2021, 10:24:27 AM »
>Check the time

>"Good morning."
>"It sounds like a need to get cleaned up before the faucets get pilthered," say in a light hearted voice.

>Can we see any silk on our shoes?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #242 on: July 26, 2021, 10:52:10 AM »
>Check the time

>You look towards the Table Clock, it displays 8:00 AM.

>"Good morning."
>"It sounds like a need to get cleaned up before the faucets get pilthered," say in a light hearted voice.

>Can we see any silk on our shoes?

>"Good morning to you too, Purifier. And yes, we should get cleaned soon before our kleptomania acts up."
>"In all seriousness we have business with Hanako, the florist, soon. We should get ready to meet with her, and remember the plan." Right, the disguise and dealing with the Weasels.

>You look towards your shoes and surprisingly see a light layer of silk on them. But the familiar itself is gone.
>Your guess is that the familiar tried to fulfil your last command before you fell asleep, ran out of power, then vanished. It might also do with the extra energy it had. Perhaps the real problem before was that you never stored energy into the familiars, so when you went unconscious they had no power and disappeared.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #243 on: July 27, 2021, 05:25:26 AM »
>Grab our clothes and get bathed
>Get dressed

>"Ready.  Let's go."
>Head to the florist

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #244 on: July 27, 2021, 08:51:24 AM »
>Grab our clothes and get bathed
>Get dressed

>You grab your clothes and run into the bathroom. Unlike before, you decide not to enjoy it for longer than you have to.
>When you're done you get dressed, in the Human Disguise to be specific. The plan relies on this a bit.

>"Ready.  Let's go."
>Head to the florist

>By the time you make it back to the fairies, they're also dressed in their disguises.
>"Great, Purifier. Let's hurry."
>You walk to the Florist's Shop in the Human Village. Inside you see Hanako, as expected, and Ame. Huh.
>"Oh, Escort! You're here! And at such convenient timing."
>"Yeah, the mission is about to begin. The old woman here is making the final preparations."
>"Now, Ame, you shouldn't call this a mission. That's far too serious."
>Hanako pulls on Ame's ear. "And what did I say about calling me old woman?
>"Ah, sorry! Sorry!"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #245 on: July 28, 2021, 08:23:10 AM »
>Keep our face neutral and breath slowly
->Don't laugh.

>Let out a snort cough

>"It's more of an exciting walk?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #246 on: July 28, 2021, 08:50:27 AM »
>Keep our face neutral and breath slowly
->Don't laugh.

>You attempt to keep a straight face. It would probably be a bit rude to laugh at this, but you weren't expecting this kind of...spectacle early in the morning.

>Let out a snort cough

>You still end up letting out a small snort. Hopefully they don't notice.

>"It's more of an exciting walk?"

>Ame responds during her punishment. "Ah, yes! Yes! An exciting walk where the main activity will be herb gathering! This is not a mission just a Mother and Daughter's day out together! Please could you-?!"
>Hanako lets go of her ear. "Okay, that was a bit too much back-pedalling, but you're fine. For now."
>"I did not know this kind of dynamic could exist. They look like Mother and Daughter, like us, but in a different way." Worm says, observing the events.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #247 on: July 29, 2021, 07:51:30 PM »
>"I didn't realize Ame was your daughter when we met last night."

>Turn to Ame
>"Are you usually in the shop?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #248 on: July 29, 2021, 08:53:04 PM »
>"I didn't realize Ame was your daughter when we met last night."

>"I can understand why. Our family doesn't have any outstanding traits other than the fact that my mother is the only Human Florist villagers know of. Even our hair colour is fairly common. I could've been from any no-name family." Ame brings to attention her brown hair, similar in shade to her mother. But still generic.

>Turn to Ame
>"Are you usually in the shop?"

