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Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« on: February 20, 2020, 05:35:28 AM »
And here's a thread for Cheating Fool Detective Satori.

Since this is a free web-comic, it's being translated by DB Scans and here's their Tumblr and MangaDex page:

For the official Japanese links, here they are:

Enjoy some Satori action!

I find this manga quite interesting too. We got to see some Flandre dialogue and personalization for the first time in years. Not only that, Satori will finally interact outside The Palace of Earth Spirit according to Chapter 3 Part 1. Exciting!

Also, we also have a manga that put Zun's love for mystery novels into his own universe. About time!

Also, no spoiler tags yet lol
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 04:03:29 AM by Lebon14 »

Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2020, 06:47:43 PM »
So...both Sakuya and Patchouli are the culprits, for the same thing but with two different victims? What the hell is going on?

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2020, 06:55:54 PM »
And apparently Sakuya isn't aware of it, but Patchouli seems to be?


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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2020, 10:53:56 PM »
This is such a mindfire truck lol
Satori confirms that they are the culprits. The fact that Sakuya and patchouli have no recollection of what went wrong...
So much mysteries. Exciting! Already hyped for next month lol.

The tea pourring from Meiling on page 9 is laready becoming a meme:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2020, 11:04:50 PM by Lebon14 »

Suspicious person

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2020, 06:39:43 PM »
Oh wow, there are people who care about this manga  :o

This manga is definitely not a heavy weight like WaHH or FS when it comes to world building, but I believe it's going to be the series that provides more characterization and screentime for ancient 2hus of the past. It also seems to bring its fair share of memes such Reimu slapping Meiling (kinda hot) or Meiling's stylish way of pouring tea

Regarding the ongoing Scarlet Devil Mansion arc, the involvement of the Earth Palace people really makes me think that the whole thing with Sakuya not remembering doing bad stuff might be caused by her being possessed by some kind of evil spirit that managed to escape to the surface, a happening that may nicely tie in with the current issue regarding Hell's management being in total chaos (it could be brought up in this series). The confusion for me stems from the fact that Flandre absolutely missing from the latest chapter 4.1, or whatever the hell the numerotation is supposed to work, and the fact that Patchouli seems to have done something that's not very nice to Meiling. Totally speculating here, but maaaaaayyyyyybe she used Meiling as a guinea pig of sorts to figure out what was done to her ? After all, it's not the first time that Patchouli has used someone from the SDM as a Guinea pig (in SWR for example)...

Anyway, I find the short chapters combined with them coming out monthly and the necessity to have some kind of setup for the more mystery based story makes for a VERY slow paced series.

I initially tought that this manga came out as a way of getting people to pay attention the Touhou website (cuz official stuff will always be paid attention), but I believe it's got some stuff going on for it that should make it interesting to look out for, be it the potential memes or the additional characterisation (super late ones *cough*Flan*cough* but hey, still count)

Suspicious person

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2020, 12:19:27 AM »
New chapter 4 part 2 and probably the end of the SDM case arc, yay

The culprit indeed acted under the influence of a bad spirit from down there, but somehow I didn't expect that it could possess different persons at it please, haha

Surprisingly, this manga, which didn't seem to be something that would bring a lot to the lore, add something to vengeful spirits. Changing the person it possess by means of beverage ? Interesting. Probably something that falls into ZUN's grand plan of including further booze into his work somewhere down the line, but otherwise, giving this particular vengeful spirit a particular gimmick. I wonder if such gimmick is exclusive to her : can others vengeful spirits have their own way, their own set of conditions for possessing people ? Pretty intersting imo.

Something could also be said about what this adds regarding youkai and their power, specifically their life force : there has always been this thing about the Youkai needing fear or other kind of feeling related thing to subsist, but this is kinda new. Magical power and youkai's importance can more or less be attributed to why Yukari put the border between fantasy and reality, which empowers youkai, and the spell card rules, which allow youkai to use their power in order not to lose it : this makes it very clear that youkai need more than fear, i guess.

