Author Topic: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate  (Read 27088 times)

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  • moons1de_?
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Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« on: October 19, 2023, 01:00:52 AM »
I know this forum can be pretty diverse so not everyone has access to the game or just hasn't played it, but I've yet to see any discussion of it on this new rendition of the forums so I might as well make a contribution. But the main reason I'm making this post is because I'm curious to see if anyone plays it a lot or just has some sort of experience with playing it (with friends, family or whenever I suppose).

I've been playing the game quite a lot recently since I've been bored with everything else life has given me, so I've kind of become good at the game. Any characters you guys specifically play or do you just play any character you feel like playing?

Thanks for any feedback!!

Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2023, 01:20:54 AM »
I've played smash causally with friends when I still had Nintendo Online.

My main is Lucas but I also like playing Cloud and Villager.


  • moons1de_?
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Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2023, 08:59:38 PM »
I've played smash causally with friends when I still had Nintendo Online.

My main is Lucas but I also like playing Cloud and Villager.
I'm so glad Ness and Lucas got buffed significantly in Smash Ultimate. Although they aren't "top tier" material, they still do pretty well and can dominate a lot of match-ups with other characters (Also it's nice to be able to prove that Ness and Lucas are viable characters now seeing as fellow players and myself always got hated on for "spamming" PK Fire). Cloud isn't as great as he was in Smash 4 but I used to destroy people with him and he still does great. I don't really have any experience fighting a Villager player or playing as him, he seems to be a pretty alright character and can do really good with some match-ups.

Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2023, 01:36:49 AM »
I'm so glad Ness and Lucas got buffed significantly in Smash Ultimate. Although they aren't "top tier" material, they still do pretty well and can dominate a lot of match-ups with other characters (Also it's nice to be able to prove that Ness and Lucas are viable characters now seeing as fellow players and myself always got hated on for "spamming" PK Fire). Cloud isn't as great as he was in Smash 4 but I used to destroy people with him and he still does great. I don't really have any experience fighting a Villager player or playing as him, he seems to be a pretty alright character and can do really good with some match-ups.
It's amazing how the "hate" for the Ness PK Fire has seeped into Lucas as well. Some people think Lucas is just Ness's echo fighter and they assume both their PK Fires do the same thing and people just say "Don't you dare spam PK Fire at me".

My friends say my Cloud play is much better than my Lucas play with makes me sad because I actively spend more time playing and practicing with Lucas and I only play Cloud when I get Lucas burnout :/

Have you played the other smash games?
I'm a smash ultimate normie, the most I know about other smash games is that fox is great in melee.


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Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2023, 10:57:37 PM »
It's amazing how the "hate" for the Ness PK Fire has seeped into Lucas as well. Some people think Lucas is just Ness's echo fighter and they assume both their PK Fires do the same thing and people just say "Don't you dare spam PK Fire at me".

My friends say my Cloud play is much better than my Lucas play with makes me sad because I actively spend more time playing and practicing with Lucas and I only play Cloud when I get Lucas burnout :/

Have you played the other smash games?
I'm a smash ultimate normie, the most I know about other smash games is that fox is great in melee.
I honestly envy people who can even be proficient at more than one character, as I only can play Ness extremely well while if I try other characters I get destroyed because of character differences clashing with my muscle memory.

I have played some other Smash games. I've played Smash 4 and Ultimate the most, some of Brawl and 64, and I haven't bothered with Melee even though it's one of my favorites to watch and learn about. I've wanted to get Melee for quite some time now but I don't want to bother spending money on an actual system or spend money on a USB-compliant Gamecube Controller for an emulator.

Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2023, 12:16:39 PM »
I honestly envy people who can even be proficient at more than one character, as I only can play Ness extremely well while if I try other characters I get destroyed because of character differences clashing with my muscle memory.

I have played some other Smash games. I've played Smash 4 and Ultimate the most, some of Brawl and 64, and I haven't bothered with Melee even though it's one of my favorites to watch and learn about. I've wanted to get Melee for quite some time now but I don't want to bother spending money on an actual system or spend money on a USB-compliant Gamecube Controller for an emulator.

I heavily respect the hustle of being a Ness player, it's tough out there with so many people hating on the poor guy.

I recently watched a video on aMSa, a Yoshi player and it still baffles me how 22 years later, this game still has an active community.

