Author Topic: Turnabout Touhou 3 (逆転東方3) English Patch  (Read 18970 times)

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Turnabout Touhou 3 (逆転東方3) English Patch
« on: August 05, 2021, 03:50:06 AM »

This is my English translation patch for Turnabout Touhou 3, the third main installment in Suicayasan's series
of Ace Attorney-like games, Gyakuten Touhou.

As the name suggests, this was preceded by Gyakuten Touhou and Gyakuten Touhou 2.
A thread for N-Forza's translation of the first two games is archived here:
though I don't know for sure if the files are still up there.

The full series can be purchased from DLsite here:
This is a link to the all-ages side of DLsite, but standard precautions should probably still be applied.

The Turnabout Touhou 3 English patch can be dowloaded here:(updated 2021-09-16)
Installing the patch is just a matter of pasting the patch2.xp3 file into the same folder as "gyakuten3.exe"
The game will still need to be run in Japanese applocale.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 09:52:14 PM by Whattef »