And still speaking about non human species and their powers, since we seem to be entering a Hakugyoukurou arc, I'm VERY curious about the thing with Yuyuko : she is a GHOST, not a rando with a flesh body : since what happened to her really look like what happened in the SDM arc, did the vengeful spirit ate (such irony) her magic power ? Is the vengeful spirit going to be able to possess her ? And why would Yuyuko, a GHOST, PRESUMABLY suffer the same symptoms as the YOUKAI who got their power consumed ? among others ...

As far as I'm concerned, the latest chapter 4 part 2 made this series more intersting than I initially thought it would be (I confess, I was pretty underwhelmed by the first chapter tbh)

I've also more or less said this, and this is getting more obvious with the coming Hakugyoukurou arc, but this manga is one hell of an occasion for ZUN to reexplore the setting of locations introduced in the super old works, AND to give some screentime and characterization to the old cast : this is like the most cynical depiction of SDM character relationship I've seen in a while, plus some unusual side that we don't really see very often : cold Meiling, ICE COLD Patchouli, concerned Remilia (?!) This makes me curious as to how PCB cast is gonna be illustrated.

On the other side, this vengeful spirit-chan seems to be one of the few pure villain type of character of this series. That's very unusual, I wanna see what could her motivations be : why is she called eternal criminal ? What is she doing all of this for ? Is there any particular reason she goes after magical power instead of properly possessing people ? I hope she's not gonna be some kind a flat kind of character that was just introduced only to allow the plot to exist, only to be fortune tellered by the end of the manga.

At any rate, this is probably the last time we're gonna see Flandre talk until the next time, AND we're finally going to see Alice  get some spotlight in the next arc, so there's that too

Branneg Xy

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2020, 12:18:22 AM »
Thinking about it  :o  .... ZUN/Jun'ya Ota could " now "( First Release of Touhou CDS was on 28 October 2019 and alas the "Full Public Reveal " had been delayed until Half of January 2019 by the Communist Chinese Authorities... ) partial tie-in,or partial ties-in could be made even if it they were not his intention,  Touhou CDS   as  "warning&consequences against Epidemics and especially the Covid-19/Coronavirus " :o ....

This spoiler,quote-related to yours, is instead wholly   8) in-Touhou-universe.
Well yes,she,since she is revealed to be female, the "Eternal Vengeful Spirit Criminal Escaped From Former Hell" is able to "Switch Bodies using Different Drinks as Medium" but she is also able to possess others directly,if it serves her purpose , otherwise she could not possess first Sakuya and later (reliable foreshadow of her being possessed and carrying a "Possessed Drink Bottle "at the end of chapter 4.5 ) Marisa who have not drunk any " Possessed Drinks " while  human and in in turn able to move about even if all their Magical Energy is Drained since "Human Magical Energy is not linked with their Life Force unlike Youkai "; however her absolute favourite is the First Method ( vastly more Astute and Cautious ) since this greatly help her to not expose herself,continuosly switch bodies, avoid detection,be camouflaged together with making the Victim(s) being too unaware of her to sense her and fight back,avoid or  alerti others .

Means to expose her would be both to "reliably verify " all the drinks beforehand, test the behaviour of all the people  and especially to make them show their abilities/powers since the Possesed Individuals are unable to use them
New chapter 4 part 2 and probably the end of the SDM case arc, yay

The culprit indeed acted under the influence of a bad spirit from down there, but somehow I didn't expect that it could possess different persons at it please, haha

Surprisingly, this manga, which didn't seem to be something that would bring a lot to the lore, add something to vengeful spirits. Changing the person it possess by means of beverage ? Interesting. Probably something that falls into ZUN's grand plan of including further booze into his work somewhere down the line, but otherwise, giving this particular vengeful spirit a particular gimmick. I wonder if such gimmick is exclusive to her : can others vengeful spirits have their own way, their own set of conditions for possessing people ? Pretty intersting imo.