I'm a cheapstake so whenever I emulate or need a controller I use a cheap Logitech USB controller(The same one that was used in the Titan submarine that went to the Titanic).

I guess I would like to play Melee too, but only for novelty purposes.

Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2023, 04:13:53 AM »
I've been too busy to bother with anything needing skill for years. I wouldn't mind playing people here though. I'm warning you though. I'm just a casual.


  • Bhavaagra, Heaven
Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2024, 06:11:43 PM »
It's amazing how the "hate" for the Ness PK Fire has seeped into Lucas as well. Some people think Lucas is just Ness's echo fighter and they assume both their PK Fires do the same thing and people just say "Don't you dare spam PK Fire at me".

My friends say my Cloud play is much better than my Lucas play with makes me sad because I actively spend more time playing and practicing with Lucas and I only play Cloud when I get Lucas burnout :/

Have you played the other smash games?
I'm a smash ultimate normie, the most I know about other smash games is that fox is great in melee.

Cloud is a really accessible character compared to Lucas since his moves are a lot simpler. Lucas' moves require a lot of practice and game knowledge to know how to use well like his recovery and his aerials. But good Lucas players are really fun to watch, so I hope that you keep practicing with him and make him your best character.

Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2024, 12:20:55 AM »
Cloud is a really accessible character compared to Lucas since his moves are a lot simpler. Lucas' moves require a lot of practice and game knowledge to know how to use well like his recovery and his aerials. But good Lucas players are really fun to watch, so I hope that you keep practicing with him and make him your best character.
Cloud is basically just a swordfighter and the Limit system is just an extra add-on.
I started playing Lucas because of his source material (Nintendo please localize Mother 3). Lucas fits my game style more than Ness. I still haven't mastered the DJCZ but I can pull off all the other Lucas tricks easily enough.

Who are your mains? You seem to be well versed in Ultimate.


  • Bhavaagra, Heaven
Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2024, 04:09:17 PM »
Cloud is basically just a swordfighter and the Limit system is just an extra add-on.
I started playing Lucas because of his source material (Nintendo please localize Mother 3). Lucas fits my game style more than Ness. I still haven't mastered the DJCZ but I can pull off all the other Lucas tricks easily enough.

Who are your mains? You seem to be well versed in Ultimate.

My main has been Hero since he's come out, but as of late it feels like my Hero has been getting worse so I've been experimenting with other characters. Haven't found one which I can stick with though, since a lot of them have aspects which I really don't like, even if I like the rest of the character. Plus none of them have as much dumb RNG as Hero.


  • moons1de_?
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Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2024, 04:52:14 PM »
Cloud is a really accessible character compared to Lucas since his moves are a lot simpler. Lucas' moves require a lot of practice and game knowledge to know how to use well like his recovery and his aerials. But good Lucas players are really fun to watch, so I hope that you keep practicing with him and make him your best character.
Both Ness and Lucas players are both very enjoyable to watch because of the smooth transitions and traps they can set against an opponent, but I feel like they have the ability to be a nightmare to play against if you pick a bad match-up. I like to give Lucas players credit since they pick the lower-tier Mother character, and not many people pick up Lucas online because Ness has "better" moves and is easier to play. I personally think it's crazy how Ness and Lucas are around B+ tier even though so many people have proven that they are very versatile with how they beat opponents, but I do understand why they are in that placement compared to the variety of top-tiers because of their predictability in certain situations, weird hitboxes with specific moves, and notably bad recoveries.


  • Bhavaagra, Heaven
Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2024, 05:39:39 PM »
Both Ness and Lucas players are both very enjoyable to watch because of the smooth transitions and traps they can set against an opponent, but I feel like they have the ability to be a nightmare to play against if you pick a bad match-up. I like to give Lucas players credit since they pick the lower-tier Mother character, and not many people pick up Lucas online because Ness has "better" moves and is easier to play. I personally think it's crazy how Ness and Lucas are around B+ tier even though so many people have proven that they are very versatile with how they beat opponents, but I do understand why they are in that placement compared to the variety of top-tiers because of their predictability in certain situations, weird hitboxes with specific moves, and notably bad recoveries.

