Is anyone excited for P3 Reload?
So far, the visuals look great and the new V.A's are doing a great job. The OST is also a banger (although I'm still like the original P3's more, the new Moons Reaching Stars just doesn't hit as hard as the original.)
I heard they were going to add some extra cutscenes with Strega and maybe Ikutsuki which I'm glad because P3 has the worst villains in the persona series (except for Nyx).
I hope everybody else is excited for this game as much as I am. ( I'm just glad I'll get controllable party members outside of P3P)
P.S I was planning on starting a new topic on it but I saw that this one already existed soooooo

Edit as of 27/11/2023: I just saw that they are adding Hidetoshi to the game. All my criticism has faded away.
Edit as of 9/12/2023: Just saw the new trailer, I'm glad the background assets look much more polished from the original trailers. They're adding Bebe and his voice actor sounds really good. I've seen some worries about the re-worked battle system, but I trust that Atlus won't mess it up
Edit as of 8/1/2024: A bit late, but I just finished watching the new reload opening, we finally have a clean version of Full Moon Full Life, now I don't have to listen to recreations of YouTube. Glad there's more focus on Shinjiro, Ken, Fuuka and Koromaru. Can't wait for P3R (Why does it cost $70, game inflation is reaching new heights). Another thing to mention is the age rating, oh god. 17+ is something I'd never expect. For reference, P3's original age rating was
12+. I was surprised by the "partial nudity" warning
I hope this means that the new shadow designs were so spicy that they had to increase the rating.
My P3R songs (as of now) ranking:
7. Iwatodai Dorm: I don't like it as much as the original.
6. Moons Reaching Stars: Moons Reaching Star is my favourite P3 song but the clearer voice just doesn't sound as good as the original to me.
5. Changing Seasons: Really cool, it's nice to see this song with lyrics.
4. Mass Destruction: All the songs above are great no doubt, the problem is that these are supposed to be the "reloaded" version of these songs. I feel like they should be more than a vocal cover with some minute additions. The FES version of Mass Destruction was unique, it was practically a new song while still sounding like the original.
3. Full Moon Full Life: The callbacks to Burn My Dread make this an amazing song. It feels so nostalgic. It's sad tone with a tinge of hope does really well to express the main message of P3.
2. It's Going Down Now: Same reason as above but battle themed, it doesn't reach the same level of perfection as the FES Mass Destruction but it's definitely number 2.
1. Colour Your Night: My favourite thus far. Same thing as Full Moon Full Life, the nostalgic feeling, that sense of hope, they all bring me to tears.
P3 already has 3 remakes (or two remakes and one demake depending on who you ask). Give my boy P4 a remake as well.
Edit as of 23/1/2024: Hopefully my last edit, I just watched the Aidan Gallagher live action trailer, I don't even know what to say. Why Atlus? The trailer doesn't announce anything new or do anything, it's just....there.
Also I saw the DLC, I had hopes that maybe the FeMC would atleast be DLC but Atlus just went the boring route of music tracks, personas and school uniforms. To say that I'm dissapointed would be an understatement.