Something could also be said about what this adds regarding youkai and their power, specifically their life force : there has always been this thing about the Youkai needing fear or other kind of feeling related thing to subsist, but this is kinda new. Magical power and youkai's importance can more or less be attributed to why Yukari put the border between fantasy and reality, which empowers youkai, and the spell card rules, which allow youkai to use their power in order not to lose it : this makes it very clear that youkai need more than fear, i guess.

And still speaking about non human species and their powers, since we seem to be entering a Hakugyoukurou arc, I'm VERY curious about the thing with Yuyuko : she is a GHOST, not a rando with a flesh body : since what happened to her really look like what happened in the SDM arc, did the vengeful spirit ate (such irony) her magic power ? Is the vengeful spirit going to be able to possess her ? And why would Yuyuko, a GHOST, PRESUMABLY suffer the same symptoms as the YOUKAI who got their power consumed ? among others ...

As far as I'm concerned, the latest chapter 4 part 2 made this series more intersting than I initially thought it would be (I confess, I was pretty underwhelmed by the first chapter tbh)

I've also more or less said this, and this is getting more obvious with the coming Hakugyoukurou arc, but this manga is one hell of an occasion for ZUN to reexplore the setting of locations introduced in the super old works, AND to give some screentime and characterization to the old cast : this is like the most cynical depiction of SDM character relationship I've seen in a while, plus some unusual side that we don't really see very often : cold Meiling, ICE COLD Patchouli, concerned Remilia (?!) This makes me curious as to how PCB cast is gonna be illustrated.

On the other side, this vengeful spirit-chan seems to be one of the few pure villain type of character of this series. That's very unusual, I wanna see what could her motivations be : why is she called eternal criminal ? What is she doing all of this for ? Is there any particular reason she goes after magical power instead of properly possessing people ? I hope she's not gonna be some kind a flat kind of character that was just introduced only to allow the plot to exist, only to be fortune tellered by the end of the manga.

At any rate, this is probably the last time we're gonna see Flandre talk until the next time, AND we're finally going to see Alice  get some spotlight in the next arc, so there's that too

« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 12:39:52 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2020, 04:08:41 PM »
Is there a way to know when all of this happens? I personally think the whole story comes (and will end) before Lotus Eaters' chronological start, but i wonder if there is an actual way to determine the chronology, like some reference or whatever.

Branneg Xy

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2020, 06:35:43 PM »
Is there a way to know when all of this happens? I personally think the whole story comes (and will end) before Lotus Eaters' chronological start, but i wonder if there is an actual way to determine the chronology, like some reference or whatever.

In time,maybe around the half(?) or second-half(?) of the Print Work , an Undisputable Sign is going to show up to clear doubts about the Timeline like it did during SSiB which was revealed to be set,around half of it, during (but please, the "Gensokyo's Timeline and References has much more Worth than reading this humble reply of mine)the Winter and Spring,also tied-in to CoLA,   berfore MoF or the (for short) the"After Ten Desires spannig up to After-Double Dealing Character" in FS ( Forbidden Scrollery).
« Last Edit: April 10, 2020, 06:52:43 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2020, 01:39:06 AM »
Next chapter is up.
Yukari makes an appearance and... send Rin back home (crying) but send Ran and Chen to investigate the netherworld instead. I'm really glad we've got to see more Ran and Chen officially!

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2020, 11:24:44 AM »
Ah yes, the rival detective makes her entrance. Dunno why, but this chapter 5's Yukari seems a bit more responsible, compared to how she usually gamble it all on Reimu. Also more talk on vengeful spirits, although nothing that I don't already know, hmm. Aso I mistook Marisa for Alice with that white capelet of hers ...