I checked UltRank Smash Ultimate tier list and was really surprised to see Lucas C+ tier while Ness is at B+. I think it's just a case that the effort required to get good at Lucas is so much more than Ness, while the reward is pretty similar. And the risk they put themselves in is much higher than better characters since their recovery relied on their double jump, as PK Thunder is slow and risky.


  • moons1de_?
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Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2024, 10:09:50 PM »
I checked UltRank Smash Ultimate tier list and was really surprised to see Lucas C+ tier while Ness is at B+. I think it's just a case that the effort required to get good at Lucas is so much more than Ness, while the reward is pretty similar. And the risk they put themselves in is much higher than better characters since their recovery relied on their double jump, as PK Thunder is slow and risky.
Ness and Lucas's recoveries have a slight advantage to them, so when you PK Thunder into the stage boundary it gives you a few frames to PK Thunder once more, which can really lead to some crazy clutches. But that is pretty risky on its own seeing as their recoveries can be very easily cheesed if you get them to hit you while they are flying, or you can get hit by the electric orb before it can hit Ness or Lucas.

I also hear PK Magnet is pretty decent for "recovery" as it can stall your fall speed by a tiny bit, and you can still use PK Thunder afterwards of course.

Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2024, 05:14:44 PM »
I checked UltRank Smash Ultimate tier list and was really surprised to see Lucas C+ tier while Ness is at B+. I think it's just a case that the effort required to get good at Lucas is so much more than Ness, while the reward is pretty similar. And the risk they put themselves in is much higher than better characters since their recovery relied on their double jump, as PK Thunder is slow and risky.
Lucas and Ness have above average recoveries. PK Thunder recovery (PK Rocket) isn't that slow. Once you learn how to pull it off correctly, PK Rocket just becomes second nature (It's basically just making a circle motion on your controller anyways). The Thunder projectile also makes good edgeguard protection and you can punish them with PK Rocket if they get greedy with a frontal attack. Lucas still has better recovery because he has the rope snake which works as a ledge grabber.

Ness and Lucas's recoveries have a slight advantage to them, so when you PK Thunder into the stage boundary it gives you a few frames to PK Thunder once more, which can really lead to some crazy clutches. But that is pretty risky on its own seeing as their recoveries can be very easily cheesed if you get them to hit you while they are flying, or you can get hit by the electric orb before it can hit Ness or Lucas.

I also hear PK Magnet is pretty decent for "recovery" as it can stall your fall speed by a tiny bit, and you can still use PK Thunder afterwards of course.
I don't know what Ness players do with PK Magnet but Lucas players either use the small hitbox inside the Magnet to bait their opponents or they do the Magnet Pull to wavedash.

Most of Lucas' special moves momentarily stop him midair or at least decrease his vertical speed.

I just realized that I never got to know who your mains are moons1de. Pray tell which characters you play.


  • Bhavaagra, Heaven
Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2024, 06:46:37 PM »
Lucas and Ness have above average recoveries. PK Thunder recovery (PK Rocket) isn't that slow. Once you learn how to pull it off correctly, PK Rocket just becomes second nature (It's basically just making a circle motion on your controller anyways). The Thunder projectile also makes good edgeguard protection and you can punish them with PK Rocket if they get greedy with a frontal attack. Lucas still has better recovery because he has the rope snake which works as a ledge grabber.
I just realized that I never got to know who your mains are moons1de. Pray tell which characters you play.
It's not super slow but it's not that fast either, especially compared to higher tier characters like Lucina or Game and Watch. And while the projectile has some protection, often times it dissolves on hit leaving them vulnerable. Plus Lucas PK Thunder lacks the juggling capability of Ness's. I think that's the reason Lucas is seen as so much worse than Ness, his PK Thunder doesn't have the same utility.


  • moons1de_?
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Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2024, 08:11:27 PM »
I just realized that I never got to know who your mains are moons1de. Pray tell which characters you play.
I switch around between some characters but I usually play Ness as a main, Cloud as a secondary, and Mr. Game & Watch or Marth as a tertiary. Ness I typically practice the most with and attempt to learn all of his strategies and mechanics, Cloud I play often when I feel like it, and Game & Watch and Marth I play when i'm not feeling competitive.

Even though my main is Ness specifically, my most played character in the game ever is Cloud seeing as I used to win tons of games online back when the game got released.