~Hakurei Shrine~ > High Score Entry
MotK Scoreboards - Rules and Info
Hieda no Akyuu:
Welcome to the MotK scoreboards! Feel free to post your scores here.
Friendly competition is encouraged! However, don't be afraid to submit, even if your score doesn't rank high. There's still room for competition even for new scorers!
* Make sure to follow the submission format written in the scoreboard's first post!
* Submit only your own replays! It's up to each player to choose whether to submit their run.
* You can upload replays to a replay hosting site, like LunarCast, or the Japanese scoreboard Royalflare. (Note: Royalflare has a limit of one score per person per category, so if you submit an improvement, please delete the obsoleted replay.)
* Additionally you can submit replays as post attachments, especially for games that don't have a replay uploader. If you attach a replay, please do not insert the [attachment] into your post, since that won't properly copy to the first post!
* First place scores must have a replay! In games without a built-in replay system, a video is recommended, but a screenshot is acceptable.
* It's your responsibility to keep your replay/video links intact! First place scores may be removed, if a broken link causes them to no longer meet this rule.
* Please use the same name for all your submissions, to keep it clear which scores are yours throughout the scoreboards. It does not need to match your username or in-game name, but it should be consistent.
* If you are no longer satisfied with the name you've used, you may request to change it. However, since the names need to be updated manually, this has a 1 year cooldown, so be careful.
* Double posting is fine, and encouraged if it's been a while since your last submission. This ensures your post is noticed, so that the score can be added to the first post.
* If you'd like to create a scoreboard for a fan game, feel free. Please ensure it follows a similar first-post format as other scoreboards.
* If you see any inconsistencies, errors, broken links, or other aspects that could be improved in some way, feel free to send a scoreboard moderator a PM about them, and we'll see what we can do.The Touhou Hall of Records shows the MotK record in each game by difficulty, and its comparison to the world record. If you think you can compete with a record, go for it!
Removal policy:
* At any time, users, or former users, may request that your own scores be anonymized. To prevent abuse, if you no longer have an account, you may need to prove that they were your scores.
* This is intended for people who wish to no longer be associated with MotK, and as such you can't submit new scores after doing so. It does not happen automatically when deleting an account, but may be requested before or after.
* If an anonymous score has a broken link, the link will be removed entirely. This may in turn invoke the rule that first place scores must have a replay. Feel free to report if a replay link is broken.
* Like with scoreboard name changes, you may revert your decision after a year. However, since the scores were anonymized, you'll need to resubmit any past scores if you return.
* The name Anonymous is reserved; please don't use it as a submission name.
* If a score is found to be cheated, it will be removed, and additional action may be taken. Scores will not be removed as a penalty for anything except cheating.
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