new hifuu album dropped
edit: it will be downloadable through jani's ko-fi
It drops in about a month or so from what I've read.
Interesting that it uses a couple of songs from Jani's Esoteric Dimension of Mystery, which weirdly enough, never fully came out, only trial songs are out, but the site is still up so perhaps maybe after this?
I was really impressed by canvas of music colored winds. One of the best aspects of some of these fan made albums is the ability to have all the tracks follow a consistent instrumentation and feel like it's a continuous idea. This is what turns me off the "consonants and dissonance" group as the songs all sound like they were made by someone else with a different idea in mind.
It feels like we're living in the golden age of touhou-style composition with new works coming out like this every few months.
I agree with this message wholeheartedly.
Not to diss on C&D's stuff too much, but yeah, their stuff doesn't really have strong themes and it's not memorable enough, maybe one or two songs are decent, per album, but that's it. Like yeah, Travelogue has like 50 tracks, but it's a big case of quantity over quality. Also I really despise the aesthetics of Heart of Sacred Singularity. I couldn't even get immersed with the OST itself, because the characters look like a weird Homestuck and Hazbin Hotel crossover. I know ZUNart has been made fun of, but at least characters have good designs and don't look like OC Donutsteel furry gremlins to me

This is why stuff like Canvas from Burnyuho and co. or Fairyland by Sho and co. really shines, because they are still collab albums, but they have a strong direction and I could easily believe it was made just by a single person with a good vision (like ZUN). Burnyuho made final boss for Canvas with the synths representing each character and I presume she made the Staff Roll theme after the rest of collaborators finished their pieces, also, the collaborators actually used the synths the characters are based on and kept it EoSD-style.
Fairyland is a different breed, because it's all over the place style wise, representing different Touhou eras, but also has a really nice blend of both traditionalistic themes and futuristic/modern stuff. I can't even argue my issue with Touhou-style collabs being meh is because of western composer's influence, because Fairyland's song made by Slowbro might be in my Top 3 from this album and the dude himself is really good at what he does, so it really depends.
It also helps that Sho himself has worked to the bone with his previous stuff, which are imho really, really good and overshadowed as well. Here you have separated into tracks his best stuff: ,
and also
here's a link to in my opinion, one of the best uses of ZUNpets and guitar.
I would really appreciate at least help with accurate translation of song titles, because I don't want to use Google Translate.
And yeah, his previous stuff doesn't really have best character designs and since it doesn't seem to be stricte Touhou like with Fairyland, no need to translate the story there even though I'm curious, but at least music carries it unlike in C&D's case imho.

But yeah, I especially agree about "living in the golden age of touhou-style composition with new works coming out like this every few months". In fact it feels like I'm less critical of other beginner groups/artists or of ZUN as of lately, because I know even if their stuff isn't for me or isn't for me anymore, I soon might receive that actually is for, so that's pretty great.