Mystery stories are generally supposed to give ya a bunch of clues to help you deduce who is the big bad cat, although this time, unless you know a bit about Touhou, things may seem relatively gratuitous or weird.

But anyway, this cheating armchair detective that I am suspect that our eternal criminal has been hiding inside Youmu's human half, who wouldn't show bizarre change in behavior and who's been the closest to the possessed Yuyuko for like 3 days (as it seems weird to me that the cunning eternal criminal would just hang outside, in the nude, like a dumb dumb, and risk being picked off by some lucky fella or a Youmu swinging around her Hakurouken instead of getting cozy inside a human), and is possibly wainting to make use of Youmu's servant status to serve herself as a drink to one of the non human new comers and get herself a serving of that sweet, sweet magical power or something


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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2020, 11:08:17 PM »
New chapter is up.
So... Marisa is the catalyst for the *bad guy* heh. Seeing more Satori is always good and her mind-reading abilities keep the story for taking the "huh are you sure route? you could be lying" route. But no news from Yukari but, at the same time, she sent Ran and Chen on a useless mission we know won't give anything.

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2020, 05:28:30 PM »
Marisa is generally only there cuz she's one the main characters even though she may not even play an important role in the end, so I for one appreciate her actually getting a proper place in a story for once.

On a slightly bonkers side note, having seen some of the Mima speculation (lol) regarding the identity of the eternal criminal, if Marisa did what she did by her own volition instead of doing it because she was possessed, it would be funny if some kind of relationship between Mima and Marisa gets brought up a motive of sorts for Marisa to do this. Like, some kind of way rewrite for Mima and her relationship with Marisa, a way of Yuuka-ising her into modern Touhou. I am not a PC 98 believer nor am I particularly familiar with how things were back then, but I am secretely rooting for the eternal criminal chan to be Mima because of that, haha. Even a certain celebrity finally got his award and broke a meme, so why can't Mima do the same ?

Anyway, Marisa's motive is most definitely what I'm curious about. Not a Mima believer, but it'd be fun if it turned out to be the case


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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2020, 04:23:40 AM »
It was kinda weird tho... Like, How can a spirit be possessed by a spirit? but still, nice plot twist,Sakuya is possessed to drain the heck out of Patchouli and then Patchy got possessed too, is this the ancient 2hus AoCF? (Lol)
Ran is hard, Yukari is lunatic. Keep kalm and rember ur hepi dei

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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2020, 08:23:58 PM »
Hmm, chapter 7 is out, it seems

Bunch of interesting information of uncertain relevance in there ? To list em up :

1/ Something seems to be going on in the underground  that is causing the temperature of the hot springs to raise ? Nothing concrete to speculate with here for me, but if we're getting a repeat of what led to UFO's cast getting freed, then MAYBE whatever is going on down there led to the eternal criminal getting out of the underground. The thing regarding Youkai Mountain's volcanicness honestly doesn't strike me as something particularly relevant, cuz not only that part of the setting has been there for A REALLY LONG TIME now, but we also have best Moriya Goddess watching over it.

2/ The suspicious spirit in the netherworld got cornered but clearly isn't the eternal criminal if we go by the ending. I'm interested in seeing how the computer-like shikigami could make such a mistake in their search. Could the vengeful spirit have left some of her vengeful spiritness on this unfortunate spirit or something ? Also Yukari trying a little bit too hard to seem 17, still not working

3/ Satori circumstances, namely her being so weak on the surface plus her being able to see the "remnants" of thoughts or something ? Maybe Koishi's super strength and endurance is that aside from her not being conscious of her tiredness, she doesn't need to deal with the problem Satori faces

4/ Alice's house being ... relatively creepy ? She's got a doll doing reading for her, like, how is that even supposed to work ?! Also are those candle bearing *silent* dolls supposed to be normally singing ?! But whatever, now Alice's gonna receive a speaking role, after probably a literal decade or something. I also like how a simple pincushion tied on her wrist makes for some kind of couturier getup

