Author Topic: Mystical Chain English Patch  (Read 16769 times)

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Mystical Chain English Patch
« on: November 19, 2021, 01:24:21 AM »

Mystical Chain is a classic action fighter sort of fangame from all the way back in 2009 by the doujin circle LION HEART. I made an English patch for it so I'm sharing it here. I reached out to get permission to patch it first, but unfortunately didn't receive a response so I just went ahead. There isn't all that much text in the game, but the translation includes things like menus and Spell Card names, as well as some adjustments to its existing Engrish to make it more readable.

If you need the game itself, you can purchase it here on DLSite for 1540 yen (about $13.50 USD) in a bundle that includes three of LION HEART's other games.

The game's mechanics are a little tough to learn and even tougher to master, and though they're not explained whatsoever in-game, I've also translated the manual that came with the game, so you can refer to it if you'd like to know how to play. The manual has far more text than the actual game.

You can download the English patch itself here.

Edit (11/21/2021): Fixed an error where a certain boss fight mistakenly used the player's Spell Card names rather than their own.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2021, 05:36:13 AM by HakanaiBlue »