Overall, it's one of the better RPGmaker Touhou fangames I've played (considering that it was made with RPGMakerXP).
The combat was fun, I really liked the battle dynamic between the girl and Reimu. It was interesting to see how the character's skills were tied in with their character development. It's kinda poetic how the girl starts with nothing but as she gains confidence her skill roster grows and all of them are all related directly to her development. I do have to admit as well that some fights did get me stuck for a while, most fights aren't a big challenge nor are they easy peazy, it's a good balance. My only complaints about the gameplay are that you can't backtrack to get items that you could've missed and that sometimes the enemies' name overlap with their health number making it hard to see.
Also, when the Mother 3 song played during the Star Sapphire bossfight, I actually lost my mind.
I really liked the story as well, the entire game revolves around the relationship between Reimu and the girl. The game explores an aspect of Reimu's personality that I don't see covered a lot in the fandom. The girl's character is shrouded in mystery in regards to her backstory. She doesn't go the usual shy to sociable route, she's still shy toward the end but inside she grows as a character, eventually sacrificing herself to protect Reimu. I'm sad that she got eaten to death though :( Although fairies of light aren't my favourite idiot trio, I still found them hilarious throughout the story and in the end they had a beautiful little arc with Luna, which I appreciated.
I liked the other characters as well but not as much to the extent of the ones I mentioned above.
I ended up with what appears to be the normal ending. The final dialogue implies that there's probably a secret path you can go through I really don't know, considering that there are no guides for it in English and that I don't want to go trying to find Chinese guides or videos on it, I don't even know if the ending exists at all. If I do find anything on it in the future, I'll post it here so people who only speak English can have access on how to get it. If somebody out there does figure it out/knows it then please post it here so I can get the ending.

There are a lot of loose ends and parts in the story that intrigue me and it would be a pleasure to experience it.