We have a favourite fruit topic but not a favourite vegetable one. This is blasphemy, so I will create one myself.
Vegetables lovers, please post your favourite vegetables. These are mine:
• Sweet Potatoes: a great alternative when fried compared to regular french fries, they have fiber, calcium, and vitamin A.
• Onions: versatile for many dishes.
• Lettuce, the first vegetable I could eat as a kid though not flavourful, they give foods and salads a crunchy texture that I really enjoy.
- As well :" Lettuce(s) ".
- "Maybe as well"because just by not personally-tasted theory : "Sweet Potatoes(?)".
I love potatoes, maybe broccoli, cauliflower and green beans. They are cool.
Agreed : "Potaoes" , "Green Beans",AND "any kind of Beans/Legumes".
I really like broccoli a lot, it tastes really good when it's cooked properly! I don't get all the hate it gets sometimes. Peppers I don't usually see people list in their favorite vegetables ever, but they are really tasty with a little bit of ranch.
Solid Good shared choice yet not among favorites : "Peppers".
Other yet unlisted solid good vegetables,but not favourite ones,choices : "Celery ,"Carrots" ,"Beetroot Leaves".

So far no one has expressed preferences or mostly preferences about (Beets, Radishes,Purple-Red Beetroots, etc. )"Reddish-Purplish or Purplish Vegetables".
Exceptions and Corrections as kindly and correctly pointed out by the later insight
But Sweet potatoes can be both red or purple.
I personally prefer the reddish-purplish ones that are a mix of both colours.
There's also purple lettuce. But to me it's not as good as the original green lettuce. I always just called it purple lettuce, but apparently it's called Red Italian Chicory