>"Yeah, usually in the morning. Helping Mum prepare for her gathering, but this time I'm coming with her. After that Kama Itachi attack I can't just sit by."
>"Oh, speaking of attacks and Youkai: I knew you were a Youkai the moment I saw you yesterday. Mostly because the old woman here can't help but tell me every detail of her day, and that includes meeting a Youkai that she planned to disguise as a Human. But also because as a Night Guard I'm keen on seeing through possible Youkai disguised as Humans. But still, Good job with Seija!" Looks like the disguise isn't infallible.
>"Wait, was that the loud noises I heard while I was trying to sleep? Was there a Spell Card Duel happening right outside my shop?!" She heard that?
>"Yes. But you should relax, Florist. The Purifier made sure that no damage was done to the buildings."

>Hanako breathes a sigh of relief. "Okay. Now that my potential heart attack is gone, I'd like to continue with our preparations."
>She reaches into the wooden box and pulls out a vase of pink and blue flowers.
>"Young girl, Worm, I think your name was? You asked for a plant with a propensity for overgrowth. This is it: an Ivy-Hydrangea cross-breed, it's also enchanted so its position is highlighted on my map."
>"Alright, Worm, My curiosity is peaking. What are you going to do with that?"
>"Throw it at the Weasels!"
>What?! Okay, you weren't expecting a reckless plan from Worm. But this reminds you that she's still a fairy. A relatively intelligent fairy, but still a fairy.

>"Let me explain: The moment these plants were put in this vase they've slowly started dying. That is an unavoidable part of life. My ability is Regeneration, so if I throw this vase of flowers at the Weasels and focus my powers on it, then it will start growing again."
>"And shrub plants often overgrow and coil around objects. So your plan is to have the flowers coil around the Weasels, preventing them from moving properly by binding them. This has the advantage of them being easier to track due to the enchantments." Hanako realises the technique.
>"Exactly! The nearest thing I could compare it to is our capture of Seija, but with plants instead of silk. I should make a cool name, maybe turn this into a Spell Card!" Worm is really excited for something that only exists in theory.
>Ame interjects. "Okay, before you get into naming stuff: How are you going to even hit the Weasels with this? They move faster than the average eye can follow."
>Worm has the wind taken out of her sails. "Uh...Hmm...Hey, Purifer. Any ideas?"
>Apple makes a suggestion. "We would need some method of knowing which direction they're coming from before they arrive. Then we can aim where they're going to be."
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 08:56:06 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #249 on: July 31, 2021, 05:52:36 AM »
>"I can understand why. Our family doesn't have any outstanding traits other than the fact that my mother is the only Human Florist villagers know of. Even our hair colour is fairly common. I could've been from any no-name family." Ame brings to attention her brown hair, similar in shade to her mother. But still generic.

>"Yeah, usually in the morning. Helping Mum prepare for her gathering, but this time I'm coming with her. After that Kama Itachi attack I can't just sit by."
>"Oh, speaking of attacks and Youkai: I knew you were a Youkai the moment I saw you yesterday. Mostly because the old woman here can't help but tell me every detail of her day, and that includes meeting a Youkai that she planned to disguise as a Human. But also because as a Night Guard I'm keen on seeing through possible Youkai disguised as Humans. But still, Good job with Seija!" Looks like the disguise isn't infallible.
>"Wait, was that the loud noises I heard while I was trying to sleep? Was there a Spell Card Duel happening right outside my shop?!" She heard that?
>"Yes. But you should relax, Florist. The Purifier made sure that no damage was done to the buildings."

>"Thank you for not exposing us.  That really helped us in capturing Seija."

>Strike a thinking pose.
>"Hmm, no that wouldn't work.  Wait, if we put sap or something sticky on the leaves it could get stuck on the Kama Itachi."
>"I mean we put some leaves in the basket or stems."
>"After we track them down my moths can then drop leaves on top of them, but. . ."

>"Apple, do you think you could use your power to get rid of their claws?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #250 on: July 31, 2021, 08:13:06 AM »
>"Thank you for not exposing us.  That really helped us in capturing Seija."

>"Eh, no problem. If you had a nice conversation with my Mum, then chances are you had a good reason for that disguise."