Anyway, I find ZUN taking Satori out of the circuit in a time where her ability would make clear Marisa's motives very suspicious. As far as Marisa goes, I think things might be going in either one of 2 directions : 1/ She is legit being a rather naughty here, and is helping the vengeful spirit do bad things for a reason that is yet uncertain ; 2/ This thing that seems like a setup for making Marisa a villain is actually a curveball and Marisa is just tracking this particular vengeful spirit for an uncertain reason (I admit, this last speculation is very inspired by the Mima theories, please don't look at me with disgust like that)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 08:28:52 PM by Suspicious person »


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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2020, 02:27:18 AM »
3/ Satori circumstances, namely her being so weak on the surface plus her being able to see the "remnants" of thoughts or something ? Maybe Koishi's super strength and endurance is that aside from her not being conscious of her tiredness, she doesn't need to deal with the problem Satori faces
Well, it makes sense; Koishi's Third Eye is closed, so she wouldn't even notice things like this. Meanwhile it seems Satori gets ill from overexposure to them.

The way the SDM chapter resolved made it seem like the plot was going to be disappointing, but it does seem to be building up in a more interesting way. Yukari's not the kind I'd expect to make a rookie mistake... and Marisa repeatedly carting the spirit from place to place is pretty strange. It was also hilarious to see Yuyuko giving Satori a piggyback ride.


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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2020, 04:26:31 AM »
Hmm, chapter 7 is out, it seems

4/ Alice's house being ... relatively creepy ? She's got a doll doing reading for her, like, how is that even supposed to work ?! Also are those candle bearing *silent* dolls supposed to be normally singing ?! But whatever, now Alice's gonna receive a speaking role, after probably a literal decade or something. I also like how a simple pincushion tied on her wrist makes for some kind of couturier getup

Yeah, it seems to be the artist's style that seems pretty minimalistic.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 04:32:01 AM by Lebon14 »


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Re: Cheating Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2020, 09:13:38 AM »
Marisa got possessed now, the dollmaker surely is doomed.
Nice details on the dolls tho...
 :lgraze: :exc: :exc: :exc:
Idk why but I did this
Ran is hard, Yukari is lunatic. Keep kalm and rember ur hepi dei


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Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2020, 05:17:08 PM »
Next chapter is out.
Alice fans got Jebaited. Some nice Chen x Rin interactions. And some nice arguments the vengeful spirit being the Fortune Teller.

And, yes, I changed the thread title to "Fool Detective Satori" since it's the official English title.

Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2020, 05:55:30 PM »
Are you sure it's "Fool Detective"? The wiki says it's "Foul Detective". Or is the wiki wrong here?

Phew, a grudge against youkai and the Hakurei. I'm excited.
Does that make this spirit one of the few legitimately evil characters in Touhou?
totally Mima

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Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2020, 08:39:13 PM »
Foul : adverb, contrary to the rules; unfairly
It's gotta be "foul" detective in the sense where it's similar to the previous "cheating" detective, since "fool" detective would have Satori be an absolute buffoon
So yeah, one letter change might indeed be warranted

As for the Chapter 8, The part about the Eternal criminal being familiar with Gensokyo, not being a good person,  having an issue with just about everything and the Hakurei Shrine in particular, and even being sly and mocking as previously shown, uhhh, I don't want to be the guy who says it's sounds like Mima, but ... doesn'it reaaaaally sounds like Mima ?! I can't think of anyone among all the 2hus introduced since EoSD that may fit the profile, so either we get a completely new character or a returning one from a bygone era imo. Still a bit skeptical but a bit hopefull as well, as Mima theories seem to be a bit more appropriate here than for the other times they got brought up in the past


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Re: Fool Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2020, 04:04:36 AM »
Are you sure it's "Fool Detective"? The wiki says it's "Foul Detective". Or is the wiki wrong here?
Foul : adverb, contrary to the rules; unfairly
It's gotta be "foul" detective in the sense where it's similar to the previous "cheating" detective, since "fool" detective would have Satori be an absolute buffoon
So yeah, one letter change might indeed be warranted

I typo'ed lol. Meant to type "foul" from the beginning haha.

Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2020, 06:20:47 AM »
Speaking of the revelations of this chapter,
I actually thought, against my better judgment, that the Eternal Criminal might be Mima, but that's mostly been dispelled after reading the new chapter. For one thing, Mima's never been known to have these kinds of powers, but more importantly, there's no reason to think she'd be sealed in Former Hell when Reimu never went there until SA - if anything she'd be sealed back into the current hell, where she originally came from. And probably the biggest case against her is that Satori doesn't seem to be giving any indication that Reimu knows the criminal personally - rather the opposite, they seem to have a grudge based in the Hakurei Shrine's past.

Even so,
I think this is an exciting development. This is a rare chance to learn more about the Hakurei Shrine's past, as well as have an actual menacing antagonist. Any antagonist that wishes to attack Reimu directly is a major threat by default.


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2020, 12:00:29 AM »
The Rin and Chen interaction is probably the highlight for me so far, but I'm also intrigued to see where the story goes.


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2020, 08:42:25 PM »
A new chapter is out for this where absolutely nothing happen.

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2020, 05:15:35 AM »
This recent series of possessions really hit Gensokyo hard. The shrine got closed, youkai lose their beloved magic power, and you can't even get close to the senior youkai without being sure you won't get them possessed. Honestly, they really should deal with it the way the netherworld people did : proper contact tracing, distributing enough seals to the phantom populace ... just look at where they're at now : only one victim, and the possibility to go around to other places ! Just listen to the detective's recommandations, be careful of healthy looking humans as they may  be possessed, be careful of alcoholic beverages (as recent studies confirm that the vengeful spirit may be transmited by such means), and also get your mind read, if you feel like you might've been possessed. This is a very awful time we're in, but its not something we cannot overcome. Everybody only need to do their part, carry seals, and confine that booze elsewhere.

Anyway, this last chapter 9 once again really make the vengeful spirit, or chirei spirit as some people would call it - it came from Chireiden! - reeeeeeaaaaaaally suspicious once again for mentioning that it is specifically aiming for the Hakurei Shrine. I hope ZUN's gonna cut it out with this strip tease soon and show us who is it gonna be. Honestly, with the hints-like presentation of the Eternal Criminal plus the mention of its familiarity with Gensokyo, it would seem appropriate to me that she would either be someone we know (not gonna say who, don't wanna get disinherited) or a completely new character that is somehow deeply tied with the old and the hell setting of the series.

Also wouldn't it be funny if the PCB arc end up without Alice and Ran not saying anything
Like they just got introduced with a title and that's it

Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2020, 02:45:31 PM »
Also wouldn't it be funny if the PCB arc end up without Alice and Ran not saying anything
Like they just got introduced with a title and that's it

If that were the case, it wouldn't be the first time it happened (FS Kokoro).

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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2020, 02:16:44 AM »
If that were the case, it wouldn't be the first time it happened (FS Kokoro).
Ah, I meant them talking in the series in general, not just in the manga. Kokoro was pretty new around the time, she got to talk a fair bit in HM, and still got to talk later in ULiL, AoCF and even do something in AFiEU. Even got to stare in a FS 4koma. By comparison Alice and Ran haven't said anything at all for about a literal decade. If next arc is gonna be with IN cast, then it'll be a sad day if Alice just sleeps through the whole PCB cast arc and Ran just get a one time appearance.


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Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2020, 11:54:09 PM »
A new chapter is up. This time I feel we're getting somewhere.

Re: Foul Detective Satori web-manga discussion thread.
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2020, 06:40:01 PM »
Youmu is having a lot of fun this chapter.