Author Topic: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made  (Read 2919 times)

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Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« on: December 19, 2024, 10:04:03 PM »
I know a lot of people have grown tired of companies just releasing older games on newer platforms with just HD support and some small quality of life changes. But I don't it's because remakes are necessarily bad, it's just that companies mishandle them and just assume they're cash grabs. A good remake can give a game a second chance and possibly expand on things the original developers just couldn't do at that time.

So, do any of you have a game that you'd like to have remade?


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Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2024, 08:12:02 PM »
Morrowind. I've heard persistent rumors about an Oblivion remake/remaster being just ahead, but I'm curious how would a new reimagining of Morrowind look and feel like. The Elder Scrolls Online chapter was a fun diversion full of nice content, but it doesn't quite scratch this particular itch.

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Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2024, 05:23:21 AM »
I'd honestly like to see remakes of the other Atelier games prior to Iris 1. Sure, Marie has been ported to nearly every single system since it released; the item crafting genre is honestly a bit old at this point; and the chances of them getting anything resembling a dub is nonexistent (and they probably couldn't license the original dub for the Iris series at least); but I think it would be nice to have a compilation to see just how much hasn't changed in the series.

Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2024, 06:01:53 AM »
I don't really have any.

I would be interested in seeing how Falcom would do a remake or either Ys I or II. I don't think I would play, they kinda of dropped the ball these last years with new games.

Resident Evil remakes have made me sad... it was a very exciting moment, as RE1 remake was insane and really good. 2 is kinda of... eh, 3 is even worse and 4 is a straight downgrade (IMO). Silent Hill 2 was also okish, I still prefer old SH2 better. Quicker to finish and has better momentum on both story and gameplay.

I'm more inclined to liking remasters or even re-ports of games to PC (especially bad ported ones!) instead of remakes. Don't think this is going to end soon, it seems most companies are having problems even thinking on a new and interesting new IP - of course, their investors are also at their necks as well.

People may think remasters are even more boring and/or more lazy than a remake. However, I'm a grand enjoyer of good made remasters that add QoL, better fidelity, better peformance, (especially) quicker loadings and more. I think more features can transform and revive a game much more than a remake can, but a remake makes more sense since it makes the entire brand gain a boost in popularity (as it's gonna be designed around newer audiences).


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Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2024, 06:38:28 PM »
Honestly, I thought this was about Touhou games before I saw it was just in general, but I wouldn't mind if Touhou 1 and 2 got remade. It'd be really nice if they got a remake not going to lie.

There's also Fire Emblem 4, that's a remake the community has wanted for ages for Fire Emblem, though some worry the changes they make will not be good... as such, a remake and an actual official translation for FE6 would also be a good idea.

Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2024, 03:35:29 AM »
the item crafting genre is honestly a bit old at this point;
It feels a bit disappointing since crafting has just become a addon to other games at this point and has shifted from being the main focus of games.

There's also Fire Emblem 4, that's a remake the community has wanted for ages for Fire Emblem, though some worry the changes they make will not be good... as such, a remake and an actual official translation for FE6 would also be a good idea.
If FE4 gets remade, then I would want 5 to be remade as well. I know some people wouldn't like FE4 and 5 to be remade together but 5 is literally part of 4, you could have 5 be a DLC or even better as post endgame content. Just having it would make me really happy.

I would like to see games be remade in the 2D-HD format (Like Octopath Traveller). Live A Live had a remake in that style and it looked absolutely gorgeous. The style might become a bit oversaturated if it's used too much but for now, only a handful of games have implemented it so I don't think it's gone too far just yet. As for what games I'd want to see be done, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6 are obvious no brainers. But some other titles that I think also deserve the treatment are Bahamut Lagoon, Secret of Mana (the remake wasn't good, it needs a second chance) and Tokimeki Memorial SNES (Not because I love the game, but rather because I HATE it and want to see it be remade competently).

There are a few RPG Maker games that I would kill to see be remade, but most of the creators have moved on from their lives so I'm not sure if they would pick up their projects again. Some of them are: Seraphic Blue, Unterwegs in Düsterburg and Last Scenario.

Some other mentions I'd like to throw in the ring are Halo 3 ODST, Golden Sun and both Persona 1 and 2.


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Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2024, 04:17:28 AM »
If FE4 gets remade, then I would want 5 to be remade as well. I know some people wouldn't like FE4 and 5 to be remade together but 5 is literally part of 4, you could have 5 be a DLC or even better as post endgame content. Just having it would make me really happy.

Ehhhh, I want FE5 to be remade as well but more like a "FE4 Remake is announced! And FE5 remake is in the works" like they did with DQ3 2D-HD, and then said they were also in fact working on DQ1 and 2 2D-HD (I have a tangent for this at the bottom). If they were released together it would cause a lot of issues regarding for example the engine, and having to cut corners if they were released together unless we wanted to wait even longer. FE5 as DLC could work if it was like Torna for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, though that has the same issue of same engine, with minor gaming changes, whereas between FE4 and 5 those would have to be bigger. Lastly, it could hurt sales as well if its marketed as DLC, especially for all the effort it's worth. I do think having it as a standalone game like say FE11 and 12 were separate would be good.

Regarding the DQ tangent, I actually beat DW1 and DW2 on NES (emulator admittedly I might be a fraud. . .) in anticipation for 2D-HD to see how much better they would be, and then when playing DW3... I just stopped and lost my steam unfortunately and now DW3 released. Sad, but I can still play DW3 and 2D-HD in the future.


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Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2024, 05:37:28 PM »
I'll admit I don't particularly like re-releases... 99% of the time they feel like cash-grabs, more-so if the original developers have since been bought out by a bigger company that just wants to milk a franchise till it's dry.
There's also something to be said about the effort that goes into getting players to repurchase games they already own, because of "incompatibility" with newer consoles or systems. I get it for cartridge-based consoles that would need extra slots and chips to read old games that increase costs, but for disc-based consoles the modding scene has proven there's little technical barriers to including emulation for previous systems.

As far as full remakes go where a game is re-developed as if it was a new release, I'd like to see Occarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Final Fantasy 6!
« Last Edit: December 31, 2024, 05:42:04 PM by Velociraptor »


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Re: Remakes That You'd Like To See Be Made
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2025, 05:27:09 AM »
As far as full remakes go where a game is re-developed as if it was a new release, I'd like to see Occarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Final Fantasy 6!

Oh the Zelda ones would be very cool, though they did get a 3D remaster recently so I doubt they'd do a full blown remake anytime soon. I would definitely love one for FFVI, but I hope it's not an over-produced thing like FFVII, I am glad it got a pixel remaster at the very least. FFVI is by no means underrated, but Square Enix does overlook it disproportionately more in comparison to FFVII as far as I'm aware... but FFVI is super cool.