>Strike a thinking pose.
>"Hmm, no that wouldn't work.  Wait, if we put sap or something sticky on the leaves it could get stuck on the Kama Itachi."
>"I mean we put some leaves in the basket or stems."
>"After we track them down my moths can then drop leaves on top of them, but. . ."

>Hanako wracks her mind for anything. "...I've got nothing. I was thinking of gathering sap or honey one day, but who goes to the Florist for sap and honey?"

>"Apple, do you think you could use your power to get rid of their claws?"

>"Yeah, just cause the upper dermal layer of their skin to decompose, leaving a less harder, less sharp and more sensitive hand or paw. This way I can get rid of the threat without destroying their entire hand, because that would be mean." That was surprisingly detailed for Apple.
>Ame says her view "I didn't think you would care about that. They are Youkai, so they could probably heal back their entire hand with no problem."
>"Yeah, but if I got killed and came back I would be pretty mad at the person who killed me. Similar logic with the hand thing."
>"...I feel like these conversations can only happen with a fairy. But I'm going to have to get used to them." Hanako will never get used to them.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #251 on: July 31, 2021, 09:28:02 AM »
>"Could we get some resin from a tree on our way?"

>"When you say it that way it sounds like a vengeful spirit."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #252 on: July 31, 2021, 10:01:44 AM »
>"Could we get some resin from a tree on our way?"

>"No, a tree takes days to create resin after healing. It would take months to harvest a meaningful amount of resin from a tree. My common sense and intuition as a Florist tells me this is a-"
>"An amazing idea. As always, from the Purifier" Worm interjects.
>"If we damage a tree then use my regeneration on it, then it should start immediately creating resin. A good amount of it as well."
>"...Right, I forgot that I shouldn't be bound by common sense. Your regeneration ability sounds strange though."

>"When you say it that way it sounds like a vengeful spirit."

>"Aren't we all capable of spite in some way? Humans and Youkai are alike in that regard. But let's not get Philosophical."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #253 on: August 01, 2021, 10:01:19 AM »
>"I had the same thought yesterday."
>"Without Apple and Worm I would never have guessed I could make silk and we wouldn't have caught Seija."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #254 on: August 01, 2021, 12:58:23 PM »
>"I had the same thought yesterday."
>"Without Apple and Worm I would never have guessed I could make silk and we wouldn't have caught Seija."

>Worm coughs and blushes. "Y-yes! We were an integral part of that capture! Truly we prove that companionship is important!"
>"You're laying it on too thick, Worm. And that's coming from me."

>"Alright. We've got the overall skeleton of a plan here. We can proceed to the Forest. Unless you have something you want to add, Escort?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #255 on: August 02, 2021, 02:29:19 AM »
>"No, let's go."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #256 on: August 02, 2021, 08:32:42 AM »
>"No, let's go."

>"Alright, time to pack and go."
>Worm gets The Overgrowth Hybrid
>>Overgrowth Hybrid: A vase of Plant Hybrids. Allows Worm to use a special technique, soon to be named.

>Hanako grabs the Box and straps it to her back while Ame equips herself with a Yari. Then you leave the shop.
>As you walk to the front gate, you note the looks that you get from nearby villagers. Probably because a large group of Humans leaving at such an early time is unusual, but they could rationalise that as two Mothers and their daughters going on a trip.

>You and Hanako's Family walk into the Forest.
>This Forest is interesting. The foliage isn't as thick as The Great Youkai Forest, so you can actually see the sun, but in exchange the type of flora growing here are strange to say the least. A large number of fungi in a myriad of colours, some changing from one colour to another depending on your angle of view, and you're pretty sure that one of them was a technicolour mushroom? That isn't even getting started on the regular plants. Well, 'regular' is a strong word. They seem normal, until you see what looks like an oversized Venus Flytrap, the sweet smell almost distracts you, and it would have if it weren't for the abhorrent smell of the even larger Rafflesia next to it. You wouldn't know what's safe to touch unless you lived here.
>But Hanako...
>"Right! Did you know that if you distil the fluids of this Flytrap then you can make a naturally sweet tea? Oh, and if you boil this Rafflesia it makes for a good vegetable to go into your soup? It also gets rid of the smell, thankfully." This seems like her natural habitat.
>Worm and Apple are briefly interested in her plant talk. But then look around the area with concerned expressions.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 08:38:02 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #257 on: August 04, 2021, 09:44:17 AM »
>Do we have a sweet tooth

>Nod as we try to memorize what she is saying
>"What does that flytrap eat?"

