Author Topic: OBANIWAN´s touhou MMD video  (Read 1128 times)

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OBANIWAN´s touhou MMD video
« on: January 25, 2025, 02:01:02 PM »
One of my favourite touhou context creators is OBANIWAN, he is a japanese guy who loves the tengu characters of the franchise, specialy Iizunamaru. He loves to make comedy touhou MMD videos on youtube, and something that I really like about him, it is that not only the context he creates is funny but he always add english subtitles to all of his videos because he wants to spread the touhou fandom to all of the western world too. He is also a very nice guy who always replies to all the comment people write on his videos. He also wants to make Iizunamaur, his favourite character, popular among other touhou fans.

Obaniwan, has made different series with his videos on youtube, Here are some of the videos he creates:

- His latest video:

- Oba´s fansizes sere:
(This serie is about a new incident in gensokyo involving the circulation of some ilegal magazines).

- Gensokyo curry war (all the serie in one video):
(this serie is about a "curry war" among the different producers of curry food in Gensokyo)

-The rampage serie is about al the mischiefs that Lizunamaru causes how she always end up draging Aya into them:

-Momiji cute serie:
(Momiji finds a new pet)
(Momiji, in one day, she suddenly had wings)
(momiji has a talk with hatate)

-Cirno and her firends silly adventures:

And the many more touhou MMD seires he has moda in the last years.
what do you think of OBANIWAN´s context? and what other touhou creator context do you like the most?