Touhou Maiden/Meiiden, subtitled and referred to many as Defiant of Shrine Maiden, is a classic Touhou RPG by Hachikuma, who would later go on to form Strawberry Bose and release games like Genius of Sappheiros and Devil of Decline. DoSM is considerably different than their later RPGs and may be a lot harder for most players to enjoy, but it's still a sort of predecessor in a sense and you'll see a lot of the same elements/content from later games present here.
I'm working on an unofficial English patch for it in my spare time with some technical help from seerow and Yamsman so I'm sharing it here. I also borrowed the extracting/repacking tools used for the partial Devil of Decline patch, so thanks to the creators of that as well. I'll be prioritizing this below whatever else I'm working on so don't expect updates to come too frequently. This first patch covers just the first chapter of the game and is quite short, and is mostly to test the waters to see if it prompts any sort of response from Hachikuma (unlikely).
If you need the game itself, you can purchase a used copy
here on Surugaya. You'll need the physical-only Slash Buster version of the game for this patch to work -- the digitally available Gold Edition isn't compatible with it. I hear Gold Edition is much less stable on modern systems, and it's also a little harder for me to patch, so despite Slash Buster being the harder version to obtain, it's what I've gone with as a base.
You can download the English patch itself
Current patch progress: Up through chapter 7 (Abandoned School Basement) finished