>Steal one of the leafs from overgrowth hybrid and keep it safe in our fist

>Do we think like we could take on the weasels in a danmaku duel?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #258 on: August 04, 2021, 11:01:29 AM »
>Do we have a sweet tooth

>Due to your ability, you aren't particularly choosy with what you eat. But sweet food is pretty good because it has an actual noticeable taste, unlike wood or dust. Nothing beats that Misfortune, though.

>Nod as we try to memorize what she is saying
>"What does that flytrap eat?"

>Hanako ponders and puts a hand to her chin. "I haven't really researched them much, but I do have some guesses. Probably insects, as per the normal version of the Flytrap. However, it had to have a reason for becoming this large. Maybe it occasionally eats Fairies and Insect Youkai for more nutrition." Hanako is most likely teasing you with that last part.
>But you do notice that there are a large number of insects gathering. No doubt attracted by the Flytrap and the Rafflesia.

>Steal one of the leafs from overgrowth hybrid and keep it safe in our fist

>You attempt to reach for the vase of Hybrids, but Worm notices.
>"Whoa! Don't sneak up on me like that! Do you need anything?"

>Do we think like we could take on the weasels in a danmaku duel?

>You don't know how powerful the Weasels are in terms of Danmaku. Assuming you faced them with your raw strength, you would say "No".
>Their speed most likely dwarfs yours immensely, and they would dodge what you shoot at them. Getting rid of their speed advantage or making a situation where it doesn't matter would be your best bet. But apparently Worm's technique would do the former, the latter... That's most likely up to you.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #259 on: August 06, 2021, 07:36:47 AM »
>"I wanted to get a few leaves from the plant, preferably with a small stem."

>"Hanako, taking a few leaves shouldn't hurt the hybrid, right?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #260 on: August 06, 2021, 09:41:29 AM »
>"I wanted to get a few leaves from the plant, preferably with a small stem."

>"O-oh. You could've just asked, Purifier. There's no way I'm saying no to you."

>"Hanako, taking a few leaves shouldn't hurt the hybrid, right?"

>"No, not much. Just a few leaves is nothing."
>"Alright, Purifier. Here." Worm snaps a branch of the Hybrid and hands it to you.
>You've gained A Hybrid Branch
>>Hybrid Branch: A Branch from a Hybrid prone to overgrowth. Just what are you planning with this?

>Ame notes Worm's attitude. "You've been on edge soon after we came here. You even got surprised by The Escort. What's wrong?"
>"Well, we're in the Forest of Magic, right? This place has the highest Fairy population density of any area I know of. We should've been getting swarmed by fairies, or at least pranked shortly after coming here, but so far nothing has happened. Very strange, especially since we're just a group of Humans."
>Hanako steps forward and you notice that she somehow managed to fit both the Flytrap and the Rafflesia into that box on her back, with the insects following her.
>"Maybe the fairies are planning a kind of ambush for us?"
>Apple snickers. "Fairies? Planning? The nearest thing a Fairy does for planning is deciding on the next thing to eat or the next prank. Not to be close-minded, but it's a bit rare for fairies to co-ordinate on large tasks."

>Ame's face hardens and she clutches her yari close. "So, not only do we have to deal with Weasels that could fly in at any moment. But now fairies are being eerily quiet. We need some sort of scouting. We can't let any hostile Youkai get near my Mother."
« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 09:52:45 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #261 on: August 09, 2021, 03:30:13 AM »
>Summon some familiars
>Stick the hybrid branch into our sleeve then have one of the familiars crawl up and wrap the branch to our forearm.

>"Hanako, when you came by last time, did you see any fairies or signs of them? I'm wondering if the weasels may have chased them away."

>Send our familiars to scout around us.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #262 on: August 09, 2021, 12:04:59 PM »
>Summon some familiars
>Stick the hybrid branch into our sleeve then have one of the familiars crawl up and wrap the branch to our forearm.

>You summon some familiars.
>You stick the Hybrid Branch into your sleeve, then have a familiar wrap it to your forearm with Silk.
>The Branch stays in your sleeve. It's probably not going to come out without some serious force.

>"Hanako, when you came by last time, did you see any fairies or signs of them? I'm wondering if the weasels may have chased them away."

>Hanako looks at he sky thoughtfully, recounting previous memories. "...No. I didn't think about it at the time because it made my job easier at first, and I was attacked by a Youkai so fairies were the last thing on my mind. I did notice some trees and plants were cut down, though."

>Send our familiars to scout around us.

>You send your other familiars around your party's perimeter for scouting and split your vision between them.
>You don't find much. Trees, insects, weird plants, all expected in a forest. All cut through and disturbed, though.

>It looks like the others were also doing some searching.
>"Well, Purifier, I've looked around this area and all I found were some cut branches and disturbed plants. But that could've been done by anyone."
>"I looked inside the trees just in case the Florist was right and there was an ambush. Nothing, no-one even lived in any of them." Apple says
>"Hey, Escort, you're having your familiars do scouting, right? Keep an eye out for any signs of approaching people. Friend or enemy, we need to know they're coming." Ame seems to be keen on guarding her Mother.
>And Hanako... "Hey, I found this plant here! This may just look like red grass, but if you crush it up and mix it with water-"
>"Mother, no offence, but keep quiet."
>"Well, looks like you're not getting any herbal medicine, sweetie." Hanako looks disappointed, and puts the red plants into The Box on her back.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #263 on: August 10, 2021, 04:35:52 AM »
>"Easy, Ame.  I understand you want to protect your mother, but none of us have the reflexes to react to the youkai weasels."
>"I am wearing a protective robe underneath that I could lend."

>Is the branch on our forearm completely covered in silk?

>Summon more familiars and have the new ones scout for the Kama Itachi.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #264 on: August 10, 2021, 11:03:12 AM »
>"Easy, Ame.  I understand you want to protect your mother, but none of us have the reflexes to react to the youkai weasels."
>"I am wearing a protective robe underneath that I could lend."

>Ame sighs with a pained tone. "I'm sorry, It's just that- my own mother was attacked when my job is to protect villagers! It feels like a failure of my position."
>"Oh, don't worry about that, You'll be at forefront so you'll need it. I swear on my life I won't let them get close."

>Is the branch on our forearm completely covered in silk?

>No, the end pointing out of your sleeve isn't covered. It's innocuous, however.

>Summon more familiars and have the new ones scout for the Kama Itachi.

>You summon more familiars and spread them out further to search for the Kama Itachi.
>You... don't see them exactly. But you can see the signs of disturbed air and cut down branches.
>The grass and plants waving due to the wind and plants being cut down. Looks like the aftermath of something or someone moving really fast and cutting down things in their way. They might be getting closer.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 11:21:08 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #265 on: August 10, 2021, 11:45:18 AM »
>Which way is the wind blowing

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #266 on: August 10, 2021, 12:27:34 PM »
>Which way is the wind blowing

>Looking at the grass and trees, you can surmise that the wind is blowing West.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #267 on: August 10, 2021, 01:05:58 PM »
//Just some clarification, did we just see plants get cut?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #268 on: August 10, 2021, 01:38:24 PM »
//Just some clarification, did we just see plants get cut?


Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #269 on: August 10, 2021, 08:24:12 PM »
>"I just saw plants being cut.  I think they are heading towards us, but I couldn't see them."

>Point in the direction of the sickle weasels.